Pete Davidson si infuria alla PETA | Affronta i fatti

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Il video: La mia reazione alla carne bovina Pete Davidson vs PETA e altre storie dell'ultimo mese nel Face The Facts Friday di oggi, raccolta di notizie sui vegani e sui diritti degli animali
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71 Risposte a “Pete Davidson si infuria alla PETA | Affronta i fatti”

  1. EDIT: I was not aware Pete Davidson had checked into a mental health facility at the time of posting this video, or that he'd had mental health issues previously. I stand by the fact that there's no excuse to buy an animal, but please be aware that his bad reaction and the voicemail were most likely due to those mental health issues. It's good that he's now seeking help.

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  2. If Pete Davidson was vegan, he'd be the first person Carnists would point at saying how "unhealthy" vegans look.

    Shows their extreme bias and lack of integrity on the matter.

  3. I’m so goddamn sick of the “I HAVE to buy a pet because my allergies mean I can only have certain breeds” argument. Beyond the very excellent things that David and PETA pointed out, that excuse is just vile. That’s like saying you have to pay someone to breed enslaved people and kidnap their baby for you to adopt because you can’t have children yourself. No, your own health limitations do not justify violating the rights of others. In addition to using pet finder to locate a purebred in a shelter, Davidson could have sought medical treatment that would have made his allergy irrelevant in his choice of dog. I had a teacher when I was a kid who was severely allergic rabbits, but loved them and was passionate about rescuing them. She got allergy shots that allowed her to live with over 20 rabbits at a time. Pete Davidson is a super wealthy celebrity. He could easily access that kind of care and would know to seek it if he bothered to do even surface level research. Or you know, ask his doctor if there’s anything he can do about his allergy. If all of these alternatives prove to be impossible well guess what, you can’t always get what you want. If you can’t find a way to adopt, that doesn’t give you the excuse to shop. Animals aren’t things. I know I would be very sad if I couldn’t have fur babies, but not as sad as the animals that are exploited by breeders.

    Finally, I find it disgusting that he used his grief over his late dog as an excuse. That his solution to easing his grief and the grief of his family was go out and immediately replace his dead dog. Like what the actual fuck? If it were a human loved one he lost and his solution was to go try and replace them by buying an enslaved human that was bred from other enslaved humans, people would be horrified. But it was a dog, so he’s allowed to go buy and us another living creature to ease his grief, no matter how many animals had to suffer to make that possible. I’ve lost so many animal friends that I loved dearly. I have loved horses and dogs and cats more than I love most of my family and I know I grieved them more deeply too. The thought of immediately replacing them with another animal makes me sick because even before I was vegan, I saw them as individuals and part of my family. Not objects and accessories in my life. I would sooner live eternity with no animal friends than disrespect the memory of my departed ones by objectifying them like that or contributing to the harm of other animals just to sate my own desires. Fuck Pete Davidson. He doesn’t deserve the dog he bought or the one who has passed.

  4. Just to be clear, no one "has to" get a dog, and especially not a specific breed of dog. Especially not that douche Pete Davidson.

  5. No idea who Pete is. He's 39 years old? This is at least the second time that Ingrid has done her "will" stunt. I still don't understand why Tim Shieff got turned on by a salmon. Now, if it was a skate, all of the fisherman in Grimbsy would understand, but a salmon? That's just weird. Did the salmon identify as a male or a female? With all of the growth hormones in the water these day, it's hard to tell them apart. Apparently John Mountain's girlfriend said, "'F*** John Mountain seriously… I'm done. At the end of the day, it's not what I want to do, he can f*** off too".

  6. The people backing him up are clueless on how wrong it is buying dogs. Or any life for that matter. The whole breed excuse is stupid. My friend just adopted a purebred Siberian husky from his local shelter.

  7. Yeah, he's just trying to find a cover for purchasing a dog since a story like that makes him look bad. He also has borderline personality disorder which is a pretty severe mental health disorder, with one of the major symptoms is emotional dysregulation. So you know of have to expect him to overreact to things. Love the chickens watching the puppies, lol.

  8. People. Don't. Have. To. Listen. To. You. Crying. About. A. Vegan. Options. You. Don't. Own. The. Place. So. Shut. Up. U. Piece of crap. Let. Them. Do. There. Job. And leave them alone 😡😡😡😡🐯🐯🐯😡😡

  9. Veganism isn’t about health. If it were proven being vegan was bad for your health, vegans would stay vegan. Veganism isn’t about the environment. If it was proven that vegan diets were bad for the environment, vegans would stay vegan. Veganism is about giving the rights of humans to animals. But animals don’t have rights because animals don’t have morals. No matter how much vegans cry about animal rights, the simple truth is animals have no morals and thus have no foundation for rights. Our rights are not because we feel or because we can reason. Our rights are predicated on our own morality. Not even vegans would hold animals accountable to their own violation of other animals rights. And that’s because even vegans can recognize that animals are amoral. There is nothing wrong with killing animals because the have no morals.

  10. Pete is a white-privileged pos, a crybaby who refuses to face the truth about animals in adoption centers. His rave against PETA just shows you what an Arschloch he is, mental issues or not. Lose the excuses, Pete.

  11. More power to Peta, reveal the real face of studip "Celebrities". And start to avoid this kind of selfish celebritie shows and social media. Let them know who is the king/queen , them or us💪🏻💪🏽💪🏿

  12. I've never thought he was funny. I think he is quite misogynistic. Look how he spoke about his past girlfriends. He could never get through an SNL episode without breaking. He is over hyped.

  13. First: Socks and sandals are the best thing ever. Try it. Perfect for long distance hikes.

    Second: I must be living under a rock because I had no idea who Pete Davidson or Hailey Biber were.

  14. You guys better mind your own business or shut the f**k up because this is getting out of hand it’s his own life let him deal with it

  15. What a bunch of phony EXCUSES — allergic to all dogs from shelters????? He should be forced to watch the dozens of dogs being gassed outside kill shelters in dumpster-like containers. Once they close the lid, you can hear them all crying in fear and then screeching. This is just pure willful ignorance.

  16. Our reaction to losing animal companions is only proof we are all vegan at heart and would all be vegan if not for the programming

  17. Why can't a fucking good guy like David get famous and rich ,instead the fucking universe make a bitch like Pete famous and rich…. im confused

  18. Nah, you have to pick your battles. Peta looks bad here.
    I mean who gives two fucks about this guy, but it isn't a good look bothering people who aren't conscious yet.
    Edit: (adding) Real peoplw who aren't steeped in our reality as vegans aren't taking every chance they can to make sure they're doing the best they can; they have bills, kids, work, classes, etc.
    This isn't on their list of problems, like say factory farming is.
    So this whole bothering a dude is just Peta being a dick. I don't think being a dick about something people don't have an opinion about is good practice.
    Unless your idea is to be the bad guy who raises hackles but also plants the mental seed.
    Seems like there should be ways to plant seeds without beinga ponce.

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