Pillole per la crescita dei capelli

Quali sono i pro e i contro della finasteride (venduta come Propecia) e del minoxidil (venduto come Rogaine) per la caduta dei capelli?

Questa è la seconda di una serie in tre parti sulla caduta e la crescita dei capelli. Integratori per la crescita dei capelli (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/supplements-for-hair-growth) è il primo video, nel caso tu l'ho perso.

Anche gli antidepressivi come il Prozac possono causare disfunzioni sessuali, ma c'è qualcosa che può aiutare. Vedi il miglior cibo per la disfunzione sessuale indotta da antidepressivi (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/best-food-for-antidepressant-induced-sexual-dysfunction/).<br/>
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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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72 Risposte a “Pillole per la crescita dei capelli”

  1. I am begging you if you read this, please do not take Finasterid, I took for years and it destroyed my brain and my life. Stay away from that poison, shave your head, work out and own it!

  2. I think you're being a bit dishonest here by seeming to suggest that 20% of people suffer permanent sexual dysfunction. 20% of who exactly? This is a drug taken by millions of people all over the world for decades and whilst there are probably higher side effects than initially thought, it's not 20%.

  3. The side effects of minoxidil are minimal for most people , maybe people prone to dry scalp and irritation may struggle , but yeah finasteride effects you at a hormonal level so it’s a sticky one…

  4. Thank you for this video, so many ads online as of late. Great reminder the side effects of Propecia

  5. A lot of truth in the old bald joke, “GRASS DOESN’T GROW ON A PLAYGROUND.” Sorry, I find guys obsessed over their thinning hair rather pathetic. Why would anyone trade sexual function for hair? I knew I’d go bald soon as I learned about hereditary, so when it happened, I didn’t really care. A big shoutout to Yul Brenner, Bruce Willis, and Andre Agassi for making bald cool and being proud of it.

  6. not to mention finasteride can in rare cases cause permanent depression, as I've heard reported by several transgender patients

  7. I’ve been taking Fin for about 2 years & haven’t had any side effects (actually my libido has increased)…. I guess I’m lucky lol

  8. Hey folks, anyone have experience trying the one which doesn't affect the sex hormones (I think Monoxodil)?
    I have long thought of trying this stuff, but only recently have the money to give it a shot.
    How was your hair when you started? How is it now? How long has passed?
    Thank you!!

  9. Thanks for the video!
    Stay far away from Finasteride or anything that messes with you hormonal system. Don’t risk it. Just look up “post Finsteride syndrome” It’s real & bad, very bad for a lot of men, chronically so.

  10. All you are doing is propagating the sensationalized comments from way back…I've been taking both for years with success and no side effects. Thumbs down from now on.

  11. Fenisteride give you life long Erectyl disfunction, low libido and even make you impotent ..
    I have seen cases where even longterm topical minoxydil use has induced ED..!

  12. I think anyone who has looked into it has heard about potential side effects of finasteride. I was hoping for some new info.

  13. This video is very misleading. The side effects of Propecia occur in a negligible percentage of users and even then, they almost always disappear when the drug is stopped. I've used Propecia for two years without issues. Erectile Disfunction is a very common issue among older men anyways, so who's to say if they have it even without the drug?

  14. I'll bet the food is garlic and garlic powder, studies have shown garlic detoxifies the body of lead.
    Also stop eating seafood, seafood is high in mercury.

  15. I was taking OTC Viviscal pills for about 6 months, but I discovered they have fish components so I stopped. It made my hair grow faster for sure but I want it thicker like it used to be. A couple weeks ago I bought some OTC topical minoxidil but I haven’t started it yet. My mom uses a prescription (not sure what) so I may try that instead. I think the Viviscal was $50 a month. Not cheap.

  16. Ill eat whatever you suggest if you have a full head of hair in part 2…. Im guessing the answer is flax/Ashwangahnda and some foods containing b-vitamins cause youll never suggest fish fyi

  17. Ive been using Reishi mushroom supplements for 7 years now to prevent hair loss and hair color. Im 42 years old currently and so far I still have a full head of colorful hair. Cant say for sure if its the reishi mushrooms or not doing the work, but going to keep using it and hope for the best going into the future.

  18. Came for info on the topic, got a good short history lesson in medical malpractice against citizens with intellectual disability. This is a good way to do it! Thanks for posting!

  19. My anatomy teacher says your hair thickness is determined by our mother. What say you? In that case I would concur it’s mostly genetic, and I would beware of any otc’s.

  20. This video is highly misleading.

    First, Finasteride is one of the most popular drugs which has a very large body of data to back it up. It is one of the most researched and studied drugs of the last few decades. Millions of men take it each year with no side effects. There are tons of high quality studies on it showing side effects are extremely rare. Only a few percent get side effects and those go away after stopping. Elderly men have been taking it in the higher 5mg doses for decades for enlarged prostate with no issues and that’s in higher doses than the 1mg taken for hair loss. It truly is one of the only things shown to work. Minoxidil works but it is shut growth stimulant. It does not reduce the root cause of baldness which is DHT. So if one only that they will see good results but after a year or so the new hair will just fall out due to not stopping the DHT attacking the hair follicles. But if someone uses Finasteride then minoxidil can work well with it, though for most men Finasteide does the heavy lifting.

    Contrary to popular belief, Testosterone, NOT DHT is used for sexual function. DHT is used mainly for fetal genitalia development and to some degree in puberty, but after adulthood DHT has very little of any uses in the body, and mainly causes issues like balding and enlarged prostate and prostate cancer.

    The prolonged sexual side effects claims have been throughout refuted by scientists in the field and the article you refer you used horrible methodology. No serious scientists in the field takes it seriously. The drug companies only put those warnings to cover themselves because of claims from mentally from people people experiencing the no placebo effect with greedy lawyers looking to sue the companies to make a lot of money.

    The claim on Finasteride and altered neurosteoid production has also been refuted. The article on that is a junk one with poor methodology as well. It was not a high quality study and scientists made a response to that refuting it. This has been known for some time.

    There have been no natural products shown to produce anywhere near the hair regrowth results that Finasteride gives using HIGH QUALITY RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIALS with placebo. Anyone who states otherwise is NOT up to date on the science and is peddling and false hope to men suffering from hair loss who want good information.

    Finasteride for androgenetic alopecia is not associated with sexual dysfunction: a survey-based, single-centre, controlled study:


    Finasteride induced depression: a prospective study:


    Adverse Effects and Safety of 5-alpha Reductase Inhibitors (Finasteride, Dutasteride): A Systematic Review:


    Persistent Sexual Dysfunction and Depression in Finasteride Users for Male Pattern Hair Loss:

    A Serious Concern or Red Herring?


    Dihydrotestosterone: Biochemistry, Physiology, and Clinical Implications of Elevated Blood Levels:


    Post-Finasteride Syndrome: An Induced Delusional Disorder with the Potential of a Mass Psychogenic Illness?


    Investigation of the Plausibility of 5-Alpha-Reductase Inhibitor Syndrome:


    Characteristics of Men Who Report Persistent Sexual Symptoms After Finasteride Use for Hair Loss


  21. That was a tour de force, Dr. Greger. Starting with eugenics, no less. Thanks for the frightening analysis of the OTC hair loss drugs.

  22. I started Finasteride 23 years ago (at age 25). It halted hair loss. I stopped for 6 years in between, and hair loss resumed, and when I restarted it, hair loss halted and reversed. I still have close to a full head of hair other than some temple recession, so I have more hair than most men age 48.
    Libido : Who can tell? I mean, I still like women.
    Erections : Not easy to get anymore, but I am 48 after all. Whether the relative difficulty has anything to do with Finasteride or not, who can tell?

  23. People start losing their hair around the same time a normal case of ED would start setting in, and the average rate of ED is 18%. It's more about keeping overall healthly T levels through proper diet and lifestyle, in my opinion.

  24. I'm using minoxidil for almost a year and my hairloss halted and now I even had a hairline. I'm really interested in foods take can help with hair loss! Recently I have also discovered that exists topic finasteride, that seems less likely to cause collateral effects.

  25. Also little known about Rogaine is that it is toxic to felines. So if you're wiiling to risk your own health by using it, you may be putting your companion cat at risk if they come into contact with it on your hands, clothes, pillows, etc

  26. In summary, taking the pills is a huge risk because they can have serious side effects (e.g. ED and/or permanent/long-term changes to the brain). Next video will talk about possible dietary options to promote hair growth.

  27. Folks, extremely few people have problems with Finasteride. Remember that the dosage for prostate patients is 5x the dosage as for male pattern hair loss. So one is only taking one-fifth the amount for hair loss that prostate patients are already taking.
    I would not take Dutasteride, though. That is much more powerful.

  28. I've used finasteride and dutasteride. Only side effect I got was an increase in libido. No more hair loss

  29. Lol at the finasteride shills at the comments just upfront denying that chemically killing an important enzyme in your body to alter your sex hormone profile could cause lasting issues. If you want to take it, do it, but stop spreading your bullshit around. People need to be aware of the real risks involved so they're not victimized.

  30. I took dutasteride, estrodial and several other chemical castration drugs to fight hair loss. I never had any trouble getting a boner, but I regained hair and lost sperm completely

  31. Is baldness a disease? Hair keeps us warm, but in elevated temperatures this is a disadvantage (hence the evolutionary factor). I've also read that in populations that value age and wisdom, bald men more readily attract mates. They look more promising whether or not they actually are. This goes back thousands perhaps millions of years.

  32. Not sure I agree with the assertions of this video. We now have years of data on tens of thousands of patients that show very low rate of side effects for long term propecia use.

  33. The eugenics ramble was an unnecessary divergence from the topic. I'm sure it was done for promoting a political view and not for scientific explanation. This is not new to me. I learned it in both private and public schools long ago.

  34. Thank you for making this video! I’ve had post finasteride syndrome for 3 years now. Totally destroyed my life. The symptoms go far beyond sexual dysfunction. My mind and body have also been dismantled. I have so many debilitating symptoms: derealization, chronic fatigue, brain fog, muscle wastage, penile shrinkage, lack of motivation/pleasure feelings etc

  35. Since Dr. Greger’s channel has been hidden by YouTube (as all honest information and journalism has been by the American “disinformation” censorship regime) he’s just going all the way teaching about eugenics. 😂

    Good on you, comrade! ❤️✊

  36. I find the recommendation to ingest supplemental soy isoflavones somewhat problematic, since research suggests it increases levels of IGF-1, known to aid the development of cancer, as Dr. Greger had mentioned in the past.

  37. I still have a full head of hair at 42.5. This after being vegetarian since '97 and vegan since 2005. I've got some M-shape going, but it's not too bad… Also, I've been washing and brushing my hair almost every single day. 🤷‍♂

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