Podcast: l'idea giusta, il messaggio sbagliato

Quei cibi sani che danno vita ai tuoi anni? Basta non dire che ti fanno bene. Questo episodio contiene l'audio di:
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/do-healthy-fast-food-options-lead-to-healthier-choices /
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/come-evitare-il-boomerang- effect-of-remedy-messaging/
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27 Risposte a “Podcast: l'idea giusta, il messaggio sbagliato”

  1. I was gonna endulge a bit today in some plant based snacks, but after seeing this video I feel like buying green leafy vegetables and a big bag of carrots. This video was very interesting and, pun intended: food for thought. Thank you, Dr. G! 😀

  2. I think the difference between your work and the advertisements that you spoke of is that people who come across your stuff are probably looking for the information that you provide.

    Your vids are why I'm on algae omega 3 supplements. Glad to have started them in my 20s.

  3. This reminds me of work done by T. Colin Campbell about the influence of giant food corporations on our consumption of convenience foods. We have been conditioned to accept that milk and meat are good for us.

  4. The hypothesis that people choose the unhealthiest option more when additionally shown a healthy option because they think they will be healthier “tomorrow” doesn’t make commonsense to me. More likely they are just so disgusted by the thought of eating the healthy option that they just run for the unhealthiest hills.

  5. The hypothesis that people choose the unhealthiest option more when additionally shown a healthy option because they think they will be healthier “tomorrow” doesn’t make commonsense to me. More likely they are just so disgusted by the thought of eating the healthy option that they just run for the unhealthiest hills.

  6. (Unrelated to the videos topic)
    In POTS the NIH (or paper on the NIH recomend gradually increasing salt intake to ten grams per day.) Is it possible this will have more positive effect with hypovolemic POTS because of the lower blood pressure associated with it?

  7. I feel like if you focused the messaging on how much you can indulge with low calorie, nutrient dense foods, instead of how good they are for you, people might be more inclined to swing in that direction.

    Let's say there were a whole food, plant based fast-casual restaurant opening up. Places like that tend to lean on New Age, cultish language like "Be your best self" and they make sure to sprinkle in some choice words with alternative medicine connotations like "nourishing", or grab feminists with "goddess" messaging, and they'll probably have a manifesto about having a healthy body and a healthy soul. Nobody wants that. Not even granola girls want that.

    But what if they went in guns blazing with a loud and aggressive ad campaign of people stuffing their faces with veggie wraps literally the size of an infant? The voiceover would literally yell at the viewer, "IT'S AS BIG AS A BABY! Get that food-baby in you!" Let's make it even better. Toss in a jump cut to someone nibbling on a pretty typical but comparatively tiny cheeseburger (albeit one that's way too big calorie-wise).

    The choice of actors would also be subtly different. The clothing, cleanliness, and apparent socioeconomic status between the veggie wrap actors and the cheeseburger actors would be exactly the same. Both sides are on same rung of the social ladder. However, the veggie group would be lively, happy, cheeks bulging with food, but most importantly, lean and fit with a carotenoid glow, whereas the burger group would look disappointed by their meager meal, and also be overweight, pallid, and have skin conditions like acne, but only just so. It would have to be a small enough difference that nobody could accuse the restaurant of fat shaming, but a big enough difference that it would be picked up subconsciously.

    To further cinch the deal, the wraps would come in all kinds of bold and festive colors, like a screaming red wrap to denote that it's spicy, or a spirulina teal for one that has fruit in it, or maybe one that's a pale ivory color but has shiso leaves baked into it like a fabric print for an East Asian inspired wrap, and so on. Whereas the burger would be an ordinary drab brown; not at all a lie, but purposefully unflattering. People love bright colors, especially children and stoners, the two groups that absolutely cannot resist fast food.

    And the messaging itself would not be subtle at all. It's okay, indulge, pig out, we're not going to judge. We're here to fill your belly. The item conspicuously missing from that messaging is how healthy this food is.

  8. the problem is not the choices people take, but getting away with it. this whole medical industry live of it.
    give people all the choice but also give them all the consequences, no more medical intervention for you, deal with the fallout yourself.

  9. I'm sure its the psychology thing mostly, but veggie options are usually neglected by the restaurant too.

    If I try the healthy option and its a wilty soggy flavorless poorly crafted bowl of sad, I'm not going to keep trying it.

  10. I bet a lot of people watching this aren’t so fooled buy this phenomenon. I know try to choose the healthier choice whenever I can.

  11. This doesn't surprise me. I work at Chipotle (because it was my only option, I've applied and/or interviewed for hundreds of jobs) people will pile on extra meat, dairy, oily white rice, white flour and oil tortillas and super salty salsa and ask for a "sprinkle" of lettuce for "health" (actual words) to justify it

  12. Hey dr.gregor, thanks for all the great content! Any chance you could make a video on books and courses we could take to read and understand nutrition studies ourselves?

  13. Unless this guy has an identical twin I'm pretty sure I saw him at the Outback Steakhouse over the weekend enjoying a big 🥩 🥩 steak!

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