Podcast: L'industria degli integratori imprecisi

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46 Risposte a “Podcast: L'industria degli integratori imprecisi”

  1. I quit taking it when I heard about the heart attacks reported. Now I only drink organic soymilk that is fortified with plant calcium, the healthier type.

  2. I would like to see the supplement industry regulated so that at least we are getting the product that we think we are getting and that we are paying for it. Any claims that they make about their product of course come with an *, and they don’t need to be held to proving them, but we can at least make sure that the products are what they say they are and are not adulterated or contaminated.

  3. i do not blame the industry, they just play the money game so well, and we refuse to change the game…….
    we have the alternatives but do not like change so here we are, we did it to ourselves.

  4. Pretty much every plant milk except one or two has calcium phosphate or calcium carbonate. So what would you want us to do about that? Not drink milk anymore? Any ideas? Thank you 💥💥💥💥

  5. Lie, cheat and steal is all too common today. Greed and selfishness is every where.
    You can not trust people, businesses, or government to be honest and truthful.
    Parents and teachers stopped teaching children the "golden rule" 40 years ago and now honesty and caring for others keeps declining. Society and business can not function if no one can be trusted to tell the truth.

  6. Yes it's a sham like everything the government and medical entities pull. Straight B.S. they need to be rebuilding them with love and compassionate people from all walks of life. Not someone who thinks I got a good career and $$. They are usually the Evil ones.

  7. It's supply and demand. There's no excuse for deceptive practices but the fact is people want a solution in a pill. They don't want to do the 'work' of eating a healthy and varied diet to get what's needed for good health. They want to continue to eat everything that's bad for them and take a handful of pills to make it all better. There are valid reasons for needing certain supplements but as Dr. Greger said, the first line of defense is a healthy diet and if there's something lacking after that, then move on to supplements. Any time demand for a product disappears, so does the product.
    Goodness knows most healthcare providers aren't giving good advice so I don't blame folks for thinking they're on their own, afraid for their health and grasping at something, anything to help. Still, the simplest solution is the best: start with a solid diet and go from there. But most still want a magic pill. Remember that quote from Cher? “Fitness – if it came in a bottle, everybody would have a great body.”

  8. I try very hard to take DGL for my occasional heartburn (have a Hiatal Hernia, GERD and often severe acid reflux) and most of the time it is adequate for relieving my heartburn, but sometimes the only thing that relieves it are Tums. I may have the hypercoagulation part taken care of because I'm also on Warfarin for DVTs (history of) but wondering if Tums should be avoided altogether? I'm currently waiting for a supply of Mastic gum to try for my very chronic GERD symptoms and if that doesn't work, will be considering surgery. I consume a 90 per cent Vegan diet which is primarily plant based and mostly avoid the inflammatory stuff, but my reflux just doesn't want to go away. I'm just hoping I'm not also risking cardiovascular disease with the occasional consumption of Tums. Thank you in advance!

  9. Let's not forget what causes heart attacks to be begin it. I doubt a person, who had been WFPB since birth, will get a heart attack. A heart attack is when blood flow can not be pumped through the veins due to blockage.

  10. He was talking about an old article he did January 16, 2017. Not sure why you're talking not about an old article and then not at least, put in the description or show us which supplement bottle of black raspberry you were walking about.

  11. Are contraceptive pills safe with progesterone as I can't afford children. I've never taken pills for preventing pregnancy before my "Cerelle tablets (168) through Boots" arriving tomorrow.

  12. Hi, does anyone who have drank, used and know about what brands of coconut milk is safe, healthy and good to drink without the calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate added? Thank you.

  13. “One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”
    ― Carl Sagan

  14. I don't like that there's a lot of plant based food manufacturers are adding calcium to plant milks, sauces, salsa, soups, burgers and much more. The added calcium chloride we could do without.

  15. I used to take a calcium supplement from Family Dollar. It tasted very bland. Then I took a vegan, organic calcium supplement. It tasted great and made me feel good in my brain, but it was expensive. Now I just eat 1/2 cup or 3/4 cup of almonds for calcium.

  16. This is great, I was spending to much 💰 on all of them…now I can just get rid of them all. Though I do like natural calm, and vitamin d

  17. I take Dr. Joel Fuhrman plat-based organic supplements. I believe he’s as truthful and honest as you are, Dr. Greger. And I hope I am right!

  18. Yes, the supplement industry has a lot of bad actors making a lot of dubious claims. You have to do a lot of research and take everything you hear with a grain of skepticism……. Gee….that sounds a lot like the healthcare industry and big pharma.

    The bottom line is that you are free to educate yourself and try what you want. If it works for you, fantastic, and that includes not just supplements, but also diet and exercise. Interesting. So when you think about it, is it any shock that the "healthcare industry" feels so threatened by people who can think for themselves and make better lifestyle choices?

  19. With all the taxes the government takes you'd think the least they could do is test supplements and put dishonest companies out of business with crushing fines and sanctions.

  20. the supplement industry still has value. especially if gmp certified. some supplements are saving lives-like kratom, and i don’t want to see the healthcare industry (which is not completely accessible to all, nor out of the heavy influence of the corruption of the pharmaceutical industry), to have sole power over what we put in our bodies for self care. that could and would actually be dangerous and even unconstitutional. prohibition has also gotten us no where. plant medicines should be available and other things as well. it’s not right for the medical industrial complex to completely control our every action. these agencies are also just full of corruption if you want to get into corruption. some people have found healing through non traditional methods and i don’t believe they should be denied those chances

  21. Snake oil has never gone away. Whether supplement companies or drug companies make it, people have always been suckers for the next new magic formula. Unfortunately, "the science" hasn't fared much better either. COVID gave us a look at the fraud that pharma and its partners (medical publishers) have committed in a never ending quest for cash.

  22. Thank you so much for covering this topic! After watching the Front line on the industry, I never took vitiams or supplements again and relied on my diet instead. These industries run as legal organized crime hiding behind the magic phrase "dietary supplements".

  23. Some folks have to take them. I have a malabsorption disorder that cause me have severe anemia. My iron was 4 last year when I stopped taking my vitamins due to being concerned about their sketchy practices. I ended up needing a year of iron infusions. Now I take a bariatric vitamin recommended by the Johns Hopkins. Now I'm much better. Some of us have no choice. 🙁

  24. Thanks Dr. Greger. You are a light in a challenging storm of fraud and lack of scientific data when it comes to our health. Keep it up!!!

  25. Good on you doc. You and your intrepid team. 👍After quite a few years (and well founded fears) I learnt the truth about 'supplements'. So now, thanks to your research I supplement with B12 and D3. Each day I take my concoctions of sour cherry 🍒 beets green tea vinegar w the mother.brazil nuts sunshine mushrooms etc etc and so forth. 💫✨️ I thank you for your diligence and for the truth. Xx

  26. The segment on calcium supplements was eye opening. I didnt take a calcium supplement every day, yet it was regular consumption. I stopped today after listening to your podcast. The more I listen, the more I find myself changing my eating lifestyle. Thank you!

  27. • An excellent source of calcium is tahini made from unhulled black sesame seeds. I like Kevala brand because it’s organic with 2 tablespoons providing 31% daily requirement of calcium. It’s also a wonderfully smooth nutty flavor, not acrid at all and stirs up very easily unlike some extremely thick-textured tahinis.
    • It would be most helpful if Michael would 1.) share with us the reliability of the US Pharmacopeia (USP) on supplements 2.) address if there are parallels of our bodies’ negative responses to calcium supplements in pill form vs calcium supplementation of fortified foods, ie soy milk, etc. 3.) suggest what non-fortified foods and their amounts to eat in a single day to get 100% of the daily calcium requirement.

  28. Unfortunately, you've tarnish you trust in using the notion of trusting the science by you recommending untested and as we are now seeing through the Thailand and other studies, dangerous corony shots.

  29. Damn. Another solution scuppered! Working in a remote area gives me few options when it comes to diet. The mess doesn't really cater for most diets other than standard western diet and vegetarian so I drink fortified soy milk for calcium and take a multivitamin to try to top up other nutrients that may be a bit low. Guess I'll just have to die and resurrect myself as a lion or something.

  30. it's really hard to find a decent supplement company. I usually stick with natures way. they're supposed to be a company that's been tested pretty good so therefore reliable

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