Podcast: Make Mosquitos Like You Less

Surprising dietary remedies to keep away our biting friends. This episode features audio from:
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25 Risposte a “Podcast: Make Mosquitos Like You Less”

  1. Ginger works great! Two data points. Having had ginger with my sushi in Costa Rica I was the only person not getting bitten when normally I am the Ist target.. Didnt figure out why until the next day when our two guides to a wild reserve in Costa Rica. I asked them why they are not putting on repellant. They said "you see this cup it has unsweetened ginger tea. Works for about 4 hrs. We will drink another cup at lunch & will also have no sweets like breakfast" since then found unsweeten ginger tea works but can't find unsweeten pickeled ginger in USA. Going 2 try Wasabi next time I have the need.

  2. This title is click bait. The title suggests that the video is about repelling mosquitos. The speaker just goes on and on about food that doesn't repel mosquitoes.

  3. Well, when the grandparents would apply that mentholated rub icy hot, the squitoes would avoid them & double down on us. I don't blame them, hate the smell of the stuff myself!

  4. many years ago I heard that vitamin B Complex would keep the mosquitoes away so I took them for a couple of weeks before a camping trip. The mosquitoes still bit me but I didn't get the usual allergic reaction to the bite. In fact if I had not seen the little bugger biting me I would not have known. I have always been one of their favorite people and get big red welts when bitten.

  5. I never got bitten by mosquitoes before I became vegan.
    One holiday my husband got bitten over 40 times in one night and I had not one single bite!
    Now I get bitten by everything. I tell myself it’s because my blood is nice and clean now and not clogged up with saturated fat 😂
    My sister has had the exact same experience since becoming Vegan. Very strange!

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