Podcast: proteine ​​vegetali e animali

Abbiamo abbastanza proteine? Otteniamo troppo? E in che cosa differiscono le proteine ​​vegetali e animali? Questo episodio contiene l'audio di:
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63 Risposte a “Podcast: proteine ​​vegetali e animali”

  1. As the late, great speculative fiction writer Harlan Ellison once correctly noted, 'You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.'.

  2. Swapping in plant protein with any animal protein was associated with a significantly lower risk of arguably the most important end point of all, DEATH.

  3. If vegans are getting enough of protein and other nutrients like calcium, why are their bones weaker to the extent of more fractures and there is much more vegans in the unhealthy under 18 BMI weight range than meat eaters? Maybe the food is so unappetizing that one just rather stay hungry than eat plant based all day?

  4. And containing all the essential amino acids doesn't make the protein source "complete" by definition. The term "complete protein source" is defined as adequate enough of ratios of all the 9 so for example beans are not considered a complete protein source, nor is rice but soy is.

  5. Thank you for including the guideline to increase fiber 5g/day per week. I hope you will include more guidelines for those with IBS/IBD to go vegan once there are even tentative data available suggesting what is appropriate for those with these ever-increasing chronic conditions.

  6. Learned something today! I was unaware that vegetarians do not have to insure they eat "complimentary" protein sources to get the proper amount of all the amino acids.

  7. I think it is interesting that He Cuts together all His Protein Videos exept the Video where He says that 0.8 might Not be optimal but 1.2g/kg is..

    I Wish He would make more Videos about muscle tissue – its health effects and how much Protein is needed / optimal for that and how plant Protein and Animal Protein is compared in muscle building RCTs

  8. <3 im so glad science seem to says in general "unless your surviving you better not eat animal corpse and their secretions " lol
    win win ! less unnessential suffering ! Ahimsa !

  9. The plants need the sun to grow, true, but the material used to make plants beside the minerals from the ground and the Sun, is – drum roll – CARBON DIOXIDE – CO2. The propaganda is that CO2 is somehow a pollutant. Not true. The elevated CO2 is very helpful for the plants, who have been on a close to starvation diet until recently. NASA has remarked about the increased green down there on Earth. Trees "sequester" carbon from CO2 after all. And they grow. So they are considered a renewable resource, that depends on the trace gas CO2.

  10. Eggs are the PERFECT PROTEIN, with the most bioavailability
    Our body is simply not designed to be stuffed and bloated with indigestible fiber, we can not ferment it like a cow or a deer would

  11. Thanks for your work and sharing it with the public. I listen and learn and it helps me to stay on the straight and narrow and make better food choices in a society that is living (or dying) on unhealthy diet. Your podcasts and others help me in my fight to eat a healthy diet. Thanks again! Very much appreciated.

  12. WFPB changed my life, it also completely healed my oily skin and cystic acne that I struggled with for 25 years. I wish I would’ve found this lifestyle sooner! Thank you everyone who shares this information, you’re helping more people than you know. 🌱🍉💕

  13. Sometime kindly put up the science that indicated a mere addition of 3% plant protein created a 10% reduction in disease. Unless a meat eater ate NO plants, seems unlikely they would not receive the 3% or more. NOT a justification for meat, simply curious about the manipulation of statistics to make a point and further, what about those who get 97% of their protein from plants and 3% from meat? In other words, is a little bit of meat THAT injurious? Relative to our bodies; our bodies are really colonies with various organisms living in our entire digestive tract from our mouth to the end of our large intestine. Again, does a little meat negate or warp that biome in a bad way and how much is a LITTLE??? Some say those who eat 3-5% meat live longer than those who are 100% plants but those studies apparently did not adjust for B-12 or Omega 3 or Vitamin D supplementation. One can question the quality of studies among other things. In the course of human evolution, it becomes apparent that humans cannot digest some plants and thus cannot thrive eating like gorillas. In the course of evolution, humans sometimes, in order not to starve, had to follow herds of animals that prosper eating plants, cellulose, leaves, etc. and those humans then either ate the herbivores or drank their milk or in some cases, even drank their blood! Of course, evolution does not always care about length of life compared with reproductive success so who knows for certain about certain things.

  14. Soooooo
    How was I able to reverse my diabetes, sleep apnea, acid reflux, and skin rash on just carnivore?

    Beef, butter, bacon, eggs,
    Over 2 yrs.
    I feel my best
    Lost 73 pounds in 8 months when I started.
    I'm sorry but I'm confused 😕
    Oh and my bathroom moments are wonderful.
    I was constipated from to much fiber.
    This is misleading

  15. Transcripción español,
    En 2019, el Dr. David Katz y sus colegas, con uno de mis investigadores favoritos, David Jenkins, publicaron una causa de salud pública para modernizar la definición de calidad de las proteínas. La definición predominante parece tener más que ver con la bioquímica que con los efectos netos en la salud humana. El concepto popular de que la proteína es buena, y cuanto más, mejor, junto con una definición de calidad de la proteína que favorece la proteína animal, fomenta la impresión de que comer más carne, huevos y productos lácteos es deseable y preferible, pero esto se opone directamente a las pautas nutricionales que están tratando de promover más plantas. Aunque la desnutrición proteica existe en muchas partes del mundo, es extremadamente rara en el mundo industrializado, donde la amenaza más formidable para la salud pública no es el kwashiorkor (desnutrición de proteínas/calorías), sino las enfermedades crónicas.

    En 2016 se publicó un estudio histórico de Harvard que involucró a más de 100 000 personas, y se descubrió que reemplazar la proteína animal por proteína vegetal se asociaba a un menor riesgo de muerte prematura. Lo peor parecía ser la carne procesada como el tocino, así como la proteína de huevo (las claras de huevo), pero el intercambio de solo un 3 por ciento de cualquiera de las proteínas animales: carne procesada, carne no procesada, pollo, pescado, huevos o productos lácteos por proteína vegetal se asoció con un riesgo significativamente menor del punto final más importante de todos, la muerte.

    Sí, pero ¿cómo sabemos que es la proteína? Los investigadores controlaron factores como la ingesta de grasas saturadas, lo que sugirió que no era solo la grasa animal. Pero ¿cómo sabe tu cuerpo la diferencia entre la proteína de una planta y la proteína de un animal? ¿No es la proteína? No, a diferencia de la proteína animal, la proteína vegetal es generalmente baja en aminoácidos de cadena ramificada, por ejemplo, y la disminución del consumo de aminoácidos de cadena ramificada mejora la salud metabólica. Podría ser el IGF-1, una hormona de crecimiento que promueve el cáncer y es estimulada por la ingesta de proteínas animales consideradas de alta calidad. Sospechamos que la conexión IGF-1 es causa y efecto, ya que las personas nacen con niveles más altos de IGF-1, independientemente de lo que coman, parecen sufrir tasas más altas de diabetes tipo 2 y enfermedades cardíacas.

    O bien, podría ser algo que los investigadores de Harvard no controlaban, como contaminantes tóxicos como las dioxinas y los PBC, ya que tienden a acumularse en la cadena alimentaria en el ganado, cerdos, pollos y peces y, por lo tanto, terminan en nuestros platos. La proteína de origen vegetal también es un paso importante para reducir la carga corporal de contaminantes nocivos.

    Si no crees que 100 000 personas sean suficientes, ¿qué tal 400 000 personas? El estudio NIH-AARP es el estudio de cohorte de dieta más grande en la historia, y de nuevo simplemente intercambiar el 3 por ciento de las calorías de varias fuentes de proteína animal por proteína vegetal se asoció con una disminución del 10 por ciento de la mortalidad general, y obtienes incluso el doble de ese beneficio si te deshaces también de los huevos. Eso no es una sorpresa, ya que el consumo de huevos se asocia con un mayor riesgo de desarrollar enfermedades cardiovasculares.

    Reúne todos los estudios sobre la ingesta de proteínas en la dieta y mortalidad, y las personas que comen más proteínas tienden a vivir vidas más cortas, pero esto es principalmente impulsado por una asociación dañina con las proteínas animales. La ingesta de proteínas vegetales se asocia inversamente con la mortalidad, lo que significa que aquellos que comen más proteínas vegetales tienden a vivir vidas más largas. Más proteína animal puede significar más mortalidad, mientras que más proteína vegetal está correlacionada con menos mortalidad. Por lo tanto, lo mejor sería aumentar la ingesta de proteína vegetal en detrimento de la proteína animal. En otras palabras, como concluyó otro metaanálisis de 2020, “se debe alentar a las personas a aumentar su ingesta de proteínas vegetales para disminuir potencialmente su riesgo de muerte”.

    Considera ser voluntario/a para ayudar en la página web.

    Los beneficios de la restricción de calorías pueden surgir de la disminución en la ingesta de proteínas animales. Consulta: La restricción calórica vs. la restricción de proteína animal para saber más.

    También hablo de aminoácidos de cadena ramificada en ¿Son sanos los aminoácidos de cadena ramificada?.

    ¿Necesitas combinar proteínas vegetales, como arroz y frijoles? Mira El mito de la combinación de proteínas

    ¿Cuánta proteína necesitamos? Mira ¿Los vegetarianos obtienen suficiente proteína?.

    ¿Qué pasa con las carnes de origen vegetal? ¿Son sanas la hamburguesa Beyond y la Impossible?

    Si no lo has hecho aún, puedes suscribirte a mis videos de forma gratuita haciendo click aquí. Lee esta información importante sobre las traducciones aquí.

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  16. I love this channel and Podcast. I have used it to return to an athletic state as an active Dad and professional. I'm down 47 Lbs from 1 year ago as a result of this information and evidence-based nutrition.

  17. Unfortunately there's about as much false "science" out there now as real science. Look at the recent alzheimer's mess with the years of faked "science" research . Much of the research data results in favoring the funder of the research as Dr. Gregers videos have shown many times.

  18. There are benefits to BOTH. The issue is with some, I repeat, SOME, vegans & vegetarians who are dogmatic and toxic towards those who eat meat. I won’t be looked down upon because I choose to eat a chicken wing from time to time.

  19. The U.S. RDA for protein is 0.8 g/kg/day. This is based upon studies of adults who are completely sedentary. If you are even mildly to moderately active you need 1.0-1.4 g/kg/day in order to maintain muscle mass. So, for a completely sedentary 170 pound human, that comes to 62 grams of protein per day. For a mildly active 170 pound human, that comes to 77 grams of protein per day. Both of which are WAY more than the requirement of 42 grams of protein Dr. Greger mentions in this video. If the average vegan is only getting 70% above 42 grams (i.e. 71 grams), then the average vegan is protein deficient. This is too bad, because of all the challenges of veganism, getting adequate protein is not too hard.

  20. less BCAA's is correlated to longer life? The Branch chain animo acids provide important amino acids to help build muscle tissue though. I need to research this more.

  21. Seriously go back and do real research doc because your facts are fiction. First of all many of us are poor converters regarding the so called protein and nutrients from vegetables and fruit. Most fruit and vegetables convert to sugar and let's not forget the carbs. Americans are sick and obese due to the lies that have been spun from people like you. Let's consider 100 years ago, better yet let's go back to the 1950's. So how many 300, 400, 500 pound people have you seen in those classic photos? Hmmm let me see none. Do you know why because folks were still eating beef tallow, lard, and real butter. Now we're just processed food, vegan, sugar eating sick obese people. Please do real research folks don't believe this nonsense. Humans have been eating meat since the beginning of time. Plants don't want to be eaten. They protect themselves releasing certain toxins that sustain their survival. Fiber…hmmph you might as well eat wood. Our bodies, organs, and brain is compromised of fats, amino acids and so forth. Carbs, veggies, sugar is a temporary source of energy. Real healthy fats, yup I said it healthy fats burn real energy very little waste leaves the body. Fiber guarantees large massive waste ( stool) and perhaps constipation for others. A nutriant dense diet is a perfect machine with very little waste, ( poop) and no constipation or gas or bloating. We are not herbivores we're not primates or cows. Look if folks want graze hey do you but I chose the proper human diet meat, eggs, and dairy. Good luck 🤞

  22. this podcast is so important! I'm more than 10 years vegan but I still believed that I have to carefully mix and match foods for the right combo of amino acids, because my nutritionist said so :/

  23. Why replace all animal protien with plant PROTIEN when you are already getting over double the protein you need. Like why not replace some of it with fruits, tubers ect… (which i know do have some protein) as opposed to pea and soy isolate

  24. As a vegan nutritional biochemist I must say that we have to stop this pseudoscientific non sense. Sorry dr. Greger but this info creates sick and malnourished vegans and future Shawn Baker’s followers. It is not animal protein that is bad, it is the fact that people who tend to eat more animal protein eat much less fiber and much more saturated fat which makes them less healthy. Acute increase in IGF1 and TMAO has no negative effects on health whatsoever.
    Please, in the name of veganism, stop spreading non sense. There are many reasons to be vegan but health is not the one. Yes, you can be pretty healthy as a vegan but not healthier than pescatarian, mediterranean, dash, mind or any other plant based diet. Also, we tracked 54 people and eggs had no effect on LDL whatsoever. It did raise HDL tough.
    I would argue that mediterranean dieters eat much more fiber than average western vegan.
    It is very silly to claim that we, as vegans, don’t have to worry about protein when we see so much underweight vegans in practice and it is not that they lack fat. They have sarcopenia in their 40s. As a vegan I am so sad that vegan doctors promote malnourishment. All of the viewers, do yourself a favor. Follow Simon Hill, Danielle Belardo and Alan Flanagan for the science that will help you to be life long vegans.

  25. I'm soo confused re: low carb versus high carb. High carb low fat leads to insulin spikes, but you probably have a less chance of heart disease and cancer. Low carb high fat leads to no insulin spikes but you may wind up with cancer or heart disease. it's crazy! I wish he would address insulin cause if I eat oatmeal in the morning, my insulin spikes like crazy!

  26. The most important principle is 1) eat raw plant most of the time
    2)fast ….water or juice
    Occasionally to clean
    Out the stored up stuff
    In ur tissues ….thats it!!!

  27. high protein diet plus exercise plus protective substances. slow carbs plus some fiber. some fat even saturated to maintain healthy cholesterol. basis. revisit please. i am fed up of being a skinny weakling…………………….. dogs are hot.

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