Podcast: questa è la fine della controversia sul colesterolo?

La correlazione tra colesterolo alto e malattie cardiache è risolta una volta per tutte. Questo episodio contiene audio da:
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/cholesterol-and-heart-disease-why-has-there-been-so -molto-controverso/
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/does-dietary-cholesterol- uova-alza-colesterolo-nel-sangue/
Visita le pagine dei video per tutte le fonti e le note del medico relative a questo podcast.

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83 Risposte a “Podcast: questa è la fine della controversia sul colesterolo?”

  1. You are determined to mislead people with this cholesterol bs.
    Your agenda it's to push plant base diet and that's all .
    I don't want to start everyone can choose what they wanna eat .
    I use to follow you and ask questions for 6 years being on plant base how can I rise my HDL and lower the triglycerides and the answer was exercise and eat more nuts, after 6 years having hdl.27 and triglyceride79 LDL 70 and total 129 I decided to switch my diet and I add meat to my diet and start what they call keto very low carbs and my friend my HDL cholesterol went up to 73 and triglyceride to 41 .
    Open your eyes people don't follow someone blindly

  2. I eat at least 4 eggs a day for years, and I have to get cholesterol tested due to the nature of my job, and I'm always within healthy ranges.

  3. And Media Like German Radio keeps spreading misinformation about eggs being healthy Cholesterol Not Dangerous and even "traditional Chinese medicine". Great wishful thinking

  4. Tell me something genius, how is it that people from Limone, Italy have LDL levels over 250 and TC of 350 but live to be centenarians? Save your propaganda, will you?

  5. My LDL is high and I eat no meat, dairy, eggs, or plant based saturated fat. Vegan for 20 years. It went high after menopause and I can't get it down.

  6. Didnt eat red meat, pork. I ate turkey, chicken and fish, and some cheese. But mostly ate carbs for bike racing and training. Low fat with moderate chicken and fish. Then went plant based. Lost 10 lbs. Blood pressure is 113 over 70 and I could probably get that lower at 59. But its fine. I have spring in my step. I thought people keeled over at this age. My dad did any way. My nephew at 48. My sisters was in temporary convalescent care at 65. You have to watch what you eat and drink. Avoid alcohol and saturated fat.

  7. I have familial hypercholesterolemia, and even on a strict low-saturated-fat, low-cholesterol diet, my natural cholesterol level (in the absence of medication) is quite high — the level rose with age from what was considered marginal at 220 in my 20's to well over 300 in my 50's. Consumption of dietary never seemed to affect my cholesterol level (i.e., dramatically restricting it never improved my numbers) and now, thanks to this video, I feel like I have a better understanding of why, given the comment about absorption saturating at high levels. Now that my levels are better under control with statins it's good to learn that I may be able to further improve my numbers by again restricting dietary cholesterol input.

  8. Real Einstein, if its cholesterol causing the damage then why does it only attack the arteries?
    Why is it only humans seem to have this issue?
    What do humans do or not do that makes us different from all the other animals on the planet?
    The answer is we eat grain/seed in large quantity, specifically processed grain and seed which = pure sugar and pure fat bring poured into a system designed for whole food leading to metabolic disorders, disease and obesity.
    What other animals besides ourself and our pets when fed a 70% processed grain based diet have oral health issues and tooth decay, diabetes, cancers and obesity.
    Carnivores and omnivores have been eating other animals since the dawn of time but we havent been eating processed grain until we humans invented agriculture. Animal foods are natures whole foods almost all plants are agricultural modified foods.
    Im going to put my faith in nature and our foundation diet going back to the beginning not on some mushroom Doctor by title who refuses to see the forest for the trees becsuse he feels bad we have to kill to be healthy. Im sure lions feel terrible and have trouble sleeping knowing they took a life that day to survive by design.

  9. Why is it not okay for people to eat what they want as long as they moderate it according to the virtue of temperance? It's perfectly legitimate to eat for pleasure — again, in moderation — even if it reduces your lifespan a few years. Is it some morally virtuous achievement to live to be a hundred? Are you going to get a higher place in heaven? Again, I do believe it's important to be concerned about one's health and body, but as long as that concern is moderated by temperance.

  10. Funny cause my grandpa is 96 and has eaten red meat, seafood, eggs, pork, chicken and vegetables and has had NO health issues! Moderately active. Not a one size fits all for everyone my friends

  11. You keep hearing over, and over, and over again how dietary cholesterol is so minimal relative to what the body produces that it's insignificant. Yet here you're saying that blood markers are directly correlated. Did you think this was gonna end the controversy? That said, the only things in my diet that are high cholesterol are once-a-week liver and 1/2 ducks eggs a week. Guess I'm ready to go full plant base.

  12. Hey Doc, I know plant based is the way to go but it's always been hard for this lifetime carnivore. Well about a month ago I started eating mostly whole food plant based and I've lost 7 lbs and blood pressure dropped from 148/82 to 124/80. Next month I'm shooting for 100% plant based.

  13. If humans were suppose to survive/thrive on Carbs then why do we only have 2000 calories of total glycogen/glucose storage in muscle and liver. 2000 calories is finite and all the additional calories of carbs eaten and not burned get turned into triglycerides/fat for fuel and storage. No coincidence at rest and day to day activity we burn mostly fat for fuel 75% roughly. Only doing intense activity do we burn mostly carbs.
    So again i ask, why would a human that burns mostly fat for fuel habitually consume carbs/sugar for fuel and think that is going to be healthy and optimal especially for the liver?

  14. The idea that cholesterol is inherently poisonous to the human body, and that the mere level of it in the blood determines whether or not you plaque is preposterous. I'm not saying the vegan diet isn't good. I practice it myself. But, I do it without demonizing cholesterol. And for a guy who doesn't eat cholesterol, my cholesterol stays relatively high, about 170. But, do I regard it as a problem? Not in the slightest. Last checked, my LDL was 104 and listed as slightly elevated. Would I consider taking a drug to knock it down? Not a chance. Remember: Dr. Greger pushed the Covid vaccine.

  15. 75% of dietary cholesterol regardless if its eggs or what ever, never gets absorbed, cholesterol like alkaline and acidity of the blood, is highly regulated by the body itself,
    and of the potential 25% that does get absorbed, it can sometimes greatly be influenced by genetics, this is why you hear so many people eating saturated fat and eggs most days
    and they're LDL cholesterol, never goes to unhealthy levels, the real question being asked more and more on the cutting edge is how the connection between heart disease and
    cholesterol levels has been overblown, and is not so clear cut.

  16. I need more of this kind of videos Dr Greger! It's sometimes tough to argue when the other side also shows some studies.

  17. You literally cannot and will never be able to show that cholesterol is bad to eat for healthy people. Because you can't prove someone did or did not eat X amount of cholesterol and scale that to thousands of people to prove your false point….

  18. I ate meat and fish and a standard American diet for 58 years and then went Plant Based. Lost 50 lbs and lost my arthritis pains in my knees (and other aches and pains). Plant Based Diets (eating non processed plant based foods) is the ultimate anti-inflammatory diet. It was hard in the beginning but after I got passed the first month it wasn't hard.

  19. Absolute, utter nonsense. It's not the saturated fat; it's the sugar and insulin resistance. Vegetarian & Vegan are the worst diets. So what if eggs raise your cholesterol? You have to keep insulin down to stay healthy, and you can only do that by eating Keto and intermittent fasting or fasting mimicking. Teach your body to switch between burning fat and glucose and you've optimized metabolic health.

  20. You have made far too many absolute claims that are highly contested. For example, in a 2022 study publish in Nutrients (May 2022), the conclusion is that "Dietary cholesterol has been a topic of debate since the 1960s when the first dietary guidelines that limited cholesterol intake to no more than 300 mg/day were set. These recommendations were followed for several years, and it was not until the late 1990s when they were finally challenged by the newer information derived from epidemiological studies and meta-analysis, which confirmed the lack of correlation between dietary and blood cholesterol. Further, dietary interventions in which challenges of cholesterol intake were evaluated in diverse populations not only confirmed these findings but also reported beneficial effects on plasma lipoprotein subfractions and size as well as increases in HDL cholesterol and in the functionality of HDL. In this review, we evaluate the evidence from recent epidemiological analysis and meta-analysis as well as clinical trials to have a better understanding of the lack of correlation between dietary and blood cholesterol. "

  21. Please somebody explain my high cholesterol level ever since my teens because I had chest pain in teens. Then I switched to low meat and no eggs, mostly plants, still no change. I went vegan none processed foods, still high cholesterol but my vision have been compromised. I heard eggs are great for eyes vision, so now what? My doctor said I just have naturally high cholesterol levels, and there are no signs of damage to my arteries because I need cholesterol for normal badly functions of my brain and eyes and sex hormones. I’m trying 1 egg ever other day or so to see if my vision improves. It is crazy. Also, despite all the studies, I’m hearing dietary intake of cholesterol has no adverse effects on blood cholesterol and cholesterol is actually there to repair damage caused by high sugar and starch.

  22. Awesome video. Absolutely FACTS Dr. Greger. Thank you for all of your work, you are incredibly inspirational 💚

  23. Много споров о холестерина. В моей жизни был случай, который помог мне осознать правду. Бабушке поставили диагноз закупорка сонных артерий на 95% и ей предстояло умереть, так как операцию врачи делать отказали, сказав, что она умрёт на операционном столе. Тогда предложила бабушке убрать весь холестерин, через 3 месяца УЗИ показали закупорку на 60%, она ела салаты с маслом, фрукты и овощи, сухарики грызла с мёдом и иногда уху с зеленью.

  24. Oh brother. Under 150?! Cholesterol isn’t damaging! Atherosclerosis is an chronic inflammatory problem not a lipid problem

  25. In 1997 Ancel Keys wrote this:
    “There’s no connection whatsoever between cholesterol in food and cholesterol in blood. And we’ve known that all along. Cholesterol in the diet doesn’t matter at all unless you happen to be a chicken or a rabbit.” Ancel Keys, Ph.D., professor emeritus at the University of Minnesota 1997.
    More recently, the fact that cholesterol in the diet has no impact on ‘cholesterol levels’ or CVD was reaffirmed. In 2015, the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee in the US, having reviewed all the evidence made this statement:
    “Cholesterol is not considered a nutrient of concern for overconsumption.”

  26. I'm looking for the link to the sources that this podcast talks about. I don't find them or a way to find them on the website. Point me in the right direction please!

  27. Didn’t they just do a study of tens of thousands of women over a long period of time and found that those with lower levels of LDL had the worst health outcomes?
    Why has chronic disease exploded over the past 5 decades while we’ve eaten half the red meat, half the milk, a little less eggs (according to govt data)?

  28. This site or source is not free from bias… it sounds like pro vegan bias.. good to be impartial and debate face to face with other views using solid research and epidemiological and demographic data , based in research as much as possible free from bias and open to scrutiny.

  29. Liver makes all the cholesterol you need thus it is not essential in your diet unless you want a heart attack. If you’re eating a whole food plant based diet and your LDL is still high you most likely are not eating a whole food plant based diet, but if you are then get checked for familial hypercholesterolemia.

  30. I think it would really help to have a list of points in the comments. Also instead of a podcast, maybe diagram some stuff on a whiteboard?

  31. All of this plant-based diet, but when you are older with CKD, and type one diabetes it becomes a battle with all the other metabolic issues…do you save your kidneys but die from malnutrition due to low protein but can not consume enough carbohydrates or protein to preserve muscles and have enough energy 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

  32. Been plant based for years and Cholesterol was good, forget the numbers, I think it was 138. In 2022, lots of stuff going on and I started eating a lot of oatmilk ice cream, some tofurky sandwich meat, and just before having blood drawn a few Burger King impossible meals in the days prior. I tested 209! Never seen it so high. Also VLDL up to 30! Liver enzymes elevated. Shot me back into reality. Never had such bad numbers. I got back on whole plant based, not 100% compliant as far as "whole" goes, always animal free though, retested, even had some wine a few days before test, cholesterol down to 166, no more elevated enzymes. VLDL still slightly up at 23. Cleaning up my act some more, I was reading that high saturated fat can also raise cholesterol. Basically, I'm thinking coconut fat used in impossible and ice cream jacked me up.

  33. What a totally confusing situation people are faced with now. Top (supposed) experts all extolling the virtues of their own certainty. Low Cholesterol is good & healthy…or High Cholesterol is misunderstood and wrongly blamed as the evil culprit. Who the hell are we supposed to believe these days, when the “gurus” sitting in opposite camps are so convinced they are right and so damned convincing to Joe Public?

  34. It’s not controversial so much as everyone is wrong to some to degree but are biased in their own personal experiences to admit they don’t know everything.

    There is some correlation with LDL and cardiac events and clotting, but high ApoB is failure of the lipoprotein system not cholesterol itself.

  35. Why do folks fight so hard against these concepts, these findings, these results, these improvements in human health without drugs?
    It works so easy for me, but the apparently disinformed apparently hate it. Why do they look at nutritional information if they have the answers and are satisfied with their health?

  36. Oh, I just love this common sense that explains my boring healthy life. I cannot and do not try and convert any of my fat unhealthy friends. Sad they will not be along side me in old age but everyone gets to choose. My mother died early from a blood disease and she chose that. She did not change her diet or exercise ever and didn't take her blood thinners. She was the Queen of Moderation which Dr. Greger says is a cause of death which is why I just don't. I eat a very healthy fresh fruit and veg lifestyle and keep the sugar and white flour OUT of the house. I cannot be trusted.

  37. I am so glad you said this about eggs raising cholesterol and the fact the stopping the eggs and the cholesterol levels in the body go down over & over & over again.

    My gosh I wish everyone could know h understand this especially thosenwho's health is impacted by cholesterol raising properties of eggs. Thank you 🤗

  38. The nay sayers just go on to argue that higher LDL cholesterol does not correlate to increased risk of heart disease.
    People will just believe want they want believe.

  39. Of course there are annoying exceptions.
    My husband has text book blood numbers and eats eggs and meat several times a DAY!
    Me, wfpb, can't get high cholesterol down. Genes, bummer. Might need to try statins…I'm 53

  40. Slam dunk, cholesterol murder by the animal farming industries, knowing exactly what they are doing to people. Surely a class legal case of hundreds or thousands of people affected by these animal product industries would be a public service.

    This happened to the tobacco industry,

  41. So, you say saturated fat is the bad thing and you say sat. fat comes from milk, then chicken, then pastries then pork then burgers. See 3.40 Glad beef is not on this list. One of the main reasons why the cholesterol debate goes on is because it is just not as simple as looking at the basic ldl number. And once one talks about the importance of particle size of ldl, the bulk of people and even doctors just glaze over and are lost.

  42. this is actually a dilemma; should we listen to the recommendations of the American Heart Association or an unscrupulous doctor whose only interest is to push his pernicious ideology?

    I'm still in favor of the AHA, at least their conclusions are supported by contemporary scientific evidence.

  43. Sorry, folks, but this podcast is a whitewash. Do you see any referenced studies? For the pronouncements made here, it's easy to find high quality recent research that refutes them. The broadstroke "cholesterol" in your diet or even in your plasma is not the problem.

  44. Cholesterol is a vital molecule. Without it, a human being would die. Cholesterol and LDL are two different things. There are in fact two types of LDL: type A and type B, the latter of which can trigger inflammation and cause damage to your endothelium (artery walls) when oxidized by sugar in your blood for instance. Dietary cholesterol and cholesterol produced by your body must be analyzed differently. What should be eliminated in your diet are not eggs but sugar. I will stop here …

  45. I can only tell from my experience – my father's first wife is now 102 years old. Her daily menu is 2 eggs and leftovers reheated on pork lard for breakfast together with a cup of compote made of dry apples, pears or plums, palm size bit of pork (chicken, beef) meat with (green or not) bean salad, potato or rye bread, buckwheat or millet porridge boiled in milk for dinner. A lot of fermented turnip, sauerkraut, quite often traditional home backed sweets with table spoon or more of lard added, coffee substitutes (mainly barley),..Keep in mind that we all wonder how is she capable of eating so small portions. As for me? For most of the days, I'm vegan (was very strict in veganism for at least 10 years) but I'll never denied the truth that there are persons with 100+ years out there who were not on a plant based diet not even for a day in their long life. Latest research in lipidomic suggests that number of cholesterol lipoproteins is more important then concentrations and partitioning of total cholesterol into subclasses. Keep that in mind too.

  46. The reason that scientists continue to look for answers is because we do not understand the complexity of this subject thoroughly. If a greater understanding is going to come, it will be via poking at and exploring all frontiers. If you truly want to impact your individual health, it starts with a thorough assessment of your particular health parameters which can be gathered through blood work, genetic testing and a reasonably thorough history of immediate ancestry. This should give enough insight to head in the right direction armed with information rather than relying on a point of view espoused on Youtube that cannot be applied to everyone.

  47. Its not cholesterol, it’s the inflammation in the arteries caused by sugars, etc. Get info from leading researchers like Dr Ford Brewer, who ran the Johns Hopkins preventive health program. He looks beyond cholesterol.

  48. LDL cholesterol comes in different forms; the very small LDL is dangerous, the large buoyant one not. Maybe this should be mentioned here.

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