Podcast: sale contro potassio

Troppo sale nella tua dieta? Non abbastanza potassio? Benvenuto a 99.99 club per cento. Questo episodio contiene l'audio di:
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48 Risposte a “Podcast: sale contro potassio”

  1. Informative as always but what I need is information on too much potassium! I'm plant based and my potassium levels remain higher than normal.

  2. Very interesting. When I started running ultramarathons I experimented with adding sodium to my liquid calorie drinks (during races and long training runs) and found that my stomach would get upset and my body would cramp. I then decided to try adding potassium to my drinks and found that my stomach felt much better and cramping greatly reduced.

  3. 1st and foremost Michael Gregor is not a qualified practicing medical professional. 2nd and most importantly this poor excuse of a man is completely misinforming all who choose to listen. I, and millions like me have stopped eating plants and since quitting them our health has improved immeasurably. Our digestive tract is evolutionary designed to eat meat. We are at our very core hyper-carnivore animals. Plant eating animals have completely different digestive systems to our own. I implore anyone who chooses to read this post, please do some reasearch but most importantly stop listening to this charlatan.

  4. NOoooooo! I LOVE salt! I eat a diet of veggies, fruit, legumes, seeds and nuts and some whole grains – but I love salt so much I always take it up again when I've tried to give it up.

  5. My grocery store has rows of sodium salt options from the standard iodized to the exclusive Himalayan pink. Way down, at the far left of the bottom row is but one lonely salt substitute—Morton’s potassium chloride. I’m making the switch. As an exerciser and prodigious perspirer, I have to worry about replacing electrolytes. It’s hard to know how much sodium I need so if I’m soaked after a run, I do have a bit of sodium, but it’s always balanced with more potassium.

  6. is this an unbiased site or a zealot pro vegan biased? I see they skip all evidence of the benefits of anything other than vegan.

  7. A few years ago I had a cardiogram done that came back with an irregularity, that after I googled what it was, I saw that it was due most likely to high potassium levels. Is that a thing? I was eating a lot of bananas and potatoes at the time.

  8. This is fantastic!!! I believe that people taking ACE inhibitors (A blood pressure medication) have a risk of retaining too much potassium in the blood when it is not from whole food sources. This is ironic as the people that could benefit the most from more potassium are those with hypertension!!?? Can you check me on this?

  9. Really? We evolved eating tons of plants? That is a blanket statement not supported by science. Eskimos? Inuits? Those who lived in the frozen tundra/ north regions where there was little to no plants. Those who lived in high mountain areas,…..

  10. Talk to your technical people. Your audio was breaking up when using my Chromecast on myTV. We had to stop listening, it was too annoying. Also the background music obscured your voice at the beginning of video.

  11. I guess I'm the exception to this. I'm under doctors orders to eat more salt. I have high potassium and low sodium.

  12. I was a bit confused at first, you seem to be getting salt (NaCl) and sodium (Na) mixed up. Salt is a compound of two very important electrolytes for the body. Sodium, where too much causes problems but too little is DEADLY, and chloride. Without chloride (3000mg RDI) we cannot produce enough stomach acid for proper digestion. I know of runners in endurance events who follow a low NaCl diet (following salt scare messages) needing to be hospitalised because of not enough Na in their system. Please don’t point out Na as bad and unnecessary. Please be balanced. Also are you aware that South Korea has the lowest rate per capita of death by heart disease of any country but consumes twice the recommended intake of NaCl. NaCl does not cause heart disease, but it is the imbalance of K and Na that causes high BP.
    I understand that substituting NaCl with KCl is a good move but please paint the whole picture of sodium.

  13. I love the Beyond Meat and Impossible Burger, plant based foods, but too bad they are too processed and too salty! Have to eat more fruits and vegetables. Question: does a higher increase of potassium counteract the body's intake of sodium? (They are both + ions).

  14. No doubt that “crappy food” is leading to I’ll health. But when we look at Japan post WWII while their sodium intake dropped as they adopted more western diets their stroke incidence fell while their heart attack levels increased… I’m not sure I’ll call miso, salted veg, seaweed, soy sauce, ect… just straight up “crappy food” from a processed food stand point

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