Podcast: stare bene al lavoro

Risulta che molte delle aziende per cui lavoriamo sono interessate alla nostra salute tanto quanto noi. Questo episodio contiene l'audio di:
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-return-on-investment-roi-for-employee-health-and -programmi-benessere/
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/workplace-health-and- programmi-benessere-messi-alla-prova/
Visita le pagine dei video per tutte le fonti e le note del medico relative a questo podcast.

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10 Risposte a “Podcast: stare bene al lavoro”

  1. Health care costs are out of control. Going WFPB vegan can save money, pain and suffering from disease.
    Lower your chance of high blood pressure, heart disease and cancer by going vegan. Hospitals, doctors offices and schools should be places where good nutrition is taught and provided not places that contribute to disease and obesity. It is crazy the hospitals are feeding people the very food that caused the heart disease, high blood pressure or cancer that they are treating. Every person in the hospital should receive some nutrition education before being released. Every doctor visit should be an opportunity to educate patients about how food choices impacts their health outcomes. The fact that doctors do not get nutrition training as part of their training makes no sense. Medicare and Medicaid should require nutrition education as part of patient care. Focus should be on food choices.

  2. Sure seems like Health Insurance Companies and Medicare would be receptive to a WFPB vegan message.
    It would save them money on health care costs. This could off set the lobbying by food manufacturers.
    Maybe educating health Insurance Companies and Medicare administrators should be a priority.
    Health Insurance companies might even push doctors to take nutrition more seriously by paying for nutrition counseling of patients.

  3. Our company had a BLUE ZONES presentation before COVID …. so many co-workers said "we don't want to be TOLD what to eat!" and so we did not adopt the Blue Zones. Sad!

  4. If you have never experienced this fusion devoid of self, it can be difficult to exist. The quantum soup is calling to you via expanding wave functions. Can you hear it? Although you may not realize it, you are interstellar.

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