Potenziamento dell'immunità ai tumori con il bagno nella foresta

Il bagno nella foresta può essere efficace come trattamento naturale del cancro? Visitare una foresta può indurre un aumento significativo sia del numero che dell'attività delle cellule natural killer, uno dei modi in cui il nostro corpo combatte il cancro.

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Il video che ho citato è .

Resta sintonizzato per il video di follow-up: Perché il bagno nella foresta aumenta la funzione delle cellule killer naturali? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/why-does-forest-bathing-boost-natural-killer-cell-function).
<br/> Per altri modi per migliorare la funzione immunitaria, dai un'occhiata a:
• Usare il corridoio di produzione per potenziare la funzione immunitaria (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/using-the-produce-aisle-to-boost-immune-function/)
• Preservare l'immunità dell'atleta con la clorella (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/preserving-athlete-immunity-with- clorella-2/)
• Benefici del tè verde per potenziare la funzione immunitaria antivirale (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/benefits-of-green-tea-for-boosting-antiviral-immune-function/)
• Come potenziare il tuo sistema immunitario con l'alga Wakame (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/How-to-Boost-Your-Immune-System-with -Alga Wakame)
• Il miglior cibo per prevenire le comuni infezioni infantili (http://nutritionfacts.org/vide o/Il miglior cibo per prevenire le infezioni dell'infanzia comuni)
• Il miglior cibo per contrastare la soppressione immunitaria indotta dallo stress (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Best-Food-to-Counter-stress-Induced-Immune-Suppression)

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62 Risposte a “Potenziamento dell'immunità ai tumori con il bagno nella foresta”

  1. Just wanted to share some love. Your videos and books are saving my life! Healed from fibromyalgia and Crohn's. Still working on MS, but getting stronger every day!! I cannot thank you enough. 🥰

  2. Would love to see some information on
    – Camu Camu Powder
    – Cordyceps Mushrooms
    – Lions Mane Mushrooms
    – Reishi Mushrooms.

    Too many websites out there speaking of the ‘possible’ benefits.

  3. Breathing in air from various ecosystems increases microbial biodiversity, which we now know is the very foundation of our immune system. I'm guessing it's that, along with perhaps some purely psychological effects like "ocular flow".

  4. So can we conclude that watching/listening to the simulated fish/water sounds at the end of Nutrition Facts videos also lowers our cancer risks? 😉

  5. I walk through the forest at least twice a week. The forest is life and death on display which is the cycle of life that has I believe an ability to ground a person which leads to relaxation.

  6. I’m not even going to tell my friends about that, because it sounds too crazy. I mean *I* believe it, but I’m already a Dr. Greger convert. 😁

  7. If thinking of forest bathing alone can reduce cortisol levels, it would be super interesting to see what effect meditations can have on the body – especially considering some of the testimonials of people who follow dr. Joe dispenzas approaches…

  8. Very interesting concept! Thank you for this! I will definitely try to incorporate this way of "day dreaming" into my everyday life! Sounds like a plan! 👌

  9. These studies are all in Japan. What steps were taken to account for cultural preferences and prejudices? What were the ages and occupations of the participants? What physical condition were they in? I think all these factors could bring significant weight to the results.

  10. Is this true for home gardens too? How about a small 800 sqft home garden? Does it help?

    PS: I feel relaxed going into my garden, compost pile etc , so just need Dr Greger's views

  11. What about YouTube vids like raining, campfires, fireplaces, ocean waves, babbling streams, etc? Probably meditation and petting cats or dogs too.

  12. yea taking b12 messes with my nature connection you nerds are just so disconnected from nature that you coant understand it, im native so my connection is extra strong

  13. Stanford researchers Robert Sapolsky & Jeremy Bailenson need to test whether bathing in immersive Virtual Forest can achieve the results on Cortisol levels as the real forest. I suspect VR cannot yet stimulate enough senses with stereoscopic video & ASMR. The FeelReal multisensory mask may be required to stimulate the olfactory receptors. But that Indigogo project is on hold for now (due to vaping restrictions & covid).

  14. Totally Awesome! Family vacations camping in the forest every summer when growing up. Loved it! I'm now decades older and I can feel those happy endorphins dancing in my head when I think about it! Again, thanks Doctor for your great info & presentation💕

  15. Too much talks about the perfect diet and the perfect way of living, and, at least to me, this guy looks like a sick person. We all got to be agree he is not precisely the image of youth and health, then, where does this knowledge Go?

  16. I've seen stories on these papers before. Kirsten Dirksen / Faircompanies did a video on this. The way it seems to work is hinoki japanese cypress pheromones in the air. It's a very interesting thing. It needs to be studied further.

  17. Beneficial on immune system… does this go so far as to possibly help fighting also Covid-19 symptoms / Coronavirus / cold / flu – and if so, to what extent (provided social-distancing and other safety measures are being practiced)? 🤔

  18. Important discovery here. I was feeling sick ones (inflamated throat glands), and instinctively decided to go on a walk in the forest: I felt completely fine almost right away. Thanks for your work.

  19. Im really looking forward to nutrition and modern medicine to catch up to energetic frequencies and how they affect the body, emitted from plants etc..

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