Preferiti del venerdì: benefici dell'uva per la salute del cervello

Il succo d'uva e l'uva intera vengono messi alla prova per la funzione cerebrale, compreso il declino cognitivo nell'Alzheimer precoce.

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Il video sui mirtilli che ho citato è Benefici dei mirtilli per il cervello ( -per-il-cervello). Ci sono anche benefici dei mirtilli per l'umore e la mobilità (<br/>
Cos'altro potrebbe aiutare a proteggere le funzioni cerebrali?
Teoria dietetica dell'Alzheimer (
Come rallentare l'invecchiamento cerebrale di due Anni (
Benefici del rosmarino per le funzioni cerebrali ( -Brain-Function)
Migliore erba per aromaterapia per l'Alzheimer (
https://nutritionfacts .org/video/Best-Aromatherapy-Herb-for-Alzheimers)
Come prevenire l'Alzheimer con la dieta (
I migliori alimenti per la mente : Bacche e noci messe alla prova ( -to-the-Test)
Cibi salutari per combattere l'invecchiamento (
Gli integratori di luteina aiutano la funzione cerebrale? (

Il video originale è andato in onda il 3 febbraio 2020

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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36 Risposte a “Preferiti del venerdì: benefici dell'uva per la salute del cervello”

  1. Couldn't it be argued (If I'm understanding this correctly), that the placebo grape group was causing the faster decline then the actual grapes?

  2. The research proved nothing. The chart at 3:33 is typical academic foolishness, showing "driving coherence" calculated to e.g. plus or minus 0.008. That's pure nonsense. Once again, nutrition research proves to be lousy.

  3. It's unfortunate they didn't include blood sugar in their measurements. that's the main thing holding me back from gulping down fruit juices directly. I haven't seen many studies trying to disentangle the blood sugar effects of coke vs fruit juice of various kinds vs eating fruits directly. There are lot of claims around how bad or good fruit juice is for the body. I wish this topic was laid to rest since it's pretty fundamental.

  4. The ending got me. As I watching the video, I was thinking, "what if we just eat the grapes?" We get the nutrients. And the fiber slows down the absorption of all at sugar.

  5. Be aware that grapes are dangerous to dogs. Eating only a few can cause kidney disease in dogs. I lost a wolfhound to this 20 years ago.

    I never have grapes, raisins, or anything contains grapes in my house. I tore out the grape vines we were growing at the time.

    Not worth any health benefit to people if it can kill your dog.

  6. The study at the end which showed the best results said '36g p.o. bid reconstituted in 8oz water'. If we want to replicate the results of the study for ourselves, does that mean we should eat only 36g of a mixture of red, green and blue-black grapes daily? Because that isn't much, it is only 19 calories, it seems wrong, how many whole grapes is 36g of grape powder?

  7. In Yogic philosophy, memory center near forehead chakra (ajna chakra to be specific) and Ajna chakra foods are purple grapes, kale, blueberries, blackberries, purple cabbage, goji berries, plums

  8. I love you. I’ve read all your books at least twice and have lost 210 pounds by your advice. I’ve also reversed my ed where I’m good for like 12+ times a day with my wife now. I wish more people knew about all this! Thank you thank you thank you!

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