Preferiti del venerdì: come acquistare, maneggiare e conservare il pollo

Il pollame è la causa più comune di gravi intossicazioni alimentari, seguito dal pesce e poi dal manzo. Ma le persone non sono più propense a ordinare i loro hamburger più rari dei loro sandwich di pollo? Il luogo principale in cui si verificano i focolai è la casa, non i ristoranti.

E il pollo biologico? Guarda i superbatteri nel pollo convenzionale vs. biologico ( Potrebbe interessarti anche Infezioni delle vie urinarie dovute al consumo di pollo (

Le infezioni dei polli possono essere particolarmente preoccupanti a causa degli antibiotici che usano nella produzione ea causa di alcuni dei patogeni specifici coinvolti. Scopri di più guardando i miei video Past the Age of Miracles: Affrontare un'era post-antibiotica ( -facing-a-post-antibiotic-age/) ed evitare il pollo per evitare le infezioni della vescica ( /video/evitare-il-pollo-per-evitare-le-infezioni-della-vescica/).<br/>
Che dire dell'intossicazione alimentare da cibi vegetali ? Vedi Intossicazione alimentare da norovirus da pesticidi (

Alcuni metodi di cottura possono aumentare il rischio di altre malattie. Dai un'occhiata, ad esempio, a Come ridurre l'ossidazione del colesterolo (

Per saperne di più sul ruolo del pollame nelle pandemie passate e future, guarda i miei video Come prevenire la prossima pandemia ( e Il COVID – La pandemia potrebbe essere solo una prova generale ( -pandemia-potrebbe-essere-solo-una-prova generale/).

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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51 Risposte a “Preferiti del venerdì: come acquistare, maneggiare e conservare il pollo”

  1. He’s telling this is for people who are not plant-based he’s trying to keep people from getting food poisoning. No matter what he says people are going to buy chicken no matter what he says we’re not gonna change people

  2. After seeing this video I think I’m going to wipe down my cart not just the handle but the inside too!Are usually disinfected the handle of my cart but after reading this I think I’m going to disinfect the whole thing where my food will go.

  3. Okay… gross! Thank god I´m a vegan!
    If I´d shop for a chicken, than this chicken would be alive, and it would be a tiny coat for my little feathered friend in this frosty winter days.😄

  4. Very interesting but the video would live up to its title if you added a segment at the end explaining in plain english what to actually do when handling chicken…

  5. I’ve been sporadic with wiping off carts at the store (I usually just carry and use my own bags in store, instead of a cart…I like the exercise of carrying my groceries). I’ll use more wipes!

  6. Very good point made in this video on the safety risks of eating dead chicken flesh. My one critique would be this title seems to imply there is a safe way to eat chickens. But there isn’t. Just be vegan. While I know a lot of non vegans watch this channel and we want people to be educated about food safety, there wasn’t one mention of just not buying chicken and eating plants, unless I missed it. Love this channel and movement so much ! Thank you for all the valuable resources for outreach!

  7. If you aren't yet, subscribe to’s free newsletter! Each issue includes a recipe and key takeaways on a particular health topic. And, as a thank you for subscribing, you will receive The Evidence-Based Eating Guide: A Healthy Living Resource. The guide is a tool designed to help make the switch to a healthier lifestyle more simple.

  8. Ughhhhh!!!! So glad I use those disinfectant wipes on the cart before I touch it! Wish gross people would quit eating disgusting things like body parts 🤮

  9. I'm so done with the mass murder of living, breathing, beautiful life every damn second. But I'm glad I know, and I'm glad I've changed, and I try to make a good impression on others.

  10. I can't really afford the added expense of a shopping service like Instacart, but I started using it during the peak of the pandemic and got hooked! It solved a lot of issues for me besides convenience, like not having to deal with s store full of disgusting dead animal parts and products, not having to walk past convenient temptations, having a permanent list of healthy favorites for repeat orders, and on and on.

  11. If no cutting board is safe…how can this be taken seriously? There has to be a way of knocking down the campylobacter just enough. I've read that diluted bleach works…

  12. This has always bothered me, the drippy disgusting meat packages getting that liquid on the checkout belt and then the clerk doesn’t clean it. 😢

  13. I'm vegan now but thankful that I only bought frozen chicken when I was a meat eater. Good god chicken is disgusting! Dead carcasses are gross in general though. Lol

  14. As a 100% raw vegan with loads of experience
    I take my chicken right out of the bag and put it into the pot, discarding the bag.
    BUT I don't usually separate the chicken during shopping (or during transportation),
    nor do I always wash or sanitize my hands after touching the bag. Thanks Dr. Greger, that information is gold!

  15. This whole “Don’t Wash Your Chicken” movement which materialised within the last couple of years is from Caucasians, sorry to be racial. It also makes no sense. America is a country which has NO SHORTAGE of disinfectants. From the dollar store to more expensive natural brands, to homemade, it exists to be used. OF COURSE YOU WASH YOUR POULTRY, even if it’s home raised. Have americans gotten so mind numbingly lazy that they can’t disinfect their kitchen surfaces? I spray and wipe my kitchen surfaces EVERY SINGLE DAY, no matter what I’m prepping and cooking. What weirds me out is that the good Doctor has bought into this as well, which is a bit sad. @3:08

  16. The Doctor is unfortunately a part of this "Don't wash your poultry" misinformation sect. A white paper can't reverse decades of experience. As a West Indian, I was brought up raising, prepping, and cooking chicken and duck. It is standard practice to wash your poultry, even home raised, prior to cooking. Then we disinfect the meat with lemon, lime, and or vinegar or ACV. After a few minutes then it's ready for cooking. I'm so confused as to what the american billion dollar disinfectant industry is for then? What is the billion dollar paper towel industry for? Don't people spray and wipe down their surfaces after food prep? I don't understand the agenda. Cooking and Cleaning is hard, but necessary. If you're too lazy to do that then enjoy Wendy's and Murder King, which will give you things that are worse than food bourne illness, like Hypertension and Diabetes. Don't listen to some goofball who penned a paper which was true but avoidable if you simply clean & disinfect your kitchen surfaces after food prep. This is only indulging this increasingly lazy culture.

  17. Hi, please someone or Dr Greger address this issue for people like me. Vegan doctors don’t talk about it. I am vegan from 2012, before that vegetarian for 30 years. Started to follow religiously whpb diet in August. Felt strange . Before that was partially junk food vegan but mostly ate good food. In September went for a month to visit my family in California. Ate vegan food on planes, at airports, drunk wine, coffee again, ate vegan tacos at Taco Bell and felt great. Came back home to my perfect diet and my health went nose dive again. I started auto immune diseases I never had before! I don’t want to stop my new way of eating but would appreciate some reassurance that I am not acquiring some horrible disease from my new diet and why do I feel so bad??????

  18. and as I saw today, the checker grabs the large chicken package with both hands, sets it on the bagging area, and proceeds to handle the next 7 items and then helps bag the remaining groceries. And then my groceries are handled and tossed down the bagging area. THE HORROR OF IT.

  19. Fact in the China Study the most comprehensive study on nutrition ever conducted by PhD T Colin Campbell wrote the most efficient protein that is 100% similar to our muscle tissue is human muscle tissue so if the argument is most efficiently absorbed protein we would all eat human protein because animals muscle is 98% similar to human muscle tissue its less efficient but more efficient doesn't mean it's doing anything good in fact the more efficiently absorbed the proteins the more efficiently tumours grow. Because plant proteins are slowly absorbed in various amounts in plants it's just the right level of rate of absorption of protein so yes it's a lower quality but that's actually how our bodies are designed to consume those plant proteins which do not encourage tumour growth.

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