Preferiti del venerdì: i semi di chia aiutano con il grasso della pancia?

Il segreto per sbloccare i benefici dei semi di chia potrebbe essere macinarli.

Il video a cui ho fatto riferimento è Quali sono i migliori: semi di chia o semi di lino? (

Per ulteriori informazioni sul lino, controlla:
• Semi di lino per l'ipertensione (https://
• Semi di lino e sopravvivenza al cancro al seno: prove cliniche (
• I semi di lino possono aiutare a prevenire Cancro al seno? (<br/> • Semi di lino contro cancro alla prostata (
• Semi di lino per il dolore al seno ( -dolore-seno/)
• Semi di lino vs. diabete (
• Semi di lino e prevenzione del cancro al seno (
• Benefici dei semi di lino per l'infiammazione (
• Quanto bene la cucina distrugge il cianuro nei semi di lino? (

Il rischio di Salmonella è un altro motivo per cui non dovremmo mangiare germogli di erba medica crudi e dovremmo diffidare del pollame. Vedi:
• Salmonella nel pollo e nel tacchino: mortale ma non illegale ( video/salmonella-in-chicken-turkey-deadly-but-not-illegal/)
• Salmonella di pollo grazie alla causa dell'industria della carne (
• Le fattorie adottive rispondono ai focolai di salmonella di pollo ( /foster-farms-responds-to-chicken-salmonella-focolai/)

E la Salmonella e le uova cotte? Dai un'occhiata a Total Recall ( e chi dice che le uova non sono sicure e sane? ( .

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38 Risposte a “Preferiti del venerdì: i semi di chia aiutano con il grasso della pancia?”

  1. I remember when this was first posted, and am still rolling my eyes about the hot dog gambit industry tried to use. If chia seeds are safe and could be beneficial, why not eat them, if one has the means to grind them up? Thanks for posting, NF!

  2. I soak chia seeds in water and keep them in the fridge and pour some into my smoothies. I throw it away after about a week if I forget to use it. Looks like Ill be grinding it up first. Maybe grind it and soak it in the same cup I'll do the smoothy in next morning so I stop wasting it. I also like to let my frozen fruit thaw overnight especially whole strawberries. Just to be easier on my blender.

  3. Warning: Chia seeds go through our digestive system rapidly. Avoid having them before you leave home training for a long marathon run. 😀

  4. Regardless of studies, it’s likely ridiculous to suggest that eating chia or any other food can result in weight loss. There are way too many valuables to make such statements. I also think it’s ridiculous to suggest that eating one thing will have any effect on how much or how little you eat afterward. There may be other good reasons to eat chia seeds, but doing so to lose weight is a stretch.

  5. I think any whole (not milled) seed will keep you full for a long long time. I find the explanation from your How Not to Diet book quite convincing.

  6. I want to say a big thanks to God for giving me a second chance in life through Doctor Elemomodu on YouTube who cured me from HPV with his herbal remedies, he has really proven to be a real doc. Contact him today and be cured too.

  7. Dr. G is a hero for offering his time and knowledge to the world with this channel and his excellent, concise informational videos.
    I keep hearing the argument being made against chia and flax seeds by very respected doctors with vast experience in the vegan nutrition field. They say these seeds can affect hormone levels in men and raise estrogen levels to an unsafe level, however they claim hemp seeds are the exception and are safe to consume on a daily basis. Can you please offer your opinion as to why there is such a split of good vs bad when it comes to chia and flax seed intake for men?
    I am 47 and living a vegan lifestyle for years now because of wonderful health benefits I experienced when removing meat and dairy from my diet when I turned 40. Now I'm more into maintaining my natural levels of testosterone to prevent the typical deterioration of that hormone which so many men around this age suffer from. People always comment how young I look when we play the "guess my age" game, and I can still pass for late 20s when I'm clean shaven. Thanks for reading my comment Dr. G 🙂

  8. What I’m curious to know, is how much absorption advantage there is for ground chia over pre-soaked chia. It seems like pre-soaked chia seed’s absorption may be somewhere between ground and whole, but I’m not sure excessively where it sits between the extremes. I consume LOTS of chia, but mostly pre-soaked rather than ground.

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