Preferiti del venerdì: il cibo vegano è sempre salutare?

Diete vegetali più sane rispetto a cibi vegetali malsani e cibi animali sul rischio di diabete.

Come medico, etichette come vegetariano o vegano mi dicono solo cosa non mangi, ma ci sono molti cibi vegetariani malsani, come patatine fritte e patatine e bibite gassate. Ecco perché preferisco il termine nutrizione integrale, a base vegetale. Questo mi dice cosa mangi: una dieta incentrata sui cibi più sani là fuori.

Il video che ho citato è Do Flexitarians Live Longer? (

E ci sono alcuni video popolari passati sulle diete a base vegetale: <br/> · I vegetariani assumono abbastanza proteine? (
· Quale dieta dovrebbero consigliare i medici? (
· Mangiare di più per pesare di meno (

· La dieta di Okinawa: Vivere per 380 (
· Restrizione calorica vs. diete a base vegetale (
· Diete a base vegetale e diabete ( -diete-e-diabete)
· Quale tipo di proteine ​​è meglio per i nostri reni? (
· Perdere due chili in una sola seduta: seguire il percorso mioscenico ( · Dieta a base vegetale s per migliorare l'umore e la produttività (
· La migliore dieta per i fibromi (
· Diete a base vegetale riconosciute dalle associazioni per il diabete (

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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22 Risposte a “Preferiti del venerdì: il cibo vegano è sempre salutare?”

  1. I quit drinking overnight by tipping what i had left down the sink, I had gone vegan the year before also overnight. I am now within my bmi and feel in better health both physically and mentally ❤
    I am now incorporating green smoothies for breakfast and lunch to get in more nutrients : )

  2. I know the “vegan meal” was meant to be over the top, but I know a vegetarian who eats exactly like that, mostly Cheetos and Oreos. As you might imagine, she is not the picture of health.

  3. So even vegan junk food with sugar has no effect on diabetes because carbohydrates increase insulin sensitivity. The opposite of what everyone thinks.

  4. why not include glycemic index as a measurement of healthy vegan foods? video ends with a picture of french fries and ketchup…next it will be a pack of cigararettes…who the f is editing these videos?

  5. nothing surprising here. I'm vegan primarily for political reasons, a pretty typical "beer&chips vegan", because I don't often have the mental energy to do the dishes and cook just to feed myself (and alcohol, well, it gives me something to do on lonely weeknights). I'm hoping this will improve slightly after I'll finally be moving into an apartment with space for a dishwasher and a full sized freezer later this autumn.

  6. HaHa–hells to the no.
    Oreo's are "vegan". "Vegan" is used in marketing to sell garbage foods-and apparently some folks don't care about that aspect. I am not one of them.

  7. Actually there is no 'vegan' diet.

    Veganism or a vegan is someone who has made a moral choice not to participate in the exploitation of animals. A vegan will not consume, wear, or own animal products. As such it is a moral stance on how one relates to God's creatures. Veganism is not a focus on personal health. A vegan can smoke, take drugs, eat greasy potato chips, and drink sugary coca cola all day long and still be a vegan. If you wear a feather in your hat or have leather seats in your car, you are not 'vegan' even if you are on a WFPB diet.

    This over gesticulating, over acting, and breathy snob Dr. still does not know the difference.

  8. 70% of the Standard American Diet are made from Vegan ingredients, processed grain, sugar and seed oils. Those 70% are why people are metabolically dysfunctional and diseased because they damage our whole food digestive system and liver flooding our system with pure concentrated fuel. Animal products, vegetables and fruit in whole food form are slowly digested and are not the problem.

  9. Thank you for being the dedicated, thoughtful, and compassionate doctor that you are, you are more honest than I imagined, thank you so much Dr Ofenmu Yotube Channel for curing my genital warts, you are amazing.

  10. The Vegan Standard American Diet (VSAD) Err.. Very SAD diet… is certainly quite debilitating if not deadly. Sadly, I have colleagues in the plant-based space that are ethical vegans and I love them for this, but they are morbidly obese. They can barely breathe, have joint pain and back pain, can barely walk from one place to another. I wish they would take better care of themselves as we need all the positive and motivational voices of plant-based experts we can muster in this battle for the animals, for the biosphere, and for our health.

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