Quando trollare un vegetariano si RITORNO DI FIAMMA (Rimpianto istantaneo)

Tizio trolling vegetariano viene assolutamente fatto saltare

Video originale di @TheVictimsPerspective : https://youtu.be/Ia-AzYWEKYg

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——— —-Video e risorse per conoscere il veganismo————-

Dominion: https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko
Land Of Hope And Glory (Regno Unito): https://youtu.be/dvtVkNofcq8
Unholy Cattle (India ): https://youtu.be/22bCIsh3oh8
Compspirazione: https://youtu.be/dSjE8xw_-Dg
I rivoluzionari (Netflix)
Forks Over Knives (Netflix)
Risorse nutrizionali: https://nutritionfacts.org/

#vegetariano #vegano #davidramms

82 Risposte a “Quando trollare un vegetariano si RITORNO DI FIAMMA (Rimpianto istantaneo)”

  1. you are free to eat what you want and the same goes for me… i don't try to make you eat meat you don't try not to make me eat it

  2. Bro no one has a say in what you eat me personally I eat meat you can be vegetarian or vegan just don't try and force it down our throat

  3. Gawd I remember the credit I got for being vegetarian in the 1990s, I was like hardcore, but nowadays, it's like saying you ran a marathon, when for all but a mile of it you got a taxi.

  4. I am a meat eater but I think that trolli ng is wrong i like eating animals for my nutrition but no more then I have to and I am a hunter so I do population control and put that animal to good use and ngl vegan burgers are pretty good

  5. 200 years ago you could replace the word "animals" with "black people", "Owning black people as slaves is okay because it's legal and we're superior to them"

  6. Yea you know humans definitely not superior like all doctors on the planet are probably some lizards maybe? All those scientists are probably cows

  7. Damn this is powerful! My bacon sandwich nearly went cold because I watched it twice. Nevermind I'll just go buy another one. Maybe with some sausage and eggs to compliment it

  8. Not this again..
    Okay, people. Go look up the pros and cons of each. And I'm not talking from other vegetarians/vegans. Actual research papers and statistics.
    Pesticides, CO² emissions from cargo planes, killing off native species of plant and animal life just to keep their precious strawberries safe. Strawberries that get bought, then thrown out by the end of the day because of a small blemish.

    No matter what you do, you're still buying your groceries from companies who are literally destroying the environment, torturing and killing animals, and using slave labour to make your products.

    "Oh yeah, I'm vegan." They say, with their latest IPhone, made in china bag, and animal tested beauty products. Acting all high and mighty because they "saved an animal's life." When nature would have killed it the same way, or worse.

    I'm just trying to live my life like everyone else! Mind your business!

  9. I love watching all these vegans getting all passionate, telling me I’m a psychopath because I eat meat, and I’m like dude, I really don’t care.

  10. Yes bro. Please, everyone reading this, please turn vegan, also, turn gay too please (but only if you are a guy). I will sacrifice, i will take all of the meat and girls for me while you guys can go and have fun 🗿

  11. I’m against the way we treat our livestock & the mass production but there’s not enough long term evidence to prove this diet is better. I’m also convinced, most strong arguments vegans have is the cruel treatment of our food, because it still is food for me & many others, has been for millennia.

  12. I feel no sympathy. Animals taste amazing. Especially small ones. Farmers kill more while farming, than I do for source. Feel bad for that $hit. Kurt Cobain said: fish ain't got no feelin's 💨🤷🏻🤣

  13. If murder was legal thanos would never need to snap so killing animals is no big deal it’s legal so we do it

  14. Vegans are the dumbest people on the planet. These videos are great at providing comedy for me to watch, laugh, and make fun of these lunatics.

  15. And as the farmer plows the fields to plant your soy beans for your tofu he kills every rabbit, ground squirrel, possum, field mice, snakes, groundhogs, and every other living creature in those fields and then they poison the land to kill what they haven’t And during the growing process they spray more poison to kill every insect so you people are actually still killing animals but you are too stupid to know

  16. Vegans and vegetarians are responsible for killing thousands of Multiple kinds of animals and do not even know it because that’s how uneducated the people are. And they are responsible for the land being poisoned and every plant-based food they eat is loaded with poisonous pesticides

  17. ⚠️TO ALL VEGANS⚠️ Unless you farm your own food, you're still supporting the killing of animals. Farmers kill hundreds of thousands to protect your veggies and tofu. Your almond milk kills land. You're only making it worse. Get a farm and grow your own food if you want to be a true vegan.

  18. They should try this again with everyone being mad at Logan Paul supposedly neglecting his pet pig. “People should be able to abuse their pig if they want “ everyone mad.. then you talk about bacon..

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