Quanto ancora vivi con le statine?

Quali sono i pro e i contro del rischio relativo rispetto al rischio assoluto rispetto al numero necessario da trattare rispetto al rinvio medio della morte assumendo colesterolo- ridurre le statine?

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Questo è l'ultimo della mia serie in quattro parti sulle statine. Se ti sei perso qualche puntata, dai un'occhiata a:
• Chi dovrebbe prendere le statine? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/who-should-take-statins)
• Sono I medici ingannano i pazienti sui rischi e sui benefici delle statine? (https://nutritionfacts.org/topics/are-doctors-misleading-patients-about-statin-risks-and-benefits)<br/> • I veri benefici rispetto agli effetti collaterali delle statine (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-true-benefits-vs -effetti-laterali-delle-statine)

In precedenza ho prodotto una serie correlata sugli stent, tra cui:
• Le procedure di angioplastica con stent cardiaco funzionano? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/do-angioplasty-heart-stent-procedures-work/)
• Perché gli stent cardiaci per angioplastica non funzionano meglio (
http://nutritionfacts.org/video/why-angioplasty-heart-stents- non-funzionano-meglio)
• I rischi degli stent cardiaci (
http:/ /nutritionfacts.org/video/the-risk-of-heart-stents)
• Rischi e benefici dello stent cardiaco per angioplastica (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/angioplasty-heart-stent-risks-vs-benefits)
• Le procedure con stent cardiaco funzionano per il dolore toracico dovuto all'angina? (
• Perché si usano ancora gli stent se non funzionano? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/why-are-stent-still-used-if-they-dont-work)
• Stent cardiaci e upcoding: come i cardiologi manipolano il sistema (http: //nutritionfacts.org/video/heart-stent-and-upcoding-how-cardiologists-game-the-system)

Tutti questi video sono disponibili come download digitale di un webinar che ho tenuto l'anno scorso, che include anche la serie di stent. Puoi trovarlo qui (https://drgreger.org/collections/videos/products/how-effect-are-statins-and -stents-digital).

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-much-longer-do-you-live -on-statins e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

Vuoi ottenere un elenco di collegamenti a tutte le fonti scientifiche utilizzate in questo video? Clicca su Fonti citate su https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-much-longer-do-you-live- on-statine. Troverai anche una trascrizione e riconoscimenti per il video, il mio blog e il programma del tour di conferenze e un modo semplice per cercare (anche per lingua tradotta) attraverso i nostri video che coprono più di 2, 000 argomenti di salute.

Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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56 Risposte a “Quanto ancora vivi con le statine?”

  1. Medicine works folks! It's silly to be anti medicine and of course you are absolutely bonkers if you refuse to get vaccinated.Change your diet to vegetarian AND take your medicine.

  2. Is he saying everyone lives 10 more years who takes the drug.
    Also who did this statistical report. Oh yea pharma. Cause our government trusts they’re not in it for the money.
    We have become sheep. Maaaaa

  3. Every year you take the drug compounds the likelihood of the side effects either killing you or making life a living hell. The question is how much money does Merck make if you stay on statins?

  4. Sounds like a well-balanced approach; take your statin if indicated and switch to a plant-based diet. Surely the benefits would be even higher when combined.

  5. You are what you eat.
    Obesity in children and adults is rising across the world.
    Eat a healthy plant based diet and exercise regularly.
    Reduce or eliminate cows milk, eggs, cheese and meat. Eat more salad greens, beans, fruit and vegetables.
    Every adult and child should own a bicycle and ride it regularly.
    Regular exercise will help you sleep better. Yoga is a great stress reducer.
    Obesity is all too common today. Get off the couch. Get off the phone, ipad or video game.
    A variety of stretching and other exercises help with increased mobility.
    Ride to work, ride to school, ride for fun.
    Every city should be a bicycle city.
    Speak up for bicycles in your community

  6. I believe the problem is OXIDIZED LDL, especially when it interacts with CRP, it is not LDL per se. LDL is important for a lot of things. Several foods can lower oxidation of LDL and/or lower RCP.

  7. But at what point does the diminished risk become irrelevant? LDL of 60? 50? How about 40? In other words, how low an LDL below which there are virtually no benefits?

  8. Statins are poison they deplete your COQ10 levels which greatly increase the risk of many diseases. To lower your bad cholesterol eat whole foods, exercise regularly (even walking is better than nothing) Also take plant sterols and garlic these both will help cholesterol levels fall futher.

  9. Statins destroy liver function, brain cells, heart cells [ironic!] and all muscle tissue, and CoQ10 [energy]. They totally emaciated my grandfather and nerfed his energy and mind. Yeah he "lived" a long time but it was a living death until he was disabled by weakness and gave up. Only an idiotic coward takes statins, especially since you can avoid cholesterol issues by going vegan.

  10. 65 yo. I eat whole food plant based, exercise, and have been on 20mg statin for about 15 years. Doc says it's preventative to keep my LDL low. Not diabetic or overweight. Fingers crossed.

  11. "taking statins can enable one to live years longer"… so we have a missing comparison here… for someone like myself, who does well with Policosanol, what are the relative time-frame benefits of one vs the other? But perhaps more importantly, what are the relative side effects of each? Statins cause muscle weakness in many people, myself included. The immunosuppressants I'm on, also cause muscle weakness, so combining them together, makes it very hard to exercise.
    This whole video just reminds me of the line in school… how to lie with statistics. Too much is ignored (conveniently) by the story teller.

  12. Moderator waits until the very end, to point out that fresh raw fruits and vegetables are far better than statins. A conclusion I concur with.

  13. Apparently many commenters didn't complete the video or ignored the conclusion where WFPB eating is noted at being superior in many ways. I don't think Dr. G is pushing pills here, just giving some breakdown of these numbers that are shoved at us, without explanation in most cases.

  14. Watching this video, I was reminded of an old Mark Twain joke which went something like "I was reading a German mystery novel, and I was completely lost about who the murderer was until I got to the last page, where I found all the verbs". I thought Dr. Greger had changed careers and started shilling statins for big pharma, until the last few seconds when he came back a full circle to the benefits of plant based diets. Phew!!

  15. every statin i have taken had negative side effects. so my risk benefit calculation: 100% chance of brain fog/flatulence/joint stiffness/muscle weakness vs a small possibility of life extension.

  16. In my opinion, cholesterol-lowering medications should only SUPPLEMENT a healthy diet, not replace it. As far as I know, nobody has ever died from an overdose of broccoli.

  17. I have two questions/problems with taking statins:

    1. Do we reduce cholesterol so much that we cannot make Vit. D from sunlight effectively?
    2. Dr. Gregor hasn't discussed the issue of higher incidence of diabetes among statin takers here. I've read it's significant.

    A further issue is that the benefits of statins are not evenly distributed: some may live several years longer, others only a few months or not at all.

  18. I note that dietary interventions in that paper say they work ‘including plant based’ so other dietary interventions also work. We have seen that with the Mediterranean diet. Seems that it’s the inclusion of a lot of vegetables and some fruit in any diet lowers disease, avoid processed foods and you increase the effect. There is also the conflation with weigh loss as vegans have a lower BMI. Hunter gatherers across the world all eat meat but the vast majority also eat a lot of plants and all of it unprocessed and don’t stuff themselves to the point of overweight. They have very low CVD. I think you have to be careful not to push the idea that vegan diets are the only way you can have robust health through diet. It’s simply not true.

  19. Have you considered looking at human health related evidence for cholesterol effects of cyclodextrins (specifically i believe 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin)? Came across this through a TED talk by Hugh Hempel who had gotten access to this for his daughters' rare genetic neurological disease…

  20. If you reduce your daily consumption of cholesterol from 300 to 200, all of these experts will congratulate you. Meanwhile, your liver has produced about 3,000. If you fail to consume enough, your liver will compensate by producing more. Cholesterol is the major ingredient of your immune system and is a part of every cell in your body. Statins are dangerous but they make huge profits for the drug pushers. That's why all of the scare tactics. When you get a test of your lipids, you can ignore everything in the report except triglycerides. Learn about the actual science of this. You'll save money and lower your stress level. BTW, though they don't know why, 2 studies have shown that suicides spike among people suffering from chronic depression when their level drops below 150.

  21. Thank you, Dr. Greger. This is the kind of honest look at drugs and lifestyle that people need to see and understand.

  22. Statins destroy CoQ-10 and that's just why I quit it.
    Niacin not only boosts NAD+ levels but cuts down Lp(a) and small-LDL particles. I chose that.

  23. My husband and I have been 100% vegetarian for 49 years. We are both in our early 70s now. I had a CAC scan in 2017 and it was 107 (not good). My husband's score was zero (perfect!). We ate essentially the same diet. I took a statin for 2 years due to that CAC scan but it made me limp around everywhere. Also the plaque in my arteries increased 85% in that two years. My new CAC score was 193. I stopped the statins. The limp went away. I continued to take K2, D3, magnesium and aged garlic. In two more years, the plaque in my arteries decreased 18% for a CAC score of 164. My conclusion is that for some people statins can increase the arterial plaque. My last cholesterol test was 249. My new doctor is allowing me to try turmeric for that. I also added lecithin which is supposed to decrease cholesterol. I won't know until 6 months. Regardless, the K2, D3, magnesium reduced plaque. I know the calculations of HDL and total cholesterol can say you have a very bad chance of a heart attack. I just don't know why if plaque is being reduced or like my husband, if he has no plaque. (I should add that I have absolutely no body pain anywhere. I also exercise 5 days a week.)

  24. And if it gives you Alzheimer's, who wants to live longer? In most cases, a diet change could solve this problem. My goal is to be on no pharmaceutical drugs on a daily basis. Almost all the problems with People's Health in this country start with too much sugar and bad diet.

  25. NONSENSE. If only you vegans would tell the truth. Statins have NNT 218, NNH 68 – you need AR to calculate and using NNT/NNH when making medical and dietary decisions makes the risks much clearer than RR with it's inflation of infinitesimal differences into monumental lies. Quit with the Statin BS – they're horrible drugs no one should take.

  26. Dr. Gregor is a fanboy for the food pyramid: eat excessive carbs/sugars (juices), breads, pastas and too many fruits (fructose) and avoid healthy fats (as a larger part of total daily calories). My own health has improved significantly and I reversed pre-diabetes/metabolic syndrome /fatty liver with a ketogenic diet rich in leafy green vegetables, root vegetables low in carbs/high in fiber, some colorful vegetable fruits, small servings of meat and fish and plenty of healthy oils and fats (e.g. EVO), and occasional small portions of colorful fresh fruit in season. My triglycerides plummeted, my HDL raised to a healthy level and my small LDL dropped to a healthy range. My gut health improved and my allergies went a away. Statins lower all cholesterol at the expense of proper/optimal function of the body. My observation is the Dr. Joel and the AMA have no concept of food as medicine and are stuck in their roles as purveyors of pills for big pharma; good at addressing trauma but short sighted in getting to prime causes and cures of disease.

  27. By the way when a medical body has declared that fat is not substance of concern, meaning the entire story from fat causes heart attack (as declared by the then surgeon general when a president got a heart attack and he loved his fries) to cholesterol to lipids to HDL and LDL and good fat and bad fat is big fiasco, whether statins need to be prescribed at all.

    Go to the basic question, whether lipids in blood need to be reduced at all. Apparently yes because all these pharma companies and pharmacies will go bankrupt and pharmacists will end jobless if docs stop prescription of statins. Apparently that seems to be the bottom line.

  28. yes, if you are like most middle class, live longer and increase your chances of dying alone and neglected in a nursing home while the state forces the sale of your home upon your death to recoup some of the expense. well done America!

  29. Do the side effects make the quality of life not worth the extra time? What other desease is created by the drug that would make life not worth living? Standing the drug side by side with lifestyle changes that have no bad side effects would be where the truth is.

  30. This is the best video you’ve ever done. The ironic thing is your other videos created the impression that statins were more bad than good. I am splitting the difference and am taking crestor 5mg 2x a week and also after any particularly heavy meal like a party or thanksgiving.

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