Questa università non ti mostrerà i fatti nutrizionali del tuo cibo perché è troppo scatenante!?

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#moreplatesmoredates #university #dieta

100 Risposte a “Questa università non ti mostrerà i fatti nutrizionali del tuo cibo perché è troppo scatenante!?”

  1. I actually go to this university and from what I can tell this is just an opinion piece and doesn’t reflect a policy change. I don’t know where this guy read that UBC would withhold nutritional info this year. For what it’s worth, they always gave as much info as could be expected when I lived on res.

  2. My cafeteria said that each slice of pizza was 18 calories and 10g of protein. I had to tell them how wrong they were and then they apologized and fixed it lol (it was actually like 300 calories)

  3. Ahahahahahaha do I trust my fu*ked up brain- "fuck NO!" 😂🤣😅😆 I know right. Drugs & alcohol also make people feel good, let's just all get fuc*ed up & FAT!

  4. I'm a male dietitian who has dealt with this topic of conversation professionally for the past 10-12 years. Nice to see it coming mainstream. 97% of dietitians are female. Look up the demographics statistics on the CDR website. They care so much about equality until a man joins a women's field. No one celebrates me. No one cares. I'm hated. I'm attacked with all their man hating projections.

  5. "people have eating disorders"
    "people should follow their intuition"

    you dont get to have it both ways…. or have i forgotten to take my crazy pills?

  6. Just buy my products intuitively! Don't worry about the cost. Prices could be triggering. I want you to have a pleasant relationship with my bank account!

  7. I am living in Austria, were nearly no restaurants display calories or macros of their meals. (Only in fast food places you can find them online)
    On my last few holiday trips in other countries, I was surprised to see nutritional infos in the menus of nearly every restaurant.

  8. "Intuitive eating" only really works for people who eat A LOT of low calorie, nutrient dense whole foods like non starchy vegetables and legumes. These fill you up with a combo of a lot of fiber and nutrition.

    But how many people actually do this? My friend used to complain about lack of energy, being tired, etc, and I watched her eat a crap ton of rice, pasta, etc with a little bit of vegetables, and I tried to tell her she was eating way too many carbs and was getting sugar extremes. Told to put more veggies and/or protein (and a little fat) in there, and less carbs, it would help her a lot. She never listened to me, but then she found a doctor and/or nutritionist who does a podcast, and she basically said the same thing as me, and now she listens to her (go figure).

  9. Here me out , Healthcare and Big Pharma want the Masses to stay Fat so that long term they have health issues and keep feeding their Machine

  10. Being skinny triggers me. Causes violent behavior. Can I sue my government for making steroids illegal and making it harder for me to reach my goal….?🤔

  11. That's freakin nutz. As someone who had an ED during my college years, I knew full well it was not the food that was the trigger. It was how I was dealing with life. It's not the food dumbarses. It's the fact that you are using something external to deal with internal issues. Get professional help.

  12. Lol she's a dietician saying fuck looking at calories. It's like when you find out AOC has a degree in economics. How are these people getting these damn degrees?

  13. At 31 years old and after lifting and tracking macros for roughly 10 years, I’m confident about my “intuitive eating “ but still check in with a scale every couple weeks. This “calories are triggering” thing is bs. You’re triggered because you know you’re fat and know you shouldn’t eat the pasta dish. You can’t deny reality and the consequences of reality.

  14. Okay, can we ban tall buildings, cliffs, spiders, snakes, sharks, clowns, large objects, objects that contain a bunch of holes, small objects, elevators, stair cases, small spaces, large spaces, loud noises, silence, dogs, cats… you get the point

  15. Yeah, Magic Spoon. $10 for a box of cereal. Real cute how they tell you it's less than $2 per serving. Fools! The whole box is a serving! Too much money!

  16. How the hell is she a dietician? Imagine a pulmonologist saying that ciggerate packets must take away their warning labels because they are triggering.

  17. It makes sense if you know roughly what macro / calories food contains and when you have an option between A and B and your current state, it's easy to choose.

    You won't have a 6 pack for sure that way, but you won't be overweight. (I personally lost 30 pounds that way)

    You still need to be in calorie deficit at the end of the day and validate your level of activity vs the food you take in.

  18. I never read the caloric content since I only cook at home, and ear homemade meals.

    And I know how to cook, do I know that everything that I cook is healthy and low calorie.

    But yeah, if a restaurant doesn't have a caloric content chart posted… I wouldn't eat there.

  19. 2:29 the "we eat for comfort and joy […] we have tastebuds for a reason!" has to be the stupidest thing anyone has ever written. You have tastebuds, so you don't eat something that's outright toxic or just rotten, not for your joy and comfort, that's how you get obese.

  20. I’m gonna take a wild guess and they don’t want people to know animal
    Products are light years away from plant foods in terms of nutrition. It’s what they’ve been peddling for ages and now in the age of information people can find out for themselves and they don’t like the peasants being too educated. Perhaps I’m wrong but that was my first though after seeing the title

  21. I'm sure magic spoon is great but it's also ridiculously expensive for Canadians. Prices for a single box of cereal come to around $15 when you calculate shipping and exchange rates.

  22. Derik.. A suggested topic is Phalates and lower testosterone and sperm counts globally.. They are super prevalent endocrine disrupters.. Permanent if it happens during pregnancy.. And everything with fragrance also adds to this. So it overlaps with your male improvement interest as well as hormonal health.. Dr. Shanna Swan is the researcher and has been on Rogan as well.. A good shorter interview is on the YouTube channel Unherd as well. It’s scary stuff!! Please do a deep dive and possible avoidance strategy.. 👍

  23. When i had an ED i would read just about every word of every nutrition label, i know a lot of other people who also had EDs would do the same

  24. New editor? Your videos got so much more watchable. When I first came across you I was impressed by your unmatched knowledge as is everyone, but at some point in each video tuned out due to the side-reeling rants that derailed the actual topic of the video. Good stuff

  25. Really random question, I've been getting into watching arm wrestling content from Larry wheels channel. I've noticed most of the arm wrestlers have insane hand sizes, even for there height. Levan, Dave Chaffee, Ermes, Alex Kurdecha. Dave has the weirdest hands I think, he's only 6,2 about 275. His overall hand is wider, and more thick than Kurdechas hand. And Kurdecha is 6,7. So does HGH or something else increase hand size? Or making there hands wider?

  26. I live in Germany and literally no restaurant I’ve ever been to has their calorie’s on the menu. This makes it almost impossible to stick to your daily calorie goal when you eat not at home.

    Yet again we make another step back for our society to satisfy a minority.

  27. Derek, I’d love for you to talk about melatonin and supplementing it and it’s possible effects on natural sleep and hormone levels. I’ve struggled with sleep forever and melatonin helps get to sleep and stay asleep but idk how it affects my hormone levels

  28. I would like you to cover the subject of Arnolds heart condition – due to PEDs or not, is he lying or telling us the truth ????

  29. Holy shit. Not every fucking thing is this life is supposed to be Disney land. You wanna eat cake on your birthday or whatever ENJOY. But you can't do this every fucking day. Jesus. I'm triggered now

  30. If you're the kind of person triggered by nutritional facts, then you are probably the one who needs to open your eyes to this information the most. Back when I ate whatever I wanted all the time, I would carefully avoid looking at the nutritional facts because I knew it would make me feel bad and guilty. The thing is, I needed to feel bad and guilty because eating that much all the time was ruining my body. When I finally stopped hiding from the truth, I acknowledged where I was and was finally empowered. It was no longer, "I'm just destined to be this way" but "I am eating way over my needs. I can choose to eat less and my body will be different, better." And it worked.

  31. This reminds of the time that I was at my buddies place after a training session and his gfs fat vegan friend came in and began to lecture me about my post workout meal of steak wraps and big bowl of sweet potato with butter on it. She was trying to tell me that my "bro science" eating was terrible for me and the wrong way to live, that I could have so many other avenues that boosted my personal happiness and didn't inflict suffering on the planet. Apparently happiness and enjoying food should be the main goals of eating.

    This girl was like 5ft4 and 200lbs and I weighed around the same except I'm 6ft and was sitting around 11% bodyfat. Working a semi labor job, training 6 days a week and sprint work 3 nights a week and I'm being lecture by someone that resembles a fat deconditioned hobbit. It's exactly that sort of demented mindset that the universities allowed into their positions of authority that green light this type of idiotic nonsense.

  32. “Liberate women” they said, “it will improve society” they said, “women can handle college, the work place, and politics” they said.

  33. It's so selfish to assume that everyone care about their health. Maybe I'm counting macros for performance and health takes a second or third priority

  34. A general rule I have come across is if anybody ever talks about their "relationship with food", they are probably clueless and just want to be glutinous

  35. This week: Intuitive eating is the way to go!
    Next week: I'm overweight ("heinously obese" is triggering) and I don't know why.
    The week after: Why you are overweight and how it isn't your fault.

    Calories are how much energy something gives your body. WRONG! Calories are how much energy you get burning something. Vodka is high cal but you body can't really use those calories so if you live off only vodka, you lose weight fast and eventually die, if you do not stop, or at least eat a sandwich here and there. I'm not recommending this as the way to lose 10lbs a week.

    Hey, if some university wants to kill some diabetics so some fats can feel better about their terrible life choices.. wait what? Do they also hide the ingredients to avoid triggering someone who wants to eat deep fried sugar but pretend it is broccoli, rice and chicken? I guess that will clear out your food allergy students.

    Intuitively the hardware store has gallon cans of nacho cheese for ~8$ right next to the corn chips. I can get intuitive on those in a heartbeat (I'm not sure how long those heartbeats continue with nachos as my new diet). Pizza, so much meat lovers with extra pepperoni and sausage, and cheese. 32 oz steaks! 10$ box of 30 corn dogs from Costco a better lunch or dinner? 3 Double Whoppers with cheese for lunch? Challenge accepted! I can Intuitively eat in front of the TV now? Nacho machine on one side for sure. I can Intuitively buy a donor machine off craigslist and eat gyros 24×7 now? OMG I forgot donuts exist, I'm going to eat so many of those. Ribs and more BBQ, I'm going to have so much of that. My body weight in chicken wings for breakfast? Hells yes! Mountain Dew, how I missed you, hopefully you are as good as I remember. Brownies, a whole, pan, light snack! Oh chocolate chip cookies, I used to love those, I shall eat rack after rack of them, I'm heating the oven right now.

    Ummm, I think I may see a problem with Intuitively making my food choices.

  36. Holy shit, this was triggering.

    The 'Creators' of intuitive eating?! Do these morons think they invented eating? Thats how people eat.

    Food meant to be enjoyed?! I love food, and I love enjoying it, but it's literally meant to keep you alive. Meant as fuel.

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