Questo è il tuo cervello sull'antiveganismo

Mai fare l'anti-veganismo ragazzi, nemmeno una volta

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———– –Video e risorse per conoscere il veganismo————-

Land Of Hope And Glory (Regno Unito):
Unholy Cattle (India):
Cowspiracy: https:/ /
I rivoluzionari (Netflix)
Forks Over Knives (Netflix)
Risorse nutrizionali:

#antivegan #vegan #DavidRamms

49 Risposte a “Questo è il tuo cervello sull'antiveganismo”

  1. A lot of carnists don't know this, but humans also eat the meat that cows eat, and since the humans eat the cow which was vegan, this means eating a human is also vegan

  2. LOL! Chances are, the cow isn't even vegan unless they were strictly controlled. Starvation is the #1 killer in nature and animals will do anything to avoid that. That means herbivores eat animals all the time. Deer walk around eating birds and even human bones. And factory farmed cows have DEFINITELY been fed animals, including cannibalism. So, sorry, but gotta eat plants to be vegan.

  3. Cows are vegan because their physiology is herbivorous. Humans should eat plant-based because their physiology is frugivorous. Simple.

  4. Firstly, obviously a poor attempt at a joke. Secondly, what has he done to that meat?! Looks like it's been cooked outside, but what a mess. Even his carving is clumsy.

  5. Killing livestock is not some random deed that a person does. It’s purposeful, deliberate, and carefully planned and thought out. Certain animals have been selected for slaughter well before the deed is done, and while they are alive and being cared for to the best of that caretaker or owner’s ability. What many people don’t seem understand or are on the fence about is that these animals that deserve to be given the best life and care possible, also deserve the best death possible. To some I may sound like I’m trying to justify the “horrific” act of killing animals, but tell me what you would prefer: Dying slowly and painfully with an incurable injury or disease or being ripped apart alive by a predator, or dying so quick and sudden that you experienced virtually no pain and no stress and didn’t even know what hit you?

  6. You do know animals will die if we kill them or not also humans are omnivores the only animal that's a omnivore but chooses to only eat plants is a panda and they are top 10 dumbest animals

  7. Cow: gets raped, kidnapped from their mommy and then has her babies gets taken away from her, gets tortured… Not vegan stuff.

    Also cows surely eat insects, and what if they are fed soya that destroys the Amazon, which is not vegan as it kills animals, and increases climate change which kills and harms animals?

  8. Lot of murderers don't know this, but this severed human lived it's whole life without getting murdered, so it's completely ethical to murder them.

  9. No, that is not his brain on Anti-Veganism, it is poor criticial thinking methods. The average person is taught about 3% of Logical Tools, Logical Fallacies and Biases that makes a person a fool when constructing any logic they see as true.

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