Recensione di bevanda energetica Red Bull Fig Apple; Red Bull Winter Edition con Fig & Apple?

In questo video esamineremo il gusto dell'ultima edizione invernale di Red Bull e quel sapore è la bevanda energetica Red Bill Fig Apple. Fico e mela in una bevanda energetica? Non lo so… Immagino sia principalmente un sapore di mela e l'ho appena chiamato “fico” mela per dargli un nome più invernale… ma vedremo!

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53 Risposte a “Recensione di bevanda energetica Red Bull Fig Apple; Red Bull Winter Edition con Fig & Apple?”

  1. I honestly am so glad you do not like it much. I thought I was crazy it was too medicinal feel for me, whatever the Fig flavor is not doing it for me. Eh. Guess this is another winter flavor not going to the mainline 😂

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    0:00 – Intro
    2:00 – About Winter Editions
    3:20 – Nutrition Facts
    4:58 – Red Bull Fig Apple Can
    5:30 – Red Bull Winter Taste Test
    10:54 – Outtake

  3. Personally likes it more than I thought I would. Really miss the sugar free flavors like the Pear and Acai Berry. I think the best winter edition we’ve had has been the plum twist

  4. While this doesn't sound good, it sounds pretty interesting, so I'm still looking forward to trying it out. The new Monster flavor you mentioned sounds fantastic though. I recently tried their orange dreamsicle, and it's my new favorite orange cream energy drink.

  5. They should give wassail a try for a winter edition. Apple, lemon, orange, and a spice blend could be a hit. I could also be crazy, but who knows?

  6. Don't really see any of these RedBull flavors in my stores that much, especially the limited edition ones. Haven't had any Apple flavors for a long time.

  7. Tried this last week and I really like it. I LOVE that it is sold at 8 ounces and not just 12. And the flavor is the right amount of green apple I like. I myself am a sucker for apple so I’ll be consuming this product prior to workouts throughout the winter. Appreciate the vid as always!

  8. Please can't wait for this one to go away. Many red bull just bombing on every possible layup…… What's up with fig apple!? Whose looking for that to quench their caffeine thurst

  9. I think it's excellent, has a unique fall flavor more so than winter though… I don't mind the fact they don't make sugar free drinks because I think most sugar free drinks taste terrible, if I want sugar free.. I'll generally have a water.

  10. Saw them at Sheetz and I wasn’t sure about the flavor, thank you, caffeine man for your experimentation! They’re way better apples like the ghost apple

  11. Saw it at a store near me. Didnt like it so much, 5.6. If they make a sugar free coconut berry id spend all of my money on just that

  12. I have never really been much of a Red Bull Fan in general. Just too much sugars and carbs in them and don't really feel a lot from them in the way of caffeine. Also, don't like how they are a bit more expensive than other energy drinks. The way they taste I have never really cared too much for. This new fig apple does not sound like it would be anything real great. Can't wait for that new Strawberry dream ultra. Hope that will be out soon. I never told you but last spring I finally got to try the Watermelon red bull which I heard was supposed to be really good but did not care much for it and a bit disappointed with it.

  13. To me I get a minty apple flavor. Can't say I would grab it again if other flavors are available. I do agree that Red Bull needs some Zero sugar flavors. I don't really understand why they've not gone in that direction.

  14. A bit off topic but I’ve seen that reign is dropping a new flavor, Tropical Storm. It’s said that it will be a mix of orange and pineapple, which sounds pretty dang good. Do you know when you’ll be able to get your hands on it?

  15. New V refreshing pineapple and watermelon. Not bad. It’s sugar free. Rockstar here can be over 84grams out here. It’s the worst in Australia. Can’t get it.

  16. Once again, I finally found a drink or well, a flavour I've tried before you. I'm also not a fan of this flavor, although, I like that it tastes pretty natural, I hate Fig though. Did you know that this drink also has Caramel for flavor? I was hoping for a better winter flavor.

  17. never thought i’d see this day😂 you complementing monster while trash talking red bull left is right up is down this is crazy😂

  18. Here in the pacific northwest coffee stands sell mixed redbull drinks with flavored syrups and everyone loves them! I think they do this in other parts of the country, so im sure that has to do with sales. Especially with chain coffee shops buying cases and cases of them

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