Recensione e test del gusto del tofu di ceci

Finalmente abbiamo trovato il tofu di ceci vicino a noi e oggi sveliamo dettagli sull'opportunità o meno di questo prodotto! Guarda cosa ne pensiamo!

L'hai provato? Fateci sapere nei commenti cosa ne pensate!

❌ Allergeni: No Top allergens

🧑🏽 ‍🍳 Come abbiamo fatto: a cubetti, gettare leggermente nell'amido di mais (circa 2-3 cucchiaini per blocco), friggere in olio (circa 3-4 cucchiai) fino a quando tutti i lati sono dorati e croccanti, rimuovere su un piatto foderato di carta assorbente per assorbire e olio in eccesso. In una padella pulita aggiungi e scalda la tua salsa preferita, aggiungi nuovamente il tofu e mescola per ricoprire.

🌱 Messaggio:<br/>

★ Timestamp
00: Recensione di tofu di ceci
00: 45 Cosa amare immediatamente del pacchetto
1: 00 Allergeni nel tofu di ceci
1: 20 Prime impressioni
2: 10 è il pacchetto della stessa dimensione
2: 25 Prezzo del tofu di ceci
3: 50 come abbiamo cucinato il tofu di ceci
4: 55 puoi congelare e scongelare il tofu di ceci
5: 30 Taste Test 1 – Tofu di ceci congelato poi scongelato e pressato
7: 00 Degustazione 2 – Tofu di ceci pressati
7: 40 Taste Test 3 – Direttamente dalla confezione tofu di ceci
8: 19 Considerazioni generali sul tofu di ceci
00: 25 Tangente casuale
17: 25 Valori nutrizionali del tofu di ceci rispetto al tofu di soia
17: 00 Considerazioni finali sul tofu di ceci

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44 Risposte a “Recensione e test del gusto del tofu di ceci”

  1. I still have to drive over an hour to get pumfu, it's still my favorite, it's Still very expensive almost 7 ea 🥵. Thanks so much for all you guys do for the vegan peeps! Great review

  2. Missed y'all. The thing about horses, zoos, etc… is the exploited aspect. If you have a financial interest in the animals, you may do things that are not good for the animals.

  3. See now I wanted to see the clips of y’all preparing it 🙃 I’ll definitely be on the lookout for it but don’t know where I’ll find it☺️ Thanks for reviewing!!

  4. The chickpea tofu needs a coagulant to become the right texture. Mary's Test Kitchen has been experimenting with various seeds and beans to see if they will "tofu" with varying results.

  5. Tofu is not chickpeas nor is it pumpkin seeds.
    All of these textures will be different.
    The food substitution mindset can be a trap.
    Thanks for a partially good food review.

  6. Making chickpea tofu (Burmese Tofu) is really easy. You basically boil/simmer chickpea flour in water for 8 or 9 minutes. Pour it out in a pan and let cool. There is no coagulant, no straining, no real fuss. It would be cheaper that way as well.

  7. I wonder if this would work as a soft tofu in Thai curry or as what you’d put in a spring roll. My worry would be it losing its shape within the liquid

  8. Good to see you two again! Hope all is good! I made the YT Burmese tofu that was going around a few years ago once, and was, like, glad I'm not allergic to soy, because this is good but it ain't tofu. Glad the soy-free people have something, but really what can you add to chickpea flour to make it not feel like solid starch? The tangent was, whoo, boy! Bite Size Vegan put out a good video about it a few weeks ago. Thanks for posting!

  9. I can't buy any of the premade soy free tofu at all in my area of Georgia at all since none of my local grocery stores carry any of these options at all.

  10. I guess I don't get the horse thing, but I'm vegan strictly for health reasons, and I've reversed a couple of degenerative diseases. I have used horses to help veterans with grief counseling. Horses are beautiful animals with a ton of power. I would not have thought that riding them was harming them, and I know some horses that are kept better than most people. I guess Santa better be careful with the reindeer! Geesh.

  11. Its not vegan to ride a horse because its exploitation. A horse had to be "Broken In" to ride them because they weren't born to be our transportation, and will buck you off of them. Just because they've been broken in doesn't mean if you rescue them you should ride them. Just like if you rescue chickens you don't eat their eggs, but feed the eggs back to them. It's about returning respect to them after they've been disrespected.

  12. Always wanted to try a “tofu” that wasn’t soy. Will try to make some with other beans as well. Thank You for this taste test. ❤

    Ride a horse if you want to. It won’t change your vegan status.😏

  13. Thanks so much for the review. I really appreciate this coming as a soy-free Vegan. I am going to be looking for this Chickpea Tofu at my local natural food stores.. Tucson here!!🌵🌿💚

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