Ricercare gli effetti sulla salute della marijuana

La politica, i pregiudizi e le pressioni provenienti da entrambe le parti si aggiungono alla complessità della ricerca sulla cannabis.

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Per quanto difficile possa essere la ricerca sulla cannabis, sono stati pubblicati centinaia di studi. Scopri cosa ha trovato un'importante recensione recente nel mio ultimo video, The Institute of Medicine Report on the Health Effects of Marijuana ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/The-Institute- Rapporto-di-Medicina-sulla-Salute-Effetti-della-marijuana). E se vuoi saperne di più, ho scaricato un intero DVD di ricerca sulla cannabis per chi fosse interessato a un approfondimento: http://bit.ly/cannabis_webinar.<br/>
La questione della cannabis mi ricorda un simile scontro di interessi politici e commerciali nel dibattito sui cellulari. Se sei interessato, guarda i miei video Le radiazioni dei telefoni cellulari causano il cancro?
(http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Does-Cell-Phone-Radiation-Cause-Cancer) e rischio di tumore al cervello del cellulare? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Cell-Phone-Brain-Tumor-Risk).

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/researching-the-health-effects-of-marijuana e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

Vuoi ottenere un elenco di collegamenti a tutte le fonti scientifiche utilizzate in questo video? Fare clic su Fonti citate su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/researching-the-health-effects-of-marijuana. Troverai anche una trascrizione e ringraziamenti per il video, il mio blog e il programma del tour di conferenze, e un modo semplice per cercare (anche nella lingua tradotta) attraverso i nostri video che coprono più di 2,000 argomenti di salute.

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89 Risposte a “Ricercare gli effetti sulla salute della marijuana”

  1. When you really want to sleep – use Rick Simpson Oil – just a tear drop size under your tongue and you will sleep 12 hours!

  2. If you support a common sense approach backed up by science when it comes to drugs, please go and show The Drug Classroom some love here on YouTube and consider supporting him on Patreon.

  3. im no pot head but still:
    its not "the pharma industry"…it goes much deeper than that
    the government and said industry(s) r intertwined…otherwise this way of regulating things wouldnt be possible…especially for over like a century or so
    may sound conspiratorial to some….but….NAH no "but"…it just is

  4. We already have the large scale cannabis study. It's called college. I had been smoking moderately heavily and getting A's in calculus, not to mention podium finishes in bike races.

  5. Pot needs to studied as a replacement to alcohol, first and foremost. Alcohol may kill more Americans than heart disease as undocumented and indirect causes of death (Under The Influence, Dr. R. Milam). Marijuana is hugely safer for recreation. Also, it clearly treats depression and some pain as in Greger's last video.

  6. Yesssss this is the kind of research I was expecting from you Michael, I truly love you, I love what you do, you are my hero, please keep going, your videos on this will be historic, now go deep into all those deseases that it’s been shown to work such as fibromyalgia, epilepsy, Parkinson’s, cancer (rso) etc, thank you, you are a truth doctor, unlike the vast majority of others

  7. Makes you lazy because you are under stimulated and it makes you realize how pathetic your life is? Might make you less likely to go slave away making someone else rich. Um.. so how many decades do we have to wait before they research vegans who use cannabis? How do I know the testicular cancer wasn't caused by the high carcinogenic binge due to the munchies? seriously.. You have questions to answer, if you don't answer these questions you either didn't see this message or you have no integrity. Why didn't you mention the fact that they weren't all vegan? does it make sense to you to study the physical and mental effects on weed for a vegan on a bunch of carnists who's brains are clogged by a bunch or processed munchies?!

  8. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but I find it remarkable to say the least these marahuana videos came out about a week after Dr Greger got arrested for possession of cannabis. #freedrgreger Also are there any studies about smoking out of addiction (like cigarettes) vs smoking for recreational use (like premium cigars)?

  9. If you think Cannabis should remain as a Schedule 1 substance, you are a science denier and you support the unnecessary torture for people who need it by prohibiting it's use.

  10. Don't mention that the it may have been more than a behavioral trait, but a behavior itself. Perhaps the munchies just made these people eat more garbage and over time it slowed their brain, did they control for diet? no, no they did not. So why not mention that? Is this not the famous plant based doctor? just jabbing you, but you need to address my concerns because those concerns will not go away, nor will individuals such as myself.

  11. I went vegan before I knew who you were, for my health and for the animals and environment. Ethics, respecting myself my fellow Earthlings and the planet we all live on. I went vegan before I found vegans on YouTube. When I found you and the other vegan Dr's I got on the right track for my health. You are the one who informed me on oil and got me thinking about food processing. Thank you for helping open the world of nutrition science to me.

  12. Dr. Greger can you do a video on juicing raw Cannabis and all the research that the famous Dr. William Courtney has done on it?

    You cannot get high off of cold press juicing raw Cannabis leaves unless you add citrus juices like tangerines, oranges, lemons, limes, grape fruit etc.

  13. Another billion dollar industry America is falling behind in. Get with it voters. If you want some good studies Google research in Europe and Israel.

  14. Was the control group in that last study given any special motivation? Might they have scored even better if they were?

  15. There's syndrome caused by pot usage called Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome that's only been recognized in the last ten years or so, mostly found among heavy, long term pot users. I'm a vegan, fairly healthy diet, nightly pot smoker and I got it. Utter misery involving nausea and vomiting. Surprised the hell outta me. So far the cure is quitting, and I have done so. People who keep using cannabis to keep the nausea at bay get worse and end up in the ER. I say this as a heads up to anyone experiencing cyclic vomiting and uses cannabis.

  16. So, what the Powers-that-Be care about are the negative effects of cannabis, because THAT IS WHERE ALL THE MONEY IS. Anyone can throw a seed in a hole and put water and sunshine on it. That means no money.
    Good or bad, people should know the truth about anything and Dr. Greger's approach looks spot on. Avocados weren't off the hook until they earned it, so-be-it for weed.

  17. Did the study also test the non-pothead group a second time but with a strong incentive? If not, doesn’t it just demonstrate that when highly incentivised, potheads can be as smart as non-potheads who aren’t incentivised, therefore basically saying they have to try harder just to keep up?

  18. Who cares the common folks cannot get it without getting arrested anyway. I cannot understand why people are not free to use natural plants as their liking. Who give some individuals the power to decide over all the rest of humanity??? Perhaps time to get our freedom back?

  19. Hmmm now this is interesting. I don't know what dr. Greger is trying to prove here, but I don't think we will get the real answers on this substance anytime soon.

  20. Agree with 2:45. Weed is like any other drug, and it has bad side effects too, but people act like it’s perfect and harmless. For one, it tends to make anxiety worse over time and we’re already in the middle of an anxiety epidemic… (and for the record I smoked for three years and loved it before I got off the stuff)

  21. Dr. Greger, I’ve been “studying” pot use since I was 17. It’s very safe, not very patentable yet very profitable and that’s why it is very illegal. Until this safe plant is at least decriminalized federally all of your calls for “more research” are putting the cart before the horse to put it politely. This series, which has nothing to do with plant based nutrition, is embarrassing at best. Have you invested in synthetic CBD? If synthetic CBD does become viable will you advocate for continued prohibition and incarceration for producers and users of natural cannabis? Just where do you stand, really? Never mind, Dr. G, I will be unsubscribing for now, but will check in now and then to see if you are still posting videos of things about which you know nothing. It really is lamentable that NutritionFacts have decided to abandon dispensing vital whole food plant based diet information in favour of this anti-pot pseudo-politico-scientific activism.

  22. Dr Greger what about studies on pot oil curing cancer? Ive heard of places you can go in the US where they've had great success in treating cancer patients with cannabis oil. Any studies out there?

  23. Yep in the US you need approval from the DEA to conduct your study- and they have a clear bias against any research intended to find beneficial uses of it. A significant portion of the funding goes outside of the country- so less waves are made and they are able to cherry pick their results better.

    According to Raphael Mechoulam who was the first person to isolate and synthesize THC- our nation is responsible for paying for the majority of all marijuana research, ever performed.

    One reason it is only recent that so much news is coming out, it is because it was not until the mid 80's did we even know that cannabinoid receptors exist. We have known about opioid receptor system for almost 200 years. Only half a dozen years later was the second receptor class found. It also does an incredibly wide range of things most other drugs do not do- which really genetics is revealing the most effectively.

  24. Terence McKenna had a great memory. I think smoke from marinuana is the most negative thing if studies used temperature controlled vaporizer "heat not burn" technology …. Researchers would beenifit greatly.

  25. I highly doubt cannabis vaporized would show brain damage at all if any degree compared to smoked canbabis. If THC caused any clinically significant brain damage …marinol would likely not be a prescription and Marinol is synthetic patented THC. Also about damage. How can any neuroscientist find what damage is in every brain? How do we know brain damage can't be good for an individual? They use ECT therapy that causes a temporal stroke in the brain surely that must "damage" the brain but it's damaged in a way which supposedly helps the patient.

    "They say that pot makes you unmotivated…LIES…I can do everything stoned that I can Sober I just realize it's not worth the effort."
    -Bill Hicks

  26. After a lifetime of cannabis use, I can say the only negative has been the cost and having to kinda hide in the shadows. I'm happy to see this beautiful and versatile plant become mainstream and treated like the medicine it is.

  27. So I get that the legal status of marijuana has stymied marijuana research in the U.S., but what about other countries? Surely the U.S. isn't the only country in the world that does medical research.

  28. Veganize, legalize, tax, and regulate all drugs, food, and anything else that has to do with the unnecessary use of animals effectively immediately!!! Everybody has a right to harm themselves, but nobody has a right to harm others in the process of harming themselves living principled to basic rights of all sentient living beings. There is no counterargument to veganism nor exists a justification for any human being modernly to not become vegan immediately and for life, therefore the only reasonable and rational conclusion is to become vegan immediately and for life.
    Educate yourself the truth, about veganism, and make the transition to veganism everyone:
    Fully watch speech and Q&A to interpret the vegan message best:

  29. Everytime I smoke it makes me really paranoid and sometimes I start to see and hear things and freakout nobidy ever believes that weed does this to me but no matter what weed I smoke I always ended up a mess does anyone know why? I know some people that weed actually helps their anxiety but it just makes mine sooo much worse.

  30. "Research done on the internet is bad medicine"? so, what you are spewing, is what? bad medicine. You have to have the anecdotal , to provide emphasis for the research. Somebody is always trying to prove somebody else wrong. Human games, weird earthlings. Avoid the "researching" of the plant. It is a WHOLE FOOD, smoking it is like fructose to oranges. If you don't have the book, The Emperor Wears No Clothes, then you don't know Jack. 1 oz of green plant per day, in yer smoothie. Beats Kale!

  31. Long Term Brain Damage? wtf? Show me the research on that. Compared to what? Too many variables to be making a statement like that. I'm waiting for the Israel studies to be cited.

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