Ritrovo di domande e risposte sullo stile di vita a base vegetale di cibi integrali – Taccuino di noce moscata dal vivo

Hangout di domande e risposte sullo stile di vita a base di alimenti vegetali integrali – Nutmeg Notebook Live

Elementi menzionati in questo video…

Solo affiliazione Promozione speciale con il nostro collegamento diretto alla fabbrica Vitamix.com fino a esaurimento scorte sul Vitamix Venturist V ricondizionato certificato380 – $150 spento! il nostro codice verrà applicato automaticamente al momento del check out per lo sconto per un prezzo netto di $299.50.
Usa questo link — https://bit.ly/Vitamix-Nutmeg
Regalo GRATUITO da Vitamix con l'acquisto. Ottieni un grembiule Hedley & Bennett GRATIS con il tuo acquisto di $289.95 o più. Aggiungi al carrello e usa il codice APRON al momento del pagamento. https://bit.ly/Vitamix-Nutmeg

Associazione Sanitaria Nazionale 8838732 Conferenza annuale Live Stream Iscrizione

Barrette WellBean –

5 Risposte a “Ritrovo di domande e risposte sullo stile di vita a base vegetale di cibi integrali – Taccuino di noce moscata dal vivo”

  1. Got home and was pleasantly surprised by your new video!!! Watching the replay as I type. I am so happy that you’re back, Tammie!!!! I don’t know how many more grocery haul and batch prep videos I could rewatch during your absence! 😂😂😂 Was treating withdrawal symptoms haha! 😋 I did watch Tom’s Amazon Live while you were gone and he did his best but I think it was challenging to be preoccupied with carrousel and the technical as well as having to do the pitch for each item. He worked hard!! But you two are definitely best as a TEAM! ❤

  2. To the person who asked about which Vitamix is louder – I had to get noise reduction safety ear protection from Amazon to wear whenever I operate my Vitamix. Basically hearing PPE to be within the allowable decibels per OSHA. I even got a decorative hook on which to hang it on my backsplash so it’s always within easy reach right by the Vitamix. The Vitamix is worth it, we gotta cope however we can.

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