Sangue ossigenante con verdure ricche di nitrati

Ortaggi come barbabietole e rucola possono migliorare le prestazioni atletiche migliorando l'apporto e l'utilizzo dell'ossigeno, ma per chi ne ha davvero bisogno, ad esempio come quelli con enfisema, pressione alta e malattia delle arterie periferiche?

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

I nitrati sono uno dei motivi per cui consiglio di mangiare ogni giorno verdure a foglia verde scuro. Le barbabietole sono un'altra buona opzione (non solo bere il succo: guarda il mio ultimo video Whole Beets vs. Juice for Improving Athletic Performance vs-succo-per-migliorare-la-prestazione-atletica).<br/>
Cos'altro possiamo fare per la pressione alta? Vedi:
Tè all'ibisco contro diete a base vegetale per l'ipertensione ( -based-diets-for-hypertension/)
Semi di lino per l'ipertensione (
Come prevenire l'ipertensione con la dieta (
Come trattare l'ipertensione con la dieta ( /)
L'ipertensione può essere una scelta (http://nutritionfacts. org/video/high-blood-pressure-may-be-a-choice)

Perché il flusso sanguigno al cervello così importante? Approfondisco le potenziali conseguenze nell'Alzheimer e nell'aterosclerosi cerebrale (


Maggiori informazioni sulla dieta e sul flusso sanguigno pelvico negli uomini qui:
Dieta Atkins: Trouble Keeping It Up (
http:/ /
Anguria come trattamento per la disfunzione erettile (
Sopravvivenza del più fermo: disfunzione erettile e morte ( -disfunzione-erettile-più-ferma-e-morte/)
Pistacchi per disfunzione erettile (
BPA Plas tic e disfunzione sessuale maschile ( )

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su verdure e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: geralt via Pixabay.
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80 Risposte a “Sangue ossigenante con verdure ricche di nitrati”

  1. Beet juice has been recommended to help with iron deficiency anemia. Does the beet juice increase iron in the blood, or is it an independent mechanism to increase oxygen?

  2. I now add beets to my morning shake. I buy the ones from Costco. They come cooked and peeled in packages of 4. It probably isn't the best way to do it but it sure makes it easy.

  3. "A little extra color in the pee" was what's keeping me away from eating beets but thanks to the Dr. Greger I'm planning to pee in pink from now on. 🙆😁😆

  4. How much beet juice are talking about per day? Raw beets juice or cooked beet juice? Because my local store has the cooked beet ones almost all season round, but the raw beets are only in season.

  5. So was the benefit only temporary, as in directly after ingestion of the NO increasing beets, or was it cumulative? In other words, what was the half life, or duration of the increased blood flow post beats? And how much? Do you need to have some daily?

  6. Dr. Greger – have you considered doing a video on grain/legume lectins and whether or not they contribute to intestinal permeability? I'm guessing and hoping that they don't

  7. +Papaya Lover
    How come it is not possible to reply to your comment directly. :O

    Anyway, there is 3 oxygen (O) atoms in NO3 (nitrate). I'd be happy with just that O there. You want that oxygen to summon extra iron for you as well?

  8. This is why we need Democratic Socialism

    We don't get studies like this which benefit people and not corporations without public funding from taxes

    charities are not going to provide all the money necessary to advance mankind

  9. "after beeting themselves up" and "the only side effects of beeting your brains out?" had me rolling hahahahhaha! You're so very punny, Dr. Greger!! 😂

  10. After making beet juice, you can add the pulp into recipes to make crackers and (vegan) chocolate cake. Or just eat the whole beets- just cut them up, and toss with a little oil, some salt and pepper and some herbs if you have it. Roast, covered in foil, for about 40 minutes at 350F. Now you have super tasty beets that you can eat hot or cold.

  11. Dr. Greger says that arugula is even higher in nitrates.

    Excellent, I just bought 8 150g packs of arugula for 29c/pack! I'll try a smoothie with three packs of arugula followed by a 10k race tomorrow 🙂

  12. Prolargentsize helped me with my somewhat erectile dysfunction. The're just times when I can't get my little man up and other times it's okay and ready. This put a stop to those infrequent spells of ED. Now, anytime, I can go all out! Many thanks!

  13. The reason why beet juice manufacturers are not allowed to say that it is vegetable viagra or something similar is because in the EU there is a law against making medical claims without proof. Conveniently for the lobbyists, what constitutes proof is not clearly defined.

  14. in that study at 25sec it shows that study. But HOW MUCH beetroot juice were they taking? Did they throw one beet and a bottle of water in a blender and whip it up?

  15. beets taste terrible they taste like dirt. just throw them in your blender add something flavorful like trivia , put leafy green stuff in and you are good to go. also 4 table spoons of tomato paste every morning Will do the same thing.

  16. and exactly where do you think that pharmaceutical companies get the nitrates for their medicines…it doesn't come out of thin air and they don't make it from scratch…nitrates and nitrites are food preservatives that are used on cured meats to extend shelf life and to make them reddish to give a more natural appearance…they are essentially a nitrogen atom that is surrounded by different numbers of oxygen atoms in some way…this protects the food from oxidation…which is why food goes bad…but batteries are possible because of oxidation…they use a process called redox reaction…reduction/ oxidation…simply put its when 1 thing gains electrons/ energy and the other side loses some…its also how your body divides cells…literally the same exact thing…u are a battery…nitrates/nitrites make blood pressure lower because it itself will be metabolized into nitrogen and oxygen…which makes them a good 2nd hand source for oxygen to supplement the oxygen that you breathe…which puts much less stress on your body to function normally

  17. What do you think of achieve total control over your erectile dysfunction with Erectodom Secrets? I notice a lot of people keep on talking about Erectodom Secrets.

  18. Has anyone used the Erectodom Secrets to solve your erectile dysfunction problem? Just simply do a search engine search. On there you will discover an awesome tips about how exactly you can solve your erectile dysfunction problem. Why not give it a shot? maybe it is going to work for you too.

  19. That's an ass backwards hypothesis. Just because eating vegetables helps erectile dysfunction does not mean that not eating vegetables is the cause of erectile dysfunction. How very unscientific of you.

  20. Amazing ! I have enjoyed beets all my life! I am 71 now. When I was younger, I only knew about pickled beets, but now only eat the whole food (non-pickled). Everybody needs a little color in their life! Lol

  21. Is there any videos done on diet and hemofila? My 6 week old son was diagnosed and hopefully there is some advice from the dr greger followers that can help us.

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