Se il fruttosio fa male, che dire della frutta?

Il fruttosio naturalmente presente nella frutta e nei succhi di frutta ha gli stessi effetti negativi dell'eccesso di “fruttosio industriale” (zucchero da tavola e mais ad alto contenuto di fruttosio sciroppo) e se no, perché no?

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Alcol senza il brusio? Era in riferimento al mio video Quanto zucchero aggiunto è troppo?( assicurati di controllarlo per lo sfondo. Ho molti altri video sul fruttosio in arrivo.

Prima, avrei fatto queste lunghe serie su singoli argomenti, come una dozzina di video di fila sulla vitamina D o qualcosa del genere. Il vantaggio è che non rimani sospeso; il rovescio della medaglia è che per chi non è interessato all'argomento non possono esserci nuovi video di interesse per settimane. Quindi ho provato a suddividere gli argomenti. Quindi ogni poche settimane c'è un nuovo video sulla curcuma o sul diabete invece di raggrupparli tutti insieme. Fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate…<br/>
Sorpreso per i risultati del succo? Anche a me! Maggiori informazioni sui succhi:
• Miglior succo di frutta (
• Il frutto il cui succo è più salutare ( -juice-is-healthier/)
• La spremitura rimuove più della semplice fibra (http: //

Alcuni video Ho sugli zuccheri industriali:
• Mercurio nello sciroppo di mais? (
• Cambiare le papille gustative (
• I cibi zuccherati creano dipendenza? (

In quale altro modo possiamo attenuare il picco glicemico?
• I fagioli e l'effetto del secondo pasto ( effetto secondo pasto/)
• Il modo migliore per cucinare le patate dolci (
• I diabetici dovrebbero assumere I loro impulsi (
• Prevenire il prediabete mangiando di più ( prevenire-il-prediabete-mangiando-di più/)

Hai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su -fruit/ e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: Nukamari e Jaclyn Auletta via Flickr.
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100 Risposte a “Se il fruttosio fa male, che dire della frutta?”

  1. Does Dr. Gregor address the direct affect of Fructose from fruit (and/or Glucose) on Candida Albicans and Diabetes in any videos or elsewhere? My experience, clinically, is that there is no negative relationship between these disorders and fruit consumption, but I'm curious what the science says.

  2. My mom had heard that eating too much fruit can diabetes by a nutritionist. Could you please clarify whether or not this statement is true?

  3. Dear dr Gregor,

    I hope you will respons to my question..

    I eat a fruit, HCLF diet for a couple of years now. Last months I did a melon only island, melons only no other fruits. I get very little calories (because melons does not contains many calories) But.. I gained weight! It was not waterweight!! How is this possible?

    Maybe because the melon is a low fiber food??, the sugar is absorbe quickly into the body without any extra energy for digestion.. all the calories out of the melon the body use. Other fruits and greens with more fiber are more difficult to digest and takes some energy from the body.. ? So the total calories from higer fiber foods are lower?

    What is the role of fiber for total calories? Foods that contains higher fiber reacts different on the body en weight loss/gain than fruits low in fiber but also low in calories?
    Hope you understand my question.. english is not my first langues.

  4. what all the doctors are saying don't over eat sugar specially fructose everything access can toxic the body even the water so the people who go on a fruit diet they gonna get fat because of too much fructose

  5. The experiment was only a small amount of fruit. The effects are different when your trying to live on fruit. You either have to be a grazer eating all day or eat tons of vegetables with the fruit. Otherwise the liver is doing too much fructose processing. The other problem with living on fruit is ridiculous cost if organic or high pesticides if not. It's impractical for large population to live on fruit and if really all fruit then it's detrimental if eaten in three meal a day or two meal a day pattern compared to starchy staples.


  7. Amazing how ignorant most people are of this. Haven't they ever tested it out? No wonder our society is going backwards- they have absolutely zero pioneer instinct. Worse, these "headline junkies" are all arrogant and aggressive as they feebly try to defend their silly ideas based on non-reality. It is not funny anymore these people are dangerous.

  8. wait a minutte, was the berry juice from the experiment freshly juiced or was it pasteurized and from concentrate? those are entirely different things IMO

  9. I thought fructose, the sugar in fruit, doesn't require insulin? Why is glucose being discussed if it is fructose that should be? This video only makes more confusion, thanks.

  10. uhh if only the industrially added fructose is harmful, but fructose is fructose and it's chemically impossible to distinguish regardless of source, shouldn't the source of and reason for the harm be sought elsewhere..?

  11. If there is anybody in the YouTube community who deserves support and recognition for his endless effort to provide us all with scientifically proven information and extremely important advice about nutrition and health, that would be Dr Berg. He shares his knowledge and explains complicated processes in our bodies in simple terms so every short video is like a little book where everything is broken down into digestible bits of information ready to be applied) I am a huge fan and a big supporter. Thank you Dr Berg!

  12. Could you please make a video on fructose intolerance?🙏 My mother is absolutely convinced that all the health issues (bad digestion, bloating etc etc) comes from her eating fruit and I’d really like to know more about this whole topic in oder to help her – especially because she does consume dairy products and highly processed (especially sweet) foods.
    Thank you so much for everything you do! It is highly appreciated🙌.
    Loved ‘How Not To Die’ by the way

  13. You sound so incredibly arrogant that I can not complete your video. Come all the way down and have several seats.

  14. My numbers are great, trigs 49 actually, yet when I eat one banana, as my breakfast, and in a fasted state, my 30 minute post prandial was 146 – is this bad?

  15. Have you tried to the same experiment adding fat or protein to the sugar? I bet youd have the same results. All you do is lower the glycemic index.

  16. Fascinating information! I cut back my fruit to reduce my sugar intake a bit – this is good news. Such an interesting channel and wonderful, amusing delivery. Thank you.

  17. I thought fructose is absorbed by the liver and not by the body therefore not adding to the glucose levels. So you are really saying is, to add fibre to lower glucose levels?

  18. Awesome but I think I'll avoid pancakes for real food like simply fruit. If one causes problems I'll eliminate that one instead of trying to minimize its effects with another one

  19. Please do your research and don't believe everything you see on the internet specially from organizations funded by the fruit and sugar industry. With proper education you will realize that fructose and glucose are handled very differently in our bodies.
    1. Table sugar is 50% fructose + 50% glucose: the 50% of glucose gets distributed in our body because we can use it as energy right away, the other 50% of fructose cannot be used by our body so it goes straight into our liver and gets stored as unhealthy liver fat!
    2. The glucometer that most people use to measure the glucose level flowing in our body does just that, it measures the blood sugar level in our bloodstream (glucose), the glucometer does not have the capability to detect or measure the "fructose" in our blood because the fructose doesn't flow in our bloodstream but stored as fat in the liver instead.
    3. The main reason why there was no additional sugar spike after the consumption of fructose is because of the points mentioned above. The glucometer cannot detect fructose! The glucometer only analyze blood samples and cannot analyze samples from our liver! Glucose flows in our blood stream but fructose stays in our liver, simple facts…… so how are you going to measure fructose with a glucometer using only blood samples? It is like trying to measures ketones with a glucometer!
    *****Beware of this paid propaganda and do your own research, we have been poisoned by the food industry with the help of lobbiest and selfish politicians looking out for their own interest instead of ours!

  20. So happy to see this video, as I was thinking that there was nothing left to eat, after all the other things I have now cut from my diet.

  21. This Guy is being intellectually dishonest.  There's no comparison between HFCS, Glucose and natural Fructose.  HFCS which is commercially made from corn syrup has the same glycemic index as table sugar (sucrose).  Unlike HFCS and Sucrose, Natural Fructose has very little effect on blood sugar.  So, him saying that there is no spike and subsequent dip in blood sugar is totally correct but meaningless at the same time.  The body cannot process fructose like it can sucrose into glucose, so it gets stored in the liver as fat.  Yes, fruits contain fiber and other nutrients that are overall good for health in normal quantities.  But high levels of natural fructose (as well as HFCS) obtained in diets high in fruits (like drinking fruit smoothies every day), will cause fatty liver and can lead to type II diabetes over the long term.  This Guy is pushing an Agenda.  Do you own research.  Own the truth and your health.

  22. Or you could avoid fructose altogether and sugar in general. Absolutely non-essential nutrient. People only started eating carbs and sugar recently because of enslavement aka civilization. Free human, natural humans eat raw meat and fat.

    When you process fructose in the body it all becomes fat and releases many poisons in the process. Fruits might inhibit some of the bad effects but again why bother when they’re not necessary at all?

  23. most fruits we have today are not natural but breeded to have a high sugar content. Nature didn't produce them. So you can't call most fruits natural like you can't say a pug is a wolf… the berries you used as an example are very low in sugar compared to other fruits. so don't use this study as an excuse to indulge in high sugar content fruit.

  24. I have not eaten sugar for 20 years and I feel good everyday my blood sugar level is very low and I have alot of energy.
    Since Iam a vegan every food I eat contain it natural sugar, ex, brueberry, dates etc. No need to destory my body for some big companes to gain profit of it.

  25. Wow!! Thank you for sharing this!! Had an anti-vegan tell me about vegan diets being really bad because of all the sugar in the veggies.

  26. food companies should get some law restrictions because it seems like they can do whatever they want, they put massive amount of sugar into everything ;/

  27. You're not saying anything.

    The more ftuctose for a given amount of glucose, the lower the initial glucose spike, but glucose stays (relatively) elevated longer: The area under the glucose curve will be the same.

  28. It makes me sad how people blame whole natural foods like fruits,whole grains and legumes rather than blaming the processed junk. Fruit was one of the first foods humans started eating for energy and some people who want to spread some propaganda for marketing just tell you to avoid it for sugar. I mean, do you have any practical example of a person getting disease owing to his/her high fruit consumption, given that his/her overall diet is healthy and he/she leads an active lifestyle?

  29. Could you please link the studies mentioned in the video? I was trying to find the 1 by 1 and it took me quite some time 🙂

  30. I went on a low carb diet over a year ago. That with intermittent fasting dropped the weight. I added fruit and no difference . Just add juice and fat returns….eat whole food

  31. I test my blood sugar after eating pure whole fruit and tested everyone in our family ( husband , sons in their 20’s ) none of us are diabetic or insulin resistant ( we have been tested ) every single one of us had a big huge blood sugar spike after eat a single serving of whole fruit alone ! Tested 30,60,90,120 minutes afterward too ! Way too high ! Tested single servings of banana, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, grapes, grapefruit, orange. It didn’t matter what fruit we ate the result was the same high blood sugar ! If you don’t test you have no clue what eat food does to your body ! Never let anyone tell you what or how to eat TEST AND MAKE A DIET LIFESTYLE that best fits your body DNA period !

  32. Correct me off I'm wrong, but fructose doesn't change blood sugar or insulin. Using blood sugar spikes is a poor proxy when comparing fructose in fruits to fructose in table sugar.

    Seems a little like a bait and switch.

  33. Whole fruit is still full of fructose, and that is processed entirely in the liver, just like alcohol. Since I stopped eating bananas and other high sugar fruits, I'm now losing weight again, and feeling better. Ditto for all processed carbs, bread, pasta, and refined sugar. My 35 year old gut is finally going away.

  34. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Unprocessed fruit is very harmful if too much is eaten. It causes high numbers of small dense LDL and a great deal of arterial inflammation. I probably have a genetic predisposition to forming many small dense LDL particles but the condition can be largely reversed when most ALL fructose is removed from the diet. The idea that only heavily processed foods are harmful is just not true!

  35. slower doesnt mean it is safer, index load (total sugar) more important than index gle (timing), food a, b ,c has different total peak, 15 min, 30, 35, 60, 65 , if you measure only 30 minute or 2 hours after meal it doent show real total sugar goes into your blood, also frutose can not be used by any cell only liver, so you get false alarm, your blood doesnt spike

  36. I think fruit has its place for sure! I wouldn't condemn one type of food personally, however I would be very curious to see the same chart with bread, and fiber vs bread and fructose.

  37. The thing is, fructose is fructose, regardless of the source. The only difference I can see is the fiber included with it in fruit. But still can't see how the body could possibly distinguish between what is chemically the same?

  38. This is what we al want to be true, but no other nutritionists or health experts in this genre (the eat real food, not junk group) seem to believe this. They all say sugar is sugar once it’s in your system. Most say to avoid dried fruits and stick to berries only.

  39. I just can't see demonizing fruit. I understand an individual having trouble but in general, I don't see natural fruit being bad.

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