Sentimenti intestinali: probiotici e salute mentale

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DESCRIZIONE: Sappiamo che il nostro stato mentale può influenzare la nostra flora intestinale, ma potrebbe i batteri stanno influenzando il nostro stato mentale?
Questo chiude la mia serie di video in 4 parti sulle ultime novità della scienza probiotica. Ho iniziato con le due indicazioni più consolidate per il loro utilizzo nella prevenzione e nel trattamento della diarrea con i probiotici ( probiotics/), per poi passare a un uso più speculativo nella prevenzione del comune raffreddore con i probiotici? (, e poi ha offerto pratiche consigli su come assumere al meglio integratori probiotici nel mio ultimo video, I probiotici dovrebbero essere assunti prima, durante o dopo i pasti? (<br/> La storia della rimozione del colon mi ricorda le mastectomie che facevano per il dolore al seno (Diete a base vegetale per il dolore al seno

Perché la sola dieta vegetariana potrebbe migliorare l'umore? Guarda i miei video Dieta e umore a base vegetale ( e il successivo Miglioramento dell'umore attraverso la dieta ( così come la mia serie sulla serotonina che inizia con Human Neurotransmitters in Plants ( neurotrasmettitori-nelle-piante/).

Maggiori informazioni sul trattamento della sindrome da affaticamento cronico in:

• A Trattamento per la sindrome da affaticamento cronico (
• Fibromialgia contro diete vegetariane e vegane crude (http://nutritionfacts .org/video/fibromyalgia-vs-vegetarian-raw-vegan-diets/) • Fibromialgia vs. diete prevalentemente crude e prevalentemente vegetariane (
Cos'altro potrebbero fare per noi i nostri batteri buoni? Potrebbero aiutare con il controllo del peso (Fawning Over Flora e Gut Flora & Obesity ) e servendo composti antitumorali! (Lino e flora fecale e A volte il mito degli enzimi è vero enzyme-myth-is-true/).

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su salute mentale/ e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: KayVee.INC, Père Ubu & via Flickr; e Bonkers Institute.
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52 Risposte a “Sentimenti intestinali: probiotici e salute mentale”

  1. very interesting. And this could tie in with Dr Sarno's theory of back pain caused by anxiety, anger, emotional distress (TMS).

  2. Thıs really makes sense. A few years ago I was so tıred,sıck and ın a haze all the tıme. It turned out that I had an overgrowth of candıda ın my ıntestınes. I took grapefruıtseed extract and probıotıcs and soon I was back to normal.

  3. I thınk that ıt really correllates. I had a candıda overgrowth ın my ıntestınes and also suffered wıth acne. I took grapefruıtseed extract and probıotıcs and ıt cleared up. Impacted wısdom teeth can also severely affect acne, especıally on your cheeks and neck. So check out both. And ofcourse the more vegan your dıet the better. But dont have too many soy products as ıt can affect your estrogen levels.

  4. I'm pretty convinced that microflora (the lactobacilli et al) are the "miniclorians" of Star Wars.

    Use the force, eat some 'kraut!

  5. Yes it's true for me. I suffered from insomnia for about 2 years then I consulted a psychiatrist who prescribed Agomelatine. The medicine didn't work for first two weeks but then I started taking probiotics with Agomelatine. Insomnia is history 😀

  6. I knew it. That's why trolls can't stop coming around and posting "mmmm BACON!" all the time. It's not them, it's the pork tapeworm living in their brains, because if simple bacteria can communicate, then surely organisms at even higher levels of complexity can as well. 😛

  7. As someone with struggling with bowel problems my entire life, this makes sense. I found myself saying "I'm not bipolar, I'm just constipated".

  8. If your mouth was infected by 100 trillion bacteria it would effect your mood too. The key is to clean the intestines daily like you clean your mouth. Diatomaceous earth and tribulus terrestris does the job well.

  9. La salud  mental e su relación con una saludable flora intestinal. La importancvia de los probioticos y de tener intestinos limpios. Las entrañas/estómago, 'la segunda mente',  En inglés pero con dibujos entendibles y se ouede activar el traductor del video.

  10. Прикольное видео! мне понравилось, умничка!) Вообще уважаю труд тех кто делает видео, и ведет свои каналы. Я сама веду канал и знаю, как это непросто – записывать ролики.
    Не останавливайся, продолжай!

  11. Now there is a cheaper way to heal ourselves. Instead of taking drugs we can't even pronounce the name, we can take probiotics. For my case, after 3 weeks of taking probiotics, I feel happier, and more well. Sometimes life's questions have simple answers.

  12. Such a horrifying history…lobotomy/colectomy – whatever happened to: "Be kind to them – for their souls are with God." (?)

    My gratitude to men like Greger is immeasurable.

  13. In the book, Nutrient Power: Heal Your Biochemistry and Heal Your Brain, Dr. William J. Walsh refers to five biotypes of depression. Each has a specific nutritional need. Are you aware of this research? If so could you do a video regarding the five biotypes and each ones specific nutritional needs?

  14. Mother – [ Mohawk ] – Was by Court Order & Detained Had Electroshock Treatment Forced Upon Her in the 60's . Never the Same Again ! Nobody Ever Correlated the Fact That Dad Left Her High & Dry with 4 Children too Raise . 2nd Go in Korea & Dad achieved a Dishonorable Discharge [ Paratrooper – Punched Superior Officer in the Face ] which Left No Benefits For Family & Farm . -White Boy's & Their War Games – What's it Good For – Absolutely Noth'in !!! Total Family Devastation … YYZ ,Mohawk-Planker . On the Up Side , 50 yr Later I Built Me A True Canuck Rocket Man – My Son !!! My Advice to U is Less Pixie's [ Med's ] & More Sweet Pertater's !!! Engage…

  15. Veganism and mental health. Veganism symptoms : bones and teeth deterioration, destroyed digestive system, leaky gut, damaged nerves, brain damage, liver damage, pancreas damage, hair loss, muscle loss, menstruation loss,infertility and who knows what more EX VEGANS report all those symptoms and lots of them took their supplements and done it right. Babies died following the the cult and mothers are in prison. What a healthy diet that is.

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