Should Vegans Take DHA to Preserve Brain Function?

This is why I recommend 250mg a day of a pollutant-free source of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids.

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Why not just eat fish or take fish oil? See:
• PCBs in Children’s Fish Oil Supplements (
• Dioxins in U.S. Farm-Raised Catfish (
• Omega 3s, Prostate Cancer, and Atrial Fibrillation (<br />• Fish Consumption and Suicide (
• Fish and Diabetes (
• ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease): Fishing for Answers (
• How Long to Detox From Fish Before Pregnancy? (
• Is Fish “Brain Food” for Older Adults (

How else can we protect our brains? See, for example:
• Preventing Brain Loss with B Vitamins?(
• The Alzheimer’s Gene: Controlling ApoE (
• Cholesterol and Alzheimer’s Disease (
• Reducing Glycotoxin Intake to Prevent Alzheimer’s (

This concludes my 2016 update of the latest science omega-3’s—I hope it was useful!

Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and someone on the team will try to answer it.

Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at You’ll also find a transcript of the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics.

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

Image Credit: WOLKE108 via Pixabay.
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100 Risposte a “Should Vegans Take DHA to Preserve Brain Function?”

  1. There needs to be a method of planning to ensure people consume what's needed. Counting macro nutrients won't do it. And that's hard enough to do. Everyone should eat 250 mg of pollutant free long chain omegas to protect brain function. That's pretty important. Along with everything else he says. If we don't have a structure that supports implementation (similar to counting macros) no one will do it and then what good is all this doing?

  2. Is it enough to eat wakame and nori on a regular basis? In your book you recommend algea omega 3 supplement. You only mention eating algae regarding iodine intake.

  3. Controls 3.5% were US soldiers in Iraq??? That's not a good gender and age match …just sayin. Have you seen what soldiers get fed ?


    Generally, none, although we suggest that you consult with your physician before taking our fish oils if you are allergic to iodine."

    Obviously, at least Nordic Naturals contains iodine, even after extensive purification and molecular distillation. What if the effect is actually from the iodine, not the fish oil? After all, iodine is definitely associated with intelligence and brain function. The absolute #1 factor in low IQ is lack of sufficient iodine in prenatal diet. AND high IQ is associated with high prenatal iodine diet as in Japanese.

  5. Its a good idea to take a vegan omega 3 supplement, when I went vegan at first I felt great, and I was taking 4 tablespoons of ground flax every day for my omega 3, but several months down the road I had severe stress and depression, so I bought vegan omega 3, and as soon as I took the dose within hours my stress and depression went away, and I was feeling mentally great, some people just cant convert ALA to DHA., even young people like me, at 22.

  6. It seems unreasonable that vegans who consume plenty of ALA should supplement with EPA. It would be nice to know how much DHA is beneficial provided sufficient ALA and EPA.

    In the final study highlighted in the video, participants went from below 3 to 4.8 within four months. One might expect levels to continue going up. What is a reasonable dose to maintenance 4.4? What units?

  7. I recently watched all the Omega 3 series on NutrionFacts. This one gives you the only reason to supplement Long chain Omega 3. But IMO, unless you are strict Vegan for ethical reason, you can just get your Long Chain Omega 3 from one single fish oil capsule/day to save a lot of money. Yes there are some trace PCBs, but it's an infinitesimal amount compared to what you would get eating a serving of fish, or any animal product. If you eat a plant based diet and take 1 fish oil capsule, your PCB exposure will be MUCH lower than the general population. Dr Greger, is too alarmist about PCB content of a single capsule without backing it with any kind of scientific info, like he does for mercury in Tuna.

    I'll never eat Tuna again, but to switch from fish oil to ultra expensive algae sourced, I need to see some science, not alarmist rhetoric.

  8. Mate, I have to say, that was the best video I think I've watched all year. Absolutely bang on, in terms of coherence, references, and just all in all enjoyable to watch. Thank you so much for your efforts and enlightening me on the topic, now I'm off to buy some algae based omega 3s!

  9. His answer is YES.I have been taking a plant-based omega DHA/EPA from JUICE PLUS+ which is great for brain function as well as anti-inflammatory. The algae is grow in a protected farm in Hawaii.

  10. In the video, you say 250+mg of EPA/DHA, but what are the ratios to look for? There are many different ratios of EPA/DHA in the brands I'm looking at, so blanketing both supplements together in a recommendation is really throwing me off! Confusion aside, your videos are great! Keep up the good work.

  11. There is a home test kit available on to find if your level of Omega-3 is above the 4.4 mark mentioned in this video. So, instead of buying expensive algae oil supplements, I bought the test first to see if I need the supplements- I take two tablespoons of ground flax seed most days. I scored 4.9 and my lady friend got 5.1. No need for either of us to supplement. But not everyone who eats flax regularly should assume that they're okay. Could be that some people don't convert ALA to DHA very well. In fact, I plan on retesting every 10 years or so to see if my ability diminishes with age.

  12. THIS IS WHAT WAS WRONG WITH ME. I’ve had so many problems after I went plant based: I had dandruff all my life even before I was vegan: I’ve always felt likenshit. My hair was horrible. Blood pressure was high and i ate flax seeds everyday! I took an algae supplement and I felt better in like less than twenty minutes

  13. Thank you very much for ending this debate! I'm young but my parents are 50 and eat plant based so I'll definitely get supplements for them!

  14. The trial had a much higher dose, over 2 grams combined EPA+DHA. The lower dose you recommend is not backed up by the trial.

  15. I'm lost. Meat seems to cause cancer, heart disease etc. Vegan diet is unsustainable without supplementing B12, zinc, iodine, vitamin D2…..
    What am I supposed to eat? Seems like whatever I do will cause some problem.

  16. For those of us that can't afford such a supplement (which would include my husband and I, as my husband is on disability), just eat freshly ground flax seeds. Your body can convert ALA to DHA and EPA, so if you eat enough, you can get enough of all three (whereas sea vegetables cannot supply you with ALA at all). If you're worried that your ability to convert ALA is impaired for some reason, just be generous with the flax seeds. My husband and I take 3-3.5 tablespoons a day. Some recommend as much as 4-5 tablespoons. Since the research shown in this video demonstrates no negative effects from going over the 4.4 threshold, might as well eat as many as you can afford. Even the amount we eat is far less expensive than algae oil, and provides other nutrients besides. 🙂

  17. Ive been taking vegan algae based oil gelcaps. They are horrible. They stink. They taste aweful and the fish burbs n quesy stomach is exactly like horrible ol fish oil.

  18. The control for the study talking about the EPA and DHA of, in your words, the average American diet vs that of a vegan is actually US soldiers deployed in Iraq. I suspect that their diet is actually quite different (for better or worse) than the average American.

  19. Personally I have just kept up with taking krill oil while vegan. I guess call me plant based or whatever. Astaxanthin has a lot of benefits and it’s a good source of phosphatidyl choline and DHA. Not sure how many vegans would put krill in the sentient cognizant animal category.

  20. Even your vegan master guru says you must take dha epa supplements and some of you guys keep saying noooooo you're fine b eating flaxseeds. What a bunch of brainwashed fools you vegans are. Ridiculous!

  21. Frankly, there are a lot of places where Dr. Greger weighs in on O3s and here he says he recommends them, but in other places he says they are worthless. The sad fact is, as he notes here and as is noted all over the place about B12, you can recommend all you want, if a diet is producing 70+% or more people with shrunken brains, it's got some obvious real world downsides that should be addressed since the recommendations are not working.

  22. Sardines on Sunday for me. 1190mg of 3, for 4 oz. Being tiny fish, wild sardines have not been around long enough to become toxic. plus flax meal daily.

  23. Idk… I avoid the supplement aisle because it's an unregulated money pit. But I'll try to remember this one if I become pregnant and/or old.

  24. Watch out there are researches that showed omega 3 supplement has no benefit or worse can cause prostate cancer. Can Dr Gregor willing to discuss about it? I bet NOT. Please read yourself other many available studies before ordering omega 3 supplement.

  25. So where do you find pollutant-free source of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids? Until an independent lab certifies it is, its probably not, in my book.
    I switched to a plant base diet and about 6 mo. later my blood test indicated an Omega 3 index of 2.1%. I have included pacific sourced salmon or sardines once a week.

  26. If it's not a whole food, then you don't need it. PERIOD… Dr. Gregor has ties to Joel Furman who also advocates for dha supplements and also has his own dha supplement for sale. 🤔 Joel Furman is a listed sponsor of nutrition The vegsource YouTube channel brakes all this down in one of his videos.

  27. Vegan omega-3 costs me 15 euros per month. Fish omega-3 supplements, cost me 3 euro per month. Since a vegan diet removes heavy metals, I think we are ok taking fish omega-3 supplements.

  28. Does the increased risk of prostate cancer from the consumption of marine DHA supplements identified in a medical study extend to the consumption of algae based DHA supplements?

  29. According to Brenda Davis, Japanese and other Pacific Islanders cannot produce enough enzymes to convert ALA omega-3 fatty acids to EPA/DHA fatty acid. Maybe, evolution of certain races and their relationship to their environment has to be factored in. I will continue to consume salmon and sardines to get my EPA/DHA as algae supplements are too expensive for the average person especially in food deserts where algae supplements are non-existent.

  30. How can you be sure that algae supplements are safer or healthier than eating low-mercury fish like sardines twice a week? There is no long-term research on algae supplements, and food is always preferable over supplements as Dr. Gregor preaches.

  31. Does anyone have a link to the study that Dr. Greger refers to when he says that 2/3 of vegans are below 4. I’d be interested to see their ages.

  32. According to dr Klapper he was taking chia seed and flaxseed and green vegs but his dha level went down he shared its not enough to eat it from food source that ls why he take suplement from algae omega 3 for all vegans i think we should do that also i think for some people taking chia seed and flaxseed everyday is not enough — watch the video plant base science london 'huge update from omega 3'

  33. So how did humans get their Omega 3s before supplements and a global fishing industry? Because there's no way the majority of humans spent most of our history feasting on deep sea fish.
    Or did we just stumble around for millions of years with tiny brains?

  34. I am on Xarelto so I not supposed to take any supplements that can thin your blood. But I have read conflicting studies that this would be an issue, especially at lower doses. I would prefer not to have to eat fish so it would be great to see a video for options for those on blood thinners.

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