Sradicare le principali cause di morte

Come le nostre scelte alimentari possono influenzare la prevenzione e la cura delle malattie. La morte in America è in gran parte una malattia di origine alimentare. Concentrandosi sugli studi pubblicati nell'ultimo anno su riviste mediche scientifiche sottoposte a revisione paritaria, il Dr. Greger offre consigli pratici su come nutrire al meglio noi stessi e le nostre famiglie per prevenire, curare e persino invertire molti dei problemi 15 assassini negli Stati Uniti. Questa presentazione dal vivo del Dr. Greger 2012.

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0: 00 Introduzione
1: Malattie cardiache e colesterolo
6: 00 Alimenti infiammatori
10: 15 Cancro e dieta
23: 35 Cancro e IGF-1
23: 28 Enfisema e dieta
18: 40 Prevenire ictus
27: 15 Trattamento del morbo di Alzheimer
27: 08 Diabete e gestione del peso
33: 56 Insufficienza renale e dieta
28: 23 Influenza e polmonite
34: 50 Migliorare l'umore attraverso la dieta
37: 54 Infezioni da carne
42: 09 Trattamento delle malattie del fegato
37: 00 Alta pressione sanguigna
44: 50 Prevenzione del morbo di Parkinson
46: 15 Pianta -dieta a base di farmaci
46: 13 Linee guida dietetiche: conflitti di interesse

100 Risposte a “Sradicare le principali cause di morte”

  1. Go Vegan & most of your health problems go away. But most people are not mentally strong enough to follow through……….prove me wrong.

  2. Its a phantastic lecture – filled with humor, irony and amazing information – and strange if not everyone listening become a passionate well informed whole food, low fat plant based vegan – thank you for this magic lecture filled with hope and joy

  3. Just saw the video again for the 10th time.. 🤣🤣 I dont get tired of the good doctor. LOVE HIM!!!

  4. Simply the best video in the history of video. Funny, informative, factual, etc. Should be required viewing before anyone is allowed to sit in line at Chick-fila.

  5. I will become a vegan if anyone proves that eating meat can me me look as bad as this guy talking bullshit. He is in his 40s and looks like a malnourished 13 yo girl. Why people believe this bullshit is beyound understanding.

  6. This guy is dead wrong. Every single human IS a carnivore and should stay away from plants. Go carnivore and all your ailments go away. Plants are deadly to any carnivore. Human guts are designed carnivore and not meant for plants. Do your research and quit being brainwashed by guys like this on the video. He's a liar about everything he says. Start your real research by watching, "Barry Groves, homo carnivorus, what we are designed to eat." We are all to be eating animals and discard plants from our dinner tables. Plants are used for their poisons and meds only.

  7. Diabetes is remedied by eating animals only. Fiber we cannot digest at all, this guy I'v the video is a liar. All sickness is destroyed by going carnivore and ending eating plants. So much brainwash in this video it's pathetic. Look into 100% carnivore and go for it, it'll change your whole life to the best ever.

  8. Such bogus info here! Garbage info! Lies! Humans are obligate carnivores. This is a CORPORATION brainwashing to create more of you to eat plants and end up in the hospital doctor machine. Animals and their fat is the key to perfect health. The reason people end up healing for a time eating only plants is because our own bodies start to cannibalize itself eating are muscles and fat from our brain to balance itself out it is not interested in the plant material. The mixing of plants and animals along with refined garbage foods is not for the body of a human. We are supposed to eat only animals and raw at that. Yes, raw. Except pigs and sick animals. Every single human IS a carnivore and should be eating nothing but animals to be healthy. Plants are actually the killer of humans causing all the mess in human health. Go carnivore and you'll bypass the doctors. This video is dead wrong on every level.

  9. With much respect to Dr. Greger and Pritikin who he mentions , I have read that Pritikin died from suicide because of his condition of leukemia of 27 years but the autopsy said that his arteries were remarkably clear for a man of 69 years old. It seems that Pritikin cleaned his arteries from the plaque build up he suffered from.

  10. Only 5 minutes in and though I love the info he’s put out over many years, the cholesterol argument is not necessarily true.
    Many other doctors and studies show that it is actually a necessity. We actually need cholesterol for many body functions, one of them: men’s sex lives.
    I believe it was Dr Joel Wallach that shed light on this.
    Personally, I had a level of 333 when I was 19, over 30 years ago. I refused the meds and still take none and am still here.
    Too low cholesterol causes many problems. Research it for yourself.
    Everything else, I agree with this brave doctor that exposes so much. ❤️❤️🙏🏼🙏🏼

  11. Programed death is what happens. Gene turn of which repaired us and and genes turn on to degrade us. Some one, some where in time has determined the length of our lives. Unless these are reversed which I think is very close nothing will help much more than a few decades although some Tebetin monks clame up to 170's

  12. I can say that being on a strict vegetarian diet Im mentally more sharper hence Im more prone to avoid injury. Im also on a bacteria and bacteria product free diet except bacteria that comes with my plants and real fungi. And I like them 🙂 I dont like killed spirulina in example. And I dont use yeast or yeast products. Yeast is shown to compete with good bacteria in our digestive systems. Also I think that I feel even more sharper because I dont use these products. I reserve the right to use sauerkraut in example if I must be treated with (strong) antibacterial medicines.

  13. Above all else, this guy is honest. Check out the other “health” gurus out in the world. They’ll usually have wonderful ways to improve your diet: Just go to their websites and purchase a can of their wonder powders or pills, oils…etc…. for a ridiculous amount of cash.

  14. LIFE. Life is the leading cause of death. Nothing dies that is not alive, no matter our improper use of the word. No thing that lives escapes deaths clutches, although some jellyfish give it a stellar try …. till something eats them.

    So, Yeah, LIFE is the leading cause of death. What a way to go though, Right?

    I eat vegan. I want this spectacular deadly disease called life to to last as long as possible. 🙂

  15. WOW BASED ON THIS VEGANS DON'T GET SICK AND DON'T DIE. Oh…wait. wait a moment. Something isn't adding up at all here. (Proceeds to read comments) Seems a lot of folks assume vegans don't get sick or die based solely on what this guy is saying. I'd say he's pushing an agenda (which has nothing to do with health) and people viewing need to open their eyes.

  16. But all good knowledge and intention comes to a standstill when new age vegans start looking for factory made products tasting like cheese, nonveg.
    Processed vegan product is processed crap once again.

  17. Diseases cured…

    – Sinusitis
    – Sebborhoeic dermatitis
    – IBS
    – Borderline diabetes
    – Fatty Liver
    – Gout
    – Fluctuating BloodPressure
    – overweight
    Just by switching to a Vegan diet..!!

  18. Yay! I love this guy he's an excellent speaker with a great sense of humour! Now everyone who is watching, go vegan and live a long and healthy life!

  19. Sir you did a very good job in increasing life span of people living on this earth.. however we cannot deny one fact.. nobody is immortal.. a person who is born on this earth has to die one day through one or the other reason thats the rule of nature.. the point is i dont want to live to see 100 i belive 75-80 is fair enough for me to die.. because old age has its own problem and the biggest problem is that i cant date young good looking girls though i want to so i want to die at 75 after getting my children or grand children married then reincarnate and live life again..the number of years i live might go up if i dont die but quality will keep deteriorating over a period of time.. i would prefer replacing myself and die instead of living to see 100.. birth and death are two sides of same coin why cant we accept death like we accept birth.. in between we live

  20. Thank you for this!!! Incredible work. You really get so thorough and the credible information is given to people who would otherwise be treated with (for profit) pharmaceuticals when their situations snowball into eventual illness. This is something I see in my daily life and now instead of saying – Hey local farmer, Rob [who is losing his foot and whose arteries are clogging because he eats scary amounts of pizza and steak and who is trying to fix it with the ketogenic diet he saw on "The YouTube" and did NOT ask a doctor about it] maybe you should eat vegetables and cut down on all that steak 👺, I can say – Oh hey Rob, here is a book that mentions research about your condition on this page I [not] coincidentally labeled! Evidence based information is so important. I appreciate that you provide that for people so much. Really. It's inspiring and, I believe it is also inspiring enough that the good deed alone will likely breed other good deeds. Thank you Dr. Greger.

  21. Watching this video from beginning to end, has just increased my recent desire to go totally animal product free in my diet. I’m 60 years old, Tennessee, and I know that it won’t be easy, but I’m determined to do it. The facts are there. I got interested in this because of the miserable existence of factory animals, and now have another reason to try to transition and adopt it completely: my life.

  22. Terrible.. Outdated information about cholesterol. High LDL and total cholesterol are NOT markers for bad health. High triglycerides and low HDL are.
    Taking less dietary cholesterol will result in your liver producing it's own cholesterol.
    Humans survived for two million years on eating animals, so this gentleman tells that it's killing you? 😳
    Saturated fat has no impact at all on heart health, it hasn't the last two million years. The "heart healthy poly unsaturated fats", the seed oils, which oxidize in the bottle (think of that cut apple, which oxidizes in minutes) are oxidizing in you cell walls.
    The problem is metabolic disease caused by sugars, starches and plant seed oils.
    Yes, a plant based diet is a lot healthier than the standard Western diet, but you'll miss a lot of essential minerals and diets. Vit D, K2, B12, zinc, iodine, and some amino acids. This won't kill you immediately, but will hurt you in the following years.
    Adding Boron, Iodine, K2 to your diet where necessary will help you keeping prostate- and breast cancer on a distance.
    Insulin resistance and resulting diabetes are the cause of most modern diseases like heart attacks, cancer, stroke, blindness, etc.
    Do your own research, and try to get out of your bubble 🌼

  23. Why than do so many people suffering from auto immune diseases only improve after trying the carnivore diet?

  24. OK, Dr. Greger is a top presenter and always fun to watch, but aren’t we a little biased here? Claiming that vegetarian diet (Plant based diet) can cure or reverse or prevent Alzheimer? When we do not really know the direct cause of Alzheimer? When there is no or little evidence that in fact vegetarians have much less of this ailment?…

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  30. An excellent lecture 😊👍👍
    So concise and composed
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