The Best Time to Exercise for Weight Loss

Burn off significantly more body fat exercising before meals, rather than after them.

Why not just fast longer for weight loss? See my video Is Fasting Beneficial for Weight Loss? (

One popular workout I looked into specifically was swimming. See Is Swimming Good for Weight Loss? (

Stay tuned for Better to Exercise Before or After Meals for Weight Loss and Blood Sugar Control? (, coming up next. <br />
For more weight-loss tips, check out How Not to Diet ( from your local public library.

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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78 Risposte a “The Best Time to Exercise for Weight Loss”

  1. I was on the fence regarding fasted cardio, these studies obviously point to the benefits, thank you for this video.

  2. One wonders if pre-breakfast exercise resulted in more fat loss over a day simply because people who get up early enough to do it actually go to bed early enough to reap the metabolic benefits of early bedtime and actually getting enough sleep….? Have they examined this possible confounding factor?

  3. Spoiler: "These findings indicate that body composition changes associated with aerobic exercise in conjunction with a hypocaloric diet are similar regardless whether or not an individual is fasted prior to training."

  4. This is basically what a low calorie keto diet does 24/7. Have so little glucose/glycogen, that your body makes a glucose alternative called ketones, which comes from fat. So your body makes up the calorie deficit by using your fat as a fuel source. Because you're not eating carbs which spikes insulin and Ghrelin, you are saved from having hunger pangs which psychology torture you about wanting to eat, so you go an entire day without eating easily. This is as close I've heard Gregor say that a keto diet works for fat loss, without saying it.

  5. Thanks for the info, but you can’t just drop a bomb about your mum’s lentil soup without including the recipe. Seriously, please do a video on it ( bonus points for an appearance by Mummy Gregor.)

  6. Really interesting but if you don't eat junk then you won't really have any weight to lose. I would be a lot more interested in other end points than weight loss.

  7. Oh, this could make a difference for me as someone who managed to gain 10 kg within weeks on mostly wfpb food during the first lockdown… I will implement this and see how I feel with it!

  8. I'm 59 having a hard time taking the weight off that I gained in the last few years 20 lb. I eat an earlier lunch so I am going to try this, will exercise before supper.

  9. Where are the cited studies?? These findings are the exact opposite that Brad Schoenfield and Menno have referenced, which show NO SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCES in fat burned fasted vs fed, UNTIL the 90 minute mark, which the fasted group burned SLIGHTLY more.

  10. Thank you to the comment section. Didn’t watch the video. I wanted the quick answer. Obviously it’s morning before food exercise. 😮

  11. This is great. But health is not only about weight loss. I want to know the effects of exercise timing and other forms of exercise on all cause mortality.

  12. "Unlikely to be consumed by the general population due to low palatability"? I think there's a population of about 1.3 billion people in the world who would disagree, and maybe the rest need to try eating idlis, dal, sambar, etc 😂

  13. This is misleading. As long as calories are equated, there are no differences fed versus fasted exercising. “These findings indicate that body composition changes associated with aerobic exercise in conjunction with a hypocaloric diet are similar regardless whether or not an individual is fasted prior to training.”

    DOI: 10.1186/s12970-014-0054-7

  14. Good to know my routine works! I eat an early lunch and workout in the afternoon roughly 5 hours after I eat. I can't workout in the morning because I already wake up so early for work 😅

  15. The best time to exercise is the time that's most convenient for you. It's better to exercise at the "wrong" time than to not exercise at all.

  16. Very informative👍
    Now, green tea of coffee
    (adjusted to equivalent caffeine content)
    for more fat burning, please…

  17. This is great all, but then it comes down to those of us who don't actually get a proper work-out unless we've had at least one meal. I'd rather have a better workout than lose a little bit more fat/day. I've tried many times and each time, my workout has just been under-par. Which actually makes me want to work-out more because they don't feel like a waste of time.

  18. Apart from burning fat and glycogen, is it possible to burn muscle tissue when doing fitness (weight lifting or cardio) on an empty stomach. I'm afraid this will happen. I have read some information about this on other sources, don't know if it's true.

  19. I'm confused with the diagram at around 2:50. Did poeple eat more when doing later exercises? How did they gain more fat than people not exercising?

  20. I've heard you break down muscle when you exercise while fasting. There are so many unanswered questions here. What happened to muscle mass following the different eating times?

  21. I love these body hacks…….so exercising before I eat something in the morning is the way to go……but, I do think, some people, if they try this, should be careful. I could see some having a difficult time doing this with not eating any food, soooo, be careful if you are going to try this…..defintitely drink water before you attempt to do this in my humble opinion….

  22. This sounds great to lose weight, but once that goal is achieved, should strategy change to exercise after meals to lower A1C and postprandial blood sugar levels?

  23. I have always taken my morning 30 minute walk after breakfast. Please post tomorrow’s video early in the morning so I can make the best decision when to take the walk. Sometimes I really hate your cliffhangers 🤣

  24. Habitual steady state cardio reduces your resting metabolism and is about the worst thing you can do for weight loss.
    You need intervals or circuits of resistance training that cycle your heart rate over 140 bpm. Yes higher heart rates burn more carbs but higher heart rates also burn more calories in total and i can tell you from loosing 40lbs in roughly 3 months moderate high heart rate circuits and intervals kick your metabolism and cardio vascular health in the butt.

  25. Wonder how morning coffee factors into it? Since it increases blood sugar. I like to drink a coffee, then run, then eat. But maybe better to leave it out.

  26. but what about if you intend to exercise for a long time at a high intensity? i’ve always thought that exercising in a fed state allows you to work harder for longer, and results in more net fat burned than a sluggish, shorter workout fasted

  27. Why does it matter if your burning the carbs from the meal or the fat stores in your body anyway if you're still going to be taking in the same number of calories. Won't you just be getting the calories back once you eat breakfast anyway?

  28. i usually don’t eat breakfast and do my walk before i eat. it’s about working out before eating and not that it has to be done in the am right ?

  29. I'm type 1 diabetic and go for a brisk 90min walk after lunch which enables me to take fewer insulin units. I would have thought this would be better for me personally than taking more insulin to cover the meal and exercising earlier in the day but I'd love to know if that's true?

  30. Dr. Greger, will you send us your mothers recipe for LENTIL SOUP 🍲 pls. I really like eating them. When I make mine, I'll even eat a 1/2 cup for my breakfast! I feel full longer, satifies me and about the healthiest food one could eat! Thanks again for all that you do, my brother in Christ.

  31. Hello Dr. Gregor, I saw your interview with Simnett nutrition and at the end you said you will donate proceeds of your upcoming book to charity and I wanted to know if you make public what charities that will be donated to?
    Been following you for a long time but I didn’t realize that this is your YouTube channel, so I just subscribed!
    Thank you for everything you do ! People call people a lifesaver, but you really are a lifesaver!

  32. Can you post a video examining the evidence for whether higher body fat percentage itself is the correlate factor for poorer health outcomes in heavier people or whether it's due to other factors that happen to correlate to having a higher weight.

  33. Ugh, you convinced me. I really enjoy exercising at night right before bed because I sleep so much better. Maybe I can stop eating earlier in the afternoon and still get the benefit because I am not a morning person.

  34. Fasted cardio can also increase autophagy before you break your fast (with breakfast), which might have various longevity benefits. Try to get some protein and carbs after exercising to promote muscle recovery and replace glycogen stores.

  35. Presumably observational studies? Maybe the before breakfast exercisers are getting better metabolic benefits because of light exposure.

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