The Hard Facts about Cancer and Diet con il professor Thomas Seyfried del Boston College

Il professor Thomas Seyfried ha pubblicato su 150 ha sottoposto a revisione paritaria studi di biologia e biologia del cancro e ha verificato l'affermazione del vincitore del premio Nobel Otto Warburg secondo cui il cancro è una malattia metabolica dei mitocondri, non una malattia genetica. Se fraintendiamo l'origine della malattia, anche il trattamento sarà sbagliato, ed è esattamente quello che è successo. Mai pensare al motivo per cui i tassi di cancro sono triplicati in passato 40 anni? Bene, ecco perché.

Thomas N. Seyfried ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca. in Genetica e Biochimica presso l'Università dell'Illinois, Urbana, in 1976. Ha svolto il suo lavoro universitario presso l'Università del New England, dove ha recentemente ricevuto l'illustre Alumni Achievement Award. Ha anche conseguito un Master in Genetica presso l'Illinois State University. Thomas Seyfried prestò servizio con lode nella prima divisione di cavalleria dell'esercito degli Stati Uniti durante la guerra del Vietnam e ricevette numerose medaglie e riconoscimenti. È stato Postdoctoral Fellow presso il Dipartimento di Neurologia della Yale University School of Medicine e poi ha prestato servizio presso la facoltà come Assistant Professor in Neurology.<br/>
Altri premi e riconoscimenti provengono da organizzazioni così diverse come l'American Oil Chemists Society, il National Institutes of Health, l'American Society for Neurochemistry, il Ketogenic Diet Special Interest Group dell'American Epilepsy Society, l'Academy of Comprehensive and Complementary Medicine e l'American College of Nutrizione.

Il Dr. Seyfried è stato in precedenza presidente del comitato consultivo scientifico per la National Tay-Sachs and Allied Diseases Association e attualmente fa parte di diversi comitati editoriali, compresi quelli per Nutrition & Metabolism, Neurochemical Research, Journal of Lipid Research e ASN Neuro, di cui è Senior Editor.

Il Dr. Seyfried è anche l'autore del libro , Il cancro come malattia metabolica: sull'origine, la gestione e Prevenzione del cancro (Wiley, 1a ed., 2012).


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Il cancro del professor Thomas Seyfried come malattia metabolica
https://youtu. essere/06e-PwhmSq8

Diete chetogeniche e cura del cancro>
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Trattamento del cancro con la dieta chetogenica: una revisione sistematica e una meta-analisi degli studi sugli animali

Centro per la cura del cancro dei carnivori, Ungheria /episodio-10-dr -zsofia-clemens

Keto come trattamento e prevenzione del cancro

Dr Thomas Seyfried Cancro, mitocondri e dieta chetogenica e digiuno nel trattamento del cancro
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Keto e glutammina, trattamento GBM Seyfried>
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Cancro che causa il grasso polinsaturo (effetto mitocondri)

La carne rossa non aumenta il rischio di cancro al colon o tutte le cause di mortalità

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100 Risposte a “The Hard Facts about Cancer and Diet con il professor Thomas Seyfried del Boston College”

  1. This video deserves a million likes. Great conversation with a sound mind like Thomas, I hope this really changes someday. So many people are sick and the answers are out there. No one deserves to suffer.

  2. Government should stay out of healthcare. Healthcare should be between the patient and the Doctor.
    When I was a kid, the family Dr had a library of medical books that he did his own research with. It’s like they’re not allowed to do their work, they’re puppets of profit.
    My advice, be your own health advocate. Like watching videos such of these. 🙌🏼 Great job, Dr. C and S !

  3. it's all about the money, not the best diet or treatment……. and if they can't patent it and charge a fortune , it's simply not going to be promoted.

  4. Since YouTube keeps interrupting videos with many commercials, Dr. Chaffee, will you ever be posting on Patreon? I'm a supporter there but there's no content. Just started listening to this podcast and thanking you in advance for what I'm sure is great information.

  5. How can we bring this information out to the patients, the public, the medical schools? It's a shame that the whole (medical) world is ruled by financial interests that seem to be stronger than any government.
    Thank you, Dr.Chaffee for spreading the word! It might be even harder when you are a part of the "system" and recognize that it is …well…rotten?

  6. We, as a species, did not evolve… we were designed and created.

    While Dr. Seyfried has many valuable things to say, I'm not sure how he considers his statements on evolution of man as a species from some other species, or that mitochondria fermented fuels billions of years ago to be scientific statements. At best, it's conformity to the current "scientific" paradigm, inference, interpretation, assumption, or faith in the evolution religion.

  7. Yep, my father-in-law was diagnosed with brain cancer…not sure if it was glioblastoma. They gave him 9 or 10 radiation "treatments," after which he declined rapidly and was dead in about 3 months.

  8. I wish I had known about this in 2001 to help save my mom. She had colon cancer that metastasized to her brain! Her favorite treats when she was in treatment were sweet rolls…just exactly what the cancer feeds on.

  9. Thanks for having Dr. Seyfried on. I wish more doctors would buck the system and prescribe keto/carnivore diets. People like to blame cancer on their genes/family history, but it is probably triggered by toxins that we’re exposed to , poor lifestyle and diet, especially excess carbs.

  10. We have a very good friend with GMB here in California and was told he has a few weeks left and should just eat as normal as possible. But knowing Dr Seyfried’s research combined with Keto or just plain low carb, our friend is still alive and kicking. It is funny that his oncologist was against the diet. Even his wife who is studying nursing thought that the diet was extreme.
    Anyways, Doctors tell lies et make more money.

  11. This was a very good interview. I like how he offered hope and empowerment to folks dealing with cancer through discussing the keto/carnivore/fasting tools available to them. I think the answer to the "Big Cancer Industrial Complex" is patients taking the power of decision making into their own hands, equipped with this empowering information.

    What was the name of that glutamine targeting drug he discussed?

  12. Thanks to both of you. I just love it when I see my favourite carnivore interview some of my favourite thinkers. Imagine having Thomas Sowell on!

  13. Boy, I am on the edge of my chair listening to Prof Seyfried. Please lets place him behind the WORLDS biggest mega-phone and get this out to the masses!!!

  14. Your incessant "yeahhh yeahh yeahh yeahhh yeahhh's" talking over your esteemed guests…cutting them off (and acting like you already know what they are saying)…is annoying.

  15. Tangential to the topic perhaps but, given the assertion that cancer metabolism is based on fermentation, I'd love to see comparative studies on cancers between carnivores and herbivores (and/or frugivores, insectivores, granivores, etc.). Seems like a potentially fascinating and informative field of study.

  16. 🙏🏽Thank you so very much to Dr Anthony and Prof Thomas for sharing such valuable information. Having had stage 3 ovarian cancer in 2019, and stage 4 reoccurrence currently in lymph nodes, this information is LIFE SAVING! I’ve been a vegetarian for 10+ years and a week ago found out what the carnivore diet is. I’ve started eating meat and will transition to 100% carnivore over the next couple of weeks. I do not want to put my body into shock. Thank you again, I’ve started telling EVERYONE who will listen, about the health benefits of going carnivore. Hugs from New Zealand 🇳🇿😊🙏🏽👋🏽

  17. When I was in Hospital last Nov. with delta/covid, I did not eat hospital food other than an egg one morning and salmon steak one evening. Everything else was, as Dr. Chaffee stated, sugar and carbs primarily. It was good to fast during those five days anyway. Perhaps fasting enhanced recovery.

  18. The doctor’s statement that cancerous mitochondria put into a healthy cell will cause cancerous, fermenting-powered growth vs. a nucleus from a cancer cell put into a cell with healthy mitochondria not resulting in cancerous growth does appear to mean that genes( found in the nucleus) are not that involved with cancer. It’s toxins, diet, stress, lack of sleep that really pull the trigger.

  19. That is really light in the end of the tunnel for cancer treatment… I've lost to early my gran grandmother, grandmother and my mother to breast cancer and I've removed one none malignant breast tumor and was told by doctors that is not the question will I get the cancer but when… I go to ultrasound checkout once a year but now as carnivore (no carb, no plants, almost 6 months) feeling really great, heald many other issues and hoping tha this is the way to avoid one myself…. Great conversation, I've shared it on Facebook for people to know. Thank you both for all that you do! 🙏🏻

  20. Isn't it more about the alkaline/acidic balance? Why no mention of Polyunsaturated fats (Omega 3's) compared to saturated fat? VERY toxic substance from what I understand. I do hope you are also researching PUFA's and the effects it has on the body when consumed in high volume. I think you will find it plays a very major role in terms of disease. My hope is that you will take that same passion in regards to carbs and sugar, and take a deep dive into what PUFA's and HUFA's are also doing to us in terms of toxiciry and disease.

  21. This may be a really dumb question, but I’m going to ask it anyway because I’m trying to figure this out… I understand that the process of glucose and glutamine fermenting in the body is cancer-inducing. This makes a lot of sense to me, not to mention the general health benefits from reducing sugar and carbs in one’s diet. My question is about the relationship between glutamine and glutathione. If I am looking at this properly, glutamine is the precursor to glutathione. (Please correct me wherever I am wrong!) Glutathione, however, is billed as a master antioxidant. So… is it wise to try to increase glutathione in your system? Does this help to mitigate the glutamine fermentation? Or, is glutathione not all it’s cracked up to be — or even harmful? Thanks for any help either Dr. Chaffee or Prof Seyfried or any of you have to offer!!!

  22. Dr Chaffee, this interview is FANTASTIC! What an eye opener and I am astounded by the information shared by Prof Seyfried. Definitely worth a second watch. I have shared this video with a friend who is undergoing cancer treatment.

  23. A fantastic book about Otto Warburg's life and science is "Ravenous" by Sam Apple – it also holds fascinating insights about the dangers of diet fanaticism especially in politically unstable times. Another book I really liked was "Mitochondria and the Future of Medicine" by Lee Know which was one of the reasons why I took up resistance training once again – the book makes you realize how much mitochondria matter, actually they are a matter of life an death in the long term and we have so much influence on their health. Nutrition is key for staying healthy and curing diseases, carnivore diets are very beneficial and sugar is a drug – no doubt about it , these are established hard facts – still we are not only designed to eat well, but also to train our body. There definately is such a thing as energy toxicity and it seems to be a very common state for people to be in nowadays. We have unlearned as a society to tolerate beneficial pain that comes from demanding physical activities. To me it seems that the general absence of consistent challenge for muscle tissue throughout youth and adult life prepares half of the ground for chronic disease. Not eating nutritious food makes you lose a lot of the benefits from a physically active lifestyle, not looking after your muscle tissue won't allow you to get the benefits a high quality diet should yield. One reason why we are more inclined to change our diet than to change our exercising habits may be because the latter is a decision we don't make as consumers. The great thing about this is that exercising helps you unlearn on all other levels to be what industry sees in you – a consumer.

  24. What kind of diet would benefit a dog with lymphoma cancer? I lost my Standard Poodle at the age of 6 and I know many friends that lost a dog to this as well, now a friend over in UK has a 3 yr old Tibetan Terrier given chemotherapy and now have had to give up because it’s not working, they are devastated! What can they do?? 😢

  25. Thank you so much for the great information. My wife had a stroke at age 44 and lost her vision permanently from her right eye. I don’t know exactly what caused it but I believe has to do with the fertility medications she was taking for 2 years in order to get pregnant. She had no eggs and after her stroke doctor told us don’t even try no more because is very very dangerous. We started the ketogenic diet at the same time after couple of months, me because I had couple of issues and my wife just followed me on this way of eating.. My symptoms disappeared in 2 weeks and after 3 months I went all the way carnivore.. my wife lost a lot of weight on the diet because she gained a lot from the medications she was taking and magically 2 years later at age 46 she got pregnant naturally and we weren’t even try. We didn’t have one chance in a million actually.It was a gift from God and I’m 1000 percent sure keto-carnivore is the solution for many many problems out there. She had a beautiful pregnancy with no problems while she was on keto-carnivore the whole time. Today we have a healthy strong baby boy that just turned 18 months.

  26. This guy lost me when he said 2.5 billion years ago. Nobody was there to see it or test it so that's not science. If he believes the evolution lie, he loses credibility scientifically.

  27. I have Polycythemia Vera Blood Cancer and I have felt all along that my diabetes encouraged this cancer. After watching this, I feel I am correct in my thoughts.
    I started a keto lifestyle 2 years ago, and after I started, my blood work was doing very well, I slipped up last year after we lost my Dad, Mom & brother to various problems and my numbers started to rise! In the last two weeks I am back on track and am already feeling the results of I living properly.
    Thank you so much for this presentation, it makes me feel there is hope!
    My thoughts are that besides the fact that all these disgusting treatments are money makers..many also have an ego problem and won't ever admit they are wrong …which is Sick

  28. As someone who has had a cancer diagnosis I will tell you that there are endless videos on diet and cancer…ear fruit, do a coffee enema, don’t eat, eat lots, eat starch, eat meat….let me tell you, it’s very confusing and frustrating. That being said I was grain free for ten years (wheat allergy and grain sensitivity), in excellent shape, not overweight at all….the diagnosis was frustrating (early stage breast cancer) even with my family history. So, what advice do I follow? Right now it’s very low carb (I do eat a few berries and some veg) with zero sugar or sugar substitute. Mostly meat, yogurt, eggs and yes…cheese! I am also doing all the medical treatments which include surgery, a short course of radiation (five day, partial breast) and anti hormone therapy. I will fight with every inch of my being…..luckily no chemo was needed, but I would have done it if needed. Honestly, I think the food management s the key. Time will tell.

  29. Anyone watching this make sure you stay for the last 15-20 minutes, it's when some really impressive and amazing new information hits the table. Seyfried is on top of this cancer game.

  30. drive down a busy street and see all of the garbage food that is being sold. And not just McDonalds. Fine restaurants use seed oils. Go to a Starbucks and watch people pick up their 40 grams of sugar drink at 7AM

  31. I am highly fiber sensitive so it doesn't matter if they are conventionally grown or organically grown. I only ate organic veggies. My body feels so much better without vegetables.

  32. I have high grade osteosarcoma. I’m getting chemo and about to start radiation. Going to have to strongly reconsider where to from here. I’ve know about keto/carnivore for years so I’m on board but it’s scary to say no to ‘treatment’. Lots of prayer and wisdom needed!

  33. Fantastic episode, thank you, Dr. Chaffee. My late husband was a Chiropractor and discussed this very issue daily, finally! Thank you for this discussion.

  34. Dr. Burzynski has the ONLY 20+ year Glioblastoma Survivors.
    Of course, the FDA wants him shut down.

    For the SAME REASONS you cannot get your drug through… Burzynski Was Silenced!

  35. Great video and listen! This guy couldn't be anymore on the money! I tried talking to my wife a while back about this and it was just something else she shrugged off and ignored. Where I always harp lifestyle and diet and the 2 biggest factors in disease and sickness. She thinks I'm crazy for saying everything goes back to diet and be cured by diet and believes things like cancer are just genetic/bad luck.

  36. My final clearance and subsequent discharge from Urology having fought a battle against bladder cancer over a period of three years was a relief. As soon as cancer was mentioned I gave up sugar. Oncologists don't seem to tell you that. Then I hit GcMaf hard, twice a day with 50,000 IU and Two Vitamin D3 tablets an hour before GcMaf, always at least an hour after food, or sometimes before, but an hour away is important. The stomach acids destroy GcMaf. Glyco protein, macro phage activation factor. EVERYONE has it in their bodies if healthy. It is the Immune system's anchor and just less than 1 billionth of a gram is how much there is, it cures most people's 70 to 90 cancer attacks every day. The British Govt have banned it, because there is too much money coming into the cancer charities who are claining to find a cure. there is one !!! Since 2007 ! The people who developed it were saent to prison in France (fleury merogis) just outside Paris. Lyn thyer Immunobiologist and David Noakes the Entrepeneur who funded the cure for Immuno Bitoech, who lost everything, all the data deleted and equipment smashed ! satanic

  37. I think overhauling our food culture is the key. This will be violently resisted since it will cut all profits from pharma, health and factory food industries.

  38. "I don't give a rat's ass about a genetically-modified mouse with a genetically-modified cancer that is resistant to metabolic therapy." I love this guy! Respect!

  39. Thank you Dr. Chaffee for this interview! I was so looking forward to this. Love you both for your passion and knowledge! Thank you for your time!

  40. Dr Seyfried needs to compare notes with Dr Chris Knobbe, who sees the effect of excess linoleic acid on the electron transport chain in the inner membrane of the mitochondria. Cardiolipin failure is involved. Tucker Goodrich, Dr Paul Saladino, and Dr Joe Mercola are all enlightened on this subject. But many others becoming aware. New book by Chris Knobbe in September called Ancestral Diet willfocus on linoleic acid’s impact on mitochondrial dysfunction and relation to chronic disease.

  41. I have a friend who has stage 4 cancer. She is "stuck" doing chemo because we can't find a doctor willing to do alternative treatments in our area. There is a doc that does alternative treatments in our state but it will cost $17,000 a month if she does his protocol. Or she can go to Mexico and spend $$ doing treatment there. This is discouraging.

  42. I found that drinking multiple cups of coffee when I was losing weight, actually made my PSA number rise quite markedly. I stopped drinking coffee for 3 weeks prior to getting a PSA blood test, and the figure was cut in half. I realised this was due to the inflammatory nature of caffeine. I now only have 1 cup a day, and I am due to have another PSA test in 4 months, so we will see. I have also been on a carnivore diet for the last 18 months and have never felt better – I am now 60 years old, and am looking forward to many more years of healthy life.

  43. Does anyone know where I can purchase a copy of Dr Seyfried's book? It is currently $250- $300+ on Amazon and other book sellers websites. Im in New Zealand. Thanks! 😉

  44. Unless the corrupt government and lobbying is stopped nothing will change.
    It’s all about the money. It always will be

  45. I pray this information helps others. I was to late for my brother. I have learned about Carnivore, fats and glucose about one year ago, right after my beloved brother died. He had a brain tumor, the steroids, surgery and treatment was successful only to get non Hodgkin’s lymphoma six month later. And, now chemo and four months later caught COVID and died. Knowing what I know today, surgery was fine and that is it! And move to a full fat carnivore diet would have cured him. Dr Thomas and Dr Anthony please continue fighting the good fight. You will save many others … I was to late in learning about this.

  46. Thank you for this very interesting and informative podcast. Keep spreading the word. Health should not be so difficult. Let's come back to a proper human diet (as Dr. Ken Berry calls it) and much of our illnesses and disease will decline dramatically.

  47. I have not met a trained Allopath yet who understands the disease mechanism which is why they cannot heal themselves from the common cold. Would you take your car to a mechanic who could not fix (heal) his car? These people have been trained by those who own big pHARMA they pour poisons into the body of their patients thinking they can heal them that way when the body is already chronically toxic. That is like trying to put out a fire by pouring more fuel on the fire.
    If you want to heal the body find a competent Naturopath who understands that you have to treat the Whole person, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. People who can help others show them how to heal. Remember the word cure has a negative connotation it also means to prolong as when we cure meat to ensure it has a longer shelf life.
    My advice is to stay away from Allopaths including in that the sub-group Oncologists and their big pHARMA poisons and you will live a longer, healthier, happier life.

  48. Shared! Great conversation! I am personally educating cancer patients in Bangladesh (who are in most cases too poor to buy those expensive drugs anyway) and telling them about this really simple idea. For me too, the bottom line is to see more people benefit from this.

  49. As a nurse, I try to share as much of this information with my cancer patients, in fact everyone, that I possibly can. People are in disbelief when I told him these things, but I give them plenty of verifiable information to seek out on their own. It really saddens me from a career built in healthcare perspective that this information isn’t readily available through the specialists these patients seek treatment from

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