The Potential Harm in Unnecessary Gluten-Free Diets

How might we prevent the inflammation from gluten-free diets? The dark side of gluten-free diets.

Who would benefit from a gluten-free diet? See my video series on gluten:
• Is Gluten Sensitivity Real? (
• Gluten-Free Diets: Separating the Wheat from the Chat (
• How to Diagnose Gluten Intolerance (

There’s no reason you can’t keep your good bugs happy on a gluten-free diet. There are all sorts of gluten-free intact grains that are packed with fiber. To learn more, check out: <br />• Which Is a Better Breakfast: Cereal or Oatmeal? (
• Benefits of Quinoa for Lowering Triglycerides (
• Is Sorghum a Healthy Grain? (
• Studies on Millet Nutrition: Is It a Healthy Grain? (
• The Benefits of Millet for Diabetes (

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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66 Risposte a “The Potential Harm in Unnecessary Gluten-Free Diets”

  1. So glad this issue is finally being addressed. Should one avoid gluten? If one is celiac – yes, if not – no. It is as simple as that, yet people still continue making these unnecessary restrictions, get tired and then call vegan diet unsustainable.

    Edit: Thank you everybody for your responses. By celiac I meant people with all kinds of medically proven gluten disorders (not only celiac disease). Sorry for the confusion, it truly is sad that such unpleasant reactions occur among you lot.

  2. Quite fortunate myself that i have zero issues with gluten, even in large amounts. Including as much fiber from various sources as possible, be it fruit, veg, seeds, grains or legumes has been extremely beneficial over the years, a complete night and day in terms of overall health as well as massively improved physical and cognitive function. Coming from someone who used to be severely lethargic on your average omnivorous diet with little fiber(no junk food, whole foods) many years ago at this point.
    I am also fortunate that in my 30 years i haven't used any antibiotics, so my gut microbiome was spared in that regard.

  3. Oddly enough, I have always had a sensitivity to wheat & pollen, but my oldest daughter got full on celiac disease, to where she can't even have gluten in her cosmetics. My allergies combined with her fathers messy dna gave her the raw end of the deal. Her life is brutally complicated, and I do feel bad.

  4. I'm very disappointed. Again. Wheat is a top allergen. That's not celiac or "gluten sensitivity." I'm highly allergic to wheat – and I'm not the only one! Also most food made with wheat is trash and wheat is almost never used in its whole form. I thought you promoted whole foods, but it looks like what you're promoting is the wheat industry. Fake meat manufacturers must love you. And comparing gluten-free diets with low carbohydrate diets is a false comparison. Believe me, it's possible to avoid gluten and still get tons of carbs, and of fiber. I'm an excellent example. Grains, and other forms of plant seeds, seem to be the base of my diet – maybe unfortunately. I'd like to go on a raw food diet which will eliminate a lot of the grains/seeds. Gorillas and chimpanzees don't eat wheat. Humans are the only animal to eat cooked foods. Justify it all you want, it's still unnatural.

  5. I'm in a bit of a predicament, I went gluten free years ago without being tested for celiac disease. But now that my body has recovered, I would need to eat lots of gluten for an entire month to get and accurate reading for celiac disease, which just isn't possible for me. My doctor urged me to do the gluten challenge and I tried my absolute best for 1 week but I had to quit. I was farting literally ALL day EVERY DAY I would go more than 10 second without farting, I had severe dimentia like symptoms. So now I have to live the rest of my life not knowing if I've got celiac disease.

  6. Curious as to your take on glyphosate on USA grains and how that affects the body vs grains not sprayed with glyphosate.
    Many folks who arent celiac feel so much better when dont eat typical USA grains, but dont feel bad when eating overseas in "clean grain" countries or if they eat organic, non sprayed USA grains.

  7. I'm probably 95% WFPB and I definitely get enough fibre!! But I've developed a sensitivity to gluten which manifests itself in an inflammatory reaction thru various skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.
    I've been vegan for 4½ years.
    I'd love to be able to eat gluten again – I ate it for 40 years with no trouble at all.

    I'm at the point now where even if I avoid gluten, the psoriasis on my body goes away but I have very dry skin on my face. Especially around my nose and eyebrows.

    Has anyone else suffered from this?

  8. i don't think I have celiac disease, I think I have gluten intolerance though. Whenever I have gluten I get VERY bloated and VERY gassy for 2/3 days, which is incredibly uncomfortable and embarrassing. I still eat lots of fiber through oats, fruits, quinoa, farro, rice etc… is that still considered harmful?

  9. Barley has nearly twice the fiber content of oats and requires three times the cooking time and that's after soaking over night. I find that it takes 75 minutes under high pressure in a pressure cooker to get acceptable results. Oat groats only take about 25 minutes under pressure and there is no need to pre-soak. The percentage of soluble fiber is much higher in oats. Oats have a higher fat content and I prefer the flavor of oats over barley as a porridge, although, barley and beans are a nice combination.

  10. The gluten free issue is huge! Everywhere you go, restaurants are catering to this faux malady. Fiber is a huge issue, but nutrient deficiency is also big. Have a friend who was a runner, exercises all the time, but gluten free because her friend lost a couple extra pounds after ascribing to the diet in the book Wheat Belly. She is over 65 now, and has suddenly developed eye problems and other age problems. She barely eats a grain, and cannot tolerate beans or legumes. Her doctor put her on daily vitamins, but has not encouraged her to eat differently because she is not overweight and isn’t having gastrointestinal problems. I am worried about her. Please do more videos on this topic.

  11. Fiber is an essential Carbohydrate to have in your diet. Many falsely claim there are no essential Carbs but there are essential amino acids and essential oils

  12. I'll always have a sweet spot in my heart for Dr. Gregor because switching from really high saturated fat, cholesterol, and refined carb diet took me from pre-diabetic to totally normal blood glucose, but I had to thumb this video down. It simplifies things too much and almost suggests that a low-carb diet is exclusive to a high-fiber diet and that it is dangerous full stop.

    Also, there was no mention in the paper cited of vegan low-carb diets. In a randomized controlled trial (article published in 2014), the healthful, low-carb vegan diet out-performed the healthful, low-fat (almost) vegan diet on cardiovascular disease markers. Clearly it's not as simple as he suggests. 

    Someone can even be vegan keto and eat a lot more soluble fiber compared to the average person (and low to no saturated fat, cholesterol, trans fat, refined carbs, or other concerning foods) as long as they don't eat a lot of net carbs. My health improved from WFPB (I ate that way for 5 years) when I lowered my net carbs, increased my polyunsaturated fats, and worked not to reduce the amount of soluble fiber. These details he glosses over matter.

  13. I try to avoid it because I'm trying to keep my thyroid healthy. All research I've done says to stay away from gluten if you have hypothyroidism.?.

  14. Well shoot haha. Gluten makes my hair fall out and have stomaches, so I have to avoid it. Also been on at home sushi kick, so i've been chomping on a good bit of rice. Will have to switch things up more.

  15. I wonder how many calories our ancestors ate, because on my best days when I eat all whole plant foods I can get about 80 grams of fiber which means in order to get 100 grams of fiber, I would have to increase my calories quite a bit!!!!!

  16. I've watched three different co-workers, and their spouses, at least double maybe triple in size since coming to work for my company. Imagine three different households where the husband and wife weigh around 300 lb, in a few cases almost 400lbs. Perhaps ceasing consumption of a 4-5k calories daily, never leaving the couch or bed at home, perhaps walking instead of driving everywhere, perhaps that is the cause, not some finger pointing at gluten, as the problem. Most of these six adults (after getting fat), suddenly developed gluten problems, they say. It is obesity, not gluten, is the problem.

  17. Also Selenium deficiency could be an issue. Out of the thousands of nutritional tables ive looked at wheat appears to be the second best source of Selenium in plant foods besides brazil nuts which are expensive and can be inaccessible. 100g of wheat can have up to 2.5 your DV for Selenium and its hard to find an easily available food that comes anywhere close

  18. I am not celiac but after a stomach surgery it seems like my stomach cannot handle that kind of voluminous food anymore, the digestion seem to get blocked. I eat potatoes (mostly sweet potatoes) and generous amounts of fruit and veg. I dont really know what to do otherwise. I feel good. I do eat wheat like once or twice a month, and it seems to be ok, but cant do it every day, or rice or other grains for that matter. I have tried to calculate how much fiber I get a day and it is probably between 40-50g. I eat A LOT of greens, especially since I dont eat the grainy stuff.

  19. Great video topic! May I also add gluten intolerance with celiac. For myself I don’t have celiac disease but I’m still gluten intolerant, most grains actually, they trigger inflammation and give me deep painful cystic acne. I struggled for a long time trying to figure out how eat so I could heal. Found it! These days I eat WFPB, an abundance of fruit and greens, low-fat, high raw, SOS-free, I get around 70-80g fiber a day. No more inflammation flareups, acne breakouts, oily T-zone, clogged pores, it all cleared up. My skin is clear, hydrated, healthy and actually glows now. So grateful! My husband also doesn’t have celiac but gets inflammation and eczema flareups whenever he eats gluten. Maybe it’s how they’ve hybridized the grains/gluten? I don’t know. Thanks so much for all your hard work Dr. Greger!

  20. Organic oats are the best of both worlds, all the benefits of glutinous grains without the gluten. I eat them raw, mixed with canned no-salt mushrooms, organic canned pumpkin, and organic unsweetened soymilk. Yum!

  21. Very interesting. I was diagnosed with Celiac in 2003 at age 4 alongside my little sister. I always figured all these people picking it up as a faad were putting themselves at a disadvantage by cutting out potentially healthy foods. Seeing research on it is awesome.

  22. Gluten in any form makes my stomach feel bloated and overfull for an hour after eating . Rice makes me feel overfull and bloated too. Quinoa doesn't bother me. I'm staying on fresh fruits and veggies and nuts and seeds.

  23. Technically, all grains have gluten. Gluten is a seed storage protein. There is research that shows immune cross-reactivity can develop between "pop" gluten grains (wheat barley/rye) and other grains (corn, oats, sorghum, rice etc.)
    In my own case, it wasn't enough to drop wheat. It was only after eliminating most grains that persistent eczema and psoriasis cleared up.

  24. Important information for those of us who have gone gluten free, think we are doing the healthy thing and yet don't have celiac disease. We just need more fibre!

  25. I eat a mostly raw whole food plant based diet no processed foods no oil (a processed food) and no gluten I don’t eat bread. I do grains like quinoa.
    Your message seemed to say make sure you get fiber. Where did you say gluten is so important ? if done right, your WFPB daily dozen why do you need gluten???

  26. 3:50 What the crap is this ? Gluten or not has nothing to do with heavy metals. It's because they are eating food high in heavy metals, not because it's gluten free. Lame propaganda.

  27. Getting enough fibre makes sense. But don't you get enough fibre when you eat legumes, buckwheat, sorghum, quinoa etc.?
    There are people like me, who, with hashimoto, are being told to leave gluten out of their diet. And I can feel that is it is better for me not to eat food that contains gluten.

  28. Thanks for another good video. There is a video on this channel about avoiding or minimizing arsenic from rice, it features Dr. Greger and Dr. Barnard. Maps showing arsenic in soils are available online so one could select the origin of one's rice. Plus it's probably good to have a rotation of grains and pseudo grains, I have many types regularly.

  29. Hello Dr greger, in regards to your last comments in the video what are your thoughts of gut belly on American wheat, vs no reaction to European wheat

  30. I love wheat and (thankfully) am able to have it, however, I didn’t realize fruit and vegetables were so light on fiber… off to increase my consumption of legumes then!

  31. I disagree with this video. I lost a year of my life in three meals of barley upon going WFPB. You don't want a 1% chance to lose a year of your life. Gut dysbiosis, the #1 way to create an ex-vegan. Worst part, I had symptomatic low blood pressure right when glutened, doctor says up salt and water intake. After my experience with salt, I believe Fuhrman's stance that salt is more dangerous to a vegan than a meat eater. Ate SAD for 30 years at 180 lbs, even jumbo bowls of ramen noodles up to the very day before I changed my diet, no problem. As vegan 150 lbs LDL 40 total cholesterol 99, 1-2 months into salt I start having sharp pains in my head followed by a day long storm of inflammation in my head that was a mic drop, never felt that a day in my life prior. If its true that getting glutened can tank a person's blood pressure as did mine then this makes wheat even more problematic. Wheat doesn't have any taste unprocessed, we're not removing vegetables or fruits or nuts or legumes, not even whole grains. Telling people to eat gluten instead of junk is not great advice. Beans oats sweet potatoes are better, there's plenty of non-rice gluten free grains. There's a reason people choose to avoid gluten and it's integrity should be upheld and not forgotten. Chronic stress for a beginner vegan if this 1% happens, you've been warned. Why risk beating yourself up when you don't have to. I sure wouldn't have, had I known.

  32. It's only harmful if people eat the standard gluten free diet, which includes processed rubbish.
    If you are eating good proteins, healthy fats, vegetables, fruits, starches like sweet potatoes , plantains, cassava, some legumes and nuts and other gluten free grains, you will be healthier and eating a much bigger variety of foods than regular wheat eaters.

  33. I’m curious if you’re eating quinoa, oats, and buckwheat groats if you get enough of the types of fiber you would normally get from gluten.

  34. I'm sure if Dr. Greger had any kind of personal experience with the digestive hell gluten sensitivity can cause he would not always be so passive aggressive about it.

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