Un trattamento per la sindrome da stanchezza cronica

Uno studio crossover randomizzato, in doppio cieco e controllato con placebo finanziato dall'industria suggerisce che il cioccolato può migliorare i sintomi per chi soffre di sindrome da stanchezza cronica, una condizione debilitante che attualmente colpisce ben 7 milioni di americani. Ma come si ottengono i fitonutrienti del cacao senza i grassi saturi e gli zuccheri aggiunti?

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Credito immagine: John Loo e FrankBonilla.tv tramite Flickr, Mariluna ed Evan-Amos tramite Wikimedia Commons e ChocolateCover.

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19 Risposte a “Un trattamento per la sindrome da stanchezza cronica”

  1. Ok – where is the recipe?
    I could just start throwing frozen fruit, cocao, dates and soymilk into a blender until I get it right … but that might take a while.
    Hold on …. off to the kitchen I go!

  2. Frozen bananas and cocoa powder work for me.  I'll try berries next.
      Also i like a bit of cocoa powder in my peanut butter.

  3. NutritionFacts.org

    Dear Dr. G, love your style and the cause. Keep up the good work. My Partner has severe myalgic encephalomyelitis; I'd love to see any significant studies on this disease and anything that may help. Thanks

    P. S. Saw you on what the health, you were easily the best expert they bought in 😀 – very entertaining and powerful. (y)

  4. Kudos for the Video clip! Forgive me for the intrusion, I am interested in your initial thoughts. Have you ever tried – Dinanlinson Rebooting Health Approach (erm, check it on google should be there)? It is an awesome one off product for getting rid of chronic fatigue syndrome minus the headache. Ive heard some decent things about it and my best friend Jordan finally got astronomical results with it.

  5. I suffered from this for 10 years. The reason is SUGAR AND CARBS. I began a healthy diet with low sugar (fruit) and saw improvement then switch to keto and once i fully adapted to the keto, the fatigue went away completey. Shit, now i cant even sleep lol. Chocolate being the answer? HOW DELUSIONAL ARE PEOPLE.

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