Uova e diabete

Anche un solo uovo alla settimana può aumentare il rischio di diabete, la principale causa di amputazioni degli arti inferiori, insufficienza renale e nuovi casi di cecità.

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Ulteriori informazioni sul Freedom of Information Act sull'industria delle uova sono disponibili in:

• Uova e colesterolo: affermazioni palesemente false e fuorvianti (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/eggs-and-cholesterol-patently-false-and-misleading- claim/)
• Uova e colina: qualcosa di strano (http://nutritionfacts.org/video /uova-e-colina-qualcosa-di-pesce/)<br/> • Uova contro sigarette nell'aterosclerosi (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/eggs-vs-cigarettes-in-atherosclerosis/)
• Più di una mela al giorno: combattere il comune Malattie (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/more-than-an-apple-a-day-preventing-our-most-common-diseases/)

I semi di lino possono aiutare a controllare gli zuccheri nel sangue (semi di lino per il diabete, http://nutritionfacts.org/2013/08/08/semi di lino-per-il-diabete/) e uva spina indiana (Amla Versus Diabetes, http://nutritionfacts.org/video/amla-versus-diabetes/), ma la soluzione migliore potrebbe essere una dieta composta interamente da piante (Come prevenire il diabete, http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-prevent-diabetes/ e Come trattare il diabete, http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-treat-diabetes/).

Tratterò il diabete gestazionale (alto livello di zuccheri durante la gravidanza) in un prossimo video: restate sintonizzati!

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/eggs-and-diabetes/ e proverà a rispondere!

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97 Risposte a “Uova e diabete”

  1. Watch out for the vegan biased doctors. Get your unbiased reports by examine.com who isn't trying to sell you a vegan diet. PETA supporters are doing more harm than they can comprehend.

  2. my grandfather is diabetic and he eats eggs in butter every breakfast!
    he lost one leg but quit smoking tho… but then lost another leg…

  3. Eat what you like in moderation. Walk for 30-45 min a day…Live happily!!. These studies changes as time changes.

  4. I'm 52, I've eating two or more eggs DAILY SINCE I WAS A CHILD,. My cholesterol, sugar and triglycerides levels are pretty good, so my blood pressure. I don't remember the last time I used sugar and I've eaten in Mc Donald three times in my whole life. I don't eat processed food. I'm not trying to be an example of life, but I don't care about this information. According to you I should be deat.

  5. I eat 3-6 eggs a day, I exercise and eat lots of vegetables to and all my blood tests are excellent? So Im not sure this is true. I’m 28

  6. Djoussé et al. (1) found that intake of seven or more eggs per week was associated with a 58% increased risk of type 2 diabetes in men and 77% in women after adjustment for potential confounders compared with that in subjects who denied any egg consumption. Two important caveats need to be made explicit.

    Firstly, eggs are often consumed as a breakfast food accompanied by other items that are potentially unhealthy, such as bacon and sausage. This may have confounded the reported results, and eggs may have been an innocent bystander. Although consumption of red meat and saturated, trans, and polyunsaturated fatty acids was adjusted for among women, this information was not available for men. Another dietary consideration is that eggs are often fried that significantly increases the calorific and fat content compared with that of boiled eggs.

    Secondly, the emphasis on relative measures of increased risk may mislead the general public to avoid egg consumption as a means of avoiding the development of type 2 diabetes. Similar to the debate about how to describe the benefit of statin use (2), absolute measures, such as attributable risk and its reciprocal and number needed to treat or number needed to harm, can better place this issue into a more reasonable perspective (3). Misinterpretation of study results is unfortunately all too common when focusing exclusively on relative risk, as demonstrated rather dramatically by the breast cancer and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs study from the prospective Women's Health Initiative project (4). That study received a substantial amount of press coverage because of the statement that taking an aspirin a day for at least 5 years reduces the risk of developing breast cancer for postmenopausal women by 20%. This sounds impressive; however, the actual impact of this intervention nets an attributable risk of 0.08% (number needed to treat of 1,250).

    Applying this concept to the risk of egg consumption and the development of type 2 diabetes, taking the crude annualized incidence rates reported in the article, and comparing egg consumption with no egg consumption, the number needed to harm values were 321, 376, 910, 1,450, and 1,819 for men for the categories of ≥7, 5–6, 2–4, 1, and <1 eggs/week, respectively. For women, the number needed to harm values were 137, 269, 397, 2,703, and 1,613, respectively. Thus, telling a woman who has similar characteristics to those in the studied cohort that her risk of developing diabetes is 77% higher if she consumes at least seven eggs per week is only one side of the story. She should also be told that each year the development of diabetes will be encountered in only one extra woman out of every 137 women who elect to eat at least seven eggs per week versus those abstaining from eggs completely. Over time, this risk may be unacceptable but likely remains overshadowed by overall poor diet, physical inactivity, and advancing age.

    © 2009 by the American Diabetes Association.

  7. Interesting that all of the supposed nutrition wisdom of the west doesn't seem to apply to Asians at all. It's almost as if there are other more important lifestyle factors at play. Japanese eat 320 eggs a year on average per person, for example, while in America it's between 250-270. Meanwhile, Americans consume more sugar per person than any other country in the world.
    In Japan it was 51.5 grams of sugar per capita per day in 2012, in the US it's 126 grams. Also only 23% of Americans get enough exercise, while in Japan it's about 60%. However, about 9.4% of Americans have diabetes, with only 7.6% of Japanese having the disease (keep in mind that ~2% is equivalent to millions of people, it's significant).

  8. I call Bullshit! Eggs help Diabetes!, your body also needs good cholesterol!. they just want to steer you away from anything that helps you cure the disease..

  9. New research denies a link between higher intakes of eggs, cholesterol imbalance and elevated risks of cardiovascular disease (CVD) events or type 2 diabetes. Many of these earlier studies about the diet-heart hypothesis and cholesterol also formed the basis for meta-analysis on the associations of egg consumption and incidence of type 2 diabetes.  In those, it was highlighted that consuming seven or more eggs per week was tied to a higher prevalence of type 2 diabetes and that, among people with type 2 diabetes, frequent consumers of eggs may experience more CVD events. All of this outdated and possibly incorrect evidence sparked calls for further scrutiny, which is why Dutch researchers from the University of Copenhagen set out to analyse more recent (< 10 years old) literature on the topic. Their findings are severalfold. First, they found that there is little or no consistency between egg consumption and the risk of type 2 diabetes in studies with follow-ups as long as seven years. It was also shown that, in healthy people and people with type 2 diabetes, no direct associations exist between egg consumption and coronary artery calcium, a marker for the development of atherosclerosis.
    Among people at higher risk for CVD, egg consumption was generally inversely associated with dyslipidemia and, in some cases, those who consumed them had less visible atherosclerotic plaque when they underwent a coronary angiography. In terms of the impact of eggs on cholesterol levels, a few well-designed studies found no adverse effects of a high (one to three eggs daily) versus low egg consumption for up to one year among healthy adults and those with type 2 diabetes or metabolic syndrome.

  10. I dont know how old this study is. There are many articles I found online suggesting eggs good for diabetics as a source of protien. Can you please give updated research?

  11. OMG! This is the WORSTE advice possible! Sugar is the absolute cause of SUGAR DIABETES! We've known this for centuries! Eggs? Really? Association isn't causation… it's juvenile! Just because carb obsessed people also eat eggs doesn't mean the eggs caused their disease. This is just embarrassing.

  12. OMG, I consider this complete nonsense. I eat an egg (and sometimes 2 eggs) every morning. And have done so since I was a child. I'm 71 now, never had any of the above mentioned. And I'm not the only one. Maybe you should research the real causes of diabetes, kidney failure an blindness.

  13. Cherry picking data from poorly formed studies does not prove any causation. The other dietary intake is not discussed here. They are also using a relative risk ratio here and not the actual risk percent. This is a smoke and mirrors piece and I categorize it in my bad science group.

  14. Did these studies account/search for confounding variables, e.g. were the eggs the responsible cause or is it only correlated with the real underlying cause?

  15. Thanks for reporting this new data. Now that I have been informed I can make a choice as to whether I need to avoid eggs for my personal health needs.

  16. Eggs increase risks of diabetes, really? Ceteris Paribus… I think your are missing out information here. Diabetes is insulin resistance and hence high insulin. Eggs provoke any metabolic response in the pancreas at all? I think not. Unless, you eat it with a bunch of carbs, which ARE NOT EGGS.

  17. if youre at a healthy weight, exercise regularly, eat a large variety of whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables and nuts it really doesnt matter how many eggs you eat. could be daily or none whatsoever. you aint getting diabetes

  18. If you sit on your butt most of the day and night and flood your body with excessive calories you are sooner or later going to burn out your pancreas and or develop insulin resistance. Most cases of type 2 diabetes are just that simple.

  19. Statins that ppl take for heart diseases and cholesterol are much worse and higher chances for diabetes than eggs. I doubt if you eat 1 or 2 free range eggs a week you get diabetes

  20. What's the cause -in theory for rise of type 2.
    Just eggs alone, with bacon and bread, jelly or syrup. How was it cooked etc. flawed research.

  21. CONTACT DR MUSTAFA ON +2347010821863 OR EMAIL herbalremedies21@gmail.com


    DR mustafa is the only Dr who could ever get DIABETES cured with his healing,strong,fresh and powerful medicine, i have tried almost everything but i couldn't find any solution on my disease, despite all these happening to me, i always spend a lot to buy drugs from hospital and taking some several medications but no relieve, until one day i was just browsing on the internet when i come across a great post of 'Morrison' who truly said that he was been diagnose with DIABETES and was healed within 14 days through the help of this great powerful healing doctor, so i quickly contacted him, and he ask me some few questions and he said a thing i will never forget that any one who contacted him is always getting his or her healing ,so i was amazed all the time i heard that from him,so he sent me the herbal medicine ,and after taking his medicine for the period of 14 days he told me to, i noticed a very hug difference in my health,so i went to the hospital to give the final test to the disease and the doctor said i am DIABETES NEGATIVE ,i was very amazed about the healing DR MUSTAFA gave to me from the help of his ancient herbs. that was how i got rid of my 2 years diabetes disease…….. contact DR MUSTAFA at once you can email him now for your own healing too like HIV,CANCER,HEPATITIS,COLD SCORE,HIGH BLOOD PRESURE,PILE,HERPES VIRUS,ALS,HIV EX BACK YOU can reach him on Email :herbalremedies21@gmail.com

    whatsApp /CALL +2347010821863 he can also help you get your lover back

  22. The concept that eggs are healthy is really just a widely spread myth for which there is no evidence. Infact as these studies show, eggs are unhealthy.

  23. You people should probably get a second opinion. Too much carb Schitt and lack of exercise did you in, Not eggs. Doc, your schitt used to be beautiful. What happened?

  24. Should the focus not be more on sugar (carbs)? I have been eating 4 eggs for breakfast since 49 years and a1b normal. Off course this is only anecdotal and to be treated as such..

  25. so why are eggs not showing adverse/diabetic effects for practitioners of keto diet (dr berger and others) followed by millions.

  26. This video makes no sense. What else are they people eating lol? How do you narrow it down to eggs. What if they drink water everyday why didnt you choose water? This is insane. You need to know what they are eating not just choose eggs because you dont like them.

  27. I know this is an old video but where do these figures come from? Where can I access them? I would like to read the papers with the methodology etc.. I have read many articles on Pubmed over the past year and cannot find anything to back these claims up. Anything that does so appears to be flawed (healthy lifestyle confounders etc.) and at worst the absolute risk is tiny. In fact when I search "Eggs and diabetes" the vast majority of the research seem to prove exactly the opposite and that eggs have no effect at all, or even an improvement in risk factors. Egg consumption appears to have no effect on blood cholesterol either. I understand the ethical reasons for not consuming eggs but we have to honest. These scientific claims do not stack up. Best to stick to the ethics because any half-decent researcher would wipe the floor with these claims! I would go with campaigning against appalling methods of mass egg production and the cruelty involved. Videos like this take the focus away from that.

  28. I’m not believe eggs cause diabetes. It’s insulin resistance and then diabetes from too many carbs from grains, sugar and starchy carbohydrates. Dr Berg cures thousands with a ketogenic diet with eggs meat salads and vegetables and no carbs

  29. ALL "experts" accross the Internet disagree with each other, on one thing or another, continuously. The SIMPLE truth is this : "All things in MODERATION". That's it in a nutshell, and it's TRUTH in a nutshell. Practice this and be confident in this …and you'll NEVER need to worry again .

  30. Do you have information on correlation of other bad habbits of egg consumers with the data? Which type of eggs were the tests done with, fried (on which oil?), boiled, uncooked?

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  32. Your endless compassion towards humanity Dr Ogie has broader my heart,I never wanted to have a surgery and prove all the doctors here that they were wrong and I really didn't know what else t do than believe in your medicine,thanks so much for curing my type two diabetes🌿🌿

  33. From day one I always know that no problem doesn’t have a solution,but still I was thinking of how to get rid of my diabetes because I couldn’t stand it anymore,but I was suddenly recommended to Dr osaye due to the testimonies I saw, I also saw him on Instagram and then ordered the medicine, I finally came out negative for my test result thanks Dr I appreciate your kind gesture..

  34. I’ve learnt a lot from you Dr osaye ,I bless today for the the day I contacted you , I finally went for a Diabetes test and I was tested negative after 1 month of using his herbal medication I thank you Dr.

  35. Good news shall always come to you Dr osaye for giving me your word and keeping to it,now I’m finally negative of diabetes now,
    After a lot of shame God still did it through a great man like you, I appreciate

  36. It’s finally a miracle that I’d be along the luckiest person’s who can finally share the testimonies of Dr osaye I’ll 100% recommend Dr osaye no matter what thanks for your diabetes herbal medication I’m highly greatful..

  37. Being recommended to Dr Ogie on YouTube was a blessing after years of suffering I have finally been cured from type 2 diabetes thanks doc you are indeed a blessing to this generation💟💟

  38. Being recommended to Dr Ogie on YouTube was a blessing after years of suffering I have finally been cured from type 2 diabetes thanks doc you are indeed a blessing to this generation💟💟

  39. Not only is the consumption of eggs unhealthy but anyone who lay eggs should seek medical attention too

  40. Dr oiwoh on YouTube has really been a great impact to my health life and I'm forever grateful to God for directing me to him I recommend him,now the way to perfect healing is right in your hands🙂..

  41. Dr oiwoh on YouTube has really been a great impact to my health life and I'm forever grateful to God for directing me to him I recommend him,now the way to perfect healing is right in your hands🙂..

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