Upcoming webinar: Choosing the Safest and Most Effective Sunscreen

Up to 90 percent of visible facial aging is due to sun exposure. Randomized controlled trials have put the daily application of sunscreen to the test for both slowing skin aging and preventing skin cancer. In this one-hour live webinar, Dr. Greger will go over the pros and cons of regular use of sunscreen, detail the best way to apply it, and discuss how to choose the safest brands, of particular importance given recent findings that the absorption of sunscreen chemicals into the bloodstream is greater than previously thought. Register here: https://nutritionfacts.org/webinar/choosing-the-safest-and-most-effective-sunscreen/<br />
This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of The Rochester Academy of Medicine and NutritionFacts.org. The Rochester Academy of Medicine is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

None of the planners for this educational activity have relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose with ineligible companies whose primary business is producing, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients.

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11 Risposte a “Upcoming webinar: Choosing the Safest and Most Effective Sunscreen”

  1. Why are you using sun cream? We are designed to live in the sun – if you eat a proper human diet based on animal fat then most people don’t even get sunburnt. The sun does not cause cancer in fact cancer isn’t remotely as we are told – do some serious digging into German New Medicine for a more realistic view. Spreading poisonous crap on your skin to prefect yourself from the thing that gives life to the world is almost as stupid as getting injected with poison to protect yourself from something that has never been proven to even exist let alone cause any illness.
    Let’s all make a you tube channel and spout agenda affirming nonsense to make money…

  2. Humans are frugivores and not omnivores.

    This is called species-specific diet.

    It is the most important thing to understand for humanity right now.

    Cooking destroys the food and most nutrients in it.

    This should be common knowledge by now.

    But the masses are still very ignorant and they are constantly distracted by nonsense.

    It is the reason, why we still live in the dark ages.

    To have paradise on Earth, humanity must adopt the species-specific diet!

    For more details: Douglas Graham, John Rose and Loren Lockman

  3. You're all wrong.

    Ingest three or four grams vitamin C before you go out, with plenty of water. Lasts several hours. Cures a ton of other things besides.

    Way safer than most of that topical junk.

  4. Hey doctor!
    So awhile back I posted some obscene messages on your videos! Little did I know I had thc and stress induced psychosis: I am so sorry for how rude I was!
    With that being said, can you please do a video on plant based healing of brain injuries caused by psychosis.

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