Vegan RAGES al Cringe Indian Influencer Attack

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———- —Video e risorse per conoscere il veganismo————-

Land Of Hope And Glory (Regno Unito):
Unholy Cattle (India):
Cowspiracy: https ://
I rivoluzionari (Netflix)
Forks Over Knives (Netflix)
Risorse nutrizionali:

#veganrages #veganismo #davidramms

43 Risposte a “Vegan RAGES al Cringe Indian Influencer Attack”

  1. This has to stop! The reason for vegan is to stop the exploitation of animals for food and clothing. Just stop it.

    The planet can't handle it!

  2. Well we know ED is essentially a type of atherosclerotic blockage.

    Check out Mic the Vegan’s videos on testosterone.

    To your point, compassion is sexy.

  3. Those carers of animals treat them very humanly unlike big businesses. Many know the toxicity of all plants vegetables fruit and mushrooms. This is natural to prevent animals and pests from eating them, white mushrooms have 100 toxins for example. You need to research yourself before putting anything into your meat suit.

  4. Real men don’t hurt baby animals for their personal pleasure. End of story. Real men are vegan.
    Also, this woman is gross and diabolical. 🤮

  5. To be honest some ladies in my small town are interested in me but when they find out Im Vegan they are less interested than when they find out I have kids and am not single.

  6. My male boner died hearing this woman talk.

    Ok sorry, that was harsh i lied.

    I had no boner to begin with. 😀 HEHEHHEHE (My laugh is at least not as fake as hers.)

  7. There’s nothing more attractive and preferable than a man in touch with true compassion and empathy. Animal carers all the way. Anyone who is fine with being with animal killers, yeah, I’d say there’s something majorly wrong there.

  8. It's really funny how if you notice she is speaking with an Indian accent yet 90 percent of people from India are vegetarians and don't eat meat especially cows

  9. Hey man, if you’d like to take my feedback I’ll give it, and if you don’t I completely understand, but I want to say honestly, I think these types of videos aren’t worth making and I’d even question if this sort of content deserves space in the brain. I watched your video on the Thich Naht Hahn and I definitely believe that if we were to live by some of his teachings of keeping the mind peaceful, and trying to understand eachother, these sorts of videos do the opposite and don’t serve much purpose other than to let out frustration. If I watched this video before before I became vegan and without without watching footage, I feel like it would make me cringe and further me from wanting to understand what it’s all about. That being said, do what you want to do and make what you want, and I know you’re doing an awesome job at talking about what’s important

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