Vegan RAGES al video di Bringing Meat To A Vegan Restaurant

Smascherare una menzogna anti-vegana sul portare carne in un ristorante vegano per un video stupido. Sei così disperato per i contenuti@HahOwen?

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43 Risposte a “Vegan RAGES al video di Bringing Meat To A Vegan Restaurant”

  1. Pretty sure you would get kicked out for bringing your own food to any restaurant, but this is beyond stupid (and an absolutely needless act of disrespect)

  2. Imagine if you would do this with any other group of people. Making false claims in order to damage the reputation. But with vegans nobody cares because people already happily discriminate vegans and pretend to be the victims of them constantly. This has even been researched. The only group of people that are looked down upon more are drug addicts. Society just bullies any group that they feel threatened by, just like the school bullly, and everyone joins. Our society is even enmeshed in such a way that it’s difficult for people to have an own opinion and identify, they feel obliged to have the same opinion about vegans as so they do not get rejected by the rest of their group. Its at the point you can not even feel non-judged by saying “I am vegan”. As if it’s a dirty word. Seriously? No. Fuck that. And fuck all these pussies that feel threatened by vegans. Peoples opinions are literally to stupid to care about.

  3. Well he's an idiot.

    But you are literally never allowed to bring anything with you to any resturant to it eat it there!? Why bitch about being thrown out if they do that! Insaine!

  4. And he acted as if the best thing on the menu at a vegan restaurant was a salad… like yeah, you have a sad salad because you ordered a sad salad. Don't blame that on veganism

  5. Some times I bring avocados 🥑 to restaurants that already sell avocado as a side to save money I'll put it on vegan burgers,salad, sandwich or whatever

  6. Imagine having no life to the point you have to spend your free time doing stupid stuff like this… I'm talking about the guy in the video, I know some meatflakes will think I'm talking about you cause calling out BS triggers them.

  7. If this was 200 years ago, it would be these same people mocking abolitionists. They are complete morons who don’t even know how moronic they are.

  8. That's why I am skeptical about donating money to human charities. The odds that your money will go to someone like this are too high.

    Give to animal charities and you don't have this problem.

  9. I was thrown out of a non-vegan restaurant once for eating my own biscuits with the coffee I ordered from the restaurant. The staff explained that restaurant is a business and people eating their own food in a restaurant would ruin their image.

  10. Hahah fucking carnist satanist scum. These losers are so stupid. I have highest intelligence and it does my head in how stupid some people can be. Even supposed geniuses that still eat animals. I'm surrounded by fucking idiots. Lord save me. Also ex witch that now serves god. Jesus is against legal animal rape and sacrifice. Blessings 💚

  11. You can’t bring outside food into a restaurant, regardless of what it is or which restaurant you go to.

    Motherhubbard dropped a greasy, spiced up ‘food item’, unwrapped into his probably gross ass, lint filled bag.
    I don’t think he has respect from anyone, vegan, omni, or carni.

  12. When you want to be edgy but have no b**ls to be edgy enough, you get that guy and that video. 🙂

    I am just going to say this. If he was a vegan, meatflakes would say he is skinny, malnourished, pale, not manly looking, too feminine because of soya and is about to die. Something like that.

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