Vegani, ho una confessione

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—– ——–Video e risorse per conoscere il veganismo————-

Dominion: Terra di Hope And Glory (Regno Unito):
Unholy Cattle (India):
Compspirazione: I rivoluzionari ( Netflix)
Forchette sui coltelli (Netflix)
Risorse nutrizionali: 380

#vegan #livestream #DavidRamms

41 Risposte a “Vegani, ho una confessione”

  1. I'm a very very hard person to piss off. But out of the thousand conversation I had with strangers on the street. I've made two or so remarks.

    Oh boy, I'm happy noone I care about heard them. It brings me fysical main to think about these words I said.

  2. I m excited to watch your upcoming videos with sadhguru's fan 🤣🤣 few close spiritual friends are followers of sadhguru I tried discussing with them about veganism they keep on saying plant feel pain and are not willing to listen or do research..they call them spiritual they talk big words about LIFE but are just foolish idiots

  3. Joey Carbstrong has become a go-to man to give advice where to eat in foreign countries. We need Search engine "Carbstrong" and before someone goes to any place, you ask: "Did you carbstrong that country?"

    It is like "Let me google that for you" but Joey edition.

  4. The family and friends thing is so true. Luckily we got our new neighbor to go vegan after she wouldn't listen to her vegan son. However I'm sure her son planted the seeds needed for us to get through to her! So I think with family just making your stance and reasons for being vegan clear is enough. On the other extreme, you don't want your uncle to not even know what the word vegan means and have no idea what you even eat.


  6. Your reaction is very normal, we expect from our loved ones to be the most ethical and least harmful; it's like I'm your brother, why are u a pos who continuously supports the animal holocaust? The very thing I'm dedicating my life for.
    Your reaction is very understandable. If he was regularly paying for a product that abuses and tortures dogs, we'd see it as a very normal reaction.

  7. Mate, i can’t look at your face anymore. I thought you were going to apologize for that Vegan Gains tribute. I can never, ever see a person who claims to be vegan and then have a theory which is flawed and clearly made to have an excuse to exploit certain animals or approve the exploitation of certain animals. Trophy hunters, the most anti environmental, anti animal rights, and biggest animal explotators of all give thumbs up and a pat on the back to this guy.

    Every time I see your face, I now see a lion being shot on the head. That is not what I like to see when I look at you! VG doesn’t turn people into vegans, he turns people into anti environmental speciesist, a part of his cult.

    Picking which animals should be respected and which animals should not is the same exact manner of thinking carnist have. VG is a total hypocrite!

    I may have no Animal rights channel, but I have the balls to call out the disgusting people in our group and see them for what they truly are.

  8. I had one of those angry, frustrated, heart-broken moments a few months ago. I was watching a documentary about how fish are treated and crying and feeling so helpless. The next day I was going to celebrate my birthday together with my parents. They have accepted me and my ethics, and made some pretty big changes too to their own lives, but somehow they both have no problem with eating fish. In that moment I wrote an email using I-language (not using blaming but instead focusing on what I am feeling).

    It actually worked pretty well. The day after on my birthday, I asked them about what they thought about the letter, and they said they understood me and that they want to make changes and some standard excuses. But at least it felt like they cared about me and understood what I was feeling. Before I left my mother actually told me that she will probably be vegan someday. That was the best birthday gift ever.

  9. Really very helpful David. Yes more of this please. Yes 2. And I’m rejoining the Ramm Fam as I didn’t know I was no longer a member after I changed my bank card whoops 😬 looking forward to Sunday 😍

  10. You never know David, because you shouted at your brother, this shows to him the seriousness of the topic. Maybe because of it, he will think a bit deeper about the topic, and may become vegan in the future.
    Let's not discount the power of shouting at someone.

  11. Family is hard to deal with as my parents has told my many times they will happily consume animals sadly I gave up educating my parents

  12. Take another good hard look at the vegan having a tantrum at the guy eating meat at 18 min — I'll bet you anything this is a scripted and staged troll performance. The attitude she has seems like faked anger with scripted words, and then odd how it went viral so fast. I'd like to see proof she's an actual "vegan." Anyone have background on this?

  13. I lost my temper with my friend who calls herself an animal lover and has a long history of animal farmers in her family during a vegan conversation. I called her a hypocrite as well as her entire family and she took offence and it got very heated. Now we have an unspoken rule to never talk about veganism again. This is my fault because had I not got heated and remained calm, I might have had more opportunities to win her round. Anger is a bad thing when talking to your closest friends about it. They don’t want to risk bringing up the subject for fear that it might put a friendship on the line. Now they will carry on doing what they’ve always done when I might have been able to win them round in the future

  14. It's hard sometimes. I get extremely angry sometimes. But on the other hand you should never start acting like an idiot infront of trolls. It just sucks being vegan in the regard that you really are the one sane person in a sea of pieces of shit.

  15. Honestly more people need to be called cunts. Because they are. I used to shy away from that term until a friend suggested I only use it when it's true. And I find myself using it quite frequently now. Everyone has their own approa😢but I've been vegan over 15 years and it was the people who called me out for being selfish, for being an asshole, that shook me up enough to realize they were right. I don't think the polite approach is as useful as people think because it's too easy for people to shrug it off because you're being nice about something truly horrific and most people need horrific language to understand what they are doing is fucked up

  16. Best way to kill the plant abuser argument: eat mostly fruit. Doesn't kill the plant, and in a more natural world we would actually be helping them reproduce. It's also our physiological and biblical diet (Genesis 1:29). 100 years of book recommendations:

    ·The Natural Food of Man by Hereward Carrington (1922),
    ·The Mucusless Diet Healing System by Prof Arnold Ehret (1922),
    ·The Detox Miracle Sourcebook by Robert Morse ND (2004),
    ·The 80/10/10 Diet by Dr. Douglas N Graham (2006),
    ·Return to the Brain of Eden – Restoring the Connection Between Neurochemistry and Consciousness by Tony Wright and Graham Gyn (2008),
    ·Survival in the 21st Century – Planetary Healer's Manual by Viktoras H Kulvinskas MS (2010)
    ·Lymph Buster by Dimitri Manser (2015),
    ·Carb the Fuck Up by Durianrider(2016),
    ·Raw Till 4 & Go Fruit Yourself by Freelee the Frugivore,
    ·What Doctors Dont Know by Ron Garner (2019),
    ·Dr. Sebi Bible – 12 Books in 1 by Alba Luz Morazan (2022),
    ·Create Health: Reverse Autoimmune Disease Without Drugs or Their Side Effects by Benjamin Benulis DC (2022)

  17. Damn. I recently said some really bad things about my mum but luckily came out in therapy and not in her face over dinner conversations 😀

  18. If you haven't already please also watch Sadhguru's dumb video called 'Can a butcher be a guru? A story about Sage Kaushik' its on his channel 💚

  19. Good stuff. Veganism simply doesn't work for everyone. I'm sure you could be healthy on a vegan diet, but again it doesn't work for everyone, I'd know. All the best to everyone!

  20. Hi David Ramms! I lived in France for most of my life, and I was there recently too, and they have vegan chocolate youghurts, vegan cheese, most breads are vegan, they have vegan pasta stuff it's like a little sachet with pasta, the brand is ''Bjorg'', or ''Carrefour Bio'', they sell them at most grocery stores, even in the Alps! They also had an all vegan resteraunt, in the Alps!(I was also in Paris, I didn't see any vegan restaraunts there but I am sure there are some). They also have Bio C'est Bon, La Vie Claire and Naturalia, which sell vegan cereals like ''Tresor'', (the ones that are like mini pillows wrapped in chocolate), vegan cheese, even Lidl there has vegan hand soap! (although it might have changed by now). Anyway, it is totally easy, and possible, to be vegan in France! In the worst case you can just prepare something in the morning and take it with you wherever you go, or just buy a baguette and vegan cheese with tomatoes and lettuce and have them together at any time. (They even sell vegan chocolate moose!) However BE CAERFUL BECAUSE WHEN i WAS AT THE AIRPORT and once in a grocery store, I asked if they has any vegan food, and they told me ''yes, we have this and this''. the first thing was actually vegan, but the second one had Holo-cheese in it. (I know call animal cheese ''Holo-cheese' (Cause it's a Holocaust product), ' and plant cheese ''plant cheese'' or ''vegan cheese). That was at the airport. And when I was in the grocery store they pointed me towards products with eggs and dairy in them. So ALWAYS read the ingredients, even if the people tell you whatever's vegan. Also, ''vegetalien'', means vegan while ''vegetarien'' means vegetarian, so just a warning that they sound quite quite similar. But most ppeople just use ''Vegan/vegane''. (I don't know how to the accents on a physical keyboard).

  21. Met a girl on tinder, she said she's interested in quiting eating meat, i showed and explained absolutely everything to her about why eating animals and animal products is wrong. But looks like her ability to understand things wasn't ready for that, after a month she said she's quiting trying because the food is awful even though when i fed her with my meals she was really surprised how good it was. So i just thought that she's selfish af and wished her the same fate she's causing animals. Because she saw enough to know what's going in slaughterhouses, but chose to continue supporting it. It's not like i meant it, just wanted to remind her how bad it is for animals and was also pretty mad because of how much time i spent showing and explaining everything.

  22. Really loved the body language analysis and breakdown of Clif. Super helpful. Appreciated the share on the situation with you’re brother. You may have more experience than most, but are still human ❤

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