What Does a Low White Blood Cell Count Mean?

Since white blood cell count is a sign of systemic inflammation, it’s no surprise that those with lower white counts live longer.

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This whole concept of the risks of being normal in a sick society is explored further in my video When Low Risk Means High Risk (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/when-low-risk-means-high-risk/).

Stay tuned next for What Is the Ideal White Blood Cell Count? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/What-Is-the-Ideal-White-Blood-Cell-Count).<br />
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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

Image credit: Reytan, Bobjgalindo, Keith Chambers, Ed Uthman, and Mate Marschalko

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100 Risposte a “What Does a Low White Blood Cell Count Mean?”

  1. I'm a recent vegan (less than a year) and I have low WBC. I am relieved to find this video, but I'm also wondering if this same information is true for low platelets, as I have both in the below normal levels. My platelets are exceptionally low.. if anyone has an answer please let me know

  2. would that include a person who been born with heart touble that does not smoke .how can a smoker be more healther than a none smoker.(black lungs starts to show in a smoker) long time smokers and oxygen level is not high but low.I have worked in respertory ]atients who I have changed tek a tube that help them breath that is placed in their neck.. some has speech box to help them communicate. I was a can also a RST for many of years living in Michigan.

  3. So are you going to answer the question of what does a low white blood cell count mean?  Or are you just going to ramble about high white blood cell counts?

  4. I've had chronic low white blood cell count for most of my adult life. Although various doctors found it worrisome this is apparently good news!

  5. i have a slightly low Wbc (3.7), neutrophils (1.6) and platelet (148) count. Glad i shouldn't be concerned, but not sure about my platelet levels.

  6. I’ve been told my wbc is 0.8 is that bad. I hardly get sick and I have no symptoms. They’ve referred me to a haematologist and I’m scared it could be Leukemia as stated by the dr. Please someone reply if they’ve had a Similar experience and what was your outcome.

  7. I've been 4.5, 6.8, 4.4, and the latest: 3.9 in the last 4 years. Just started 7 months ago doing a big salad in the evening, some carb at breakfast, and protein at lunch. No rice, limited bread (some, but much less than before). Eating less in the evening, along with 1000 mg of cinnamon bark, 1000 iu of Vitamin D and 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar in the evening before bed mixed in water. All other differentials are normal. I have ulcerative colitis that is well controlled with no inflammatory makers (sed rate is <2 and no white blood cells in stool – both very good). WBC count was flagged as below 4.5, so low – but I guess not to worry. I have another WBC scheduled in 3 months time. Feel fine. Thanks for this video.

  8. I have 3.7 white blood cells on my test. I pass with flying colours on everything else. I exercise and eat well, sleep well most nights. My doctor said I am healthy. I have no other accompanying symptoms so , I just need to get it up a few points, right?

  9. Just turned 26 a couple of weeks ago, my first bloodwork in my life done 2.5 year ago at 23… everything was in "normal range" but I wanted optimum levels.
    Glucose was 87 and WBC 8.2 back then, last bloodwork a month ago…. glucose is 75 and WBC 5.47

    I changed my life for good thanks for the video Dr Greger.

  10. I Am healthy never noticed the numbers, left ER it was "Low" under the "normal" 4 – my take away- normal does not always mean "good"

  11. I had a very similar experience to many of those who commented below. My WBC was below "normal" range, was referred to a hematologist, who I continued to see twice a year for 3 years; they could not find anything wrong with me. I am SO relieved to hear this information, I am so thankful for what you shared, and I LOVE that you state and show research to back what you are saying. WOW, I am so happy!!! Thanks again!!

  12. All do respect to the information presented in this video. Its imperitive to understand that fat does not cause any inflammation as long as its not refined. Butter ghee, coconut oil, and extra virgin olive oil are completely safe to consume in moderation, and have nothing to do with cardiovascular diseases. Sounds confusing? Yes, but its important to understand that inflammation is actually what causes lipid oxidation, and this is what really causes a wide spectrum of cardiovascular diseases. Lipids are key to our cells, remember phospholipids comprise much of our cell membranes.

  13. good thing to hear …. I was reading my last CBC and got worried about my low WBCs , and this was relief thanx …….. I guess will say vegan lol

  14. I'm 20 I weigh 224 pounds and my height is 5'9 and yesterday when I went to the doctor she told my my white cells is low that's bad I'm very concerned

  15. Great video. 4 years ago mine was 3.0. Has a test last week and was 3.0 again. Have gotten sick maybe 5 times in 4 years and feel fine. Dr didn’t even bring it up when we went over results.

  16. I have 4.6 wbc the normal said is 5 to 10 is it considered low? My lymphocytes is 44 a little bit high! What’s that mean my doctor didn’t say anything

  17. I just got my labs from 3.4 now it 3.0, my Dr wants me to see an hematology I have been eating better I got a panic attack but by the grace if God i put this video on and it makes me feel a whole lot better, thank you

  18. Question? So I have been Vegan for 2 and 1/2 years, I also follow a few elements in Ayurveda when I started all of this I was diagnosed with Hypothyroid and Thrombocytopenia. When I went on levothyroxine it did nothing for my obesity but when I started this diet going vegan, with 3 simple short yoga routines a week the weight melted off 285 to 120 now leveled off at 150. My acid reflux was totally beat, among other things and even went off the acid reflux medication after 10 years of pain. My energy levels were the best they have ever been in my life and was doing things I had not done for years. However around 8 months now I have had fatigue, brain fog, migraines, short term memory loss and my body seems to ache more and more. I have brought up these things with my doctor and blood tests have always come back fine. Except, for now, he wants me to see a thyroid specialist and now after this past blood test (finding out my white blood is low) wants me to see a hematologist. Now I understand the whole vegan thing and blood count is low, but why do I feel like crap now?. I also have a fungus on my toe that came out of nowhere and I have read about immunity issues could cause this but since I have been doing as I have I have not been sick in these years at all. Could it be cancer or something else? or is it just my hypothyroid has gone amuck?

  19. By WBC count is that lymphocyte specific? Most tests give differential breakdowns of each main immune cell so there is no overall WBC count for contrast with the above.
    Correction: it seems the WBC Count is indeed the summary of all the differentiated immune cell counts together

  20. Thanks for this video as this month makes it a year since I am on a plant based diet and just did my annual physical and my wbc was 3.3 which was flagged low. My doctor said everything looks good on your blood work I wouldn't worry about it. But I had to research why it would be low. Last year as a meat eater it was 4.4 which is normal. So this video helped to put things in perspective. Thanks Dr Greger😊. Keep up the good work👍🏿

  21. Hello, for those who are worried about their WBC, I want to share that I was able to spike my WBC from 2.8 to 4.17 in 5 days after ntentionally eating bad and forcing the inflammation. Proves this video. Hit me up. I'll gladly share my experience.

  22. Great video Dr. Greger! I thoroughly enjoyed it. One small mistake- the photo at 0:22 is not a WBC, it's a giant platelet. I am a pathologist so don't argue with me, haha.

  23. Thank you, Dr. Greger! I am I am a healthy woman in my 50s, eat a WFPB diet, and regularly participate in sports. My Dr. had me very concerned about th WBC (3.2). It looks like I may not need to be worried about anything. Why doesn't the medical community know this?

  24. For last 7 years when I've been tested, I've been in low wbc but when my housemate had the more infectious covid variant, I didn't get infected. I'm into nutrition, exercise and don't often get ill. I'm hoping it's just my baseline and I'm safe as it doesn't seem to affect negatively.

  25. My Doctor told me this week that my WBC count was 0.8 pretty low. Off to see a specialist now. It has been declining since January of this year

  26. I'm on Tegreol and my WBC has steadily been declining over the years. It is now at 3.7. I'm going to talk with my doctor about it but I'm concerned that I'm going to dip into leukopenia levels.

  27. This is great!!!!! Like most of these comments I was being made for concerned by my Doc for the last couple years about this but man….this is perfect and makes perfect sense. I'm the healthiest I've ever been! The most active! Have never had such a better diet…..yet the count is low!! Thank you!!!!!

  28. Yea but what does it mean to have tool low white count? Did you answer your tittle, or did you only answer when there's too many white blood cells?

  29. Having this interesting video watched, remember not to get too excited before you get all additional examinations carried out. You must first exclude all possible other options which could cause the problem. Don't ignor the low level of WBC. It may be serious. I'm going to exsamin my testins and take stool test. Keep well

  30. I changed from vegan to carnivore diet and my inflammation went down and my WBC marker was 3.8 low below the normal, very happy to hear I will now live longer, so glad I changed my diet, thank you for the video to help my understand why it was low as my natural path doc said I had an infection !

  31. The doctor today said i have white blood cells i got so sad all i was thinking about was my kids only my kids i dont want to leave my kids so young but now watching this video im a little oky and reading other pple comments i think ima start changing my eating habit start eating steongly veges

  32. I’m so relived. I saw my primary care physician a few days ago. She is referring me to a hematologist, having advised me that my WBC (2.6) is “too low for us to just monitor it”. My last primary care physician said he wasn’t concerned with it, as it had been that way for at least six years (the length of time I was going to him). The way my current physician presented it, I began to ruminate about how long it’s been low and why it wasn’t a concern then. A google search on “low WBC” returned plenty of unpleasant possibilities. Now it makes sense. I’ve been vegan for a decade, and vegetarian for about a decade before that. I eat a clean vegan diet, consuming an abundance of organic vegetables and fruit. Moderate use of nuts and seeds. Trying to get more beans. When I feel like having a nut butter with my fruit, I make my own. Point is, keeping processed vegan junk food to a minimum just comes natural to me. I just don’t like the way they make me feel, and although I am a vegan for ethical reasons, I also care very much about my health. I love the way I eat because it agrees with my values. The fact that it’s also a very healthy way to eat is a wonderful bonus. I like to think it’s God’s way of saying thank you for caring more about a cow than I could ever care for a “hamburger”. Thank you for explaining why a vegan diet tends to result in a lower white blood count. Phew!

  33. My WBC was so low, due to my whole plant based diet I presume, that my doctor sent me to the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. After they couldn't find anything wrong I upped my sublingual B-12 and raised my WBC from 2.76 to 3.25.

  34. I have been on a Ketovore (almost completely carnivore) diet for the past 6 months, got my lab results today and I have exceedingly low white blood count. That’s awesome!! This video is great 🙂

  35. Have been eating plant based whole food diet for about 5 years now and my WBC is always flagged as low in my blood test, in the low to mid 3 range, and my doctor could never tell my why. Is great to finally know what a low WBC count is all about because I assumed something was wrong. Thank you for sharing such good information my doctor could never figure out, and had me worried. Plant base rocks!!!

  36. I'm watching 10 Part Series "Immune for Life" on the Standard American Diet via Zonia (marketed by Dr. Fuhrman since he is featured on it). Episode 1 was yesterday. Today is Episode 2. I got to a point where I had some pause… it was when Gordon Crozier was speaking. He is still assuming that if your WBC is within the normal range, your immune system is working optimally. And if your WBC is under that range, you have a weakened immune system. I personally have a WBC under the normal range and rarely if ever get sick. And even when I got COVID, my immune system kicked its butt after one day of feeling bad. So I wonder why this is still the assumption.

  37. Ever since my gastric bypass in 1994 ive dealt with low wbc and anemia. I just turn 54 and my wbc still 2.0 bring sent to a hematologist.. don't know what good thatll do. Any advice on how to get them higher?

  38. All the information here does not fit with what I have been reading about low neutrophils. I score very low on neutrophils from blood tests, like 1,46 and normal range is set to be above 2.0 or 2.5 (cant remember exactly) and the consequence with having low neutrophils is that your body has issues combatting bacterial and fungus infections, so that's not good.
    Also cuts on your skin, you will have issues healing with low neutrophils and also issues with sores in mouth on your gums, tongue etc.
    This video is saying having low counts of white blood cells is good but from all the danish sources I read, it's not good being low.

  39. I was just flagged for low WBC. I hear all the horrible things that could be the issue like leukemia! I've been plant base whole food for a little over a year now. I feel incredible. So good to hear this! All the other comments by others as well! A load off my mind. God Bless all! 🌿🥑🌼

  40. Most people watching this video are healthy but with low wbc numbers. I was wondering why i have been super healthy and i hardly get sick except once a year cold and yet when i do my blood work i have WBC 3.1, 3.0 ,2.8 and i thing the highest i have seen is 4.1 but i feel good in my body . Food and exercise is my medicine but i was also refer to hematologist and found nothing. i was told to repeat test every 6 months but i said Nope i will do it annually because i feel good and that is what matters. Thanks for sharing this video. after all we gonna live longer. haha

  41. My WBC is about 3.1 and ever since I can remember when I was a kid I always had a lower WBC than "the normal", however my red blood cells count are a bit on the high end, and my heart rate is just about 56 as I do a lot of exercises, and now I look just about 23-26 but I am actually 37 years old. I might be the sample of a new young gene!

  42. I have eaten a very clean wfpb diet for a year now and right now I'm undergoing all kinds of tests and worried about my recent labs that show extremely low wbcs….this gives me some hope too.

  43. I have always understood that a lower than normal wbc was serious putting you at risk of getting infection and that a low wbc is a symptom of bone marrow cancer

  44. I did keto for two years for 2 months , lost 10 pounds and my WBC drop from 4.2-3.5 ! I walk 4 miles everyday! Take vitamin D and nutrition yeast ! I hope it means my immune system is improving not the opposite!
    Thank you for clarifying for the topic

  45. I just got my annual labs done and my WBC, which I've never had read before, is 3.5 which they flagged as "low". I found this to be very peculiar because I am in the best health of my entire life and all of my other labs were perfect. Now I understand! Stuff like this is why have have so little faith in the American medical establishment. It seems like they don't want people to be healthy. I think they want us all sick and in treatment (taking pills) because that's where the money is.

  46. Thank you for the reassuring vidéo. My husband and I have low white blood cells and I was worried (husband is at 4 and I´m at 3.5). I have been like this for decades but I didn't worry too much when it was just me weirdly enough. Everytime I do à blood test, the médical staff stressés me out but I have been like this for 15 years. When my husband got a similar result however I got stressed I might be doing something wrong for him. I Googled it and got a list of potential scary deseases like cancer as a result. This vidéo puts my mind at ease a bit.
    I just cook at home 99% of the time and I make sure we eat à nutritious and healthy diet. Health is very important for me and I want us to be in good condition for as long as possible.

  47. Interesting that I'm been strict carnivore for 4 1/2 months and just got my blood work results yesterday……and my WBC (whte blood cell count) is 4.2, which is lower than normal.

  48. I am a lymphoma survivor. I have been battling virus /flu for 3 weeks. WBC should rise when infection is present not decrease. My clinic doesn’t seem concerned. So researching what will aid bone marrow production of white cells.

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