Zafferano per la disfunzione erettile

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Coloro che vogliono ripulire tutte le loro arterie e trattare la causa potrebbero voler dare un'occhiata al mio video Survival of the Firmest: Disfunzione erettile e morte (<br/>
L'altro video che ho menzionato prima era Il miglior cibo per la disfunzione sessuale indotta da antidepressivi ( -Cibo-per-la-disfunzione-sessuale-indotta-da-antidepressivi) e poi ne ho altri sulla spezia d'oro:
• Zafferano per il trattamento della sindrome premestruale (
• Svegliati e annusa lo zafferano ( d-annusa-lo-zafferano/)
• Zafferano vs. Prozac (
https ://

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59 Risposte a “Zafferano per la disfunzione erettile”

  1. What is this. I come here exclusively for rice related content. I still don't know how many grains of brown rice I can eat before my skin melts and I explode in a ricey fireball

  2. It's almost like Dr. Greger mocks us. He follows up rice/arsenic with an ingredient that is commonly used in… what else, rice dishes. Rice and seafood is where one finds saffron. What else is one going to do with it? If you say smoothie, you go to hell!

  3. This story puts me back into the puberty mindset… Good think I'm already eating whole food plant-based, cause from what I remember Saffron is Hella expensive…

  4. Interesting, I just bought saffron but for other reasons than mentioned though, lol. It has several great medicinal properties.

  5. I need some information on AFTER a gallbladder surgery. A friend (still eats SAD) of mine just had surgey and all I can find is what to eat to prevent surgery. But I realized I have 3 friends who have had thier gallbladder out and are over weight. Can you do a video on how to eat after?
    It may be tbe same as thr rest of us who have not had the surgey. But I canr find anything when I search that tells people to eat vegan/plant after surgey.

  6. Looks like Donovan was fifty years ahead of his time:

    I'm just mad about Saffron
    Saffron's mad about me
    I'm just mad about Saffron
    She's just mad about me

    They call me mellow yellow…

    Electrical banana
    Is gonna be a sudden craze
    Electrical banana
    Is bound to be the very next phase

    They call me mellow yellow…


  7. My question is regarding the trans-dermal properties, obviously since the studies show that oral dosing on saffron, is ineffective , this must be due to whatever is in saffron is destroyed or not absorbed in our digestive tract,

    now the question is, does this transdermal cream need to be rubbed directly on the penis, or would something like a patch work. in other words, does just work locally, or does it work, when the substance is in the blood stream?

  8. The cure for erectile dysfunction in the vast majority of American men does not require any special anything, no spice, no device, no specific vegetable, no drug, just the cessation of the American diet and a transition to a vegetarian and/or vegan lifestyle.

    I know, because that was all I needed to heal my own onset of dysfunction. And while that doesn't prove cause and effect, we already know the problem is cardiovascular disease brought about by the S.A.D. state of dietary affairs.

  9. Hii__Every0neee…I’ve heard nothing but positive comments about ((Star++Buster++Natural–((E.D))++Pills.))))
    A guy came in yesterday and cleaned me out. I even use it myself, constantly works, amazing.
    I have customers who left Cialis for Star__Buster… strongly recommend ..

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  11. Hi there, I want to know if Tropexolone System, will work for me? I notice a lot of people keep on speaking about this popular premature ejaculation treatment.

  12. I notice many people keep on speaking about Tropexolone System. But I'm uncertain if it's good. Have you ever try this popular premature ejaculation natural treatment?

  13. What is the best product or brand to last longer in bed? I read a lot of great opinions on the internet about how Tropexolone System can help you achieve total control over your premature ejaculation. Has anybody tried using this popular premature ejaculation natural treatment?

  14. Do natural popular premature ejaculation treatment like Tropexolone System really work and if so, how effective are they? I have noticed several awesome things about this popular premature ejaculation natural treatment.

  15. What is the best product or brand to solve your premature ejaculation problem? I read lots of superb reviews on the internet about how exactly Tropexolone System can help you solve your premature ejaculation problem. Has anyone tried this popular premature ejaculation treatment?

  16. The "secret" is to have all your bases covered and use one of the many techniques that have been known to work for men to have crazy erections. It's all about releasing your inner beast, your inner instinct, practically forcing your member to respond, and explode in size. It's a lot easier if you look for the specifics in Mario Volpstein's website.

  17. This was great, thanks, I been tryin to find out about "erectile dysfunction device" for a while niow, and I think this has helped. You ever tried – Beukeen Stiffy Manhood – (do a google search ) ? Ive heard some decent things about it and my mate got excellent success with it.

  18. Guys. solve your erectile dysfunction problem does not need to be hard (I used to feel it did). I'll give you some tips right now. Get a popular erectile dysfunction natural treatment called Erectodom Secrets (do a search on google). Thanks to it I have solve my erectile dysfunction problem. I probably should not even be speaking about it cause I don't want a lot of other guys out there running the same game but whatever. I am just simply in a great mood right now so I will share the wealth lol.

  19. I’m absolutely amazed by the way variety of herbal doctors could be able to put up a permanent cure for herpes,which we think is always permanent in the body, and I’m using this medium to say a massive thank you to Dr osaye for helping me cure my hsv with his magical herbal medication thanks for everything doc..

  20. M still very shocked with the immediate good result I derived with your herbs Dr emuakhe from Africa.once again thanks for introducing your great herbs to me

  21. Drug induced erectile dysfunction from antidepressants and antipsychotics also involved nitric oxide synthase deficency so get some sillica gel and mix your crocus sativus (saffron) in the gel and use a pea size amounts per day – take gingko and gingseng and ashwaghanda every day and P-5-P vitamin b6 – active-bioavailable-form and some mangasnese and magnesium and zinc and iron and vitamin C and folate and biotin and tyrosine and phenyalanine and a tad of tryptophan is you want…

    Citruline is also good to take because it makes nitric oxide.

    These make more dopamine which makes your sexual side effects go away.

    Saffron is quite cheap if you get a couple grams and break it up into the amounts in the study such as 15mg twice daily or 500mg for ten day (… I know, right) or get a small blended up sillica gel and add the two grams and use it over ten days then make a new fresh batch.

    Dopamine is a co-neurtransmitter to dopamine and these drugs attack dopamine which kills errections and increases estrogen.

    In fact every neurotransmitter is killed off and decreased and every immune cell also is killed of which is bad because other neurotransmitters like choline transmitters (sub-type-2) make nitric oxide as do some immune cells.

    Besides these neurotransmitters are made in the stomach significantly so having probiotics such as ACV in organic veg helps.

    Lastly – have organic arugula the nitric oxide works from this vegetable have it raw or very lightly steamed to preserve the N.O. content.

    This stuff all definitely works.

    Also get dandelion and echinacea and burdock tea and drink them. At least every other day.

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