Aggressive Vegan Livestream

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The video: aggreesive vegans do a livestream

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————-Videos and resources to learn about veganism————-

Land Of Hope And Glory (UK):
Unholy Cattle (India):
The Game Changers (Netflix)
Forks Over Knives (Netflix)
Nutritional Resources:

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#vegan #livestream #DavidRamms

22 Risposte a “Aggressive Vegan Livestream”

  1. How much royalty money are you getting from the documentary you keep shoving down everyone’s throat? Bet nobody will benefit from it but you and joey an ex con with no other way of making money except shouting shit down a megaphone pissing everyone off your glorified criminals and you defend people breaking into peoples property

  2. Man through the years have gone to more and more cruel ways of torturing animals and it needs to stop. Eating plant-based food is the best way to help the animals, planet and health.

  3. I’m not a troll just sick of hypocrites breaking the law and pissing everyone off accomplishing nothing except lining there own pockets they no the world will never go vegan but without it no one will listers to them

  4. Thats it! 'Im ditching Netflix! This is my favorite channel now! The highlight of my day! Watching you guys in casual conversation and responding to ridiculous trolls while simultaneously educating people on how dysfunctional and cruel animal ag as a 'food' system is…Best viewing out there. Has everything – informative, funny and entertainting!!! Thank you!!!!

  5. I just think these arguments are out dateds the vegan movement can shows as many vidoes and education and talk to public we have to accept that the public are not going to change it is sad stupidly of the public don't want to change all of these videos on vegans is not changed public opinions

  6. I have a 60th family reunion coming up that I'm dreading. I come from a family of hunters and fishermen. I'm told everyone HAS to go but I think I'm skipping it.

  7. 14:00 Your talk about animals being people is really not good, anyone who has real children knows you are talking crap, pets are not the same as children. and animals even less so.

  8. Soybean seeds contain about 36% protein, 19% of oil, 30% carbohydrates, 5% crude fiber, and 5% of ash

    Source: "Soybean seed physiology, quality, and chemical composition under soil moisture stress"

    About 85 percent of the world’s soybean crop is processed into meal and vegetable oil, and virtually all of that meal is used in animal feed.

    Some two percent of the soybean meal is further processed into soy flours and proteins for food use.

    Approximately six percent of soybeans are used directly as human food, mostly in Asia.

    Source: "Gentle World As We Soy, So Shall We Reap"

    100% of that oil is consumed by humans as 88 percent of soybean oil is used for human consumption (mostly cooking oil) and 12 percent is used as an alternative to petroleum oil.

    Ninety eight percent of soybean meal is used for animal feed (poultry, hogs and cattle mostly) and only one percent is used to produce food for people.

    Soybean meal is the material remaining after solvent extraction of oil from soybean flakes, the meal is heat steamed and ground in a hammer mill.

    Source: Michigan State University – "Where do all these soybeans go?"

    Soybeans are the most valuable agricultural export of the United States.

    Source: "Top U.S. Agricultural Exports in 2017"

    China consumes around 17 million metric tons, U.S. consumption is 12 million metric tons.

    Just these top 10 countries consume 48 million metric tons of soybean oil, so at most only 19% of each bean is oil, that means about 194 million tons of soybean meal.

    Source: "Soybean Oil Domestic Consumption by Country in 1000 MT"

    The fiber would be a waste product like cotton seeds were but now is sold very cheaply to the industrial factory animal farms as feed.

    Without this cheap source of fiber for the animal feed there would be much less industrial factory animal farms and farmers would need to allow animals to graze in pasture.

    The more unhealthy plant oils humans consume, the more industrial animal factory farms can be supported with cheap waste fiber as the oil is the real commodity.

    So the people who are consuming plant oils are allowing the industrial factory animal farms (cheaper because less land is needed) to proliferate and outcompete farmers using regenerative techiques.

    There are many other crops which have waste fiber that contribute to industrial factory animal farms, e.g. corn

    There is also this lie that needs to be dispelled

    "In fact, almost 80% of the world’s soybean crop is fed to livestock, especially for beef, chicken, egg and dairy production (milk, cheeses, butter, yogurt, etc)."

    Source: wwf_panda_org, you can just search for the quoted text above.

    If we eradicated 80% of the soybean crop we would cut down the amount of usable soy oil by 80% and because humans consume 100% of the oil we would run into food shortages.

    Eat Meat, Not Too Little, Mostly Fat

  9. My steak comes with enough nutrition that I do not need any supplements and it also heals my body from all of the health issues that the standard diet and a plant diet seemed to cause, namely:


    loose teeth

    bleeding gums

    sensitive teeth

    cold sores

    blocked sinuses

    mouth breathing

    left eye twitches


    calf cramps

    yellow stool

    blood in stool

    edema below the knees

    painful feet when walking

    sunburn is less

    shoulder, back and neck pain after waking

    lower back pain and stiffness

  10. @David Ramms – That is a major lie, right there – "most plants are grown for animal feed"
    20% of every soybean is oil and we eat 100% of that oil, 80% of each and every soybean is fiber and we feed most of that to the animals, only because we won't eat it.
    My brother works on a soy and corn farm in South Dakota and he said last season most of the corn silage was just left in the field, not even harvested for the animals.

    Vegans eating any plant oils or plants leaving behind waste silage should be ashamed because they are providing the feed for the industrial animal factory farms.
    Us carnivores actually care what happens to the animals we eat so we try to get pastured animals but you lot supporting the factory farms are making pastured meat very expensive.

  11. Animals are commodities, we also trade them on the stock market so if you have a 401k or pension plan then there is a high likelihood that you invest in these animal commodities.
    I think of them as products because I eat meat.

  12. @davidramms

    Hey David,

    Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been really critical of your channel, and I want to apologise.

    I never meant to say anything with ill intent or be rude. But I’ve come to realise I have just been rationalising and making excuses.

    The first video of yours I saw was the horse riding video and it took me by surprise as I am/ (I guess now was (maybe)) a horse rider. I was really angry at your video, but I’ve now come to realise there is a lot of truth in what you said. I still think you made some mistakes in that video but the overall message now makes sense to me.

    I am the sort of person that when I am doing something wrong I can’t help but feel bad.

    Over the last month I’ve been trying to rationalise eating meat (thinking animals are below they don’t deserve life). But I can’t eat meat there’s no way to get around it.

    So now I have come to the realisation that veganism is the way forward.

    I really hope you see this, and thank you for opening my eyes, it was a really tough pill to swallow though. 😢

    I do have a question for you. How far do you take not eating meat. By that I mean do you just read all the ingredients. Or do you make sure the product actually has a vegan label (cause lots of food with no animal products don’t have a vegan label).

    I also have some questions about horse riding.

    Sorry if you’re the wrong person to ask abt this.

  13. The stupid thought that some think killing insects is beeter or good if not harming and killing animals, is equal in the opposite way to the stupidity of plants feel jusf like animals.


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