Alimenti per aiutare a proteggere le arterie dai grassi saturi

I migliori alimenti per la salute del cuore. Se hai qualcosa di malsano, c'è qualcosa che puoi mangiare con esso per aiutare a mediare il danno che potrebbe causare?

Questo è il terzo su tre -serie di video sui fast food. Se ti sei perso i primi due, controlla il grasso saturo causa l'infiammazione dell'arteria e del polmone ( ed esercizio per proteggere le tue arterie dai fast food ( -from-fast-food).

Se vuoi approfondire gli effetti di cibi specifici, vedi:
• Uova e funzione arteriosa (<br/> • Noci e funzione dell'arteria (
• Cioccolato fondente e funzione dell'arteria ( -funzione-cioccolato-e-arteria/)
• Funzione caffè e arteria (https ://
• Funzione olio d'oliva e arteria (
• Pianta -Diete basate sulla funzione dell'arteria (
• Funzione aceto e arteria ( -funzione-arteria/)
• Benefici dei mirtilli per la funzione arteriosa (
• Gli effetti di avocado e vino rosso sull'infiammazione indotta dai pasti ( infiammazione-indotta da pasti/)

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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75 Risposte a “Alimenti per aiutare a proteggere le arterie dai grassi saturi”

  1. you, of course, keep showing studies that are FOR a vegetarian/vegan diet. However I am curious to know, are there any studies AGAINST a vegetarian/vegan diet? I myself tend to eat red meat only once a fortnight, and stick to lean protein.

  2. I'm hoping the meat industry troll makes his usual appearance in the comments via a few of his many dummy accounts. Come on young man, time's a wasting.

  3. i eat blueberry every single day with banana and oat and hotwater + protein powder vega , pop a b12 dD gg… a day freaking greatly started.. sometimes i change hot water for sparkling water with taste xD sparkling oats cold with banana and oat? call it a cold cake.

  4. "Walnuts appear to be the blueberries of nuts," almost always found in the homes of active 90+ year old Italians in my old neighborhood.

  5. the degree of lack of skepticism re studies, study methodology etc by this doc ruins credibility. anybody that's been following along understand the bias, money and basic stupidty in design of many of these studies. and yet, there's dr. gregor seemingly swallowing every one of them hook line and sinker. Next study being ballyhood for blue berryies, let's find out first whether its the Maine Blue berry association that is paying for the study. ditto the walnuts.

  6. I'd be curious to know the effect on vasculature after a meal of Beyond Sausage? My family is vegetarian and I'm actually headed towards a mostly fruit diet! However, yesterday was mother's day and I made for my wife a meal called "Salcicia" which is sausage and fennel seed over pasta with a tomato marinara sauce with "cream!" I used the fake sausage and cooked them on the grill so that a fair amount of the the oil in the sausage drips off and I use a cup of coconut milk (the 'less fat' variety) for the cream in the sauce. Added to that is crusty bread and a smear of vegan butter. Overall, a very "rich" meal to say the least. So if you happen across any studies on beyond meats and the effect on arterial function, please share! It's the only thing I eat with saturated fat (or a significant amount of it) but these meals are usually rare and reserved for special occasions, but still, I'm going on 65 and need to keep those arteries working!

  7. You know what's bad, the work you and others do gets trampled on by the animal eater's industry and their cohort pocket politicians. Still, you and others are very appreciated and loved for delivering this knowledge!

  8. Can you share info on a comparison between taking fresh blueberries vs blueberry juice vs freeze-dried blueberries vs blueberry concentrate pills? Many thanks!!!

  9. A serving size of 100g turkey breast has .59g of saturated fat. Is that safe? Thanks for all of your great videos. I've learned a lot. please don't stop.

  10. I eat about a coup of walnuts through the day as well as pecans lots of blueberries and blackberries as well a few times a week unsweetened cranberry juice

  11. Oh come on…blueberries are not "better" than bananas. They are both amazing in different ways. I have one meal a day of bananas and makes me feel fantastic. Done this for 10+ years and my blood work is great. Blueberries fresh and organic are not available year round, definitely too expensive to make a whole meal out of them unless in season and you can go to you pick but still pretty spendy.

  12. Can you explain on an episode how to read some of the research? The plus with negative sign below it? N=20? Random items we might see in your presentations. Appreciate you!

  13. I am 52 years old. I played different sports casually through out my life. I was never on any high school team nor organized league sports I recently switched to mostly plant based whole food in the last 3 to 4 years. Currently all the markers in my blood tests are great. In term of endurance in sports, I out lasted all the males in my circle of friends and relatives who are 20 years younger than me.

  14. I previously thought blackberries are the healthiest of the non exotic berries. Fascinating video. Thanks Dr. Greger for providing the scientific evidence so that all of us leaving comments here, giving a thumbs up, or are just watching can be better equipped for making wiser lifestyle choices for optimum health, longevity, balanced, grounded mental health, & become peace loving, compassionate people who need people. Here’s to successful aging!

  15. Once again disproving low carbers. They use examples of fat/carb mixture like pizza and blame the carbs for weight gain. Oh no but wait! You burned the carbs and stored the fat. Carbs win again 🏆

  16. Aren't toothpaste a problem since they kill mouth bacteria, thus preventing the conversion of nitrates to nitrites, and thus reduce NO? Would it be fine to brush our teeth only once a day in the evening, so that we have bacteria in the mouth all day long? I believe primitive societies didn't have teeth issues, so maybe we can get the same effect with a good diet, so no need to brush our teeth more than once a day.

  17. This is a fine reminder if you are invited out – maybe you can Remember your walnuts, and blueberries, ( better than strawberries) and survive the party a little better 🙃🐸

  18. I can find any good videos on gallstones! How are they formed? How can you dissolve them? How does the gallbladder function and relate to the rest of the body? I can find a lot of videos about it but really feel like they are misinformed nutrition-wise.

  19. Nice video. I’d like to see more videos on athletics/ day to day energy/ testosterone optimization and dietary intake of certain foods – of course there’s more to it than diet but I still find it fascinating as diet is in ones personal control in the west.

  20. If you really think that using an egg Mcmuffin and sausage Mcmuffin as a good example of a meat eater (high fat), you shouldn't be in the research industry. Only in America will you then find a doctor who thinks this type of research means anything!

  21. These are the best types of videos that Dr. G makes: understanding compensatory mechanisms, no one else does this, and the extremists of course, by definition, don't cotton to balance and nuance.

  22. We do not need to reduce our intake of saturated fats. In 20 years we will all know that saturated fats is not only essential but that it is healthier than all the industrial products with mono/polyunsaturated fats (such as sunflower oil). So simple to understand since polyunsaturated fats are much more unstable and create A LOT of oxidative stress when heated up whereas saturated fats create zero oxidative stress when heated up, unfortunately until that time we as society allow many people to suffer next so many years..

  23. Aronia berries aren’t that exotic. They grow wild over much of the eastern half of the US. They’re landscape shrubs often used as ornamentals. They’re also easy to grow requiring little maintenance. I have a few in my yard in PA. There are also a number of small aronia farms in the US selling the berries as well.

  24. Uncanny timing of this video! Just yesterday I added 2 cups of thawed frozen mixed berries to some birthday cake I was offered and it tasted much better that way, and I'd like to think that helped blunt the effects of that much sugar and fat in one sitting. Anecdotally, I think I felt better than I should have and had less of a sugar headache/stomach ache thanks to the fibre and other good stuff in the berries.

  25. a lot of good research info Doc, but you never really summed it up, so you're saying the best way to "Protect Your Arteries from Saturated Fat," is to avoid saturated fat in the first place, rather than trying to counteract it with something healthy? Or is it that somethings we do with good intentions (like drinking OJ with Sausage McMuffin) are actually making it a bad situation worse?

  26. ??? Can you please do an episode on mycobacterium vaccae and depression? How effective is it and how exactly does it work???

  27. Hi. Having had a triple bi pass back in November 2021, I am more inclined to perfect healthier habits.

    Can't believe that mid 2019 I was 190 lbs, and could legpress 1400 lbs for 4 sets of 5 reps.

    When I moved a month later to an apartment things went south.

    Building has asbestos, crap plumbing, bug and mouse issues, no thermastat to control environment.

    Feels like I was sentenced for crimes never commited man. Have 2 years to go before retiring overseas.

    Then I can enjoy a better quality of life with real food, and people.

    Covid crap I have had my weight hit 245 lbs. WTFF.

    Just waiting for clearance to restart all healthiet habits. I want to reach 2000 lbs legpress. Miss the strength and energy.The recovery has been slow but am motivated beyond words.

    Thanks for the health segment. Irish Bob is grateful😇😎🏋️‍♂️

  28. There's something I've been curious about. What would cholesterol levels be if u ate carbs & saturated fats from meat & dairy in a small portion for 1 meal Everyday & eat healthy other meals with moderate physical activity? For example, for breakfast: 1 whole wheat toast with 1 or 2 tbsp of butter & a light salad, then healthy meal for lunch & dinner with some lean meat. Or for dinner: 1 slice of medium cheese pizza, healthy meals for breakfast & lunch. There are people around the world who are very healthy with little to no diseases while eating carbs like bread, fruits, & tubers as well as dairy. Ofcourse they're also very physically active

  29. Hi Dr Gregor and Team,
    Someone close to me just found out they have congenital brain issues, narrowing of one of the brain blood vessels. They will be on blood thinning meds, but I was wondering if you could do a video on blood thinning foods? I know people say red wine but this person doesn’t drink.

  30. Guys excellent a scorpio rat, is hardcore thorough and fastidious and meticulous on both east and west astrology.
    Guys laid out so much content non stop.

    Hey guys get a salad maker and vegan mayo in the free from isle, organic veggie coleslaw is gorgeous with an organic apple.

  31. Hello. Recently diagnosed with Fibromuscular Dysplasia, age 52. Lost 3 family members to brain aneurysm in recent years ages 48,50 and 65. Would love to hear thoughts/experiences related to affects of diet on this condition. Finding very little online and although my vascular surgeon indicated there was little I could do influence my condition I am still hopeful. Currently eat a plant based diet but always eager to learn more. Thank you

  32. Yet more anti-saturated fat non-sense. These recommendations are straight from the quack Dr. Keys anti saturated-fat non-sense. If the American Heart Association has stopped demonizing saturated fats, you should too.

  33. I wonder how this bears out with raisins? I put a handful in the pot of oatmeal most days because it is convenient, cheap, readily available, not to mention my husband's favorite. I like to use frozen blueberries sometimes but he always complains that it's not raisins. Oh well!

  34. uh saturated fat doesnt do anything to your arteries… inflammation, low vitamin k2, and high blood sugars with oxidative stress damage them. this doctor sounds really old and outdated. bad information and an old guys voice…

  35. YouTube channel #Drehizogie

    My Mom was diagnosed with ALS (Parkinson’s ) also known as PD) or Lou Gehrig’s disease in November of 2016. I was told that she had a year to live, no more than two at best. I believed the doctors for only a short time, then decided that dying of PARKINSON’S was not acceptable. My Brother, Williams and I, embarked on a journeinfoy to heal. We were introduced to an African herbalist whose herbs caused a turn around in my life. I’ve been on these African herbal drugs and i’m doing greatly. no more saliva and now i can use my arms and feet. all thanks to #Drehizogie the great African Herbalist….. If I can do it, others can too.

  36. Being diagnosed with Cancer has been a major loss of money and has caused major problems in my immune system,but when I came across Dr. Osaka on YouTube Channel and he recommended his herbal medicine I got completely cured of CANCER.

  37. Shall I now consider always carrying some blueberries everywhere I go and having them as an apetizer before any junk food… Hmm.

  38. Very confusing keto and carnivors don't seem to be in ill health and prosper. More carbs I eat no matter what kind my blood sugar goes up

  39. Speaking of nuts! With this bat sh-t crazy world with radicals everywhere and wars, government lying thru their teeth about everything from viruses to inflation. I’m going to eat what I want, at my age I’ll die of not being able to get to the store(if they even had any food) or the vaccine. I’ll take my chances with a nice steak and a potato. Screw it!

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