Proteine ​​animali vs. proteine ​​vegetali

La proteina più salutare. Discuto un caso di salute pubblica per modernizzare la definizione di qualità delle proteine.

I benefici della restrizione calorica possono derivare dal calo dell'assunzione di proteine ​​animali. Vedi restrizione calorica vs. restrizione proteica animale ( per ulteriori informazioni su questo.

Discuto anche degli aminoacidi a catena ramificata in Are BCAA (Aminoacidi a catena ramificata) sani? (

Hai bisogno di unire proteine ​​vegetali, come riso e fagioli? Vedi Il mito della combinazione di proteine ​​(<br/>
Di quante proteine ​​abbiamo bisogno? Vedi I vegetariani assumono abbastanza proteine? (

E le carni vegetali? Oltre la carne e l'hamburger impossibile sono sani? (

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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74 Risposte a “Proteine ​​animali vs. proteine ​​vegetali”

  1. Appreciate your non-stop efforts to promote healthy diet! I know when I tell people, I don't eat animals or animal products, they look at me like I am an alien. So sad that most people do not link their diet to their ailments. So, keep on keepin on, Dr. G. I am with you!

  2. Thanks for the video. I see a huge problem in a country like Spain where I live, where the harmful effects of (especially)eggs and dairy are not known by most, what can we do to spread the message?! I mean, vegetarianism came late to Spain and it's getting better, but veganism is tough here, too many dairy farmers, the lobby is simply too Strong,milk, cheese and yogurt are everywhere, Milk proteín is present in so many products, please come to Spain for one of your lectures!

  3. Talking with people about a WFPB diet is like, talking to a different species of humans. They all know their risks and willing to take them to their grave, prematurely. Thinking that doctors and drugs will save them?? Very sad to see that. I am happy I am not one of the SAD diet persons. Animal hormone free, not just the protein, saturated fats, transfats from cooking, pesticides, other chemical sprays. Plants give you the better life and a better chance to live longer happier, disease free!!!

  4. I think those studies are very biased.
    not all meat is created equal and how the body absorbs the things we take I also isn't are clear cut as some might have it.
    Dr Greger has several good points about nutrition but he seems to also be cherry picking.
    animal fats
    are things that's most of the time are unhealthy.
    that doesn't mean that its all bad and that everything should be banned.
    don't follow just one person and when you do your own research don't go in with a bias. Look for your own truth and which diet works best for you.

  5. Excellent video! Great job Dr Greger. Now, lets sit back and wait for the paid meat industry troll accounts to offer us their always valuable contributions.

  6. The progressives in the US aren’t necessarily helpful on this issue, since many I’ve talked to seem to be under the impression that eating more bugs and labgrown meat is the answer for public health. Note: Just because something is gross or weird doesn’t make it a great idea for public health.

  7. Animal protein chart is about CVD mortality, while plant protein about all-cause mortality. Also, animal protein chart goes to 25%, while plant-based only to 8.5%. We don't know how much farther benefits of plant protein extend.

  8. There is research that indicates that excessive protein, particularly branched chain amino acids (Lucine, isoleucine and valine) can cause insulin resistance by affecting the mTOR pathway.

  9. Dr. Gregor at his disengenuous best. One e.g. from this vid–if one bothers to read the fine print–there was (in one of the studies) NO DIFFERENCE in all cause mortality between plant and animal protein eaters without any unhealthy aspects to their life style. The other studies seem to confuse health with environmental benefits of vegan. And, the docs ultimate in this vid–environmental toxins are worse in animal products (up the food chain), as i'm looking at my oatmeal that was sprayed two weeks before harvesting with some dioxin like chemical to make it dry faster.

  10. Dr G, can you please translate this study on how vitamin c helps prevent the buildup of s. mutans?? It's kind of a no brainer but I like hearing the scientific findings and you do it best.

  11. ”These associations were confined to participants with at least 1 unhealthy lifestyle factor based on smoking, heavy alcohol intake, obesity and physical inactivity, but NOT EVIDENT AMONG THOSE WITHOUT ANY OF THESE RISK FACTORS” 1:10

  12. Very interesting. If I’ve been eating lots of meat protein for my age. 50 years. Is there any studies you can point me to that researches the pros and cons of changing to plant based after this particular length of time?

  13. Do you want to see for yourself how biased Dr. Greger is? In 1 minute and 24 seconds in the video, it can look like any type of animal protein is worse than "plant protein" for all-cause mortality risk. But the truth is that the most recent study on this US cohort found that not all "plant protein" is of the same quality. Nuts and whole grains are indeed better than all types of animal protein in the substitution analysis, but not legumes. When legumes were substituted with fish or poultry, there was a decrease (!) in all-cause mortality (see "Protein foods from animal sources, incident cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality: a substitution analysis").

  14. I'll never cut meat out of my diet completely. But with rising food costs, I've drastically limited my meat intake and this has done wonders for the wallet. And due to a pandemic-driven hobby of sprouting anything and everything, I've included much more veggie protein into my diet. I've never felt better! Highly recommended sprouts to try: mung bean, lentil, alfalfa, broccoli, soy bean, chickpea (soak).

  15. Not one study shown differentiated from animals fed crap gmo grains , chemicals, pesticide and pharmaceuticals compared with healthy non industry farmed organic meat and dairy product. Negates all the studies.
    2) Most all people going carnivore are enjoying good health, read the comments in youtube video's, over and over again all the inflammation disappears including diabetes and many cancers. Plants have defense mechanism in the form of chemicals that can be harmful over time causing at least inflammation

  16. There was no mention of the quality of the protein and I'm still waiting for the results from that study that tries to more accurately measure the percentage of protein that the body can digest and absorb from beans. I'll have to wait longer.

  17. I have long heard that animal protein is a more complete protein. There are some amino acids that are difficult to get in plant proteins. How important is it to have complete proteins?

  18. Can you compare wfpb sources of protein with processed plant protein? Many vegans think they will be healthier jamming in protein powder, tofurkey and such because it will lead to a much higher protein diet. While a wfpb diet, especially one emphasizing fruits and tubers is not as high in protein. Like replacing that scoop of protein powder made of pea protein isolate that's 80% protien with whole grain rolled oats at 14% protien.

  19. Love hearing your findings, and the commenters' too. I can't follow all the scientific info, but glad to hear that eating a lot of plant based protein isn't going to hurt me. I love a good bean soup, or tofu scramble… also use it in an Ezekiel wrap to create a most wonderful burrito. Now, as I understand it, I don't have to worry about getting too much. Is that right?

  20. Seventh Day Adventist live long healthy lives still eating eggs. It's likely death is associated with eating eggs because people who normally eat eggs eat them with bacon, pancakes, etc. Has there been an egg study where the people eat fruits, veggies, and just eggs? Ie: Bill Pearl.

  21. I was willing to take this video seriously until I saw the part about eggs being associated with CVD. I hate seeing such misconception and misinformation, based on weak correlation studies instead of controlled trials.

  22. Instead of focussing on "decreasing the risk of death" (death, btw, is 100% probable) the message would be stronger is the argument was about the sickness before death. For example, the fact that I saw my grandfather needing to walk with oxygen tanks did more to convince me that smoking is bad for my health than the fact that he died from it.

  23. Hummmm! Im shocked by these results. I always assumed it was the animal fat making them less healthy…Why would fish and egg whites increase mortality? We should add those aminos to a plant protein diet and see if mortality is increased/decreased. The explanation as to why mortality went up didnt really make sense to me. Since when does leucine (I think it is) cause death

  24. 1:15 "plant protein was substituted for an equivalent amount of protein from processed red meat"
    Stop with that lame propaganda doc. That example is like comparing natural potatoes to McDonalds' ones.

  25. Dear Dr. Greger can you please do more videos about people who are suffering from Lipoprotein a. As you know 25% of the population hast this., What can we do about this. thx

  26. Whoa this is so reckless. Plant vs. animal protein isn't the same AT ALL. The last tribes on earth spend all day hunting MEAT not sitting around chewing plants. Want to know what switching from animal to only plant protein does to your body? Read all of the ex-vegan horror stories. Google it. I dare you.

  27. In other news, another collection of incredibly imprecise epidemiology studies that do not control for a single factor suggest that eating your way to malnourishment by ignoring the very basics of biochemistry will increase lifespan. Makes perfect sense

  28. i’m a vegan, the problem with these kind of studies is there isn’t a cause effect type relationship, so we don’t know if the cause was eating less meat or of people who ate less meat are healthier in general.

  29. I am eating meat products and eggs and what have you. And i feel and look great and bloodwork supports it. I see no reason to switch my foods to plants.

  30. My grandmother and great grandfather lived to be over 100 and they seldom ate vegetables. Eggs steak and some fish. Coffee and water. Corn or flour tortillas and beans were also a part of their diet.

  31. The results of most of these studies state "associated with" which that they are only associated with, they don't actually cause or it has not been shown to cause any effect. It is all a play on words. You could say driving a car is associated with all cause mortality ie if you drive a car there is a certainty that you will die of something or you could say that those people that died haven ridden it cars. The classic association is that since you see firemen at house fires then it must be the firemen that have caused the fire. Just because you eat protein and you get cancer does not mean that it was the protein that caused the cancer to occur.

  32. I know 3 people that were strict vegans but with AI issues. They bit the bullet and added meat (mainly grass fed beef) for the protein needs, and their AI symptoms significantly reduced. That's saying something.

  33. Amino acid ratios affect inflammation response, i.e high Met:Gly, Arg ratio being bad. It happens that most plant proteins have a preferable ratio and muscle meat worse. However, it's not about plant Vs animal because other parts of the animal have preferable ratios. Having connective tissue and skin has a huge gly, low met content.
    I don't think the body cares too much where amino acids comes from, just that they are in sensible ratios and remember that certain plant foods, like legumes, are high in protease inhibitors that stop you digesting the protein as successfully.

    People try to apply a 'meat protein is inherently bad/good' and the same for plant protein but it is all just protein that hydrolysis and enzymes in your digestive system break down into amino acids, just the same.

  34. Absolutely no mention of properly regenerative farm raised meat. With that many people in the study it has to only be factory farmed. The diet they are feed is killing them so why shouldn't it be expected to also kill us. Their diet is also government back with multiple studies.

  35. Love this, love this, love this! I'm a vegan bodybuilder at 50 and look far better than most of these younger guys. Plant power!

  36. So many Drs are saying different things it's so confusing.. some swear on the vegan diet, some on keto and meat consumption and others talk about fasting etc.
    I think it would be interesting to bring all these doctors together to discuss.
    Including Dr Michael Greger the vegan, Dr Eric Berg who eats at least 4 eggs a day and Dr Sten Ekberg who promotes well sourced meat for example and no doubt many more Drs.
    Judging by the information presented by each Dr. They can't all be correct which is a little perplexing as they each have many success stories.
    The general consensus seems to be to stay away from foods with added sugar, artificial flavourings/colours etc. Processed meats, most cereals, breads etc. Eat organic vegetables and meats from animals that have been raised as naturally as possible.
    Consume nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables and meat.
    It seems that there is so much published data that no individual Dr can decipher it all, instead they focus on the data that affirms their personal beliefs as well as their clinical observations.
    I agree with Dr Greger that humans do not appear to be physiologically equipped to consume meat and it generally has to be cooked for us to consume it comfortably/safely.
    But then there seems to be certain essential dietary requirements missing from the vegan diet such as vitamin B12 for example which is primarily found in meat and fish and fortified foods.
    So what exactly is the natural, proper, most beneficial human diet?
    Seemed like a simple question when I first asked it to myself.
    Monkeys know what to eat and what not to eat as do lions, snakes, sharks etc but the most intelligent species on the planet clearly has no friggin idea.

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