Il paradosso delle piante del dottor Gundry è sbagliato

Un libro che pretende di esporre i “pericoli nascosti” nei cibi sani non supera nemmeno il test dell'odore.

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Questo è un video insolito per me. Normalmente cerco di stare fuori dalle “guerre dietetiche” e mi limito a portarti le ultime novità scientifiche. Ci sono all'incirca 000,000 articoli pubblicati sulla nutrizione nella letteratura medica sottoposta a revisione paritaria ogni anno. Abbiamo già abbastanza difficoltà a cercare di non rimanere troppo indietro con questo. Fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate. Preferiresti che facessi più di questi video di tipo reattivo?<br/>
Noterai che non ho mai affrontato la tesi del Dr. Gundry sulle lectine. Ecco di cosa parlano i prossimi due video: restate sintonizzati:
• Come evitare l'avvelenamento da lectina ( /come-evitare-l'avvelenamento-da-lectina)
• Le lectine nel cibo sono buone o cattive per te? (

Se vuoi saperne di più, ecco i link ai video a cui ho accennato nel video:
• Sfatata la dieta del gruppo sanguigno (
• Al medico potrebbe mancare il loro strumento più importante ( tool)
• Maggiore durata della vita dai fagioli ( video/aumento-della-vita-dei-fagioli)
• La farina d'avena può aiutare la malattia del fegato grasso (

Cos'altro possono fare i pomodori? Vedere Inibizione dell'attivazione piastrinica con semi di pomodoro (

Uno dei motivi principali per cui i cereali integrali possono essere così benefici è il loro effetto sui nostri batteri buoni. Vedi, ad esempio, Gut Microbiome – Strike it Rich with Whole Grains ( it-ricco-di-cereali-integrali/) e il microbioma: siamo quello che mangiano (

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100 Risposte a “Il paradosso delle piante del dottor Gundry è sbagliato”

  1. Incredible citation contradicting what guntry wrote! Reminds me when Jehovah's witnesses publication contradicted what I found in a Greek lexicon dictionary. The elder quoting the materials, was shocked when he could see with his own eyes that the watchtower society article contradicted the Greek they were promoting. what they were teaching against the truth of the deity of Jesus Christ failed with a basic fact check of source quoted! Love how dr. Greger did this with just the first chapter of guntry's book source. Thank you! 🙏

  2. You can say what you want, but the Plant Paradox diet healed my family and myself. It's not a diet book. You can eat beans, but you need to cook them in a pressure-cooker. This diet is the best I have ever been on!

  3. No, “nutrition facts” is wrong here. Give it an honest try, this is the best diet among very many, especially when others have not worked.

  4. Well when I'm eating grains, whole or not, the next day my eyes are inflamed and i can see it how red they are. Since I removed most of the lectins (still eating everything except grains because you can remove most lectins with pressure cooker or fermentation), my eyes have become way whiter and less red and feel a lot better, no discomfort anymore. It was a chronic disease: "dry eyes" the doctors said. And the food choices ( no lectins anymore) cured it. I have also been following a very healthy vegan diet the last 2 years but could not reduce eye inflammation. I felt especially the 200-300g of oats everyday did cause massive inflammation. I also had brain fog a lot and now my mind is so clear and I can work a lot better on Lectin free diet. I don't buy all things dr Gundry says though, because I think fruits are very healthy and don't cause weight gain as much as he says.
    So my diet is just Dr. Greger s advices without the grains because pretty much everything else you can remove the lectins from that harm you. E.g. Legumes are very healthy when pressure cooked

  5. He does not say any of the food you said are bad for you. Its the way we cook them. It seems you did not do your homework good before making this video. And egg yolks reduce bad cholestorol and increase good cholestorol. I am on nighter side . Just disapointed that you aswell are making a video with mis information .

  6. "Doctor" your arrogance amazes me!! Could it be that someone's unique physiology might determine whether or not they do well on a whole food vegetarian diet or a whole food keto diet? I'm not even talking about lectins here, just astounding how closed-minded you are. I have reversed my type 2 diabetes by doing keto after years of eating a very clean high veggie/fruit diet (very lowfat) for decades.

  7. Is that it…. the big debunk? cholesterol does go up when you eat eggs – good cholesterol not bad cholesterol!! thanks for wasting 5.20mins of my life…. if you are going to offer content on YouTube at least offer both sides….

  8. Be careful with this evaluation. For example, in one place he quickly shows a clip where tomato JUICE is healthy for women, but instead he is dissing the lectins. Done properly, tomato juice should have very little lectin as it should be peeled and have the seeds out. This guy looks like he wants a fight ( Or you tube money) without doing much study…. sure Gundry sells stuff, but you need to buy anything to do the eating.

  9. this video is baloney and I bet he has not READ the book or have any illness. you do not have to buy any supplements either in order to heal….this video is malarkey. also if this guy REALLY understands cells and has a disease – he would understand how bad our world has changed in production of food. no egg yolks from pastured chickens do not raise your cholesterol. plus eating meat every day really is not good for digestion for anyone.

  10. You either here to prove your point of view where your ego might get stuck into it or you are trying find out truth about something; be careful who you share with & what you digest.

  11. He never said not to eat tomatoes and beans, just to cook them right and in the case of tomatoes, to peel and throw away the seeds.

  12. I bought Dr Gundry's Ribose formula after kowtowing to his fluff. It turned out full of maltodexterine from GMO corn. So much for "healthy diet". He's all about selling expensive low-quality supplements. Tread carefully.

  13. The way he talked about beans shows that he didn't even take the time to read what dr gundry says. He probably skimmed over the material, not paying much attention.

  14. Since I started following the plant paradox I have lost 46 Lbs. Wow facts change and are not written in stone and as everybody Knows the medical community fight tooth and nail to preserve their facts even thought they are wrong, Just like you are doing. Open your Mind.

  15. All I had to do was look at his face and I knew he was a shyster. He should be ashamed of himself. All anyone needs to do is listen to Mr. Nutrition himself. Dr. Michael Greger. 🥰

  16. Gundry caught my interest with his advertising. Listened to what his commercial had to say. Wasted many minutes. Got to the end and saw what he was up to. A rip off artist, with no doubt.

  17. You think you know so much and don’t even understand how centenaries ate in the blue zone (totally different from the current western diet packed with lectins, fructose, transfat, processed foods etc—that lead to the inflammed guts and bodies people have, the cause of number diseases

  18. Plus: the benefits of the vegetarian and whole grain diets derive from other reasons, obviously not from…say… the “benefit of lots of lectins”, such a benefit has no evidential basis at all

  19. People eat grains and the general American diet and disease and sickness has never been higher and those who remove gluten and like substances heal issues, lose weight and are healthier, while the doctors pushing grains and such are dying pretty young compared to a lot of people ie dead doctors don't lie.

  20. People who eat whole grains tend to have health problems, this is dishonest.
    If you do research on how gluten is digested and the effects people have when you remove it, you will change your tune.
    I am still looking into Dr Gundry, i am doing research, this is how one finds out the truth.
    You can read the first page of a book and think that maybe the rest of it is the same and not be interested, but if you're doing a review of it and claiming to debunk it, you have to know it.

    This review is quackery.

  21. There was a little girl who had really bad asthma, so bad in fact that doctors couldn't help her, they said it was only a matter of time before she died from an asthma attack.
    They asked Dr Wallalch who wrote the book "Dead doctors don't lie" what they could do? and he asked them what she ate for breakfast every morning and they said "Oatmeal" and he said for them to stop giving her that and she not only recovered but her asthma went away.

    Not everyone has such a dramatic issue vanish when eliminating gluten, but its under the radar causing issues with people in their intestines.

  22. Pointing at products that someone sells to show that they are only looking to make a buck is extremely dishonest and lacks integrity, because that is not always the case and it is an easy thing to accuse someone of, its a weak attack and doesn't come from an honest reason to back up the accusation.
    I am still looking into Dr Gundry, but i can see how this video is put together and there is false and misleading information in it.

  23. Cholesterol doesn't kill people, what kills people is what makes the cholesterol do its job, which is saving your life. People die EVERY DAY from suppose high cholesterol conditions when they have low cholesterol.

    Its like if someone sends you a bomb in the mail and you find it and you call the bomb squad and this happens every day for a month, and each time the bomb squad defuses the bombs, except one day the bomb gets you, do you blame the bomb squad for being around?
    It can be harmful if its SUPER HIGH but that's usually not an issue but some people want to reduce it anyways.

    Next time READ the entire paper to us that is indicated, not just some small portion, because as far as i know, you're taking things out of context.

  24. Gluten is bad, the fact that you're pushing the idea that if you eat grains you'll live longer hype, shows me that you have done very little independent research and you are believing lies written about some aspects of nutrition from the medical sources which have been corrupted for decades now.

  25. good work! half our diet over 60 yrs old is now fresh fruit, raw vegetables including spinach and kale (yuck), hemp seeds, pure organic cocoa, coconut oil, a heaping tbl spoon of turmeric with a dash of pepper, and pomegranate juice in a giant smoothie every morning. Lost 10 lbs and am now the same weight, cholesterol, bp, pulse rate with same energy levels as my mid 40's. And I am allergic to bean protein so don't even have legumes as part of my diet. We're all different, never blindly follow anyone's sale's pitch. Think for yourself!

  26. No, you're cherry-picking and only showing the benefits. Now there are also papers that show negative effects of tomato and it makes sense because we weren't evolved to survive on tomatoes.

  27. Dr. Gundry, who has invested millions of his personal money, is a world-renowned scientist and cardiac surgeon, specialized in research with blood tests among others.
    None of the doctors in your article took their millions trying to figure out what happens in the blood when you eat something. Which of these doctors plugged in a hplc to really see what happens in the blood after ingestion?
    Reading the book or podcasts, the guy's reputation is important in convincing others to take an interest in something. Here we have a guy who has a good reputation with gundry, better reputation than the people in your line. No strong argument in my opinion against gundry in that vid.
    …General practitionerthat’s what Greger is.
    Everyone is entitled to their opinion. In the meantime, the vid u sent me tries to invalidate gundry without providing any proof. None of the arguments in the text are supported by evidence. The only weight of the text is that it is several MD doctors who are bitching against gundry. It is their words against the word of gundry in this vid….So reputation against reputation, are you going to believe the one who has done the most heart transplants and who invented aortic curettage or are you going to believe a simple doctor who has never really done anything for others except picking up his fat? pay and prescribe vegetables
    Anyone can repeat baseless articles, but only practicing this eating method can prove to you how good it works gundry.

  28. Dr Gundry… biggest current snake oil salesman. He is horrible. I cringe every time one of his many many commercials comes on.

  29. This video is terrible people. Believe what you want about lectins but this dude is cherry picking. I’ve not heard Dr Gundry mention any of his products yet in The Plant Paradox audio book. His diet is about eating more greens which are some of the healthiest foods you can eat. And he says to limit eggs, and meat lmao!

  30. I read the book, and it looks like this doctor didn't – properly. Legumes aren't discouraged, just treated properly when cooked. This doctor is pulling things out of context. don't be a sheep, read it and judge for yourself.

  31. I used my own judgement, applied the knowledge in the book, cut out the wrong lectins mostly wheat and plant oils. just this act alone saw me drop 10kg in weight, fixed my early arthritis, cleared my head, my blood results showed reduced inflammation and lowered cholesterol, my general health improved remarkably. What is this doctor's results if any – who has he helped. sounds like a hater to me, probably own agenda.?

  32. Dr Berg also sais he eats 4-5 eggs a day and it doesn't raise cholesterol, based on the idea that cholesterol rises based upon the level of inflammation in the vascular system.

  33. Dr. Greger, is there any data showing that lectins are damaging for patients who have leaky gut? Could Dr. Gundry be on to something in the case of these patients?

  34. What about Gundry's olive oil claim? I was recommended no oil by the wfpb diet. Gundry says eat a pint or more per week. Oil is 100% fat, even olive oil. Can't I get the same benefits of 1½ oz of olive oil daily from other healthy sources?

  35. 2:34 "So when people told me about this book, I was like, let me guess…he sells a line of lectin-blocking supplements…aaaand whatt'ya know…$79.95/month…that's only like $1,000/year."

  36. I'm thinking the reason people live longer that eat all this beans and stuff it's because they're already healthy they already have a strong gut microbiome so the lectins have no effect and they probably help them. However if you have a leaky gut or some other problem that are going to let the lectins wreak havoc you're in trouble.

  37. Cholesterol isn't a poison, doc. It's a necessary element in every life form and we would literally die without it!! Grains, on the other hand are NOT a requirement for life and there's nothing essential about them. I think you need to go back to the basics and refresh your understanding of things…

  38. All the tomatoes Mexicans and Arabs ate for thousands of years and this azzholes out of all the doctors in the world says their harmful? GTFOH

  39. Michael Greger is a general practitioner being funded by a family of billionaires from the UK. Grow your own food from non GMO sources and hunt wild game if you want maximum health benefits from your food. Nature is the solution not supplements and drugs.

  40. ok now you're being disingenuous… he said that the body's defense against lectins have been obliterated…its healthy for people with functiononing biomes that can destroy the lectins.

  41. This video is a complete oversimplification and misinterpretation of the book. I belive Dr. Greger is a sage person so I would conclude he didn't read the book. Or maybe it is just jealousy

  42. I'm gonna take a mutual stance! Like greger had got a point. My argument is this "not everyone is the same"! For instance tomatoes may be harmful to certain people! I can't eat blueberries or pineapple! Their is people who live until 100 years old who smoke cigarettes and eat red meat. Now I am not suggesting doing that! All I am saying is different circumstances have different outcomes and no study can predict that! No study can take stress levels, monitor testosterone and everything else. Their is a lot of factors that play into it and no study can predict any of this. I think the most honest way to approach nutrition is a personal level. There is test you can have done, usually by holistic doctors that tell you what is best for you and tells you if you have food allergies. Or you can use the trial and error eat certain foods and see what works for you, call it the process of elimination

  43. A friend of mine told me about this new diet she had heard about…I came straight to this resource. Have 'shared' this page to my friend…Thank you Dr Greger..

  44. Just curious, though…you didn't mention what kind of cholesterol egg yolks increases. There is the good kind and the bad kind. Which one does it increase?

  45. This video blew me away. I was so convinced that lectins are the great evil. This basically disproves everything gundry said. At first I wondered if this gentleman was being paid by the companies that support White flower.

    This just blows me away.

  46. Sorry, you are wrong. I went through hell for 3 years. 25 trips to the hospital which almost killed me. Celiac was hidden but I developed other diseases that go in tandem with celiac. It is the glyphosate they are spraying on wheat, corn, etc, that are causing problems. I discovered it was the LECTINS that were wrecking havoc with my system and why my white blood cell count was always up during an attack. I used to be able to eat them but as I got older, they did horrible damage. My husband can eat them all day long. Everyone is different.  Celiacs have very varied symptoms, "I think" because we have developed other autoimmune diseases and we focus on those before we find the celiac which I think is a trigger for the other ones we develope. I have thyroid issues, EPI, the lectin issue, and other minor ones.

    It took a lot of research on my own, switching over to a naturopath because doctors were clueless, and watching what I had eaten as I had these attacks. They almost always occurred with tomatoes, beans, etc. Why I could eat them when younger and not now? Maybe because my body changed with age. I had cherries by themself and ended up in the hospital. Same with a peach, cherry tomatoes, etc. I used to eat a lot of fruit with no problem. I can have potatoes if I remove the skin.  Now Dr. Gundry says the lectins cook through the skins into the potato, but there I have found him to be wrong. Unless because I steam them. Then I let them sit to build up the resistant starch. They are my staple, I have one every day. Read the "Potato Hack" not for losing weight but for all the nutrition a potato has before we destroy them with junk.

    Sorry, I find the tone of the voice in the video, condescending. Everyone is different and you do not know everything. I will go by my experience instead of what you just happen to believe. It is the same with children who cannot have peanuts….gee, they are loaded with lectins. I KNOW what happens to me after I eat them. It is painful and ugly. My husband has had to experience things no spouse should ever have to. When I read in Dr. Gundrys book, what lectins do to your cells, on page 24, I discovered why my white blood cell count was up in all my attacks, while it had the average doctor stymied. Even doctors have much to learn or need to realize they can be wrong. Anyone having trouble out there, start doing as much of your own homework as you can. Most doctors do NOT have the time to invest in individual patients and you can monitor what you eat, how you feel, and the results. Find someone will listen to you before it kills you.  

    My attacks were so horrible I wanted to die. It took a negative blood test, and 2 biopsies to find my celiac. I asked why the first biopsy was negative because I was in denial about the celiac. One doctor said, because the intestines is a large area and the 1st doctor must have gone to an uninfected area. I saw numerous doctors and my naturopath in 3 years before narrowing all the issues down. 23 & me also helped me see that my family carried a variant for celiac. "Celiac Disease, A Hidden Epidemic" is a great book to read. It lists all the other diseases that go in tandem with celiac, so see if you have any of those, and connect the dots. It did not mention lectins, I learned about those later, after MORE trips to the hospital, realizing I had eaten high lectin foods just before most of my attacks. I have written so much here because if I can spare someone else the pain I went through, it is worth it.

  47. Just got an ad by this Gundry guy, who claimed people in the 50s and 60s were healthier even when they ate sugary sweets and smoked everyday…while showing some fake charts.

    That should give everyone pause and huge red flags that this doctor is lying to sell you something, doesn't matter if he's a good heart surgeon, he's trying to sell you his products and also giving dangerous health "advice"

    Lmao… he claimed people in the 60s lived longer…even when smoking, wtf?!
    Also how can you tell that people today don't live long, if they're still younger than 50 and there's proof they're living healthier than people of the past when they reached 50…
    we have to wait another 100 years until 2100, to see if people born today will live longer than the people of the past, and guess what, they will, thanks to better foods and medicine..

    Back in the past they had no regulations and companies lied about the health benefits of their products and loved using military grade pesticides on foods & farmlands, just like unregulated companies today put hormones in todays meats to grow them unnaturally faster, FOR PROFIT, which is what this doctor is doing…

    People of the past had major health issues and that has all been almost eliminated thanks to science and medicine… Obesity is a problem because processed sugars are put in every food, and portions today are way too big, making people fat…
    One bottle of juice isn't even juice but 80% processed fake sugar and water, that's it. No health benefit, American diets have never been any good, and this surgeon, is peddling bad information to scare gullible people into his products…

    Don't fall for the scams in ads people what's wrong with you!

  48. Also the word Legumes is funny to me…
    leGUMES! 😄

    Here's a like to this video, it seems important now that he's advertising his products with propaganda again.

  49. Thank you, Dr. Greger. Of course Youtube suggested some interviews of him and his videos, so I checked them out because I love nutrition science. I was shocked that fruit was considered toxic (?!?!) and that many whole grains and legumes were unsalvageable (?!?!). it went against everything else I've been reading up to this point. Admittedly I've been able to gain weight eating whole plant based foods (homecooked meals and minimal processed 'vegan treats'), so I thought, maybe he was onto something. But when he promoted animal milk and meat, that's when the alarm bells went off.

    So I really appreciate this video putting the nail in that coffin. Back to my delicious chickpeas!

  50. Your condescending tone and lack of facts amaze me. When all you say is what he says is bad, you point to a study that supports your theory.
    For me I have never bought any of Dr Gundry's supplements. I did not read his book (it was recommended to my by a very FIT 72 year old surgeon when I asked him what's the best book he has read in the last 10 years) I outsourced the reading of it to someone that cares about me and she fed me for 2 months not a big challenge. I was satisfied, content and pretty easily made it to the 2 month mark and stepped on a scale for the first time and had very easily lost 20lbs. Now I was on fire. Bought a scale to stay on track and pay attention. lost 10 lbs a month for the next 3 months and felt GREAT.
    I have been easily maintaining my diet and feel like a million bucks. Even when I go off the reservation I don't beat myself up or give up I just start all over the next day.

    You made your video about Dr Gundry to attract click throughs cause thats how money is made on the internet.
    I have a question. Do you sell anything on the internet, do you having any marketing, branding, or other types of compensation from the work you do on the internet? Exactly Just the title of your video is gold for your bankroll especially with 630K views you probably made at least $2,000 lazily slandering the "Good Doctor" Gundry.
    Now for a change why dont you create something that helps people, something that builds people up. Not rest on your laurels not repeat what you already have done. Why dont you create something positive! Then some dip can slander you when you have helped millions with no negative affect an any.

  51. All I know is that I was so ill and in pain that I could barely walk. When I eliminated lectins, I felt like I’d went back 40 years to being a child again. So I don’t think anyone is “right.” I think people are individuals and they respond differently. Don’t listen to doctors—listen to your own body.

  52. Dr.Gundry explains how to remove lectins from food. He did not say stay away from beans he said how to cook them properly same goes with tomatoes. If you look at his skin and hair for his age, hes doing something right.

  53. I've not read the book but seeing that citation is not even from a systematic review is poor. There must be a number of meta-analyses on the role of eggs on cholesterol counts. That the cited study only has 18 men across two groups in the 50th to 80th age percentiles is a severely limiting alone. If they excluded other protein sources such a meat and milk then the cited study should be reviewed and considered whether it should have 'WITHDRAWN' stamped across it with an explainer criticising the methodology. Some journals do withdraw articles but there are so many it's appreciated that would be challenging.

  54. Honestly, thank you! I can’t express enough how much your books both (How Not To Die and How Not to Diet) have edified me as a Vegan! I worried after hearing about Lectins and Dr. Grundy because of inflammation and which foods (that I eat regularly) he said caused inflammation to rise. I appreciate you taking the time to review what he was writing about and give feedback. You are a champion to all who want to maintain their bodies to the best of their ability!

  55. Just asking, what are your credentials?
    I know Dr Grundy's and as I research both sides of an argument I'd like to know, if anyone can help me that would be great.
    The video I watched wasn't selling me anything, just introducing me to lectins and leaky gut so I'm curious

  56. My brother is 62 and praises this guy and eats like his books says…he has 270ish cholesterol, eats 4 eggs a day, bacon few times a week and tons of meat and tells me eating quinoa and my fruit bowls is diabetes in a I'm worried about him ..his cholesterol is 280 and thinks it's fine.

  57. You seem to love a tad of sensationalism (people eating lectins should be dying earlier) AND you obviously ignore the fact that digestive systems are NOT 'one size' and we aren't all the same; in fact, from the moment I eschewed plant sourced foods altogether, every single health issue I had disappeared within less than a year. The feeling of never carting around constant thrumming bloat is just so freeing as to be incomprehensible to someone who's never suffered it. So, be a bit more HUMBLE, and read more extensively, and learn how foods labeled 'healthy' can indeed cause hightly detrimental impacts on different people.

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