Alimenti per migliorare le prestazioni atletiche e il recupero

Gli effetti di spinaci e frutti di bosco su stress ossidativo, infiammazione e indolenzimento muscolare negli atleti.

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• Ridurre l'affaticamento muscolare con gli agrumi (
• Riducendo Dolore muscolare con frutti di bosco (
• Prevenire lo stress ossidativo indotto dall'esercizio con il crescione ( -crescione/)<br/> • Semi di finocchio per migliorare le prestazioni atletiche (https://nutritionfacts. org/video/fennel-seeds-to-improve-athletic-performance)
• Acqua di cocco per prestazioni atletiche contro bevande sportive (
• Doping con succo di barbabietola (
• Recupero atletico migliorato senza compromettere l'adattamento ( -recupero-senza-minare-adattamento/)

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100 Risposte a “Alimenti per migliorare le prestazioni atletiche e il recupero”

  1. been having spinach and berry smoothies after my workouts, it's no coincidence that the muscle soreness has stopped recently… :O

  2. I've been a distance runner, year round, since 1973. I experienced the normal aches and pains and soreness after hard worouts and races … until … three years ago when I went on a plant based diet. Zero soreness or pain after workouts or races these days. For example, yesterday a 10 minute warmup run, then 20 minute run at 85% max heart rate / 3 min rest / 90 sec run at 95% max heart rate/ 3 minutes rest. Then 3 times [20 half squats, 20 power skips, 20 lunges] / 2 minutes rest, 2 X 20 single leg half squats/ 90 sec rest, 2 X 30 standing hamstring curls with ankle weights/ 2 min. rest. Sure my legs are "tired" today. And I'll jog for an easy 50 minutes today, but not sore. I'm 62. Plant based nutrition works.

  3. Here is an idea of the most vibrant vegan diet(Not to necessarily strive for but just to know its there for times of necessity, disease, health imbalances etc.and the vibrancy that can be experienced) .. Try to keep an open mind as there are only a handful of people that know about this and almost none who have truly experienced it…. here are the four elements of the diet you consume each day..

    1) (A lot of) whole, fresh wheatgrass (grown in the ground only)
    a)It is amazing and savory tasting when you know how to grow it… the stuff in trays has multiple issues which is why it tastes so imbalanced
    b) it is a fallacy that grass cannot be digested and that we need multiple stomachs. I have empirically experienced this diet for 18 years and until you experience it you’ll never understand,

    2)(A little) slightly sprouted wheat

    3) (A little) clay

    4) (A little) water

    There is way too much to say about this diet on a comment but I’ll address a few things you’re probably wondering right off..

    A)The low-calorie aspect of this diet is not a problem-You’ll understand when you feel how active and generative your cellular force becomes when you eat this diet. You will also feel perfectly satiated as all the material will be metabolized right inside the cell(with perfect chemistry and blood sugar balance) as opposed to some of the toxicity of acidic/alkaloidal diets where the material is stuffed outside the cell as bloat and inflammation. Poisons(natural or synthetic-but mostly natural are where most people ingest poisons) irritate and starve the alimentary canal.

    B)The vibrancy of a diet for the body or the soil is measured by fertility/life force. Grass is a complete food in itself and is the only plant family that has no natural poisons/toxins/anti-nutrients/pesticides/dehydrants/etc… Your water system works on a whole new level in the absence of toxins and when the chemistry and generation is perfect. So your mouth and body stays wet, sweet and alive all the time. Fertility happens when there are no poisons and nutrition is complete. Wheat is simply the most fertile of all of the grasses as one can see with their own eyes it’s the most elastic food. What you are seeing in its elasticity is acute molecular organization with a tensile strength and amount of cells that no other plant has. Grasses are the only plants that do not decay- meaning their chemistry does not change when they break down. That’s how alive they are. The odors that come from your body are sweet only.. which exemplifies absolutely no disease causing microbiology that it could ever attract.

    C) The idea is to not think about extremes and how extreme this may seem.(even though environmentally, financially and healthfully it’s the least extreme thing on the planet) But to understand what the top is and to experience it fully for an allotted period of time so you will always know where the balance and real stability and life force lies.

    D) The taste is actually extremely palatable and the more you do it the more your cells desire this taste. You start to lose the taste for the acids and alkaloids that are in fruits, vegetables, herbs and so forth.

    E) I’ve been vegan for 24 years and have experienced this for 18. When you eat grass you are getting the minerals that you don’t get from fruits and vegetables, not to mention the anti-nutrients that make a lot of them not absorbed. So yes, you are eating what the animal eats. So I understand why the meat eaters think we need meat but meat is simply grass second hand.

    F)You’re not lacking fat on this diet. Some people feel they do well on diets with plenty of fat but when you’re eating that much chlorophyll from grass it has a similar effect to fat(this is too much to cover here) even though it is loaded with the essential fatty acids in the predigested form.

    G) Not only are you not constipated on this diet, but every bowel movement takes on the shape of your G.I. tract. What that means is you are simply feeding and cleansing every crevice possible. You’ll start to realize that feeding, generating and cleansing are one in the same when you eat complete, clean and perfectly metabolized food with perfect chemistry.

    H)"Gluten Intolerance"? my belief..
    a)gluten is the protein of wheat,rye,etc. which has perfect chemistry so by definition it cannot be an "allergen"
    b)people "react" to it because they eat it cooked, they eat too much and without any of the green grass that grows out of it,
    their system is so toxic that they do not posses the micro-force/enzymatic action to break it down, they eat it with other plants
    such as tomatoes, alcoholic substances, etc.that further destroy microbiology, people don't understand the value of eating clay
    for probiotics, chemistry balance, detox, making everything else they eat more absorbable(there is way too much to say about
    clay here)
    c)when you feel how alive, limber and elastic the raw wheat gluten will make you feel on the proper balance of this diet you will
    never question gluten again

    I)At this time, I have no interest in trying to teach this, prove this or debate this on a YouTube channel. I have no commercial interest in this whatsoever. I’ve been slowly writing a book on this for years but it’s just to have all of this experience and knowledge in order. Believe me, I realize an unbelievably small percentage of people would connect to this at all including the vegans.. My reasons for finally reaching out are many I could discuss later.

    I really appreciate your work and I hope to deliver all of this information to you soon.

  4. There is very common Indian/Asian vegetable called bitter gourd and it has amazing sugar lowering effect also
    Black plum or jamun in Asia
    With tons of vitamins and antioxidant , can you please
    Give information on them.

  5. Someone know a study on de Nuevo lipogenesis that tell efficiency ?
    Mathematically, 9 gram of carb should convert to 4 gram of fat but I strongly doubt that the case !

  6. A follow-up to one or all of the cases would be great. Like, is the effect of the spinach the same if you use kale or broccoli? Can I get the same results with strawberries and blue berries as they got with cherries?

  7. For all you athletes. Pay attention. Pre work is 5 medjool dates in 2 cups water blended till frothy. Have a few gulps before you lift, sip it while lifting.

    For giant recovery you need 3 granny apples, 1 peeled lemon, 1 full bag of baby spinache, half a bag of watercress, nickel size ginger root. Juice that combo after every hard workout in a juicer and you will see results that are so good that you will freak out. Dates for mass energy and a big green drink for recovery. And there are many other benefits.

  8. My post work-out recovery smoothie recipe:
    150g Frozen Mixed Berries (the kind I buy has blueberries/blackberries/raspberries/cherries)
    50g Spinach(could do more)
    1/2 Banana
    1/2 Golden Kiwi(may help boost immunity to common cold/flu)
    1.5 cups Soy Milk
    1 scoop Vegan Protein powder(optional)
    1/4 tsp Turmeric
    Pinch of Black Pepper (to activate turmeric)
    1 Tbls ground flax
    1/4 tsp Cinnamon (anti-inflammatory)

  9. You missed to mention whether those antioxidants can hinder adaptation to physical training, since some reactive species are known to have a role in the signaling required to elicit muscle repair and remodeling:
    • Merry TL, Ristow M. "Do antioxidant supplements interfere with skeletal muscle adaptation to exercise training?" J Physiol (2016 Sep 15) vol. 594 (18) pp. 5135-47 DOI: 10.1113/JP270654
    physoc.onlinelibrary.wiley. com/doi/abs/10.1113/JP270654
    ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC5023714
    ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/pubmed/26638792

  10. I love ❤️ spinach and broccoli 😋 it’s so freaking delicious. I like to drink self made smoothies with banana, coconut milk, rice milk, 2 full spoons of organic and sugarfree beanut butter and 2 handful of spinach . I drink that often after working out 🙃😋😋😋

  11. lol I've been eating 1/2 cup of (cooked from frozen) spinach a day (which according to cronometer, is about 95g) because of the vitamin K and because I liked the taste, good to know it actually helps me recover faster, proven by science!

  12. El cacao y la avena que recomiendas al final son elementos duros que irritan el aparato digestivo, particularmente la avena tiene avenina que es similar al gluten e inflama.

  13. Lots of healthy nutrition from vegetables alone definately speeds up recovery. Explains why I have less muscle soreness the next day.

    I like this video. Now I have a way to determine if I ate enough veggies. And I don't have to feel disapointed when I don't have that much soreness.

  14. He is the God of rap. Maybe a lot of people don't want to admit it because he is white but that's ridiculous. He has proved that music has no boundaries and he made a name for himself even though he was doing music that was "traditionally" made by black people.

  15. A few coaches are now talking about how we shouldn't be suppressing exercise induced inflammation because it's there to do a job. Just because DOMS is lower, it doesn't mean your body has adapted and compensated for the damage that was caused by previous stresses. It seems like it might be a tricky one to study though.

  16. star citizen: Hello please you my referral code STAR-YHSC-VSKD If you Decide to purchases the game it give you 5,000 UES ,This is a privaate citizen of star citizen, thank you for your time.

  17. It would’ve been interesting if you mentioned if spinach and cherries and grapes had something in common, or what it was in these foods that caused the effect. My boyfriend went vegan last year and he said he definitely noticed a difference after workouts, he doesn’t get sore anymore.

  18. This is all a ruse. Dr Greger making massive amounts of money by promoting fruits and vegetables. The fruit/ vegetable organizations are just trying to promote unhealthy eating and sell more carrots and beets. Oops, I think I mean meat, dairy and processed food companies, junk supplement dealers, pharmaceutical companies, and our so- called medical profession. Keep us sick, fat, and looking for that magic health providing, fat burning, etc…magic pill. Just messing around. Dr.Greger , best Dr. I've met so far.

  19. Which grape juice should I buy? I'm not sure which is the healthiest. Or he mentions "concord grapes" are those just regular grapes at the grocery store? Or do they need to say concord?

  20. It appears the common thread from this analysis is the dark pigmented plant foods that contribute to better athletic performance and recovery.

  21. It would be awesome if you could add this to the app. An option for tweeks for improving athletic performance instead of weight/ fat loss would be appreciated I’m sure by the athletes out here 🙂

  22. PSA: some degree of inflammation and oxidative stress proves BENEFICIAL right after a workout, as it acts as a signal to induce adaptative responses in the body (and muscles; hypertrophy)

  23. These are so concise and to-the-point. It's so cool having access to a plant-based doctor like this.

    I'd LOVE to see a video on what Dr. Greger would recommend for like, the ultimate post-workout smoothie.

  24. Very interesting. But could this also mean, that the training is less effective? Maybe the oxidative stress is what provokes the muscle growth in the first place?

  25. Just got back from the gym and downed a glass of frozen banana + spinach + mango chunks smoothie. I’m so happy with my choice.

  26. My diet has been shit over lockdown been going through energy drinks like a div. A week ago i started on the raw spinach. I love it cleared me up a treat my skins healthier i feel energetic and best of all my piss is crystal clear and I'm shitting kingsize loafs smoothly.
    I can't recommend it enough when i snack i snack on the green stuff.
    Don't think about it just buy it.

  27. Would be interesting to know about the optimimal intake timing of these antiox./antiinflammatory foods: Is chronic daily intake and accumlation necessary before an intense sporting event? Or does most of the effect come from the last intake a few (?) hours before?

  28. Wonderfull to know once more that we have to eat more greens and berries to stay “fit for life” Spinach, purple grape juice, and tart cherry concentrate ( or just purple grapes and Black cherries) 💗💜

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