Pistacchi per la disfunzione erettile

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DESCRIZIONE: Gli uomini che mangiavano pistacchi hanno sperimentato un miglioramento significativo del flusso sanguigno attraverso il pene accompagnato da erezioni più solide in sole tre settimane, forse a causa del contenuto di antiossidanti, arginina e fitosteroli dei pistacchi.

Questa è la puntata finale del video in 3 parti serie sulla salute sessuale. Se ti sei perso i primi due, dai un'occhiata a Survival of the Firmest: Erectile Dysfunction and Death ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/survival-of-the-firmest-erectile- disfunzione-e-morte) e 13 Sfumature di verde (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/50-sfumature-di-verdi/).<br/>
L'effetto dell'anguria tramite la citrullina è documentato in Watermelon as Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/watermelon-as-treatment-for-erectile-dysfunction/ ) e le statistiche sul jogging, tratte dall'Harvard Nurses Health Study, possono essere trovate su What Women Should Eat to Live Longer (http ://nutritionfacts.org/video/what-women-should-eat-to-live-longer/).

L'assenza di aumento di peso è, sorprendentemente, la norma quando si parla di studi sulla frutta a guscio. Vedi Nuts and Obesity: The Weight of Evidence (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/nuts-and-obesity-the-weight-of-evidence/) . Ciò può essere dovuto a una serie di ragioni (vedi Risolvere il mistero delle calorie mancanti, http://nutritionfacts.org/video/solving-the-mystery- of-the-missing-calories/), incluso il “principio del pistacchio” (Testing the Pistachio Principle, http: //nutritionfacts.org/video/testing-the-pistachio-principle/).

Oltre a migliorando il flusso sanguigno del pene, le noci possono anche aiutare a prevenire il cancro al seno (Tree Nuts o Peanuts for Breast Cancer Prevention?, http://nutritionfacts.org/video /noci-o-arachidi-per-la-prevenzione-del-cancro-al-seno/), malattie infiammatorie (Combattere l'infiammazione in un guscio di noce, http://nutritionfacts.org/video/fighting-inflammation-in-a-nut-shell/) e morte improvvisa (Come le noci prevengono il battito cardiaco improvviso Morte?, http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-do-nuts-prevent-sudden-cardiac-death/).
Discuto l'epidemia di effetti collaterali avversi dei farmaci da prescrizione nel mio 2012- rassegna annuale Sradicare le principali cause di morte (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/uprooting-the-leading-causes- di-morte/) e il mio nuovo -14 presentazione dal vivo Più di una mela al giorno (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/more-than-an-apple-a-day-preventing-our-most-common-diseases/).

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/pistachio-nuts-for-erectile-dysfunction/ e proverà a rispondere!

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81 Risposte a “Pistacchi per la disfunzione erettile”

  1. Also great info on You Tube videos; Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death by Dr Greger; More Than an Apple a Day: Preventing Our Most Common Diseases by Dr Greger; Make Yourself Heart Attack Proof by Headveg, The Starch Solution by John McDougall MD; The China Study by Dr Campbell; 801010 by Dr Graham, A Life Changing Story, by Joey Borden, How I Lost 100 lbs in 8 Months, by GetYourFruitOn

  2. "obviously"? huh? what do you have to say for the fact that pistachios are legumes that are high heated in order to be edible?

  3. what in the world are you talking about? i can barely understand what you say. what limitation? you didn't answer my question. how come pistachios are healthy is they are high heated in order to the edible? high heated = roasted = rancid fat.

  4. +Amir Amran, pistachios are not a legume. Peanuts grow on the roots of a bush and are a legume; not a nut. Pistachios are a true nut like a cashew and grow on a tree. 

  5. I am a young male and i have been having anxiety issues when it comes to the point where the magic is about to happen. Every time i'd get close i'd lose my woody and be left em barrassed and at a loss for words. After using this prolarg ent 5×5 ext reme pr oduct a few times i am very p leased with how it works. I would recommend it to anyone struggling with anxiety. This amazing p roduct 

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  8. There is 2 grams of L – arginine per 100 grams of commercially available pistachio nuts.

    Given that high calorie nuts seem to add nothing to weight (see Dr Greger's film on that subject), this is a very good reason to eat them regularly!

  9. Erectile Dysfunction is a part of every aging man's everyday life. No matter how seductive and fkc-able my young and fresh partner is, my thing just can't make it hard. However, after using Superlongnight Male Enhancement Pills for two days, I suddenly felt an urge that makes me want to get laid almost every night. I don't have problems in getting and staying hard anymore!

  10. the way you enunciate your words is so sickening that i cannot watch or listen to and more of your videos. Why do you speak this way?

  11. After my triple bypass, doc told me my heart had been getting only 25% blood flow to it OK, I am 65 and had strong erections right to the day of surgery…still have them about the same now…one artery was 95% blocked, so idk about your connections here…of artery flow with erectile function…hmmmm

  12. Good info. Also add the watermelon (the white part has the most citruline). Brazil nuts, high in selenium can help the prostrate issues, and pumpkin seeds (preferably raw so as not to make the natural fatty acids go bad) are a great source of biologically available zinc. And the pistachios as well. Should include all of these! 🙂

  13. But you also say Pecans and walnuts are the best nuts of them all, so won't they do the same? Does it matter which nut we eat?

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  17. In Pakistan Islamic remedy is before going to bed Eat a half bowl of yoghurt with Sugar at night it . TRY this & forget the doctor's . But yoghurt should eat after an hour of food not with food and before sleep . STOP useing vinegar or lemon in food . Try this Islamic remedy its harmless and happy healthy lifestyle

  18. This erectile dysfunction treatment method “Jαcοb ramguso” (Google it) must be used by those who endure similar issue as well since it can offer instant results. This things worked well for me personally. It had been able to improve my stamina. I have taken it for about three weeks now and there is a apparent improvement in my overall performance and the circulation of blood. My lover has noticed the difference as well.

  19. I would suggest this erection dysfunction treatment method “Jαcοb ramguso” (Google it) if you want action in the bedroom. My girlfriend had never experienced much enjoyment like this with me before. She says I am now much more lively in the bedroom. I truly like the way this guide makes me feel too. The results of this amazing product is certainly remarkable and excellent.

  20. Can you imagine her practically fainting from sheer ecstasy in bed? You can get as hard as a rock, ANYONE can get as hard as a rock just by reading the new material by Mario Volpstein (google him).

  21. I understand that pistachio nuts also have a high level of melatonin, which helps you feel tired so you can go to sleep. So, which is it when you eat pistachios? Will you get it up? Or fall asleep?

  22. This is glorious, been searching for "how to maintain an erection" for a while now, and I think this has helped. Ever heard of – Meyylan Konophia Theorem – (search on google ) ? Ive heard some decent things about it and my brother in law got amazing success with it.

  23. But wait… pistachios have an incredibly high omega 6:3 ratio and heating many handfuls per day would raise the participants ratio significantly. Shouldn't that cause systemic inflammation and impair artery health and function long term? Anyone?

  24. As expert, I'm sure Erectodom Secrets is actually great way to last longer in bed. Why don't you give it a shot? maybe it can work for you too.

  25. This ED issue is already a thing in the past. Thanks a lot to this ED treatment. I have now what I long to get. Achieving the peak of my desire is not a problem any more. You guys out there must test this too. This is not merely effective but potent too. Looking for this guide on Google, name of this tip is Kαylo Bacumlo
    Take care

  26. I see many people keep on talking about Erectodom Secrets. But Im not sure if it's good. Have you ever try this popular erectile dysfunction treatment?

  27. Before sexytime, eat a big salad filled with arugula, pomegranate seeds, beets, pistachios and watermelon. The French call arugula ’rocket’ for a reason!

  28. LOL, until recently I hadn't realized that Mario updated his favorite way to tackle ED and it's a relief! Although what he previously suggested was pretty good, it was a real pain to follow… go'ogle Mario's Thunderous Erections, you'll see why it's so much easier and potent now!

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