Quali sono le migliori bevande?

Una rassegna dei migliori drink. Ci sono benefici per la salute nel bere tè, caffè, latte, vino e bibite?

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Restate sintonizzati per ciò che l'esaustiva rassegna di meta-analisi e revisioni sistematiche sulle principali malattie croniche legate all'alimentazione trovate per i gruppi alimentari in What I cibi migliori? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/what-are-the-best-foods).

Il video sull'alcol che ho menzionato era: È meglio bere un po' di alcol piuttosto che niente? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-it-better-to-drink-little-alcohol-than-none-at-all/) e il video di Parkinson: Pepper's & Parkinson's: I benefici del fumo senza i rischi? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/peppers-and-parkinsons-the-benefits-of-smoking-without-the-risks/). Ho citato anche Dairy & Cancer (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/dairy-and-cancer/). <br/>
E la soda dietetica?
· Soda dietetica e nascita pretermine (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/diet-soda-and-preterm-birth/ )
· Come la soda dietetica potrebbe farci ingrassare (https://nutritionfacts .org/video/how-diet-soda-could-make-us-gain-weight/)
· La soda dietetica aumenta il rischio di ictus tanto quanto Soda normale? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/does-diet-soda-increase-stroke-risk-as-much-as-regular-soda)

Cosa c'è di male nell'alcol? Vedi, ad esempio, L'alcol può causare il cancro? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/can-alcohol-cause-cancer) e Do Any I benefici dell'alcol superano i rischi? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Do-Any-Benefits-of-Alcohol-Outweigh-the-Risks).

E ho tonnellate di latte:
· Prevenire il morbo di Parkinson con la dieta (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/preventing-parkinsons-disease-with-diet/)
· Cancro alla prostata e latte biologico vs. latte di mandorla (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/prostate- cancro-e-latte-biologico-vs-latte-di-mandorla/)
· Il latte fa bene alle ossa? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-milk-good-for-our-bones)
· Gli studi sui grassi saturi: impostati per fallire (https:/ /nutritionfacts.org/video/the-saturated-fat-studies-set-up-to-fail/)
· Gli studi sui grassi saturi: imburrare il pubblico (
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-saturo-grassi-studies-buttering-up-the -pubblico/)
· Costipazione infantile e latte vaccino (
· Prevenire il cancro di andare su TOR (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/prevent-cancer-from-going-on-tor/)
· Salvare vite trattando l'acne con la dieta (https://www.nutritionfacts.org/video/saving-lives-by-treating-acne-with-diet/)
· Estrogeni lattiero-caseari e fertilità maschile (https://nutritionfa cts.org/video/dairy-estrogen-and-male-fertility)
· Trattare le coliche infantili cambiando la dieta della mamma (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/treating-infant-colic-by-changing-moms-diet/)
· Autismo e caseina dal latte vaccino (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/autismo-and-casein-from-cows-milk)
· Il burro è davvero tornato? Cosa dice la scienza ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-butter- davvero-indietro-quello-che-dice-la-scienza)
· Come trattare il reflusso nei bambini con la dieta (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-treat-reflux-in-children-with-diet)
· Latticini e cancro (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/dairy-and-cancer /)
· Gli effetti degli ormoni nel latte lattiero-caseario sul cancro (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-effects-of-hormones-in-dairy-milk-on-cancer)

I miei consigli per le bevande migliori sono acqua, tè verde e una tisana chiamata ibisco:
· È meglio Bere acqua del rubinetto, filtrata o in bottiglia? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-it-best -da-bere-acqua-filtrata-o-in-bottiglia/)
· Benefici del tè verde per potenziare la funzione immunitaria antivirale (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/benefits-of-green-tea-for- potenziare-la-funzione-immunitaria-antivirale/)
· Trattare il cancro alla prostata con il tè verde (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/treating-prostate-cancer-with-green-tea/)
· Tè all'ibisco contro diete a base vegetale per l'ipertensione (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/hibiscus-tea-vs-plant-based-diets-for-hypertension/)
· Protezione dei denti dal tè all'ibisco (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/protecting-teeth-from-hibiscus-tea/)
· Quanto tè all'ibisco è troppo? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/ quanto-è-troppo-tea-di-hibiscus/)

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http:/ /nutritionfacts.org/video/what-are-the-best-beverages e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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• NUOVO LIBRO – Come non stare a dieta: https://nutritionfacts.org/how-not-to-diet/

100 Risposte a “Quali sono le migliori bevande?”

  1. 1:51 – It could also be that those writing the reviews smoke, were as independents don't like smoking and are slightly bias? But then you would expect independents that also smoked… So I guess it depends on if they have a bias, and expect an outcome…

  2. Please do a video on coronavirus and marijuana. Can it live on weed? Should we stop smoking weed? Should we only smoke with ourselves? Should it only be joints? Please Dr. Greger we need these answers 🙏🏽

  3. So many of your non-conclusions just add more confusion. Your videos often lack thesis and clear conclusion, and people walk away even more confused. Need a section where you clearly state the point!

  4. After looking at the review cited it concluded that "Grain products show promise as foods with a potential to reduce DRCD risk, most likely even more so than fruits and vegetables" Which goes against conventional thought to emphasize fruits & Veg as the cornerstone of our diets. It also suggested we should greatly limit fermented soy products ( Tempeh, etc) The study also never mentions green tea just Tea in general.

  5. The alcohol video I mentioned was: Is It Better to Drink a Little Alcohol than None at All? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-it-better-to-drink-little-alcohol-than-none-at-all/) and the Parkinson’s video: Pepper’s & Parkinson’s: The Benefits of Smoking Without the Risks? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/peppers-and-parkinsons-the-benefits-of-smoking-without-the-risks/). I also mentioned Dairy & Cancer (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/dairy-and-cancer/).

  6. To be fair being funded by Coka Cola or Dairy Industry doesn't make the science bad… It's a bit like an Ad Homiem to simply say because they funded it, and they wanted a good outcome that the scientists automatically gave them this to keep getting funding. It would be much better if you took the science and showed how the science of the study is flawed, then make an assumption that because they funded the study that it's more likely or highly likely to be biased and flawed.

  7. Dr Greger at his best! Emphasizing the importance of meta-analysis and not single studies, esp those funded by industry players and are bias. His comment at 4:55 about a study funded by Coca Cola is hilarious!

  8. So, why is the world's largest buyer (and seller) of vaccines—the CDC, a credible source when they proclaim that vaccines do not cause autism? Why is this any different from any other industry funded study?

  9. Keeping that morning cup of joe and doing the rest of the day with my green tea. Always nice to hear good news about your good habits!

  10. I wonder what the effects are of mixing tea and coffee. Ive been mixing green tea into my coffee every morning for a couple months now

  11. Can't trust politicians and now, can't trust scientific researchers. Wow, what happened to altruism and those who really just want to help people?

  12. The first 37% of this video is dedicated to explaining reviews. Not even reviews of beverages, but reviews of 2nd hand smoke. What? You didn't have enough material for a 7.5 minute video so you had to pad it with something else? I'd rather watch a short video of something I'm interested in than a longer video that is padded with information I already knew. 😠👎👎👎👎

  13. Question for you. New whole food, plant based eater for the last year. My cholesterol dropped like a rock and now my LDL is 75 and continuing down HDL is 70. It even completely cleared my carotid arteries. The only odd thing is my testosterone is high now at 1064. I am slim, always have been, bike racer, 59 years old. Any ideas? I have read that a vegan diet can make the testosterone rise. What do you know about this? Love your channel.

  14. putting out "peer review" articles funded by the very thing destroying you with the objective to confuse the public should be a punishable offence

  15. Dr Gregor. Can you please talk about the possible positive affects of Nicotine in reference to combating a Cytikine storm which can possible be helpful given the current stae of affairs. If it is good would that mean that Nightshade vegetables can fill this role instead of Nicotine lozenges, patches, or gum????

  16. Disappointing. I came here expecting to see a video detailing which beverages are most healthy, i.e. Hibiscus tea, green tea, etc.

  17. I had to quit drinking coffee last year when I discovered (by experimenting) that it made my a-fib worse. That was after 45 years as a coffee drinker, starting when I was 16! I switched to white tea with lemon juice thanks to Dr. Greger and I love it. Two mugs every morning; plain water and carbonated water the rest of the day. Dr. Greger has changed my life in a number of ways…who knew I would ever be eating a salad every morning for breakfast, or be grating frozen turmeric root into it! Considering I used to eat miniature 3 Musketeers bars by the bag and sometimes lunch on string cheese sticks. I do not do anything like that any more. 🙂

  18. I always thought that vegans shouldn’t drink green tea, because it inhibits the absorption of none-heme iron.

  19. Hi can Green tea give you the amounts of caffeine as an Almond Latte? (Being specific) Or the same effect? Ps you're the best and I heart you!

  20. I'm A Big Fan But This Vid Is Confusing And You Need A Make Over. You're Starting To Look Like A Nutty Professor. You Need Different Glasses At Least !!! No Mention Of H2O!!!???

  21. Dr greger, i am a big fun of your knowledge and the work that you are doing.
    I have a question: i follow your daily Dozen' s foods but i have 5 free Chickens that do eggs and i eat from 1 to 2 eggs a day, i practice a lot of sport too: it s dangerous for me to eat that eggs?

  22. @2:58 Am I reading the pie charts wrong? Dr. says most reviews found tea and coffee to be protective. I see most reviews found them to be neutral. The orange piece.

  23. It would really be nice if people drew a line between pipe/cigar smokers (who don't inhale), and cigarrette/marijuana/hookah smokers (who do inhale). The risks associated with pipes and cigars should be a mere fraction by comparison. It's a bit unfair to be lumped in with regular smokers. I just want a fair study that can tell the difference.

  24. Just drink water, the rest is all BS. The big corps make 100s of billions on softdrinks, health drinks, detox drinks.
    All a waste of money.

  25. Of course we are still suffering from the lies told us by the non-industry funded "Center for the Public Interest" that claimed back in the 1970's saturated fats bad, eggs bad, polyunsaturated oils good (they are not), butter bad, margarine good, eat a grain-based diet. We now know thatr people believing their recommendations develop diabetes and heart disease at much higher rates than those who ignored them.

  26. I don't understand why Dr. says most reviews found tea and coffee to be protective. I see in the chart that most reviews found them to be neutral.

  27. I mean, a lot of this should be commonsense lol. Of course drinking a solvent (alcohol) and an addictive stimulant (coffee) isn't going to be good for you, but I guess people will always jump through mental hoops for justifications for their unhealthy habits. Coffee is okay if you only have it once in a while, when you actually need it, but drinking a fairly potent and addictive stimulant every single day just to get you out of bed is an extremely bad habit to develop.

  28. From your book, I see shortcomings with meal-replacement drinks such as Slim-Fast, Ensure, or Glycerna. What is the best liquid meal-replacement-in-a-glass?

  29. I may not be good source, since I already loved Dr. Greger's videos and his sense of humor, but I get the feeling he's getting even better in his delivery. And that's only one person's opinion, producing a pathetic p-value, but I suspect many would agree.

  30. So like everything else today, if you follow the money or who’s financing the study you find the dishonesty and corruption. Do the research!! Thanks Dr. Greger

  31. When you said “Voila” I out of the blue started laughing and everyone in this coffee shop is looking at me funny!!
    Great Video and Great Information

  32. Need advice! Has anyone heard of Liquid I.V. was looking for information or studies on this "energy multiplier" powder. It is a (CTT) Cellular Transport Technology of the nutrients or rapid absorption design into the bloodstream. Any help or information would be appreciated!

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