Mangiare a tempo limitato messo alla prova

Ci sono vantaggi nel concedersi una pausa quotidiana più grande dal mangiare?

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Non è strabiliante la roba sul ritmo circadiano? Le calorie del mattino contano meno e sono più salutari delle calorie della sera. Quindi, se hai intenzione di saltare un pasto per ampliare la tua finestra di digiuno quotidiana, salta la cena invece della colazione. Passerò allo studio del meglio di entrambi i mondi in The Benefits of Early Time-Restricted Eating ( of-early-time-restricted-eating).<br/>
Se ti sei perso uno dei precedenti 12 video di questa serie di digiuno, eccoli:
• La regola delle 3,500 calorie per libbra È sbagliato (è-errata)
• Il motivo del peso Altipiani di perdita quando sei a dieta (
• La regola delle nuove calorie per libbra di perdita di peso? (
• I vantaggi della restrizione calorica per la longevità ( -di-restrizione-calorica-per-longevità)
• Potenziali insidie ​​di restrizione calorica (
• Benefici del digiuno per Perdita di peso messa alla prova ( -the-test)
• Il digiuno fa dimagrire? (
• Il digiuno per dimagrire è sicuro? (
• Il digiuno intermittente a giorni alterni messo alla prova (http://nutritionfacts .org/video/Digiuno-Intermittente-Giorno Alternativo-Put-to-The-Test)
• Il digiuno intermittente a giorni alterni è sicuro? (
• Il digiuno intermittente aumenta l'aspettativa di vita umana? (
• La dieta 5:2 e la dieta che imita il digiuno messe alla prova (

Se vi siete persi il mio ultimo video della giornata, è l'entusiasmante annuncio che How Not to Diet arriverà sugli scaffali a dicembre 10. Guarda il trailer del libro e puoi comunque preordinare il libro ( diet/) per farlo bene quando esce.

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100 Risposte a “Mangiare a tempo limitato messo alla prova”

  1. Finally the all awaited actual intermittent fasting video! When I do IF I always eat early and skip supper because it fits my schedule better, and so far it’s looking like that’s actually the best thing to do here haha. Looking forward to the next part!

  2. What if you sleep 9am-5pm & work 11pm-7am, eating a single meal (all the day’s calories) at 6-7pm each day? Could sleeping during the day etc. cause differing results?

  3. Another fat people how to lose weight video! How many of these do we have to suffer through. Hey Doc not all of your subscribers are fat and dumb.

  4. Thank you Sir for this video all these kinds of questions pops in my head as I fast for 18 to 20 hrs and eat in a 4 to 6 hr window. So early wanted to know the benefits. Can't wait for the next video.

  5. So for us scrawny people trying to gain weight…eat every 3 hours? I'm currently eating 700kcal at 6am, 9am, noon, 4pm, and 7pm but it's really hard. After the first meal I'm nauseous all day.

  6. Interesting.
    For now, I'm doing well on WFPB, eating whenever I want until I feel satisfied, and have lost just under 4 stone. But I am obese. As I get nearer to my goal weight, however, I'm guessing I may have to reconsider.

  7. WOW he finally agreed with mainstream nutrition themes flowing around on the internet. Now all he has to say is have a big breakfast with eggs and meat and 3 hours later eat some veggies and whatever calorie source you want… and that's it. You will live to 100.

  8. How would this work for people that work nights? I go to work around 4-5pm and finish around 2-4am, would the best time be to eat just before work? I always ate after work because I really don't enjoy going to work with a belly full of food

  9. I've been doing time-restricted eating for over a year now. This is very interesting information. I usually eat between noon and 8pm, but I might change it up depending on what the next part says. Eagerly waiting…

  10. I’ve found that restricting my eating by eating from 7:00a.m. to 3:00p.m. to help with weight loss and it also seemed to improve my sleep. I started doing this mainly because I noticed that I was eating dinner around 5:30 mostly out of habit, because that’s when my husband and I usually had the dinner I prepared. I wasn’t really hungry, but I ate, and tended to overeat, and then felt kinda bloated.

    A year later I’ve pretty much stuck to this new, restricted eating pattern, even though I still cook an evening meal for my husband, which becomes my lunch the next day. But if I really truly do feel hungry in the evening, I’ll have a light snack.

    Put it to the test for yourself! 😊

  11. Big breakfast, light early dinner. No food between 6PM and 10AM. The body is more tolerant of glucose in the morning. Only drawback is it’s hard to do anything social in the evening without drinking

  12. I've been fasting for about 12-18 hours a day for a year or 2 now. It's easy to continue because it feels good, natural. It doesn't require persistence.

  13. we are supposed to eat at night. If you were an ancient human trying to survive it would make no sense to light a fire when its not dark. It would be a waste of time and resources. We ate a large meal of cooked food at night and raw foods or leftovers during the day. You talk like storing fat at night is a bad thing, that's what we are supposed to do.

  14. you should add a t-shit design to website shop written "put it to the test" with your photo showing us like uncle america's "i want you" design 😀

  15. Why are animals still used in lab experiments? This article puts in point how ridicules it is to use an animal for something that is suppose to give results for human beings. We really do live in a time where we have the medical technology and evidence where animals are no longer needed for experimentation.

  16. I try to eat in the mornings and afternoons, i eat throughout the day usually, mainly because on wfpb its hard to get enough calories in, usually tho the meal i eat later in the day is legumes and veggies – because i tend not to eat a ton of legumes earlier in the day. Usually fruits and grains are my main calorie sources for those meals and i work out a lot. Hours of rock climbing at a time, 1-2 hour cardio sessions, walking every day when the weather is good, etc.

  17. Woot woot! I'm excited for this series. Thank you for the work you do to provide the public with this information in ways we can all understand. 🙂

  18. I'm sceptical that you would need to restrict calories entirely during the "fasting window" to get positive effects, rather than prohibit only calorie dense foods. Shouldn't this be tested separately? It seems likely to me that the circadean timing of high calorie foods is the only real beneficial thing here and the strict fasting (i.e. not even vegetables) is a red herring. A bit of spinach in the evening is probably completely safe.

  19. So I’ve been doing IF for a few months and it was only recently that I began experimenting with earlier rating times. I have to say, it feels a ton better.

    No stomach aches in the morning, regulated weight, improved energy. Good stuff

  20. I IF all the time, rarely eating breakfast. I can't imagine reversing it to eating breakfast and no dinner, or a mere shadow of what I'm used to having for dinner…but I will say that it's a good idea not to eat at least two hours before bed.

  21. I wonder how this affects a body that is awake throughout the night and asleep during most of the day?
    I don't believe that you just swap the hours of the day and apply "oh, my breakfast is now at ~8pm in the evening" – I suppose the "bodyclock" still plays a huge role?

  22. I heard that the number of calories were the same for both groups, but were those calories of the same types (plants, whole or processed; meats(What kind?))?

  23. The problem is humans left the natural world. Everything has been reversed.
    If you walked 10 miles a day or had to hunt and pick food eating every few hours would be optimal and it is for pro bodybuilders but not for the sloth in the office sitting all day. And their lies the root cause. Sitting for the super majority is the problem. Have you seen these people bodies? They are like mush.

  24. carnivore diet mixed with one meal a day and HIIT workouts with some weight training and plenty of high quality sleep and good hydration will make belly fat fall off so fast that itll create a mess and stain your clothes

  25. I can't wait to see your video on Courtney Peterson's study. I've been eating that way for about six months. I love it. And I've lost 25# with early time restricted eating and overall calorie restriction with tracking and daily weighing.

  26. So I’ve always stopped eating at 5 pm and usually have breakfast at 8 ….I could never do a 20 hour fast unless I was sick. Not trying to lose just maintain

  27. Almost can't wait to the next one, as someone who are missusing 16/8-fasting. Not seeing results unless Im eating totally lean (as I should).

  28. This is fascinating.
    I always thought those who stick to stop eating after 6pm to control/lose weight were just silly and that idea was based on no real evidence. Looks like I`ve been wrong…

    I also hope there will be a video in this series on shift work diets. Sometimes my "lunch" is at 1am 😀

  29. I REALLY hope you respond to the intermittent fasting HGH myth, because that's the main reason why many people skip breakfast because they supposedly experience an HGH increase durring their workout and after, but only after 18 hrs fasted. This wouldn't be optimal in an earlier fasting approach because you wouldn't be fasting for long enough after your workout.

  30. In my family we'd always eat the last meal at 7 PM and the first meal at 7AM, so a 12 hour fast. Now I've pushed it towards last meal at 6:30PM and first at 7:30AM. I also switched to 3-4 bigger meals less often rather than snacking on nuts/seeds/fruits all day long. Great that I can back my good habits with scientifically proven benefits now!

  31. The whole breakfast or dinner results, mean nothing, without knowing any of the times of feeding, waking, sleeping. Are they all eating right before bed? First thing in the morning? An hour later?

  32. The Buddha, 2600 years ago : "I abstain from the night-time meal.1 As I am abstaining from the night-time meal, I sense next-to-no illness, next-to-no affliction, lightness, strength, & a comfortable abiding. Come now. You too abstain from the night-time meal. As you are abstaining from the night-time meal, you, too, will sense next-to-no illness, next-to-no affliction, lightness, strength, & a comfortable abiding."

  33. I think it's unfortunate that the focus of IF's benefits are invariably on weight loss. To my own amazement, I cured stubborn chronic atopic dermatitis with IF, and I also sleep better now and have more energy. No skin doctor helped me, only IF, followed by a healthy sugar-free diet. I hope others find relief.

  34. Interesting if you add exercise to the mix before breakfast (actually dinner) and see what the effect on health is. I know with running I am so hungry after a run and my metabolism is much faster.

  35. Just my two cents,I have always been lean and have gone stage lean with TRF in the past. I don't like the idea of eating massively early in the day as that reduces my drive to workout,be athletic etc. I'm busy digesting,get IBS and bogged down by food. I also have seen high LDL in my bloodwork…is that really worse than being inactive and low mood due to food?

  36. A very good analogy of eating but we are now all stuck indoors due to this China virus that was provided by China so eating or snaking is hard not to do!!

  37. OK, I will stop eating after 7pm…but what should I do when you meeting that friend on Tuesday after work, then girls on Thursday, theatre with my husband on Friday…just cant imagine how I can stop eating after 7PM…only if I stay at home and have no social life…any suggestions? It is fine to know the theory but HOW SHOULD I PUT THAT THEORY IN PRACTISE??? thank you:-)

  38. How does the principle work if working nightshift? If my waking hours are 4pm to 8am, then I eat "dinner" at 8pm as my first meal of the day, does this make it the most or least fattening?

  39. I have been eating a plant based diet in a 6 hour feeding window from 5-11 at night for 3 years. I made this change after heart and artery troubles from my previous typical western diet. I went from not being able to walk up the stairs without being out of breath, to now training daily with kettlebells and having no more chest tightening, healthy cholesterol levels and through scanning, plaque buildup in my arteries virtually nonexistent. A great side effect of eating at night, for me, is I lost all my excess body fat and my muscles are more dense and durable then when i was eating all day. I tried eating a plant based diet with normal 3 square meals and some snacks and i could hardly function mentally, and struggled physically ( made me lazy and lethargic)

  40. I’m so happy I came across this video right now!! I’m actually fasting for 20hrs without even trying I just don’t get hungry in the mornings it’s only in the evening due to my biological clock. And I’ve noticed without me eating a meal and just drinking lots of water I have so much more energy and don’t feel so sluggish and I can work out for 90 mins feeling amazing. But it made me question was I doing it right? But I’m just listening to my body now. This is awesome to see it in a study!! 🤗

  41. Dr. Greger Sister White gave clear counsel’s on 1st. The eating of every 8 hours. Secondly, no eating in between those hours. For me these counsels have not only improved upon my cognition and discernment but even more importantly my brain feels electric.

  42. The problem i am facing is that i work nights three times a week (fri, sat, sun). I really don't know what to do about my schedule during the off days. Should i stay on a night schedule as i have for the last five and a half years? Or should i switch to a day schedule during the week? The latter presents the problem of having to stay awake for 24hours friday morning to saturday morning and sunday night (4pm) to monday night (9pm). Only then can i keep a day schedule during the week. Are there any benefits to this or should i stay on a night schedule?

  43. Does this still effect a person on a whole food plant based diet? Because a whole food vegan might not have those blood sugar and other majorly unhealthy spikes right?

  44. Lost 15 kg with intermittent fasting, between 16:8 and OMAD depending on mood and activity level. Very easy to maintain, no calorie counting, just eat when you are hungry, eat until you are full. And fats are great to keep you satiated. Never ate so much nuts, salmon, dark chocolate, eggs and bacon as in these last two years.

  45. I started TRE 4 years ago, lost weight and kept it off. People tell me I’m too skinny but I attribute that to a misunderstanding of what a proper weight is. 5 ft 8 165 isn’t too skinny, not in my book. My lipid panel is always normal and the best part is, I can splurge on the weekend with very little impact. Thank you JRE podcast and Dr Rhonda Patrick.

  46. Stopping eating by 7:00 pm gives your food time to digest before going to sleep.
    This lets your body focus on healing instead of digestion. It also seems to help with the quality of sleep.

  47. the time window of eating only between 6 am and 7 pm was very confusing to me. I was traditionally raised on a schedule of breakfast at 7 am and at last a dinner at 6 pm and nothing more after that. It's just normal and nothing special to me. One of those instances were you suddenly realize your 'normal' isn't 'normal' to a large group of other people in the world. I love the internet for that 🙂

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