Alimenti progettati per dirottare il nostro appetito

Segnali di sazietà alimentare e dimagrimento. Sfatiamo il mito delle proteine ​​come il macronutriente più saziante.

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Questo è il secondo di una serie di quattro video sull'appetito. Se ti sei perso il primo, dai un'occhiata a 200-Perdita di peso libbra senza fame ( Avanti il ​​prossimo? Come la variazione può influenzare la sensazione e portare all'eccesso di cibo ( .<br/>
Ecco la mia perdita di peso basata sull'evidenza (https: // presentazione che ho citato, che si basa sul mio libro How Not to Diet (

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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72 Risposte a “Alimenti progettati per dirottare il nostro appetito”

  1. Yup that is so true about fiber. When i was put on a low carb diet, i was miserable feeling hungry all the time. 5 yrs ago i was put on 80-10-10 diet, i’m no longer feeling hungry. Instead i was feeling so full, i didn’t feel like eating. Awesome stuff Dr G. It feels great to be reaffirm that i’m eating the right thing.

  2. I developed an aversion for cheezzze fondue as a teen, cause at some point my father added too much white wine to the mixture, I threw up really bad from that and so now the mere smell of it still makes me nauseous.

  3. I don't know if there's any evidence for this yet but I've found for myself that starches like beans and potatoes give me way higher satiety than fruit. Maybe it's because fruit is more water than fiber? Idk if I'm making this up.

  4. The cartoon thing is distracting IMO. I'd prefer a little professor guy with a pointer or something. Or maybe just a few standard, above waist cameos with a dark, bottom lit background. Or maybe just a few cameos with a white wall background like a doctor's office.

    Mic is using a good format IMO. It's not really noticable or distracting from the message.

  5. idk why just about any1 is so poorly in tune with their body
    fiber doesnt satiate – it just fills u up (yes there is a difference)
    if u eat nutrient dense stuff…aka things high in micronutrients…(which can, but doesnt have to be plant foods) ull feel satiated…if u just eat bananas romain lettuce and dates satiety never kicks in and ull either become skinny fat (high likelyhood) or get so insatiably hungry that u just turn into a fat blob with 0 muscle thats just sweating all the time

  6. Hi. Dr Greger, can you do an episode on "Gut-microbiota-targeted diets modulate human immune status", published 12 July, 2021?

    In there, they found fibre, when consumed in large amounts, can cause inflammatory responses, although, fermented foods increase microbiotic diversity. Andrew Huberman briefly spoke about it on his podcast uploaded today.

  7. Stick to plants. Even if you want to eat more, it's all good. I switched my entire diet years ago but still ate the cookies and such. Now, I have substituted apples with a little cinnamon for cookies. And instead of crackers in the hummus I use celery or another veg. That was the game changer for me.

  8. Japanese Natto beans could help overcome COVID-19

    Eating Japanese natto beans could prevent SARS- Research has shown that CoV-2 infects other cells. A study conducted by the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, founc extracts from Japanese food break down protein proteins, preventing SARS-CoV-2 from infecting other cells. One extract was combined in tubes with SARS-CoV-2 and was found to prevent infection of cultured cells. The experiment was repeated with two other transmissible versions of SARS-CoV-2: N501Y was first identified in China, which was found to prevent infection of cultured cells, and N501Y was first detected in the UK, which had similar results.

  9. I really hope you do not continue the South Park style cartoons. Unless your target demographic is high schoolers, this feels really unappealing. It makes it a lot easier for Dr. Greger to step out of the frame and only require his voice, but it doesn't really seem on brand for a video meant to be (and needing to be) taken seriously.

  10. i appreciate so much that you said the children with Prader-Willibsyndrome “ accidentally “ will continue to eat . Your deliberate choice of words is non accusatory and also kind. I wish more doctors and people would get it, that language is an important way to opening doors of understanding.

  11. I agree with the others, lose the cartoon! I'd like to send this to my overweight parents, but I know their first thought will be "what's with this cartoon guy?!", and then they won't take the content as seriously….

  12. I have a food aversion to red vines and candy like it. Guess how we found out I'm allergic to red food dye! The stain never came out of that carpet.

  13. But every weight lose surgery organisation preaches protein, protein, protein. Yes, protein is important, but patients are never encouraged to increase fiber intake. Which may be just one reason why weight lose surgery fails all too often. I have two friends that have been through this failure. It saddens me. One actually said his nutritionist told him he can "eat all the fat he wants."

  14. This one is long overdue! I've puzzled over satiety a long time. If aversion was foolproof, the cotton candy truck next to the tilt-a-whirl would go out of business.

  15. Like others have mentioned, please consider not using a cartoon. The real Dr. G is much more impactful and brings a sense of personality to the videos.

  16. I also do not like animated Dr. Greger. I would prefer it if you show up personally. If that is too much hassle, just don't show up at all. That is also fine. I am here for the science.

  17. Of everyone who I've ever talked with, none of the overweight people eat rye bread or oatmeal every day. (By rye bread I mean the finnish kind where wholegrain rye flour is the main ingredient). It's unfortunate that so many people have abandoned the cultural knowledge of parts of a healthy diet in favor of things like white bread and cereal flakes.

  18. I’ve been making these mostly vegetable smoothies with tomatoes, greens, peppers, cucumber, garlic, whatever else I have laying around, and they keep me full all day long!

  19. I had to start working out 5-6 times a week to get a proper appetite when i was younger, and even now i feel like i have to force feed myself in order to not lose weight. I think I got some bad genes!

  20. Wait……you little vegan devil…..I was excited to learn about the foods that suppress hunger…..and now I have to come back for more……of course…I ALWAYS watch your vids……but I guess for newbies…this type of gaslighting cliffhangers is needed…: (

  21. I discovered an amazing food aversion technique that specially targets unhealthy foods! Eat an entire clove of raw shallot. Then try to eat any sort of processed food that contains preservatives, sugar, salt. It tastes utterly putrid. The same goes for holding echinacea on your tongue, then tasting milk. It's a horror in taste I can't even describe. Not recommended, but definitely effective.

  22. if you eat foods as close to their whole form your satiety auto-regulates itself. Even if you would like to mega-binge on bananas or oats or whatever you literally can't. You eat – you're full and that's it. It's a beautiful design. But when you introduce hyper palatable man-made to be ridiculously delicious and calorie dense foods you screw this whole system up.

  23. That's all good, but note that after following a strict ketogenic diet for over a month would suppress your appetite more than anything else (more than even eating a lot of fiber) even if your fiber intake is minimal.

  24. Los subtítulos en español no son correctos, son de otro video.
    Subtitles in spanish are wrong, please change them

  25. This happened to me before I went vegan almost 9 years ago. I would eat until I got sick and then keep eating. I still overeat at times, but that is usually when I eat cooked foods that are not the most optimal.

  26. I turned whole food vegan 5 months ago for weight loss. Most days I have to make sure I eat enough not that I overeat. I was a ''healthy'' non vegan before and still managed to eat myself to a BMI of 27. Currently aiming for BMI of 20 while stuffing myself to the brim with fruits/veggies/legumes/grains/seeds/nuts. Weight loss on a whole food vegan diet is ridiculously easy. I stopped counting calories/ portion control and am still loosing weight. I blame the fiber.

  27. Yeap, to connect meat with disgust is recent vegan approach. I just wonder why so many children have natural aversion to green leafy vegetables?! Instinct, evolution?!

  28. I have watched 3 of your videos but I couldn’t understand the concept 😔could you talk more easier ?i have a problem on understanding high speed talk of English

  29. I choked on a piece of butterscotch candy when I was about 5 or six years old and since then I never liked any hard candies at all. I still don't even like sweets much unless they are chocolate. This did not help much though in weight control because I still love savory foods. I only lost weight when I started eating whole foods plant based. 70 pounds I have lost.

  30. There’s no coordination between the narrator and the highlighted snippets. We deserve better a quality video.

  31. Millions of people go on amusement rides. And millions eat the sugary and fatty foods associated with such places. And yet they keep eating the same bad foods.

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