Alimenti sani per il cervello per combattere l'invecchiamento

Qual è la migliore fonte di luteina, il principale antiossidante carotenoide nel cervello?

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Che ne dici di assumere solo integratori di luteina? Hai indovinato: questo è l'argomento del mio prossimo video. Resta sintonizzato per gli integratori di luteina aiutano con la funzione cerebrale? (

I pigmenti antiossidanti nelle bacche entrano anche nel cervello: <br/> • Benefici dei mirtilli per il cervello (
• Benefici dei mirtilli per l'umore e Mobilità (
• I migliori cibi per il cervello – Bacche e noci messe alla prova ( Bacche-e-noci-messe-alla-prova)

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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Crediti immagine: Mikael Häggström / WikiJournal of Medicine e>
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100 Risposte a “Alimenti sani per il cervello per combattere l'invecchiamento”

  1. Orange peppers and goji berries are also high in lutein and zeaxanthin, but are not as inexpensive or as easy to find as Kale. Good to take foods high in carotenoids with a bit of healthy fat so as to increase bioavailability.

  2. My eye sight improved after a couple years of switching from a meat centered to a plant based diet. I can read small print at work that was not possible 10 uears ago. Other personal imperical benefits of a plant based diet continue surprises me.

  3. What about astaxanthin supplementation? You recommend algae-produced omega 3 and another strain of algae produce the red pigment astaxanthin that is eaten by krill and turn salmon and flamingos pink. I’ve been taking 12mg of astaxanthin for a few years and recommended it to my mom who was complaining about age related brain issues. We both think it has helped.

  4. With all the hype about ecoli in the romaine n just watched another news article about 1 in 5 of avocados testing positive for listeria. I wonder what the likelihood of Contracting a food born illness on a vegan diet is And how the body deals with it. How do we identify illnesses and When it is appropriate to seek medical attention?

  5. I just had my macular pigment test two weeks ago. My eye Dr. was impressed At 58, vegan plant based 4 years on Jan 1st, my score was 0.67. Apparently that’s a good number at my age. She said I must eat lots of dark green leafy vegetables. I laughed and said “ Yep, Plant Based Vegan here”. I eat them every day.

  6. Wow this is very interesting, the whole time i was thinking ok how do we know there is a direct link between lutein and brain function and right at the end he teased us. Keep it up doc

  7. Dr greger! We are waiting for the video on cyanide in flax seeds where you clear up the confusion created by the swedish government recommending people not to consume ANY ground flax seeds.

  8. Fats improve the absorption of lutein and zeaxanthin. So including them in your diet such as olive oil in a salad or GF butter or coconut oil with you're lightly cooked greens is a good idea. Kale, spinach, broccoli and brussel sprouts are good sources and provide one to four mg per serving of lutein and zeaxanthin . Most studies show 10 mg of lutein and 2 mg of zeaxanthin for the best health benefits.

  9. Do you agree with anti aging recommendations of: wearing spf sunscream all year round, of fasting 2 1/3 days a week, of hiit exercises 3 times a week?


    Monaco is right on the Mediterranean, and so the bounty of the region may be helping the residents when it comes to wellness. They’re eating lots of fresh seafood, olive oil, fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains. In other words, the diet is low in saturated fat and sugar. According to the Mayo Clinic, the Mediterranean diet is associated with lower level of “bad cholesterol”, reduced rates of cancer, and lower incidences of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Plus, it tastes pretty great.

    1.) Monaco diet
    2.) Japanese diet
    3.)Singapore diet

    I don't hate the vegan diet, i just don't agreed with the idea that eating strictly on plant based diet will make you live longer and there's no statistics in today's era that proves it..The latest 2018 statistics shows that the top 3 countries namely Monaco, Japanese and Singapore eat plenty of animal protien/seafoods.

  11. Ladies and gents, I just had the most amazing store bought Falafel ever. Hurry up to Sainsburrys ( if youre in the UK) and buy their own brand Loveyourveg with 8 beetroot, quinoa &kale falafel. Soft inside and bit moist, crispy outside, I havent even put them in the oven 10 min as suggested, just quick in a pan with no oil for 2-3 min. Go Grab It! I accept donations in the shape of these Falafel:)) Happy Holidays!

  12. Great info, but they should also mention molecular hydrogen, since it functions against most of the negative effects of aging they were mentioning. Foods are a great tool, but 1.5 liters of hydrogen water from a hydrofix, has the antioxidative power of roughly 1,200 apples!! And i've personally seen it do amazing things for health. It got my father off all his pharmaceuticals and he didnt even change his diet!! I couldn't believe it. It's truly amazing. Here is a link that might be found helpful,

  13. And there my kale is! Waiting in my garden! I have not been eating it for weeks due to freezing temperatures outside but it was holding strong! I'm sorry,my kale! Forgive me!

  14. It’s obviously does not help dr Greger. He looks like 60 years old crooked, malnourished man with autoimmune condition all over his skin, week and shaky with mental issues…

  15. Cooked kale and spinach top the list, every day i have my 'greens and beans' soup, broccoli soup with beans, kale and spinach added. Best way to get the vitamins in but steam the veg rather than boil like normal soup, lots to be said for low-temperature cooking as an alternative to raw.

  16. So would it be safe to suggest… that increasing the amount of intake for Lutein would DECREASE the development of Alzheimer's?

  17. In the next video, Dr Gregor will discuss what kinds of food to eat to improve X. Spoiler alert… it's plants. He will explain why we should eat plants.

  18. Eat right, but without descending into the shrill neopagan puritanism that pervades both the vegan and carnivore partisans. Otherwise, become just another quivering modern neurotic. Eat the Blue Zones way; that is, whole and plant-based minimally processed foods along with a little meat. Keep in mind T. Colin Campbell’s words from p. 236 of the 2016 edition of The China Study: “It is true that most of the health benefits described in this book have been realized at low but non-zero levels of animal-based foods.”

  19. Hello to all, please see our videos for fast, easy and healthy recipes that we are sure you will love. We from the Kitchen Hacks team regularly work on new unique recipes we hope to see and subsribour channel.
    Thank you.

  20. Having a rare retinal disease for the past 20 yrs. has me shaking right now…my biggest fear was blindness now it is alzheimers…
    I’m plant based and eat all the foods described here but know my macular is pretty diseased and there is atrophy and blind spots in my central vision…
    My beloved mom died of alzheimers after 8 torturous years…not much could frighten me then this news of brain health being determined by the macular … love and trust Dr. Greger and this is why this video has me so shaken up.. what can I do? Maryanne

  21. I will never get my 16 yr old to eat a cup of kale a day 😕, what if I steam the kale to cook it (like it says on the list 'cooked'), and I juice it?
    Will the juice without the fiber have the same benefits?
    I believe I can get him to drink that. 😉

  22. Guess this explains at least in part why my eye sight improved so much(amongst many other things) after only a few months of not eating meat dairy or eggs. Last year was my first year without any of that poison. I was eating about a half pound to a pound and a half of kale per day. Stopped for a while since it gets a bit boring switched to Romain butter lettuce etc… but yeah definitely getting that kale in after this vid haha.
    50 egg omelet 😂

  23. Thank you for doing all of the work required to provide so much scientific evidence. Is it possible there is some official scientific research concerning the new celery juice craze? The attached article makes a lot of claims while saying “science has not discovered” so how believable is it?

  24. This video is the best! Inspires me to eat at least a half pound of kale and spinach almost every day. My eyes look great (my eye doctor told me my eyes are so great I don't have to have a yearly check up if I don't want, my skin never looked better, and the puffy look I used to have is gone (maybe less inflammation).

  25. I looked at the references cited and one study said corn is a good source of lutein and zeaxanthin. Corn tortillas and corn chips are high in the phytonutrients but you need fat for your body to absorb it since they are fat-soluble.

  26. Are organic lentil and chickpea pasta a good way to get beans? Are they very processed? I’m not crazy about regular beans and lentils, but I could eat the lentil pasta every day!

  27. I have fibromyalgia and was suffering from sever brain fog and all over inflammation. I went WFPB 2 years ago and it made a big difference in just a few weeks. So not only am I thinking better I'm feeling better. I look forward to getting older because I know I am getting healthier every day.

  28. Organic kale is kind of expensive in my state to eat a cup of kale a day. I wish kale wasn't so superior nutritionally and that there were more dark leafy green choices besides kale and spinach I feed my tortoise collards and I'll rip off a piece for myself, but I don't know if that smaller amount is doing much. It would be great if it was found eating one large salad a week would meet your needs on some of the nutrition aspects.

  29. Would raw kale in smoothies help? I love to put kale in my 2 daily smoothies. I put 1c of frozen raw kale+1 frozen banana+1tbs oil free nut butter+1ts instant coffee+water in my morning smoothie & another cup w/ 1c bokchoy+frozen strawberry+1 pitted date+1tbs of misutgaru (ground roasted mixed grain)+water. I also love to drink goji berry tea then eat them when they’re all fat & rehydrated😁😁😁. I kinda do it for my eyes since i got both myopia & aged eyes (my glasses rx remain -3 &+2 for the past 4 yrs)

  30. since I changed my diet to whole food plant based my grades is in the top of the calls in all my educations, before being whole food plant based, my grades was super low just passed business college. I suffered with brain fog, and concentration issues through out my childhood and yound adult years, also i needed glasses 2+ but since going whole food plant based I don't need glasses anymore.

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