Quali sono i cibi migliori?

Una rassegna di recensioni sugli effetti sulla salute degli alimenti di origine animale rispetto agli alimenti vegetali.

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Questo mi ricorda il mio Quali sono gli alimenti più sani? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/what-are-the-healthiest-foods/) video, utile per alcuni ampi takeaway .

Se ti sei perso il video precedente, dai un'occhiata a Quali sono le migliori bevande? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/what-are-the-best-beverages).

PS: Il video sugli omega-3 che ho citato è: i vegani dovrebbero assumere DHA per preservare la funzione cerebrale? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/should-vegans-take-dha-to-preserve-brain-function/) .<br/>
Per ulteriori informazioni sulle uova, vedere, ad esempio:
• Chi dice che le uova non sono sane o sicure? (
• Come la Egg Board progetta studi fuorvianti (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-the-egg-board-designs -studi-ingannevoli/)
• Quando basso rischio significa alto rischio (https: //nutritionfacts.org/video/when-low-risk-means-high-risk)
• Uova e funzione arteriosa (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/eggs-and-arterial-function)
• Debunking Egg Miti del settore (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/debunking-egg-industry-myths)
• Uova e diabete (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/eggs-and-diabetes)
• Risposta dell'industria delle uova alla colina e al TMAO (https://nutritionfacts. org/video/egg-industry-response-to-choline-and-tmao)
• Come i nostri batteri intestinali possono usare le uova per accelerare il cancro ( https://nutritionfacts.org/video/How-Our-Gut-Bacteria-Can-Use-Eggs-to-Accelerate-Cancer)
• Uova e cancro al seno (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/eggs-and-breast-cancer)

Per ulteriori informazioni sui pesci, vedere, ad esempio:
• Consumo di pesce e suicidio (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/fish-consumption-and-suicide)
• Pesce e diabete (https://www.nutritionfacts.org/video/fish-and-diabetes)
• I bambini della California sono contaminati (https ://nutritionfacts.org/video/california-children-are-contaminated)
• Quanto tempo occorre disintossicarsi dai pesci prima della gravidanza (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-long-to-detox-from-fish-before-pregnancy)
• Omega 3 e il racconto del pesce eschimese (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/omega-3s-and-the-eskimo-fish-tale)
• Il pesce è “cibo per il cervello” per gli anziani? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/fish-brain-food-older-adults)

Per ulteriori informazioni sul pollame, vedere, ad esempio:
• Diossine di pollo, virus o Antibiotici? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/chicken-dioxyns-viruses-or-antibiotics/ )
• Oltre l'era dei miracoli: affrontare un'era post-antibiotica (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/past-the-age-of-miracles-facing-a-post-antibiotic-age/)
• Superbatteri nel pollo convenzionale rispetto a quello biologico (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/superbugs-in-conventional-vs-organic-chicken/)
• Infezioni delle vie urinarie dovute al consumo di pollo (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/urinary-tract-infections-from -mangiare-pollo)
• Che dire del pollo kosher e biologico? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/what-about-kosher- e-pollo-biologico)
• Pollo grande: pollame e obesità (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/Chicken-Big-Poultry-and-Obesity)
• Il ruolo dei virus del pollame nei tumori umani (https ://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-role-of-poultry-viruses-in-human-cancers)

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90 Risposte a “Quali sono i cibi migliori?”

  1. I bet Indian food would be the best. Almost everything I find on this channel makes its way into to regular Indian diet, most being indigenous to India 🇮🇳 😅

  2. interesting video! I wonder what numbers we would get when only reviewing studies without bias by funding for example

  3. Love this video!

    It is so interesting how the research supports what people have been doing for thousands of years, but companies today bastardize it to such a degree and promote so many of the foods associated with poorer health outcomes.

    Information is key!

  4. Why it it that only in industrial countries they worry so much about meat eating…most of the planets lives on land and eat meat they have no issue with heart disease diabetes etc until they come in contact with a western-style of eating which includes many package canned processed foods

  5. would be good to know the covid-19 infection rate and mortality rate as a function of years of animal-based food ingestion. wink wink – no fatality yet for newborns…

  6. 3:32 – uhhm the way u said that was not fair tbh (even tho it was technically correct)
    "9 of the plant study compilations r not bad", yea, but if u use the same sentence with the animal products the sentence "7 of the animal study compilations r not bad" paints a whole nother picture than the sentence u chose to describe the 2nd graph

  7. meanwhile:

    >wild dandilions growing outside like crazy
    >no one picking them and instead buying super foods conveniently from amazon
    >dandilion: "🥱imagine if they knew that if they ate enough of me most of their agriculture induced mineral deficiency diseases would go away 😜"

  8. This is a very important video from a purely nutritional standpoint. Yes, you could eat animal products (with some having less detrimental effects), but they still do not promote health as much as plants do. Ethics aside, this is important to bring up with those who are less apt to go fully plant based. For our health, fill your plate with mostly plants!!!!

  9. hmmm, I understand reviews of reviews give an interesting big picture. But it should also be noted that this means that studies to the effects of a certain food-type may have been included in multiple of those reviewed-reviews. Meaning, there are studies that have a larger weight on the total balance.

    Say dairy industry paper says milk is fine, and 5 review papers include that study, then this single study has a 5 times higher influence on the pie chart than it should

  10. Since i gave up on meat i lost 5kg in a month but i’m way too skinny, what should i be eating, except animal products, to gain my muscle back?:)

  11. just eat fresh food (as much uncooked as possible) and drink only water and you will feel fantastic. We have been at it 20 years and at 70 we both are in vibrant health.

  12. There was a slight of hand there in the last sentence. I appreciate Plants being better, but it's critical to always stay consistent.

    In the final analysis of plants "Neutral" was lumped with not bad.

    While in the final analysis of animal products "neutral" was lumped with Not good.

    That's a slight of hand.

  13. 3 of 10 animal & 5 of 10 plant studies showed benefit, 3 of 10 animal & 1 of 10 plant studies showed harm. Don't mention research bias as many scientists hold plant based opinions that could skew results regardless of funding source, or poor quality of trial designs.

  14. Go to Twitter and search "empty hospitals". 6,000 Tweets an hour from around the world including NYC, London, and L.A. showing empty hospitals as media claims "war zones".

  15. Yet the line for In & Out is still 20 cars long every time i pass by it 🤔
    My endocrinologist still tells me that eating foods closest to the source including lean meats is acceptable. This can be mind boggling on who to believe 🤔

  16. The final statement sounds heavily biased. You could also say that half of the studies show that plant based foods are not benefitial. Still better than animal products, but the language used isnt objective at all. You could also say that 3/4 of all studies show that animal products aren‘t detrimental to your health. Or that most studies fail to show negative effects on health by animal based foods.

  17. So many flaws in this video, don't know where to start : (
    1. Based on epidemiological observational "associations" = WORTHLESS
    2. Factors in "processed meats" in total for effects of animal products, but doesn't include the ginormous amount of CRAP vegan foods on the market today… talking to you Oreos, Chips, etc…
    3. Doesn't mention difference in absorption of nutrient and requirements when eating diets such as Keto, or Carnivore — which nullify most of his findings as such diets require an entirely different metric in which to evaluate.

  18. Holy! This is exactly what I needed. Can't believe you took the time to sit down and make this. Priceless tool for tailoring the perfect diet. Thank you.

  19. I'm confused AF
    how does an egg have Choline Vitamin K2 antioxidants etc end up getting a 0 protective score? while sweetened beverages get a 14% protective score. I've read positive reviews on eggs before but can't remember ever hearing anything positive on coke or orange juice wtf

  20. 3:23 Why is neutral included in 'Not bad' for plant foods and 'Not Good' for animal foods? If we count the same way for both, 9 out of 10 studies show plant foods are not bad, and 7 out of 10 studies show animal foods are not bad.

    Now don't start abusing me how dumb I am…I personally understand why animal foods are bad, but to show this video to my non-vegan friends, most won't agree with the conclusion made at 3:23.

    I would request Nutrition facts team to please update the video starting 3:23. Or else it would look like the video is biased towards plant foods even when you are using the right science.

  21. Plant pased since about 1 year and never felt so amazing. I'm aligned with the fact, that there is a lot of funding and misleading experiments going on out there. But the last chart is analysed a bit misleading. You could have also said: 75% of the studys of animal foods are non-beneficial whereas only 50% of studys of plant foods are non-beneficial. In the plantbased area you are throwing the neutral 44% into the good camp, whereas with the animal based studys you throw the neutral 50% in the negative camp.

  22. He artificially increased the difference at the end: summing neutral and good for plant foods so as to generate a "not bad" judgement but then switching and summing neutral and bad so as to issue a "not good" judgement. The problem is that when we hear "not bad" or "not good", we might have a bias that translates into "good" and "bad", thus ignoring the "neutral" category.

    (I am just saying. I am vegan and eat almost only whole plant foods. I just don't like it when we over-emphasize the benefits and harms of plant foods and animal foods, respectively, by using language tricks like this one.)

  23. I would not call this the best video they have made about the best foods to be eating….I would look thru the other videos for that (Great info).
    But im glad they're still putting put content.
    A new one on increasing Immune system would be a great one right now Dr. G.

  24. Fasting, High quality ripe fruit, Gut cleaned out rebalaced with high quality botanicals(herbs, spices, teas), some high quality spring water===== ALL you need for perfect health, oh yea get rid of all the EMF, electrical grid and microwave, cell phones, then you have perfect health!!!FRUIT, Fruit is ONLY food designed for our digestive systems to thrive!!!!!Anything else is for survival back up system only!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. let's check if dr. greger is a real vegan enhusiast and altruist as he claims to be! here is a small test:
    — Good VEGAN people want to help those in huge problems caused by their ruined homes, corona, lost jobs, …
    Yes, VEGANS are leading in a humane initiative to provide free lunches for endangered people in my town.
    Here they are:
    Here is their campaign for funding free VEGAN lunches:
    – The aftermath of the horrific earthquake measuring 5.5 on the Richter scale – the most severe one in the last 140 years-which occurred in Zagreb on March 22nd, 2020 has left many in a very difficult situation. With much of the housing being damaged and unsafe to live in, the people of Zagreb have been forced to relocate to temporary accommodation in Cvjetno naselje students` dorm. Besides the aftermath of the earthquake, we are also facing the coronavirus pandemic and the weather suddenly turning quite cold and snowy, which has made the situation even more difficult and precarious. Many have lost their jobs and are struggling to survive.
    Please, say hello to Dr.Greger community and personally himself and ask them/him
    to support this nice initiative to help people struck with an earthquake on top of the coronavirus crisis in the city of Zagreb/Croatia.
    Stay at home, be safe and take care. 😉

  26. continue your good work for humanity and science, but remember their are entities that are willing to manipulate data to fit their political narrative while trying to come off as objective. Gets the best of us.

  27. Please look at the studies refering to scull cap, licorice, cats claw, hyssop , Jupiter, ginsing, refering to aids and be careful with echinaca until we know more

  28. Oh look more opinions on nutrition ie association epidimiology. No facts to be found as nothing real has been measured but opinions on what people ate. Wouldn't expect anything less from the dishonest priest of the church of vegans (seventh day adventists).

  29. Where is grass fed local beef and the free-range eggs Dr Greger? Why are you just looking at "red/processed meat" and "eggs" and not consider the source?

  30. Ridiculous. Using a pretty good study, with pretty reliable findings, and then bashin fish… We have a lot of data to support, that fish consumption is by far superior vs plant based omega 3. You should always choose wild or clean fish (preferably: wild salmon or rainbow trout). It's also been proven, that EPA and DHA supplements have no effects, but fish surely do. So, in given comparison "fish or chickpeas"… go for fish 😉

  31. It is a moral obligation of every sane thinking person to reject the consumption of the flesh of your neighboring animals

  32. I totally agree that plant foods are the best choice and most nutritionally dense. But I don’t agree that eggs have NOTHING good in them. Eggs are high in protein, choline (good for metabolism, liver function, and fetal brain development), vitamin B2, rich sources of selenium, vitamin D, B6, B12 and minerals such as zinc, iron and copper. I’m not saying their the best foods but it doesn’t make sense that it gets a zero ?

  33. I do not understand the comments criticizing his last sentence. He just emphasizes the positive effects of a whole food plant based diet. In terms of health, animal products remain much less protective and much more harmful than whole plant foods. That is the critical conclusion.

  34. Why does the chart that you referenced group red meat with processed meats? You don't find it extremely misleading to conflate these two categories?

  35. As
    Vamsi Mohan Ramineedi points out, the final point of this video is unfairly made, which is a little disturbing (official response would be welcome). However, since the evidence under consideration only really lends itself to tallying numbers of studies as if they were all of equal value, here's a good way to do it–which is plenty damning of animal foods. Exclude from the counts all the neutral studies (they are more or less neither one way or the other). Then subtract the deleterious count from the protective. The results provide a relative measure of the impact of each category. Thus: Animal-based is 23% protective – 27% deleterious, for a score of -4. Plant-based is 50% protective – 7% deleterious, for a score of 43.

  36. And when you add in the farm animal pandemic and environmental effects of animal foods it is a no brainer. Plant based way of eating is the way to go for the future. That is if you want one.

  37. The best foods? What our ancestors ate…and it wasn’t some Seventh Day Adventist vegan nonsense either. Humans have thrived on a variety of animal foods for thousands of years. THRIVED!! And Greger and his humanity hating ilk would have us believe eating indigestible plants are the human specific diet…..please

  38. I like your information and presentation. But I have sometimes wondered if your exuberance was underpinned by a plant-obsession. This program shows it is, which is not to denigrate your efforts but to remind everyone of the real estate saying 'caveat emptor' – let the buyer beware. In this program, you pointed out that on its own fish (cold water fish) is one of the best foods a person can eat in terms of benefits v deleterious effects. But then for your conclusion, you lumped fish together with other meats to show that fish is in the class of foods that is, overall, not beneficial. The point being, erroneously that even fish-eating isn't a good idea. The second evidence is your emphatic statement that chicken studies have shown 'conclusively' that chicken has no beneficial effect, whereas there are many studies that show that chicken thighs and legs contain vitamin K2, which is a hard to get, very beneficial chemical.

  39. According to the charts, whole grains are better than legumes and vegetables. Maybe soy and iceberg lettuce are muddying the waters.

  40. Interesting how whole grains, nuts and seeds, and legumes come out on top even over vegetables and fruits. That's a rather easy diet to maintain.

  41. You are what you eat. Your diet impacts your health.
    Lower stress, reduce obesity and more exercise are key to a healthy life.
    Obesity in children and adults is rising across the world.
    Fast food and sugary drinks are contributing to the problem of poor health and obesity.
    Eat a healthy plant based diet and exercise regularly.
    Reduce or ELIMINATE cows milk, eggs, cheese and meat. Eat more salad greens, beans, fruit and vegetables. Eliminate fast food, snacks like cookies, cakes, chips, and sugary drinks and juices.
    Every adult and child should own a bicycle and ride it regularly.
    Regular exercise will help you sleep better. Yoga is a great stress reducer.
    Obesity is all too common today. Get off the couch. Get off the phone, ipad or video game.
    A variety of stretching and other exercises help with increased mobility.
    Ride to work, ride to school, ride for fun.
    Every city should be a bicycle city.
    Speak up for bicycles in your community

  42. Vegetables have wayyyyy lesssssss calories than
    whole grains, nuts and seeds, and legumes and fruits
    That tips the scale to healthier, for me,
    more nutrition, you can eat more, less fattening

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