Perdita di peso basata sull'evidenza: presentazione dal vivo

Nella sua ultima presentazione dal vivo da 2019 , il Dr. Greger offre un'anteprima del suo nuovo libro How Not to Diet, che si concentra sui criteri ottimali per consentire la perdita di peso, considerando come questi alimenti influiscono effettivamente sulla nostra salute e longevità.

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Sono così entusiasta di presentarvi la mia nuova presentazione dal vivo!

Facevo revisioni annuali della letteratura medica, ma era prima del successo di How Not to Die ( Rendendomi conto di quante persone (e in 31 lingue!) sono ora in grado di raggiungere con i miei libri, ho deciso di scrivere un nuovo libro ogni tre anni. Il rovescio della medaglia è che ora riesco a malapena a continuare a fare nuovi video per e quindi ho solo il tempo di creare una nuova presentazione per libro. Questo, sono orgoglioso di annunciarlo, è basato sul mio prossimo libro How Not to Diet (, che uscirà il mese prossimo.<br/>
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100 Risposte a “Perdita di peso basata sull'evidenza: presentazione dal vivo”

  1. I love this, and this doctor…so knowledgeable and passionate with truly helping people. I’ve learned so much from all these great videos, it has helped me so much. Many blessings 😊🌸✨

  2. Wonderful presentation!! So helpful. So full of great information that is not available elsewhere. Thanks so much for publishing this video.

  3. One thing keeps me very worried about veganism, all these doctors promoting it as the most healthy diet yet all of them look so frail that a stiff wind would break them, McDougal, Bernard, Gregor all of them. Sure they are thin but with a shockingly low muscle mass, even in a suit and tie you can tell he is so frail he looks unhealthy. It seems to get much worse as they age. Sure there are vegan body builders and athletes but they are not following the dietary recommendations that these guys are putting forward as they are still consuming 140+gr of protein a day.

  4. If you want to lose fat, you need to search Okibetonic Secrets on the google search engine. They'll make it easier to get the shape you need.

  5. Has anyone tried Okibetonic Secrets? (do a google search) I've heard several amazing things about this popular weight loss method.

  6. It's very easy to grow Nigella–black cumin. Just look in a seed catalog in the flower section and you'll find Nigella which has a very pretty flower. Let them go to seed. The seeds have a bit of a strawberry flavor. The flower's common name is "Love in a Mist."

  7. hello mike greger im 57 years old and my doctor told me that my A1Cwas at 6.1 makes me to be prediabetic so he wants to see me in 6 months provided that i lose 10 % of weight and my BMI is 34.05 im 215 pounds what can you recommend for me

  8. Oxalate is not mentioned.
    All vegetables must be boiled with 3 minerals 1) Sodium /salt,2) Potassium ,3) Magnesium Sulfites .
    Oxalates bind into water soluble forms excreted by kidney without forming stones.

  9. Great video. (Sugar pill for a placebo is not placebo. It is sugar. Placebo would be the same ingredients as the one tested but will tell them it is awesome and we believe it)

  10. I started off at 220 lbs at 6ft 2 inches. I quit drinking coke and dropped to 200 lbs. I went whole food plant based 10 years ago and now weigh 165 lbs. I saw it on the scale today and I was like wow. That is awesome but I wonder if it is too low. Sad that I'm worrying about being too lite vs all the obesity out there. I thank god for all the valid information out there. I started whole food plant based to reduce my cancer risk as my dad died of prostate and bone cancer. Also he lost his mind in the process. That scared me to death. I researched and thank goodness Dr Greger and so many other doctors/people are seeing this information. Keep it up dr Greger.

    Funny thing my wife says when we are in bed it feels weird because she feels like she is sleeping with a kid. I wish she would see how she could do the same thing.

    I almost forgot to add that i work mid shift so that's how powerful that diet is.

  11. You make it sound so easy. But when I try to eat vegetables I try not to throw that shot up. It’s frustrating to hear the solution but it doesn’t really work that way

  12. I've been consuming non-dairy milk for years. I recently bought some shelf-stable oat milk because it was on ridiculously low-priced clearance. After finding that having it in my COFFEE made me sleepy I finally read the label. First ingredient was water, 2nd was cane sugar. DUH! More sugar than oats?! No wonder it was knocking me out!

  13. Immediatly fired my dietician after reading your books, she said there was no way I could lose weight eating beans, more than 2 portions of fruit, whole grains and without meat, she basically starved me into a keto diet and protein suplements without telling the actual truth, maybe she didnt know or maybe she preferred the bigger commision from the "healthy snack and protein" company that sponsored her

  14. Excellent presentation, Dr. Greger. I am a plant-based eater, too. However, I struggle losing wait to my ideal weight at this age of 50. Why do I see a lot of plant-based eaters who have metabolic syndrome?

  15. 10:07 Yeah, right… How come do you recommend "low glycemic index", "low insulin index" and at the same time "rich in fruits and vegetables"??? Fruit and veg are high carb, so are just THE OPPOSITE. They are by default high glycemic and insulin index!!

  16. You rock Dr. Greger! Thanks for dedicating your life to such a worthwhile cause. Your dedication has truly changed my life.

  17. Interesting that just prior to 11 minutes he compares two meals but doesn’t really point out where the high calorie density problem in the higher calorie density meal was. more than anything else, it was clearly the white bread. Yes, the baked potato chips were a touch higher in calorie density. But portion was small vs two huge slices of high calorie (and high sodium density, low potassium but don’t get me started), white bread…Presuming there wasn’t any butter on the inside of it. The big high cal density bomb was the white bread, chips second place (thanks to small portion). Would’ve liked to of seen some credit go to Barbara Rolls’ team’s Premier trial – which was probably the first large randomized controlled trial to show that one can eat more food but result in less calories, more weight loss and less hunger. Otherwise, phenomenal calorie density presentation!

  18. Howdy. I've been 100% vegan since July 24, 2021. I don't eat after 7 pm til 6 am. I exercise 4-5 days a week. Yet I've only dropped 4 lbs. Any guidance here. I feel better but still 30 lbs over weight. I'm at 217 today, Aug 16. 2021.

  19. I think this guy is brilliant and yet his lower-fat mantra hasn't been my experience. Five months ago I followed is advice to eat foods that had a carb/fiber ratio or 5:1 or less.

    I have lost 22 pounds, my fasting glucose level has dropped from 161 to 99, my critical HA1C has decreased from 5.8 to 5.5, and while Atorvastatin can increase HDL between 3 1/2 and 12%, my HDL has increased 60% from 23 to 37.

    These numbers have resulted from eating three eggs and three slices of bacon almost daily, cheese, hamburgers, turkey sandwiches, peanut butter, popcorn, and other things the plant-based folks would consider
    diabolical. I'm confident that were I not as sedentary and had better sleep habits I probably would have lost 25 or 30 pounds by now.

    One might chalk this up to merely anecdotal but exceptions can disprove the rules as well as prove them.

  20. As long as people try to make a effort to be evidence based or "scientific consensus driven" and try to aknowledge more and less sure conclusions im in

  21. One issue I have with this presentation is he doesn't differentiate between effects caused by foods and effects cause by weight loss caused by foods. That is he makes claims like (paraphrased) "eating plants leads to heart marker improvements"… But then you see in the study they lost weight. Ok, but heart marker improvements improve when you lose weight, regardless of how you lost it (fasting, keto, low fat, high protein et al diets). Hypocaloric state leads to all kinds of improvements that should not be solely claimed by certain subset of foods.

  22. I try to eat a whole food plant based diet, but keep sliding back to junk food because I am addicted to the dopamine release provided by junk food that the WFPB diet cannot deliver.

  23. Dr Greger is the most wonderful source of valuable information….for all of us!!
    many time, such important information will almost put us to sleep with the presenter not having the ability to keep our attention!

    he has the answers, AND the added ability to entertain us as well!

    A great presentation!!!! What a guy!!! Thanks Dr Greger!!!

  24. Calories only exist when they are BURNED. Before that, you just need to love cruciferous vegetables. Cruciferous: relating to or denoting plants of the cabbage family ( Cruciferae ). You will have less body mass when the bomb rips through the building, or when the semi leaves the highway through you. You will live better.

  25. 🕊 I have decided to unfollow this channel as this mans videos are impossible as I'm English & profoundly deaf . With his whiney vocal noises he makes it difficult .Its obvious he can speak properly as he proves at times 😂

  26. So cumin, turmeric, garlic and ginger are all proven increasing fat loss. So curry everyday? But India is getting fat at a one of highest rate in the world.. Are they eating less curries? 🤔 moving toward American foods?

  27. Love this mans passion for us. I do believe he cares more about what I put in my mouth than even I do. He is a Rock Star in my book.

  28. not sure about this guy. his interpretations of some studies here are questionable, particularly around animal products. 45:38 "many of the calories remain trapped" Yes, along with the nutrients therein. Which is one reason why many plant nutrients aren't as bioavailable to us. just because you can eat more while consuming fewer calories doesn't mean it's better. it just means you're expanding your stomach and increasing the risk of nutrient deficiencies.

    For example; quinoa is a good protein source. However 1 cup only has 8 grams of protein. 1 cup of rice and beans has about 12g. You need an approx min of 50g protein at 140lb, more if you exercise. So to hit MIN needs, that's just over 4 cups of rice and beans daily (approx 800 calories). or over 6 cups for quinoa (over 1.3k calories). Tempeh isn't a bad option. But you don't have many other reliable options for good protein. And believe me, eating that much quinoa/rice/beans/lentils/tempeh every frickin day to hit protein targets will get old. and you run the risk of overshooting your calories or not getting enough of the other nutrients you need. One serving of fish a day, for example, could provide ~30g protein for about 300 cals. so, you could reduce rice/beans down to ~1.5cups/330cals and eat 200 less calories to hit your min protein. Or reduce quinoa down to ~2.5cups/550 calories and eat 450 less calories. that's HUGE. there are processed food options that can make that problem more ideal (vegan protein powders, supplements, etc), but it's extremely important to understand that issue. and studies overwhelmingly support the idea that WHOLE foods are best. if you need pills to make your diet fulfill basic needs, your diet isn't appropriate.

    also I notice one study he showed while talking about how 'bad' bcaas supposedly are. Even the study he showed literally says they're essential aminos. We need leucine, isoleucine, and valine, and if you don't eat animal products, you need eat very carefully to get enough, or supplement them. Too much could cause problems, but the same can be said for water….

    also remember, there's a big difference between whole and processed meat. usually studies looking at 'meat vs no meat' would lump in the average american diet with stuff like keto and people who eat tons of junk foods. the group of people who actively avoid meat are overwhelmingly trying to eat healthier than the wide variety of people who don't. and there's not many people who eat predominantly/only unprocessed meat (many eat lunch meats/meat in frozen dinners/fast food/etc). The studies I've seen that distinguish between processed meat and non-processed don't find the same negative outcomes that generic meat vs no meat style studies do.

    also OBSERVATIONAL STUDIES STUDIES ARE THE WEAKEST FORM OF STUDY. most dietary studies are OBSERVATIONAL (including many of the ones he references), which is why you see so many conflicting studies about diet out there.

    just be careful with your nutrition. a lot of people stand to profit off you regardless of which diet you choose. there's a LOT of money trying to persuade you every which direction. be diligent. buy local as much as you can. grow/raise your own as much as you can.

  29. 5-7 million years ago those hominids MIGHT have been eating plant-heavy. But 2.6 million years ago, we know they were eating meat. And brain size started increasing around the same time (and expanded quickly around 800k years up to the appearance of homo sapiens). And 800,000 years ago? they may have even been cooking it. And homo sapiens? You know, genetic human beings? Have only existed for 300,000 years. Animal domestication predates farming and happened near the time some started to create villages and domesticate crops. The biggest change in our diets was the formation of civilizations, fueled heavily by the agricultural revolution (newly domesticated grains and plants, development of better farming techniques, etc). Many humans went from high meat to high grain about 10,000 years ago and you can literally see the degradation of their bones because of it.

    If you ignore the totality of primate evolution (because if you did, you'd be arguing that chimps, baboons, and many monkeys are actually herbivores when they most definitely eat meat and insects), it becomes more clear. 96% of the time homo sapiens have been on this planet, they were huntergatherers. As were our direct ancestors going back to Australopithecus at least (which is a good 3 species seperate from us. really think about that one).

    it's EXTREMELY disingenuous to imply 'our ancestors ate plants therefore it's the right diet for us' is the correct interpretation of all the evidence we have. There is overwhelming evidence that we nomadically hunted for the majority of our existence, and that hominins hunted/scavanged meat a good 2 million years before we even existed. We also have ancestors that photosynthesized sunlight, does that change the biological changes we've undergone since?

  30. I'm 56, but I now want to go back to college and take every single course this gentleman teaches. I'm wide awake and interested. Thank you!

  31. I don't know how to make a suggestion to the volunteer team, so I'll post it here in the hopes that one will read it. I just want to propose you work with Dr. Pamela Popper or take one of her courses to add much more information and research to your already mounting pile for this great organization!

  32. Public Health Advisory

    Vegan diet is a superficial diet. It’s a fast. It has zero nutrition, which is why new vegan initiates notice benefits in the beginning. But the human body should not be on a fast beyond 6 weeks or 42 days. After this period of time the vegan diet causes the body to attack itself for the animal nutrients in your body, ie muscle, fat (brain for cholesterol and saturated fat), myelin for cholesterol. Then there are all of the antinutrients from vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and legumes, that will prevent the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Oxalate crystals in the body from these foods have been linked to gout, kidney stones, rheumatoid arthritis and breast cancer. So there is nothing more dangerous to one’s health than adopting a vegan diet.

  33. Mentioned in video in spices section:
    -Garlic Powder (1/2 Tea Spoon/ Day)
    -Black Cumin (¼ Tea Spoon/ Day)
    -Cumin (½ Tea Spoon with lunch and dinner/1 Tea Spoon/ Day)
    -Cayenne Pepper Powder (Unknown Serving)
    -Ginger Powder (¼ Tea Spoon/ Day)
    Not mentioned in video:
    -Tumeric (Unknown Serving)
    -Black Pepper (Unknown Serving)

  34. 🤣🤣🤣 You are saying 11 cups of strawberry are same as 1 cup of chicken? What about digestion? Simple carbs digest very fast than protein + saturated fats.

    Protein & saturated fats keep your stomach full for more time than these shitty carbs

  35. Eat as much water and fiber (we are what we absorb) content foods, garlic powder, black cumin, normal cumin, cayenne pepper, ginger powder, eat limited animal food (avoid as much branch chain amino acids), eat as much whole plant foods as possible!

  36. I was wondering what the "tweaks" were on the app. I have introduced your book to the conservative Mennonite Church I attend. Less jello and more brown rice!!

  37. Wonderfull, excellent, and vital information. One slight correction you may look into is that when fasting the protein loss is not necessarily bad as its associated autophage consumption of weak, diseased and cancer cells. See videos by Valter Longo (PHD and Professor of Longevity at USC( and Jason Fung (MD).

  38. I have lost 30 pounds in the past six months without counting calories or carbs by changing my way of eating to Whole Food Plant Based Diet. And I am managing Type 2 diabetes, cholesterol level, GERD without any medication unless you count Hippocrates prescription of “Let food be thy medicine.” So this has been known for thousands of years.

  39. Does drinking water just before one sits down to a meal, dilute our stomach Enzymes?
    Soo they don’t help process our food correctly?
    😊 Thank you

  40. Thank you Dr. Gregor . I lost 17 pounds in just 2 months following the plant based diet . This video was even more empowering .I have never felt more energetic . Bless you for all your hard work .

  41. Brilliant fact driven presentation. Bravo. The lives you may save and the disease you may have prevented and reversed …make these facts a scientific wonder.

  42. So much info to take in.
    We've been told a lot of it already, like "spinach is healthy", but this highlights why.. and even more so how much. It makes "spinach is healthy" sound like an extreme understatement. It's proven to significantly benefit your whole system (body) long term – even a single cup gives you benefits for days! (And not just spinach!)
    I just got to the point in the video telling me how bad meat is… oh.. and it hurts. I love meat.. I don't eat it that often. But I guess I'll have to eat it even less often. I really need to find some affordable substitudes. (And no, I'm not talking about 'fake meat'.)

  43. He neglected to say if the animal protein meals that spiked insulin were eaten on their own (which would be how a study would be conducted) or as part of a balanced meal containing vegetables and fiber.
    That's a HUGE factor in whether or not I'll be eating eggs in the future, or adding whey powder to my smoothie.
    Also, I've always read studies that report that eating a protein meal (of any kind) stabilizes your blood sugar for many hours afterward. And as a hypoglycemic, I've found that to be true for me.
    Also he says "animal protein causes an equal amount of insulin to be released as pure sugar!" Yet he neglected to say over what period of time that insulin is released, respectively. Aaaannnd, folks, that MATTERS big-time. He knows that makes a world of difference, and dosen't address it.
    Finally, it's not a bad thing for the bioavailability (BV rating) aka: digestability and absorbtion, of a protein to be high. That just means you're getting it into your cells, instead of excreting it. Undigested protein in your bowels ain't good. So why is he saying the easy digestibility of animal protein is 1)bad and 2) not something our bodies are adapted to do.
    With animal protein maybe the keys are only a little, and with veggies… something my grandmother who lived a long life knew. US daily consumption of meat has risen greatly for forty years!
    Just saying.

  44. Me when he is saying stuff i dont eat is bad: yes yes
    When he insinuating meats in general and specially chicken and also fish is bad for you: im gonna pretend i didnt hear that

  45. Entrance like a rock Star – we all love dr Michael Greger – low fat whole food plant based diet while walking in nature celebrating life 🎶💚🎵🐸

  46. Dr Greger, please look into a possible link between diet and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis remission.

    I'm a vegan who happens to have the chronic illness Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (otherwise known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), a sequelae from an infectious disease, and it has no approved cure or treatment. My symptoms have improved from being bedbound almost 24/7 in a silent, dark room, to being mild enough for me to able to work a full-time job from home and only intermittently need to use a wheelchair when out in public. This remission happened slowly over 2 and a half years, and for that I can thank a few things, but mostly my highly anti-inflammatory diet that is high in fresh fruit and vegetables and contains almost no oil or added fats and absolutely zero animal products of any kind.

    To put that into perspective, only one third of people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis are able to work. Most people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis are moderate or severe and don't ever recover. If they start out severe and do see some improvement, they still aren't well enough to work. There are people out there who have been suffering with this disease for decades, and I am at almost full remission after 2.5 years.

    The vegan whole food plant based diet is an extremely powerful medicine. Even if you're not sick now, changing your diet to this one will make you feel well in ways that you never thought possible.

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